"Adams, Douglas 8. Hitch.Hikers.Guide.index" - читать интересную книгу автора (Adams Douglas)
The Ultra-Complete Index to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Ultra-Complete Index to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
© Copyright 1992-94 by Mathias Maul
Many long years have passed since the publication of Douglas Adams' masterpiece "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" which undoubtedly initiated a cult. Thousands of people were fascinated by the bunch of brainless idiots called Zaphod, Ford, Trillian, (Marvin,) and, above all, Arthur Dent. Thousands of people listened to the radio play and watched the TV series. Thousands of people read the books five or more times (like myself). Thousands of people spent seemingly endless years waiting for a sequel. Millions of other carbon-based life forms had never heard of the existence of this hallmark in modern literature and died of ignorance. Well, there was no REAL sequel (Ok, Dirk Gently. It's brilliant. But it isn't a sequel to the Guide). There was nothing, an impenetrable emptiness, a complete void. The only things to keep being amused were some Monty Python sketches Douglas Adams had (probably) taken part in writing (just think of the Chesterfield Sofa in episode #20 of the Flying Circus or of his appearance in the last show) and of course his (and many others') ingenious adventure game 'Bureaucracy' (which is one of the best computer games ever published on this planet, believe me).
To cut it short, nothing has happened in the last years concerning the Guide. But now the dull days are over. The time has come to retrieve the holy books from the golden casket, print out this index (preferably with a laser printer) and re-read the Guide for the sixth time. And again. And again. But it will be different this time. By means of this fabulously amazing index, you will experience a different feeling when reading Adams' work, you will be transported into higher dimensions of emotion when listening to Marvin, you will feel a second (or third, depending on your origin and/or the number of heads regarded as 'normal' in your neighborhood) head grow when reading about Zaphod, you will simply become happy.
[I know, most of the above facts are outdated because Douglas Adams— may all existing, or non-existing, or just believed to be existing, or even long, long dead (or just lying in hospitals) gods in- or outside of what we usually refer to as the universe bless him—finally created the fifth part of the Guide but as I liked the above paragraphs so much I was reluctant to delete them.]
But enough of this idle twaddle, let's get into it NOW.
Some notes for the unsophisticated reader
Firstly, whenever I mention Douglas Adams I speak of John Lloyd, his partly-co-author, as well, just to prevent any troubles. This also applies to Steve Meretzky who seems to have co-authored the Guide as well (apart from creating brilliant adventure games such as "Leather Goddesses of Phobos", "Planetfall", "Stationfall", and, naturally, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
Of course, this isn't a 'really proper' index (i.e. to the effect that ALL important words and places are listed) but an attempt to help thousands of Douglas Adams fans find a vitally important name/place/event buried somewhere in the deep recesses of Adams' magnificent work (imagine that you simply HAVE to know where to find the paragraph dealing with the Vl'hurgs and the G'Gugvuntts). On the other hand this index does look professional due to the sometimes rather obscure form of the entries, for example "Asgard, deities from halls of". I tried to make the entries understandable but obviously—some people had difficulties in finding certain things—often didn't manage to do so very well. In other words, if you're searching for a specific keyword, try to rearrange it until you've found it. However, if the index does not contain the desired keyword, contact me immediately (EMail preferred) and I will include it in the next release.
In general, names are sorted surname first, for example "Vranx, Yooden", and more complex entries like "Ultra-Complete Maximegalon Dictionary of Every Language Ever" are included in two or more variations to make locating easier.
Titles ("Where God Went Wrong"), memorable quotes ("History is bunk") or exclamations ("Weeeelaaaaah!") are included in the index in single quotes. One could argue endlessly whether this or that quote can be considered 'memorable', and I was very tempted to include at least half of the complete text as 'memorable quote' but came to my senses when I realized that this could lead to some minor problems for all those people who want to download the index. Of course, the selection sometimes is rather subjective, but I'm always open to suggestions.
It seems that Douglas Adams changed the spelling of some words from time to time. For example, 'Eroticon Six' is spelled 'Eroticon 6' as well as 'Eroticon VI'. In such cases I took down the variation which came first, or I liked better, or both.
As there are many, many names and places in the Guide I only have included the ones that seemed likely to be of use and omitted the names which only appeared in insignificant-looking subclauses or quotations and didn't appear to have any obvious reason to be mentioned in this very place where they were. That is—I did so in the first three releases but realized that this decision was complete rubbish. However, the index still contains dozens of entries which might seem to be totally out of place (such as maybe 'change-of-address card'), but most of these are listed due to the well-known Interconnectedness of Things—the change-of-address card for example appears in 'Bureaucracy' (a mind-bogglingly ingenious, hilarious, and generally stupendously well-written Infocom adventure game).
I do not know if this index is of any use to anyone else but I often found myself in the situation of desperately having to find the the place where for example Vroomfondel is first mentioned (PLEASE don't ask me why) and would have been grateful to have something as HANDY!, TERRIFIC! and ASTONISHINGLY USEFUL! as this index. On the other hand, everyone who read "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien will agree with me that it cannot possibly be read (and understood) without having to consult the indexes from time to time. However, if you still aren't convinced of the amazing usefulness of this index, read the first paragraphs again.
I received several mails from people who do not own the Pan Books edition of the Guide, or, even worse, only one of the American versions, and therefore had had problems in finding the corresponding pages. For this reason I have included not only page numbers, but also chapter references in this release. The new entry format describes the location of a given keyword by giving volume, chapter, and page. Separate chapters within a volume are divided by a semicolon, separate volumes by a period, which is also what an entry is always terminated by. A more complex entry could look like this:
frotz IV: 6/17,23; 9/42x. V: 4/69. R: 2/42r. A: 21.
In this case, 'frotz' can be found in volume four, chapter six, pages seventeen and twenty-three and chapter nine, page forty-two (where a more or less extensive explanation of 'frotz' is given), and also in volume five in chapter four, page sixty-nine as well as in the Radio Scripts, Fit the Second, Page forty-two (as a remark). Oh yes, and in the Infocom package, page twenty-one.
The page number given refers—in most cases—to the first appearance of the keyword itself, not to some vague description. If there is a paragraph explaining something thoroughly it is marked with an 'x' succeeding the according page number, an 'r' denotes that the keyword appears as a remark in the Radio Scripts (like for example 'shrubbery').
Page references are according to the Pan Books paperback edition (ISBN 0-330- { 25864-8 | 26213-0 | 26738-8 | 28700-1 | 32311-3 }, all published by Pan Books Ltd., London) as this seems the one most widely spread. I'm afraid I neither have the time nor the money to buy all the other editions as well and adapt the page numbers. Furthermore, I do not see the need of doing an index of the German/French/Italian/Suaheli versions as one can expect every fan to know the original version by heart. Also, it seems that some versions differ a lot from each other, especially the US Pocket Books editions from the 'original' UK versions.
