"Faded Steel Heat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Cook Glen)2"Quiver me heart!" a voice squawked. "Feast yer glims, mates! It must be heaven! Where do we start?" "Is that the infamous parrot?" the new girl asked. Alyx and Tinnie glowered into the small front room. They put enough kick into it to freeze water and crack glass. The room opens off the hall to the right just inside the front door. I hadn't remembered to close up before admitting the ladies. "That's Mr. Big, yes. Trash beak champion of the universe. Ignore him. Otherwise, he'll get excited." "Excited?" "He's restraining himself right now." Tinnie observed, "Garrett calls him the Goddamn Parrot." How did she know that? The feathered mosquito didn't arrive till after her famous parting tizzy. Of course. Her effort to twist my mind around till the last sense-juice leaked out didn't mean that she didn't see Dean. And Dean thinks Tinnie is the next best thing to immortality. He's her enthusiastic mole in the garden of my life. I said, "I'd call him kitty food if I could wring his neck without offending the guy who gave him to me." Someday I'll get even with Morley. But it's going to be tough. "He's kind of neat," Alyx decided, changing her mind on the fly. "But I wouldn't take him to visit my Aunt Claire." "Come here, Sugar," the bird squawked. "Awk! Check them hooters! I am in love." I muttered, "The only goddamn bird in the world with a vocabulary and he uses it up being obnoxious." "Before you pop trying to find a safe way to ask," Tinnie told me, her finest taunting smile prancing across her lovely lips while she leaned against me and looked up with total green-eyed innocence, "this is Nicks. Giorgi Nicks for Nicholas." "Hi, Gorgeous Nicks for Nicholas." Whoops! That slip earned me a pinch. The Goddamn Parrot sang the praises of Alyx Weider in language that would embarrass stevedores. But it was hard to fault his eye. Tinnie kept looking up and pinching, the devil in her eyes. "Guess what, lover? She's taken." "Lucky guy. Mr. Big will be devastated." That foul-beaked jungle buzzard had spied Nicks now. Nicks winked at me. She had an incredible smile and eyes as blue as a cloudless sky. She said, "I'm only engaged, Garrett. I'm not dead." Alyx whistled. "Nicks!" Tinnie laughed but her eyes narrowed wickedly. This looked like a good time to run down the street and see if Dean needed help with the groceries. Nicks said, "Whoops! That didn't come out right. Are you the Garrett Tinnie brags about all the time?" "Last time I checked that was still the name. I'm not sure about the brag part." That earned me a fingernail in the ribs from the nearest beautiful redhead, who observed, "It's going to be mud if you're not careful." "Just don't put me in the middle of anything, darling." Alyx said, "Nicks is just being Nicks. She can't help it." I said, "Huh?" "Nicks flirts. She's been doing it since we were seven. She can't help it. She doesn't mean it. She doesn't realize she's sending come-on signals. Nicks, for heaven's sake. You can get in real trouble out here in the world." Alyx was right. There's always trouble if a woman shows she's willing when she's not. I asked, "Did I miss something? Did you spend your whole life in a harem, Nicks?" That isn't a Karentine thing but the rich do have strange ways. Alyx had been incredibly sheltered as a child. "Practically." The Goddamn Parrot flapped over, settled on her wrist like a falcon in a clown suit. "My father has strong ideas about saving me from the world. The Weiders and a few other families are the only people I've ever met. Till recently." Alyx said, "She's staying with us, now. Daddy isn't the big ogre he used to be." He never was with his baby. Alyx always got anything she wanted with just a cute pout. Nicks used a finger to stroke the top of the jungle chicken's head. The little monster went along enthusiastically. He tilted his head back so she could get a finger under his chin. I'd never seen him take to anyone so wholeheartedly. I looked to Alyx. I didn't get anything. What was she doing out of the family fortress herself? Old Man Weider must be losing his grip. Hell, I knew that already. Didn't I? Wasn't that why the toothsome threesome had come? If Max was on top of everything he wouldn't need help and his baby wouldn't be out looking for it. I shrugged. "I'll find out what I need to know as we go. Let's visit His Nibs, get comfortable, and talk about it." Tinnie stepped back. She glared at me. "Shouldn't you get dressed first?" My gal Tinnie, always looking out for my best interest. "Not a bad idea, sweetheart," though I was perfectly happy dressed the way I was. So what if I was a little rumpled? That was part of my rough charm. "Be right back, my lovelies. If you want tea or anything, you'll have to help yourselves. Dean's out shopping. Tinnie, you know where everything is." Sneaky Garrett. He will get fresh tea brewed by the very viragos who think they' ve got him in a clean pin. I trotted upstairs before Tinnie caught on. |