"Биология познания" - читать интересную книгу автора (Матурана Умберто)У. Матурана Биология познания [1] Перевод с английского Ю. М. Мешенина. Язык и интеллект. Сб./Пер. с англ. и нем./Сост. и вступ. ст. В. В. Петрова. — М.: Издательская группа «Прогресс», 1996. — 416 с. OCR — Червоткин Роман. ЛитератураAshby, 1960. = Ashby, W. Ross. Design for a Brain: The Origin of Adaptive Behavior. (Second Edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1960. Berkeley, 1709.= Berkeley, George. An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision, 1709. Berkeley, 1710= Berkeley, George. Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Understanding, 1710. Bernal, 1965 = Bernal, J. D. Molecular Matrices for Living Systems. — In: «The Origins of Prebiological Systems and of Their Molecular Matrices». New York and London: Academic Press, 1965. Вertalanffy, 1960 = von Bertalanffy, Ludwig. Problems of Life: An Evalution of Modern Biological and Scientific Thought. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1960. Chomsky, 1968 = Chomsky, N. Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1968. Commoner, 1965 = Commoner. Biochemical, Biological and Atmospheric Evolution. — «Proc. of the National Academy of Science», 53, 1965, pp. 1183–1194. Gardner,R. A. and B.T. Gardner. Teaching Sign Language to a Chimpanzee. — «Science», 165, 1969, pp. 664–672. Gazzaniga,Во gen and Sperry, 1965 Geschwind, 1964 =Geschwind N. The Development of the Brain and the Evolution of Language. — In: «Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics», 17, С. 1. J. M. Stuart (Georgetown University Press). Washington, 1964, pp. 155–169; reprinted in: «Selected Papers on Language and the Brain» («Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science», XVI) (Robert S.Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky,eds.). Dordrecht and Boston: D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1974, pp. 96—104. Geschwind, N. Disconnexion Syndromes in Animals and Man. — «Brain», 88, 1965, pp. 237–294 and 585–644; reprinted in: «Selected Papers on Language and the Brain» («Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science», XVI) (Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, eds.). Dordrecht and Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company 1974, pp. 105–236. Gibson, 1950 =Gibson, J.J. The Perception of the Visual World. London: Allen and Unwin, 1950. Неld and Hein, 1963 Jay,1968 = Jay, P. С. (ed.). Primates: Studies in Adaptation and Variability New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. Lettvin, J. Y., H. R. Maturana.W.S.McCullochandW.H.Pitts.What the Frogs Eye Tells the Frog's Brain. — In: «Proceedings on the IRE», 47 No. 11 1959 Pp. 1940–1959.' Lilly, 1967 =Lilly, J. G. The Mind of the Dolphin. New York: Doubleday and Company, 1967. Maturana, H. R., J. V. Lettvin.W.S. McCulloch and W. H. Pitts.Anatomyand Physiology of Vision in the Frog (Rana pipiens). — «J. of Gen. Physiol.» 43, No. 6, Part 2, 1960, pp. 129–175. Maturana, H.R. and S. Frenk. Directional Movement and Horizontal Edge Detectors in the Pigeon Retina. — «Science», 142, 1963, pp. 977—979 Maturana, 1965 =Maturana H.R. Especificidad versus Ambiguedad en la Retina delos Vertebrados — «Biologica», 36, 1965,pp. 69 ff. Maturana, H.R. G. Uribe and S. Frenk. Biological Theory of Relativistic Color Coding in the Primate Retina. — «Arch. Biologia y Med.Exp.»,Suplemento No. Varela, F. Principles of Biological Autonomy. New York: Elsevier-North Holland, 1979. Wittgenstein, L. TractatusLogico-Philosophicus. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1922. Young,1967 = Young, J. Z. On the Organization of Living Memory Systems — In "Journal in Science: Small Steps Great Strides" (D. L. Arm, ed.) (The Twelfth A.F.D.S.R. Science Seminar |