All page references to the Radio Scripts are according to the Pan Books paperback edition of 1985, ISBN 0-330-29288-9. It was difficult enough to get hold of this version, so please don't blame me for not using another one. I did not list the differences between the Radio Scripts and the version that was aired (respectively the version I have: the BBC CDs) but I'm thinking of doing such a list whenever I have a bit of spare time. Furthermore, I did not include the footnotes given in the Radio Scrips; however interesting they are, I think they would be somehow out of place here.
All references to the adventure game are according to the original Infocom package, not to the Mastertronic budget version. If you can't get hold of an original, don't blame me. If you can, however, don't hesitate to contact me at once; this also applies to all sorts of Infocom items, be it old games, issues of the New Zork Times or The Status Line, posters, reviews or other papers.
The main reason for me to make up this index was simply to keep me busy: I was—and still am—fascinated by the Guide, and I wanted to do something other than just reading it (I'm still pondering on whether I should publish this 40-page paper about the Guide I've written recently for school). It's as accurate as I think is necessary, but there is a chance that I made some horrible mistakes. However, this text is supposed to travel around in networks and I'm hoping to find many, many (or even more) mails from other fans with suggestions, supplements, corrections etc. in my box.
If there are some keywords that—according to your opinion—simply must be included in this index, or if you find mistakes of any kind or if you know whether there is a meaning in the way you have to arrange the books in order to get a '42' (I,III,II,IV; ok, 1+3=4 and 4-2=2, making 42, but this isn't very satisfying) or if you just want to send me all your money please contact me at once at one of the addresses listed below.
I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable contributions to the index (in alphabetical order):
Marc Aurel [[email protected]], who, besides supplying lots of suggestions, acted as human gateway between me and the UseNet newsgroup alt.fan.douglas-adams and made it possible for me to publish the index there,
Dave Bealer [[email protected]] for Random Access Humour, the best and most humorous magazine I've ever read, and (sort of) distribution of the index in the United States,
Klaus Nitsche, the friendliest sysop I've ever met, who gave me deep insights in how it is to be a sysop and generally was very nice and encouraging, not to mention the numerous times this document (while still in draft status) had to pass his scrutinous checks,
Thomas Schaefer [[email protected]], just for being a great fan of the index and for many, many kilobytes of encouraging mail,
Jonathan Woithe [[email protected]], who provided me with hundreds of entries for Mostly Harmless,
and all the readers of alt.fan.douglas-adams for their numerous encouraging mails. If you have the feeling that your name should be mentioned, please print this text and fill your name in the free space provided below:
Thank you.
You can contact me at the following addresses:
Mathias Maul InterNet: [email protected] Brueckes 12 MausNet: Mathias Maul @ WI2 D-55545 Bad Kreuznach FidoNet: Mathias Maul at 1:105/330.666 Germany 2:500/149.2 tel [+49] (0)671-31462 2:2461/161.42
(If you do not get any response from me when contacting me via EMail within, say, two weeks, please try another address or use SnailMail instead. However, you can be absolutely sure that I will answer.)
Feel free to write me whenever you want, I like receiving and answering mail from other people. Write in English or German, I understand both of them well enough to converse. (Yes—the English I use in this text evidently is 'only' the English I learned in school (I didn't study the language nor am I a native speaker), so if you spot some real bad mistakes, feel free to correct me.)
By the way, if you send me—well, whatever you think appropriate— I'll mail you a nicely set, printed and bound version of this text. Please include at least two international reply coupons to cover postage. Remember -- send whatever you think appropriate. Anything that you think can make me happy is ok.
Please put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now, the index is about to start ...
100,000th word | V:11/92. |
13, floor | V:8/68;12/96,100. |
13 to 22, dimensions | V:17/150. |
1437 | IV:5/32. |
15,000,000 | II:23/134. |
1-555-55-5-55555-555-5555 | A:8. |
1-5-555-55-55555-555-5555, ext. 5 | A:8. |
169 | II:33/178. |
17 | IV:2/13,14. R:11/221. |
17 across | V:11/90. |
170,000,000,000,000 | II:17/90. |
1951 | R:2/49. |
1-A Tawdry Sales & Service | A:8. |
1min 35s | R:1/24. |
23, floor | V:8/69. |
231 | IV:2/13. |
239000 | I:9/64. R:9/180. |
2.4 | IV:1/10. |
2.6 | IV:28/145. |
267709 | I:8/63. R:2/39. |
27000 | I:5/40. |
276000 | I:9/67. |
276709 | I:12/80. |
28 | III:2/18. |
30 feet per second per second | V:12/94. |
3,000,000,006 | I:4/35. |
32 feet per second per second | V:11/91. |
33,39,47-51,87,88,100,192-213,123-126,127,11,17 | IV:2/14. |
33517 | III:1/11. |
3454, SrDt | V:12/102. |
36, hold | II:24/143. |
37 | II:17/88. IV:40/186. |
3758 | I:5/40. |
40,000 | V:2/7. |
40,004 | V:2/7. |
42 | I:27/135. II:1/9;20/117; |
| 33/181. III:e/157. |
| IV:20/110. V:25/214. |
| R:4/79;5/104;6/125. |
4,763,984,132 | V:3/27. |
