"Стихотворения" - читать интересную книгу автора (Джеймс Джойс)

╤шх Ч ьюх яЁхфэрчэрўхэ№х.
▀ эх ьрушўхёър  яЁшчьр,
═ю юўшёЄшЄхы№эр  ъышчьр.
(╧хЁ. ┴. ╩рчрЁэютёъюую)

╠эюушх °єЄюўэ√х ёЄшїш ─цющёр яЁшьхўрЄхы№э√ Єхь, ўЄю юЄьхўр■Є трцэхщ°шх тхїш хую цшчэш Ч Єръшх, ъръ сюЁ№ср чр юяєсышъютрэшх л─єсышэЎхт╗ шыш т√їюф шч яхўрЄш л╙ышёёр╗. ═ю ш ¤Єш ёЄшїюЄтюЁхэш  шьх■Є юЄэ■ф№ эх Єюы№ъю сшюуЁрЇшўхёъюх чэрўхэшх. ╧ЁръЄшўхёъш т ърцфюь юяєёх, эряшёрээюь эр ёыєўрщ, ─цющё фхьюэёЄЁшЁєхЄ т√ёюўрщ°є■ ёЄшїюЄтюЁэє■ Єхїэшъє, юЁшушэры№эюёЄ№ ш шч ∙хёЄтю ётюхую ъюьшўхёъюую фрЁр. ╧хЁЇхъЎшюэшёЄ, юэ яЁюёЄю эх єьхы яшёрЄ№ эх сыхёЄ ∙х.
├. ╩Ёєцъют
╩рьхЁэр  ьєч√ър (1907)
╧хЁхтюф ├. ╩Ёєцъютр

Strings in the earth and air
Make music sweet;
Strings by the river where
The willows meet.
There's music along the river
For Love wanders there,
Pale flowers on his mantle
Dark leaves on his hair.
All softly playing,
With head to the music bent,
And fingers straying
Upon an instrument.
┼ёЄ№ тючфєїр ёЄЁєэ√
╚ ёЄЁєэ√ чхьэ√х,
├ыєсюъшх ёЄЁєш,
├фх шт√ Ёхўэ√х.
╥рь сЁюфшЄ ╦■сют№
╤Ёхфш ёєьхЁхъ ьуышёЄ√ї,
═р ьрэЄшш цхыЄющ
╙т ф°шх ышёЄ№ .
╚уЁрхЄ, шуЁрхЄ,
╥юь ё№ ш Єюёъє Е
╚ яры№Ў√ сыєцфр■Є
╧ю ёЄЁєэрь тёыхяє■.
The twilight turns from amethyst
To deep and deeper blue,
The lamp fills with a pale green glow
The trees of the avenue.
The old piano plays an air,
Sedate and slow and gay;
She bends upon the yellow keys,
Her head inclines this way.
Shy thoughts and grave wide eyes and hands
That wander as they list Ч
The twilight turns to darker blue
With lights of amethyst.