573 | II:32/171. R:6/122. |
576,000,000,000 | II:17/93,101. |
576,000,003,579 | II:18/105. |
576,200,000,000 | II:18/110. |
576324 | R:5/101. |
576326 | R:5/101. |
578,000,000,000 | R:11/214. |
597000000000 | I:21/114. |
597,000,812,406.7 | R:5/106. |
5975509 | IV:35/167. |
5983 | V:2/8. |
59.99 | A:8. |
5a, section | I:15/89. |
5D chat show | I:31/148. R:4/83. |
634784, page | I:15/89. |
6:37 | II:21/124. |
7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21-84 | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
7023 | R:10/195. |
747 | V:3/26. |
7500000 | I:25/130. |
75972xx | III:28/130. |
79 | V:2/7. |
794 | II:25/146. |
8767128 | I:18/102. |
8,767,128 | R:3/59. |
8A, section | I:31/151. |
911VCK168 | R:11/221. |
938,324 | II:19/112. |
938,326 | II:19/112. |
999999999 | III:4/32. |
9GX78, summit vector of | R:3/58. |
A |
'A Scottish Soldier' | IV:13/82. |
'Aaaaaaaaaaah | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
!' | R:10/190. |
accent, British | V:2/9. |
'Access Standby' | IV:5/30. |
accident, waiting for one to happen | V:11/93. |
accountants | V:18/169. |
adrenalin pills | R:4/87. |
Advanced God | V:3/25. |
Advanced Music Substitute Systems | IV:35/167. |
advanced tea substitute | A:15. |
Advanced Vectoid Stabilisis | V:13/108. |
'Adventures in aggressive Marketing' | R:11/218. |
'advice' | V:9/71. |
aerosol deodorant | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Africa | I:30/143. III:2/13. |
| R:4/80. |
Agda | II:34/185. |
agglomerates | V:8/64. |
Agrajag | III:18/91,94x. V:19/173. |
aigrettes | V:8/64. |
ajuitar | II:16/85. |
Albert | V:15/128. |
alchemy | IV:9/58. |
alcohol | I:2/20x. R:1/21x. |
Aldebaran | II:22/128. |
Aldebaran sand blizzard | R:4/75. |
Algol | II:5/32;22/128. |
Algolian claret | R:8/152. |
Algolian Suntiger | I:2/21,22. |
Algolian Zylatburger | R:5/94. |
Allen, Woody | V:2/8. |
alligator | III:4/21. |
alliterative residulator | I:7/53. |
Allitnil | R:12/233. |
Allosimanius Syneca | III:11/59. |
Almighty Bob | V:13/113;18/168;20/176. |
Alpha | V:4/30. |
Alpha Centauri | I:3/31;15/89. R:1/25;3/53. |
Alpha Proxima | I:8/62. |
Altairian Dollar | I:5/46. II:19/114. |
| IV:36/171. A:2. R:5/102. |
alternative book-keeping | III:19/99. |
Amalgamated Union of Philosophers, Sages, | |
Luminaries and Other Thinking Persons | I:25/129. R:4/76,87. |
'Amazing Grace' | IV:13/82. |
America | I:6/51. |
American Express | II:16/84. IV:4/19,21; |
| 15/85. V:21/188. |
American Hots | IV:22/119. |
AMF 3 | R:7/131. |
anaconda | R:6/113. |
ancestors, of Earthmen | R:1/20. |
Ancient Galactic History | III:12/68. |
Andress, Gary | V:2/14. |
Andrews, Gail | V:2/11;21/192. |
angel (on the head of a pin) | III:20/105. |
'Angst in Space' | III:1/11. |
Anhondo plains | V:13/116;19/171. |
AnjaQatine Star Guard, closing march of | V:16/145. |
Anjie | IV:12/75. |
Annual Ursa Minor Alpha Recreational Illusions | |
Institute Awards Ceremony | III:22/114. |
Answer, the Ultimate | I:25/128;27/135. II:1/9. |
| R:4/79;5/104. |
Antarean parakeet gland | I:17/99. |
Antares | I:17/99. |
anticlone | R:12/239. |
anti-gravity suits | V:15/130. |
Anti-matter ray | II:7/47. R:7/144. |
Apocalypse, Four Horsemen of the | V:16/139. |
Apple | IV:17/90. |
Apres-Flare parties | II:18/107. |
Arab | I:4/37. |
archimandrites | V:8/64. |
Arctic ice-floes | III:4/23. |
Arcturan Megadonkey | I:25/127;31/146. R:4/75; |
| 10/188. |
Arcturan Megafreighter | I:29/140. II:5/32. |
| R:7/131. |
Arcturan Mega-gin | I:2/21. |
Arcturan Megagnats | R:7/136. |
Arcturan Megagrasshopper | II:22/131. |
Arcturan Megaleech | III:16/80. |
Arcturan Megavoidwhale | III:12/70. |
Arcturan stunt apples | R:6/112. |
Argabuthon | III:e/152. |
Argabuthon Chamber of Law | III:e/154. |
Argabuthon Sceptre of Justice | III:25/122;e/152. |
Arglebard, Forest of | III:e/154. |
Arium, Great Circling Poets of | II:25/146. R:6/120. |
Arizona | V:22/197. |
Arkintoofle Minor | V:1/1. |
armagnac | V:11/89. |
army | IV:38/176. |
Arsenal | I:2/21. R:1/22. |
art | II:19/114. R:10/195. |
artesian well | V:18/163. |
'Arthur Dent Throwing the Nutrimatic Cup' | R:10/195. |
Arthur Dent's brother | R:6/109. |
'Arthur, the Man Who Made the Rain God Rain' | IV:27/141. |
A-Rth-Urp-Hil-Ipdenu | III:1/11. |
artificial Universe | II:12/71. R:7/131;12/241. |
Artrifactovol | III:12/69. |
Arts Nobbling Council, Mid-Galactic | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Asbleg | R:11/218. |
ascetics | V:9/79. |
Asgard, Halls of | II:17/96. |
Ashes | III:4/29x;32/146. |
ashtray | R:6/114. |
aspirin | V:21/193. |
Assumption of St Antwelm | V:6/40. |
Astra, Trillian | V:9/72. |
Astral Crescent | R:8/159. |
astrology | V:2/19;5/38. |
Asylum, the Outside of The | IV:15/85;28/146;28/152x. |
Athens airport | III:20/102. |
Atlantic Ocean | IV:5/38. |
Atlantis | I:16/92. R:3/55. |
atomic vector plotter | I:10/68. R:2/42. |
atomineers, reptiloid | I:4/34. |
autobiography, Marvin's | R:12/239. |
autogardeners | R:10/200. |
Autumn Passage | V:13/113. |
avocado dip | III:21/107. |
Axel Nebula | II:18/107. |
Azgoths of Kria | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
B |
B Ark | II:24/141x. R:6/119. |
Babel Fish | I:6/49x. IV:7/49. R:1/29x. |
Bacon, Francis | III:18/92. |
bacon rolls | V:22/198. |
bad news | V:1/1. |
Baffin | V:23/207. |
bag, leopard-skin | III:18/89,97;20/103. |
bag of rabbit skin | III:1/11;4/24;18/89. |
baggage-retrieval system | III:20/102. |
bagpiper | II:32/167,173. IV:20/102. |
Baker Street | IV:26/133. |
Balace of Nature | III:29/131. |
ball, small red hard | III:4/19;10/51;12/67; |
| 33/149. |
ballet | V:11/89. |
Bambleweeny 57 Sub-Meson Brain | I:10/68. R:2/42. |
banana fruitcake | V:1/2. |
Banjy Mouse | R:4/82. |
Bar & Grill | V:9/79;22/197. |
Bar-B-Q sauce | II:8/51. R:8/150. |
Barnard's Star | I:5/43. R:1/26. |
Barry Manilow | IV:2/13. |
Bartledan | V:11/90. |
Bartlett, Eric | V:4/28;21/189. |
Bartrax | R:11/218. |
Basingstoke | I:5/43. R:1/26. |
Bass, Hillary | V:2/11. |
Bastablon | II:15/81. |
bath (ebony, conical) | II:17/98. R:5/94. |
'Bath Sheets in Space' | R:8/151. |
battle hymn, Betelgeusian | I:7/61. |
BBC | IV:8/56. |
BBC Home Service | R:2/49. |
'Be like the twenty-second elephant with heated | |
value in space - bark!' | IV:1/10. |
beach house | V:9/81. |
Beach Loafers, Ceremonial | III:14/74. |
beachware, inappropriately coloured | V:8/60. |
beasts, vicious snarling slavering | V:16/142. |
Beatles, the | R:2/40r. |
bee, demented | R:7/132. |
Beeblebrox, Mrs Alice | R:8/159. |
Beeblebrox, Zaphod | I:4/33. V:3/27. |
Beeblebrox, Zaphod the Fourth | II:3/21. R:9/181. |
Beeblebrox, Zaphod the Nothingth | II:3/22. |
Beeblebroxologists | R:8/159. |
Beethoven's Fifth | I:7/60. |
Belcerebon | II:21/123x. |
belgium | R:10/202x;12/246. |
Benjy Mouse | I:31/146. |
Berlin Wall | R:9/169. |
berries | II:30/162. |
Best Bang | I:12/77. R:2/46. |
Beta | V:25/218. |
Betelgeuse | II:22/128. IV:36/172. |
| R:1/22. |
Betelgeuse Five | I:5/41. II:3/24. V:12/94. |
| R:2/48;8/159. |
Betelgeuse Seven | I:5/40. |
Betelgeuse state prison | R:9/184. |
Betelgeuse trading scouts | I:1/14. |
Bethselamin | I:8/62. R:2/39. |
Bevingford bypass | R:1/23. |
'Beware of the Leopard' | I:1/12. R:1/19. |
Bibrok, Zipo 5x10^8 | III:14/75. |
Big Bang | I:25/127. R:2/46;4/75. |
Big Bang Burger Bar | II:17/91. |
Big Bang Burger Chef | R:5/93. |
Big Surprise | IV:40/183. |
bindle werdles | R:1/31. |
bird | V:17/148. |
bird cage | V:2/21. |
birdpeople of Brontitall | R:10/197. |
birds, evil smelling | II:9/53. |
bird-shaped hole | V:12/101. |
biro planet | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
biscuits, packet of | IV:20/104. V:8/66. |
Bistro Illegal | II:16/85. |
Bistromathics | III:7/39x. |
Bjanjy Territories | V:9/72. |
Black's Medical Dictionary | IV:5/35. |
Blagulon Kappa | I:33/156. |
'Blamwellamum of Woont' | V:16/145. |
Blart Versenwald III | IV:e/190. |
blaster ray | R:7/132. |
Bloomingdales | V:2/20. |
blur, green | II:14/74. |
blur, video-tactile | III:10/51. |
blurglecruncheon | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
Board of Judges at the Krikkit War Crimes Trial | III:14/74. |
Bob, Almighty | V:13/113;18/168;20/176. |
Bobby | V:21/186. |
Body Debit | R:8/160. |
Boeing 747 | IV:26/137. |
Boer War helmet | IV:18/92. |
Bogart movie | I:6/51. |
boghog, NowWhattian | V:7/54. |
Bogons | R:9/169. |
Boobiloo Baby Foods | II:6/39. R:7/140. |
Boris the Spider | R:11/225r. |
Boston | IV:26/138. |
bottles, rafia-wrapped | III:6/35. |
Bournemouth | IV:5/31;7/50;37/174. |
Bowie, David | IV:31/151. |
boy-being | II:17/88. |
boysenberry | V:2/16. |
Brantersvogon Starhouse | R:3/69. |
Brantisvogan bank account | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
Brantisvogan Civil Service | III:11/59. |
Brantisvogan escort agency | R:11/214. |
Brantisvogan Megalycee | R:11/221. |
'break the ice at parties' | I:10/69. |
breakfast cereal | II:19/113. R:5/101. |
Breathe-O-Smart | V:12/103. |
breath-freshener | V:21/187. |
Brentwood | V:2/10. |
Brequinda | IV:21/117. |
Brian | III:4/20. |
Bridge Club, Zansellquasure Flamarion | II:17/95. R:5/95. |
British phone system | IV:35/165. |
British Rail | IV:20/103. |
Broadway | V:2/9. |
Brockian Ultra-Cricket | I:25/125. III:19/100x. |
| R:4/74. |
bronchial pneumonia, thirty ton elephant with | R:1/21. |
Brontitall | R:10/188. |
Broop Kidron Thirteen | R:7/133. |
Brownian Motion | I:10/68. R:2/42. |
bruise (to the upper arm) | I:17/99. R:3/58. |
brush, blue | V:16/145. |
Bulldockpokingham | A:14. |
bureaucracy | I:30/143. |
Burnt Hombre | III:18/92. |
bush-like being, purple | II:16/86. |
buzz, to | I:5/46. |
Bwenelli Atoll | V:12/95. |
bypass | I:1/11x. R:1/18;7/133x. |
C |
Cafe Lou | II:16/85. |
Cagney and Lacey | V:21/185. |
California | IV:8/57;20/114. |
Campaign for Real Time (Camtim) | III:12/69;16/81;17/84; |
| 32/147. |
Campaign to Save the Humans | IV:32/160. |
cannelloni | III:16/79. |
Canter | III:4/20. |
Cape Canaveral | I:3/24. |
Capricorn | V:24/210. V:5/38. |
Carfrax, Gamma Caves of | III:24/120. |
Carol | V:15/125. |
carpet-cleaning companies | III:21/106. |
Casablanca | IV:39/182. |
cash point machines | V:6/51. |
Cataclysmic Combo | II:17/92. |
catalogue | I:29/138. |
Cathedral of Chalesm | III:16/79;17/85. |
Cathedral of Hate | III:18/92. |
cave | R:10/188. |
'Celestial Home Care Omnibus' | I:p/7. |
cello | IV:18/93. |
Cenozoic Era | I:26/131. |
Census Report, Mid-Galactic | IV:1/9. |
centigrade | III:6/35. |
central mission module | V:1/4. |
Central Park | IV:5/29. V:2/20. |
ceramo-teak | V:6/47. |
Ceremonial Beach Loafers | III:14/74. |
Ceylon | II:2/16. |
Chain-O-Rama | A:8. |
Chanel lip gloss | V:2/16. |
Change | IV:21/116. |
change-of-address card | III:11/59. |
chariot, burning fiery | V:13/114. |
cheese crackers | III:21/107. |
cheese-and-wine raid | III:22/115. |
Chesterfield sofa | III:2/17;32/143. |
Chief Strategic Officer | V:1/6. |
China | II:2/16. III:12/71. |
china cups | II:4/30. III:32/143. |
chinanto/mnigs | II:24/138. |
Chiropodist, the Flying | R:12/240. |
cholesterol poisoning | I:9/64. |
Christians | V:2/12. |
Chuck | V:21/186. |
chukka boots (size nine) | R:6/111. |
Church of the Second Coming of the Great Prophet | |
Zarquon | II:17/96. R:5/96. |
CIA | IV:5/38. |
Ciceronicus 12 | I:25/127. |
Circling Poets of Arium, Great | II:25/146. R:6/120. |
City State of Avalars | IV:21/119. |
Civil Service, Brantisvogan | III:11/59. |
Civil Service, Galactic | I:5/40. R:9/171. |
Clara, Aunt | A:3. R:8/152. |
cleaning staff | I:27/132. |
'click, hum' | V:1/2;5/33. |
Cloning Machine Company | R:12/237. |
cloning machines | R:11/214. |
'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' | R:8/156r. |
Cloudworlds of Yaga | III:15/78. |
clover | V:3/27;4/30. |
clubs, electric | V:15/127,130. |
Coarse Actor's Guide to Space Ship Guards | R:2/37r. |
cocoon, fluffy pink plastic | V:11/93. |
coffee and biscuits | II:12/68. R:12/237. |
coffee, artificially constructed | III:13/73. |
coffee machine | R:7/131. |
coffins | II:22/132. |
Cold Hillsides | III:e/158. |
cold slits | II:24/140. |
Colin | V:8/60;14/120. |
Colluphid, Oolon | I:p/7;6/50. II:5/31. A:2. |
| R:1/30. |
Colonel, the | V:22/203. |
Columbus | R:3/54. |
Coluphid, Oolon | R:1/18;10/188. |
'Come Outside' | IV:31/153. |
Commercial Council of Magrathea | I:17/95. R:3/56. |
common sense | V:2/7. |
complaints department | I:17/95. |
computeach | R:11/221. |
computer terminal | V:8/64. |
computers, independence of | I:19/105. |
concrete, brushed | III:14/75. |
conkers | I:29/140. |
consciousness, Arthur's | III:4/22. |
constructor ship, massive yellow | V:24/210. |
continent toupets | R:10/200. |
cop | I:32/153. R:4/85. |
corporate committee | V:12/102. |
correcting fluid | III:17/84. |
Cosmovid | III:1/11. |
Cottington Service Station | R:1/23. |
couch, psychiatrist's | III:32/144. |
cough, exciting | III:22/112. |
counting | I:19/105. |
country-rock singer | II:32/169. |
Coventry Cathedral | R:8/155. |
Coward, Noel | III:4/28. |
creatures, big bull-necked slug-like | V:10/86. |
creatures, elegant gazelle-like | I:5/40. R:9/171. |
creatures, pterodactyl-like | III:22/110. |
creatures, small furry from Alpha Centauri | I:15/89. R:3/53. |
credit card | V:12/102. |
cricket | III:12/67. V:2/18. |
crisis inducer | R:11/209. |
crisis psychology | R:11/209. |
crisis role, Arthur's normal | III:4/30. |
Croydon | I:13/84. R:2/48. |
Cruxwan University | I:25/128. |
Crystal, Zap-Proof | III:14/76. |
crzjgrdwldiwdc | II:33/181. |
curling tongs | II:32/171. |
cushions | IV:22/120. |
custard, million-gallon vat of | I:9/66. |
Cwulzenda, Radiation Swamps of | III:24/120. |
cybercubicle | III:11/63;30/134. |
cyberminds | V:18/160. |
cybernightmare, multi-dimensional | V:20/176. |
D |
'Da da da dum!' | I:7/60. |
Daedalus Club | II:18/107. |
daffodils | R:8/155. |
Dalforsas | III:e/158. |
Damascectomy | V:2/15. |
Damascus | V:2/13. |
Damogran | I:4/32. |
Damogran Frond Crested Eagle | I:4/37. |
Dangrabad Beta sand blizzard | I:25/127. |
Danqueds | V:12/95. |
Darlington | IV:16/88. |
Darwin, Charles | IV:20/101. R:6/112. |
day care time zones | V:15/124. |
Day of the Answer | I:27/133. R:4/78. |
Death Flotilla, Chameleoid | R:6/112. |
death-support system | II:20/115. |
Deep Thought | I:25/126. II:1/9;33/182. |
| IV:17/90. R:4/74. |
Definit-Kil cannon | R:9/176. |
defocused temporal perception | II:6/41. R:7/141. |
Degenerate Cybermats, home for | III:11/63. |
deities, minor from Halls of Asgard | II:17/96. R:5/95. |
Deluxe-O-Mat | A:8. |
demolition order | V:24/212. |
Denmark | IV:2/13. |
Dent, Arthur | IV:25/130. |
Dent, Arthur Philip | III:1/8. |
Dent, Random Frequent Flyer | V:23/208. |
Dentrassi | I:5/41x. R:1/26. |
Deodat, Arthur Philip | III:4/34. |
Desiato, Hotblack | II:16/84. |
Devon | IV:11/67. |
digital watches | IV:p/7. I:p/6;25/125. |
| R:2/35;4/74;10/200. |
dimensional drift | V:19/172. |
Dine-O-Charge | V:6/50;22/198;23/206. |
dingo's kidneys | I:1/20;6/50. II:32/177. |
| III:23/118. R:6/124;9/180. |
dinosaur skeletons, artificial | I:26/131. |
dinosaurs | IV:26/137. |
Dire Straits | IV:22/119. |
Disaster Area | II:16/84;17/88x. |
Dish of the Day | II:17/89,92. |
dishwashers | R:10/199. |
Dismodulating Anti Phase stun ray | R:4/82. |
Divinity and Water Polo, joint faculty of | V:1/2. |
DNA bank | V:11/90;15/123. |
Dockpokinghamshire | A:14. |
dodo | IV:26/137. |
dog, small | I:31/145. R:4/82. |
Dolby Stereo | IV:20/111. |
Dollar, Altairian | I:5/46. II:19/114. |
| IV:36/171. A:2. R:5/102. |
Dolmansaxlil Galactiped Corporation | R:10/204. |
Dolmansaxlil Shoe Corporation | R:11/216. |
Dolmansaxlil Shoe Shop Intensifier Ray | R:11/219. |
dolphins | I:23/119. IV:18/93;20/113. |
| R:3/68. |
Don Alfonso's tweezers | IV:5/37. |
'Don't Panic' | I:5/44. II:5/32. |
| R:1/18,27;7/146;10/196. |
door | I:11/75. |
Dordellis wars | I:29/140. |
doughnut | I:9/66. |
Dr Scholl sandals | IV:28/145;28/152;31/156. |
Dragon Burger Bar | IV:21/119. |
drill, flying | IV:19/99;39/181. |
Drimple | V:13/112;20/176. |
ducks | IV:20/102. |
Dust Cloud | III:25/123. |
Dwellers in the Forest | III:e/158. |
E |
Eadrax | II:2/15. |
Eagle, Damogran Frond Crested | I:4/37. |
Earth (Mark Two) | I:24/123. R:3/69. |
Earth, the | I:28/137. II:1/9. IV:5/31. |
| V:17/154. R:4/80;5/90; |
| 11/218;12/245. |
earwig, navel of gigantic | V:15/125. |
East India Company | II:2/16. R:1/18. |
East River | IV:5/30;23/124. |
East Village | V:2/8. |
Easter Island | I:4/32. |
Eastern Galactic Arm | II:10/59. |
Eastern Rim of the Galaxy | V:9/71. R:1/18. |
Eccentrica Gallumbits | I:6/52;12/77. II:5/31. |
| III:6/36. IV:23/125. |
| R:1/30;9/184. |
Ed | V:15/125. |
Eddie (the shipboard computer) | I:16/90. IV:17/90. R:3/54. |
Eddy (in the space-time continuum) | III:2/16;10/50;32/146. |
Edelstein, Baron von | A:23. |
Eden, Garden of | II:30/162. |
Edgbaston | III:4/20. |
Eezzeereed, Galactic | II:23/133. |
Effa, Long Lands of | III:17/84. |
Effrafax of Wug | III:4/32. |
egg sandwich | V:3/26. |
eggshells, huge broken | R:11/225. |
Egyptians | IV:20/109. |
Einstein | III:7/39. |
Ekland, Britt | IV:16/88. |
elderberry bush | I:9/65. |
electric pencil | I:12/78. |
electric sheep | III:31/137. |
electric violin | II:16/82. |
Electricity Board | IV:7/47. |
electron ram | II:7/47. R:7/144. |
Electronic Thumb | I:3/24. |
elevator | II:6/37,41x. R:7/139,141x. |
emu | IV:6/41;36/172. |
Encyclopaedia Galactica | II:5/31. R:1/18. |
'end if' | V:18/169. |
End of History | II:17/91. |
End of Time | II:15/81. |
England | I:6/51. |
English Channel | IV:9/59. |
Envir-O-Form | V:1/6. |
environmentalists | II:21/122. |
'EP' | V:22/203. |
Epun | IV:10/64. |
Eroticon 6 | I:6/52. II:5/31. |
Eroticon Six | III:6/36. |
Eroticon VI | IV:23/125. R:1/30. |
error look-up table | V:1/3. |
Escape-O-Buggy | IV:10/65. |
Escher, Maurits C. | V:9/82. IV:31/153. |
Eskimos | IV:2/13. |
Essence of Qualactin | III:15/77. |
Essex | III:12/66. V:3/27. |
Ethel | IV:27/140. |
ethics, Ford's code of | V:8/59. |
etymologists, half-crazed | III:9/48. |
Euston Road | IV:26/133. |
EVA pod | R:7/136. |
evening classes | R:12/230. |
Event Maelstrom | I:9/64. |
'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About | |
Guilt, But Were Too Ashamed To Ask' | R:10/188. |
'Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Sex | |
But Have Been Forced To Find Out' | II:5/31. |
Evildrome Boozarama | II:16/85. |
Exeter | IV:17/89. |
'Expect the unexpected' | R:10/195. |
ex-Pralite monks | II:30/165. |
express elevator | R:10/201. |
'exquisite' (on a triple word score) | II:8/50. |
Extreme Cleverness, Prize for | I:10/69. R:2/42. |
E-Z Press Buttons | A:4. |
F |
fahrenheit | III:6/35. |
fairy cake | II:11/63. R:8/163. |
Fallia, Marshes of | I:2/21. |
Fanalla | V:12/95. |
fax | V:2/22. |
Fenchurch | IV:12/77. |
Fenchurch, disappearance of | V:7/56. |
Fenchurch Street Station | IV:12/79. |
Fenella | IV:5/35. |
Fenny | IV:5/35. |
Fiat | IV:3/16. |
'Fifty-three More Things To Do In Zero Gravity' | I:p/7. R:1/18. |
'filthy rotten stinking samelings' | R:6/112. |
Final Message sunhats | IV:40/184. |
financial systems, four-dimensional topological | |
model of the Guide's | V:8/66. |
Finlon | R:6/123. |
Fintlewoodlewix | R:6/122. |
Fiona | IV:8/57. |
Fire Mountains of Frazfraga | III:24/120. |
First Aid | V:18/159. |
fiscal policy | II:32/175. R:6/123. |
fish | II:29/153. R:12/243. |
fish bowl | IV:7/48;16/86;31/157x. |
fish oil, inflammable | V:16/144. |
fish, two-headed | V:13/108;15/136. |
Fitzmelton, Lady Cynthia | R:1/22. |
five hundred metre hurdles | R:10/201. |
five-year mission | IV:35/167. |
fjords | I:22/117. II:31/166. |
| III:16/82. R:3/67;4/80. |
fladish | V:13/112. |
Flainian Pobble Bead | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
flare-riding | II:18/106. |
Flargathon Gas Swamps | IV:8/55. |
Fleet Street | IV:28/144. |
Flex-O-Panel | V:15/127. |
flight 121 | IV:29/147. |
flollop, to | III:9/44. |
floopily | III:9/44. |
floopy | III:9/45. |
fluff | IV:19/100. A:6. |
flur, to | III:9/48. |
flurble, to | III:9/45. |
flying, art of | III:2/14;11/58x. |
Flying Chiropodist | R:12/240. |
foie gras | V:23/206. |
Folfanga | III:1/10. |
Fook | I:25/126. |
fools, ingenuity of complete | V:12/102. |
Foominster | A:21. |
'foop' | III:4/31;9/48;22/114; |
| 25/125. |
football | II:3/18. |
footsy | R:10/201. |
footwarrior | R:10/204. |
footwear | V:12/100. |
Ford Cortina | IV:3/17. |
forty-two | I:27/135. II:1/9;20/117; |
| 33/181. III:e/157. |
| IV:20/110. V:25/214. |
| R:4/79;5/104;6/125. |
Foth of Avalars | IV:21/117. |
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse | V:16/139. |
four-thirty | V:15/125. |
Fragilis | IV:21/117. |
France | I:4/32. |
Frankie Mouse | I:31/146. R:4/82. |
Frastra, fire storms of | V:2/7. |
Fraz, Constellation | IV:26/137. |
Frazfraga, Fire Mountains of | III:24/120. |
French Embassy | IV:20/112. |
French fries | II:3/24. V:21/188. |
frequent flyer | V:15/123. |
Frobbington | A:21. |
frogs | III:e/155. |
Frogstar | V:12/102. |
Frogstar Fighters | II:6/43. R:7/143. |
Frogstar Prisoner Relations Officer | R:8/151. |
Frogstar scout robot | II:6/44. R:7/143. |
Frogstar World A | II:9/53x. |
Frogstar World B | II:9/53x. |
Frogstar World B, history of | II:10/61. |
Frogstar World C | II:10/61. |
frood | I:3/25. II:13/73;16/82. |
| R:8/151. |
froody | V:25/214. V:6/52. |
Frootmig, Hurling | III:19/98. |
fruit gum, brain-dead | V:15/134. |
fruit juice | II:5/33. |
fruitbat | IV:27/143. |
'Fuck', Rory Award for The Most Gratuitous Use | |
Of The Word In A Serious Screenplay | III:22/114;25/122. |
funts, bottomless hurtling hooping | V:8/64. |
Fuolornis Fire Dragon | IV:21/117. |
Future Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted | |
Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional | II:15/80. |
G |
gabbleblotchit | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
Gad, Frat | R:8/151. |
gag, electronic | III:11/60. |
Gagrakacka | II:24/138. |
Gagrakacka Mind Zones | II:17/88. V:8/63. |
Galactibanks | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
Galactic Alcoholics Anonymous | R:7/135. |
Galactic Centre | I:29/140. |
Galactic Civil Service | I:5/40. R:9/171. |
Galactic Copyright laws | II:19/113. R:5/101. |
Galactic Eezzeereed | II:23/133. |
Galactic Empire | I:15/89. R:3/53. |
Galactic Geo-Temporal Control Board | II:5/31. |
Galactic Police | II:17/100. |
Galactic President | II:28/152. |
Galactic Rotary Club, President of | R:7/139. |
Galactic Statue of Narrative Practice | R:8/153. |
Galactic tax department | II:6/39. R:7/140. |
Galactic Times Crossword | R:6/115. |
Galactic Tribunal | II:21/123. |
Galacticredit card | I:20/110. |
Galacticspeke | I:4/32. |
Galapagos Islands | R:6/114. |
Galaxy o'Tawdry Merchandise | A:8. |
Galileo | IV:26/134. |
Gallumbits, Eccentrica | I:6/52;12/77. II:5/31. |
| III:6/36. IV:23/125. |
| R:1/30;9/184. |
game shows | V:5/34;21/191. |
Gamma Barbeque | III:32/146. |
Gamma Caves of Carfrax | III:24/120. |
Gan Green | III:18/92. |
Garden of Eden | II:30/162. |
Gargravarr, Pizpot | II:9/56. R:8/162. |
Garkbit | R:5/91. |
gazelle | II:32/174. R:6/123. |
geese | V:23/207;8/59. |
Genghis Khan | I:1/11. |
ge-N'N-T'N-ix | II:24/138. |
Genuine People Personality | I:11/74. R:2/44. |
George the Third | III:2/14. |
Gertrude | A:15. |
G-Force | R:6/114. |
G'Gugvunt(t) (G'Gugvant) | I:31/144. R:4/81;10/188. |
Gid, Prince of the Soofling Dynasty | V:9/72. |
gin and tonic | III:2/13. R:1/29;6/117. |
giraffe | III:2/14. |
girl-being | II:17/88. |
glacier | I:31/147. R:4/83;6/124. |
glass bowl | IV:7/48;16/86;31/157x. |
Glastonbury | III:19/99. |
globber, to | III:9/44. |
glurry, to | III:9/46. |
gnab gib | II:17/101. |
gnat, Ilford-based | I:13/84. |
gnat spray | I:3/25. |
'Go stick your head in a pig' | II:2/15. R:9/177. |
God, phone number of | I:25/130. |
God, proof of non-existence of | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
God's Final Message to His creation | III:e/160. IV:34/163; |
| 40/183,188x. |
'Godspell' | I:3/30. |
gold, subcutaneous | IV:9/60. |
Golden Bail (of Prosperity) | III:10/50;25/122. |
Golf GTi | IV:11/67. |
golfing magazine | V:17/152. |
Golgafrincham | II:25/146x. IV:25/132. |
| R:6/120x. |
Golgafrincham Ark Fleet, Ship B, Hold Seven | II:23/133. R:6/116. |
Golgafrincham jogging towel | III:4/24. |
good life, biro equivalent of the | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
Googleplex Star Thinker | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
'Googoogoogoogoo' | R:11/216. |
Goonhilly | I:3/24. |
goose pimples | V:2/10. |
'Goosnargh' | IV:5/26. |
Gorba Plant, Seven-Stomached | A:3. |
governing people, problems of | R:12/242. |
government spider | I:4/37. |
GPP | I:11/74. R:2/44. |
grandmother, Vogon | I:5/45. R:6/114. |
granola | A:21. |
grapefruit | IV:23/125. |
Grarp the Baker | V:13/110. |
gravity, law of | III:20/102. R:10/200. |
Great Circling Poets of Arium | II:25/146. R:6/120. |
Great Collapsing Hrung Disaster | I:5/40. |
Great Green Arkleseizure | II:1/9. V:9/73. R:5/90. |
Great Hyperlobic Omni-Cognate Neutron Wrangler | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
Great On-Turning, day of the | I:25/126. |
Great Red Plain of Rars | IV:40/183. |
Great Ventilation and Telephone Riots | V:12/102. |
Great White Handkerchief, Coming of The | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Greater Drubbered Wintwock of Stegbartle Major | IV:26/137. |
Grebulons | V:1/2;21/184. |
green, the colour | I:20/111. |
Greenbridge, Essex | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Greenpeace | IV:8/55;18/93. |
Gretchen Town, New Betel | II:16/85. |
Grey Binding Fiefdoms of Saxaquine | IV:40/182. |
grillion | III:14/76;31/138. |
groop | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
gruntbuggly, freddled | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
Grunthos the Flatulent | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
GSS Audacity | III:12/70. |
GSS Daring | III:12/70. |
GSS Suicidal Insanity | III:12/70. |
Guardian, The | III:4/22. IV:20/104. |
'guidance' | V:9/71. |
Guide, history of the | III:19/98. |
Guide, the | V:17/150. |
Guildford | I:1/13. R:3/55. |
guilt, quantum packets of | R:10/188. |
Guiness clock | IV:6/41. |
gun turrets | V:21/194. |
gun, vicious-looking | V:16/143. |
gunk music | I:12/77. |
gupp, to | III:9/46. |
guys with green wings | IV:40/189. |
H |
habra leaves | III:17/84. |
Hactar | III:24/120;32/142. |
Hades | III:12/67. |
Hadra | II:16/85. |
Haggunenon Underfleet commander | R:6/110. |
Haggunenons | R:6/112x. |
Hairdressers' Fire Development Sub-Committee | II:32/171. R:6/122. |
Halfrunt, Gag | I:12/77. II:2/12x. |
| R:7/132. |
Hall and Woodhouse | IV:9/58. |
Hallapolis State Opera | V:16/145. |
Halley's Comet | IV:27/140. |
Halls of Asgard | II:17/96. R:5/95. |
halma, electronic | R:9/175. |
ham croissant | III:19/99. |
hamburgers | V:21/187. |
Hamlet | I:9/68. R:2/42. |
hammer (Thor's) | II:17/96. |
Hampshire | III:12/68. |
Han Dold City | IV:4/18. |
Han Wavel | III:11/56x. |
hangnails | A:4. |
Happy Hour Time | A:4. |
Happy Vertical People Transporter | R:7/139,141x. |
Harl, Vann | V:6/47. |
'Harmless' | I:6/52. R:1/30. |
Harrods | II:17/98. IV:36/170. |
Harsh Economic Truths class 17 | R:11/221. |
Hastromil | II:17/101. |
hate | R:9/183. |
'Have a nice day' | V:11/93. |
Hawalius | V:9/71. |
Heart of Gold | I:4/32;11/70. II:2/11. |
| IV:17/90. R:2/41. |
'Heartbreak Hotel' | V:22/202. |
Heathrow | V:2/24. |
heat-sink | II:18/106. |
'Heavily Modified Face Flannels' | R:8/151. |
hedgehog | IV:5/34;7/57. |
heebiephone, octaventral | III:16/80. |
Heimlich Maneuver | A:3. |
Henley | V:4/30. |
Henry V | IV:20/104. |
Henson, Murray Bost | IV:27/139. |
Heppi-Werld III | II:22/128. |
Herring Sandwich experiments | V:6/42. |
hessian wall weave, dark brown | II:22/130. |
hessian wall weave, grey | V:8/62. |
'Hi' | I:4/37. |
high poles, village of | V:9/79. |
Hills of Hunian | II:30/165. |
Hingefreel | V:1/1. |
'history [...] is bunk' | III:17/83. |
History Department of the University of | |
Maximegalon | V:1/2;3/27. |
holdall, navy-blue | III:20/102. |
hole, bird-shaped | V:12/101. |
Hollop, Lord High Sanvalvwag of | III:9/44. |
Hollywood | IV:30/148. |
Holy Lunching Friars of Voondoon | III:19/98. |
'Holy Zarquon's singing fish' | R:10/191. |
Home Brain Box | III:1/11. |
Hondo Mountains | V:13/116. |
Hooli, Princess of Raui Alpha | V:9/72. |
Hooloovoo | I:4/34. |
hoopy | I:3/25. II:3/26;23/133. |
| R:8/151. |
Horse and Groom | I:1/16. IV:6/41. |
horse chestnuts | II:33/182. |
Horsehead Nebula | I:12/79. IV:5/37. R:3/53. |
hot air | V:12/102. |
Hot Tub Lakes, Heart-Shaped | A:2. |
Hounslow | IV:26/136. |
House of Remainders | A:8. |
housefly, six-foot-high hologram of a | III:18/88. |
household robots | R:10/200. |
'How I Scaled the North Face of the Megapurna | |
with a Perfectly Healthy Finger But | |
Everything Else Sprained, Broken or Bitten | |
Off By a Pack of Mad Yaks' | R:11/210. |
'How I Survived an Hour with a Sprained Finger' | R:11/210. |
'How many roads must a man walk down?' | I:32/151. |
How, Why, and Where phases | I:35/159. II:20/116. |
| R:6/109. |
Hrundi four-berth runabout | V:13/108;23/205. |
Hrung Disaster, Great Collapsing | I:5/40. |
hrungmus, 20-armed | A:4. |
Hudson, President | V:2/13. |
Hunian, Hills of | II:30/165. |
Hunt the Wocket | V:6/40;8/60;12/97. |
Huntringfurl | R:11/218. |
Hurtenflurst, Hig | R:11/216. |
Hyde Park | IV:18/96;20/102. R:3/59. |
hyena offal, bucket of | R:9/180. |
hyperbinoptic glasses | II:21/122. |
hyperbridge, cyberstructed | III:9/47. |
hyperhearse, galactic | II:20/116. |
hypermathematics | II:17/89;III:17/83. |
hyperspace bypass | V:3/27. |
Hyperspace Planning Council | II:2/11. R:1/25. |
hyperspatial field generator | R:5/103. |
I |
'I Left my Leg in Jaglan Beta' | III:22/108. |
'I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with | |
my lifestyle' | I:30/144. R:4/81. |
ICBM silo | IV:4/19. |
Ice Crystal Pyramids of Sastantua | III:11/59. |
ice lollies | III:4/23. |
Ice Storms of Varlengooten | III:24/120. |
ice-cream, pecan-flavoured | V:3/27. |
ice-floes, Arctic | III:4/23. |
Ident-i-Eeze | V:6/50. |
idiots, very rich | I:17/99. |
if clauses | V:24/212. |
Igor | A:22. |
iguana | II:16/84. IV:37/174. |
Ilford | I:13/84. |
imagery intensifier | I:7/53. |
Imperial Galactic Government delivery service | A:8. |
in-building climate control | V:12/103. |
income tax | I:25/126. R:4/74. |
Indian Wrestling | I:1/16. |
'ineffable' | V:13/114. |
InfiniDim Enterprises | V:6/48;10/85;22/200. |
Infinite Improbability Drive | I:10/68x. II:2/11. |
| R:2/42x;11/208. |
infinity | I:24/121. |
infinity, definition of | II:19/113. |
in-flight magazine | V:16/143. |
in-flight movie, holographic | V:16/145. |
Infra Dead | III:18/92. |
infra-pink lizard emblem | II:18/107. R:5/99. |
insect, large pink-winged | II:6/34. |
insurance business | V:13/118. |
integral mathematics, infrastructure of | R:9/170. |
'Interactive Subjectivity Frameworks' | III:7/40. |
intergalactic bar billiards | II:34/186. R:6/126. |
invisible, technology of making | III:4/32. |
ion-buggies | III:9/47. |
irrational particle accelerator | III:1/9. |
Isleworth | IV:26/136. |
Islington | I:8/63;13/84. III:1/7. |
| IV:18/92. R:2/39,48. |
Istanbul | IV:5/29. |
'it,' the | II:17/95. |
Italian bistro | III:4/33. |
Italian high wire act | R:12/234r. |
Italy | IV:16/89. |
'It's a nice day' | I:5/42. II:21/123. |
| R:7/136. |
Ix | I:5/41. |
J |
Jaglan Beta | I:3/25. IV:20/115. |
| R:7/136. |
Jaglan Beta, third moon of | II:18/107. R:5/99. |
Jajazikstak, Strangulous Stilettans of | III:24/120. |
Janx Spirit | I:1/16;2/20. II:27/151. |
| IV:5/26. R:12/240. |
Jatravartid | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Jeltz, Prostetnic Vogon | I:5/39x. II:2/11. |
| V:25/219. R:1/25;9/170x. |
Jennings, Paula Nancy Millstone | R:1/31. |
jet lag | V:4/29. |
Jim | IV:14/83. |
jinond-o-nicks | II:24/138. |
Jodrell Bank | I:3/24. |
joggers | II:22/132. |
jogging towel, Golgafrincham | III:4/24. |
Johannesburg | I:8/62. |
joint faculty of Divinity and Water Polo | V:1/2. |
Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive | |
Sunglasses | II:5/33. A:7. |
joojooflop | R:10/202. |
joopleberry shrub | R:7/133. |
'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat' | I:3/29. |
Judgement Day | R:5/96. |
Judiciary Pag | III:14/74. |
junior programmer | I:25/129. |
junk food | II:30/162. |
junk mail | IV:4/20;7/46;15/85. |
jynnan tonnyx | II:24/138. |
K |
Kakrafoon | I:3/25. II:18/110;21/120. |
| IV:20/114. R:7/136. |
Kapelsen, Mrs Enid of Boston, Massachusetts | IV:26/138;34/163. |
Keith, Penelope | R:1/23r. |
Kent | III:12/68. |
kettle | II:3/17. |
Kevin | V:3/27. |
'Kevin and out' | R:7/131. |
Kiasbanil | R:11/218. |
kill-Arthur-Dent body | III:18/94. |
Kill-O-Zap | I:32/152. III:11/63. |
| II:23/134x. |
King, the | V:20/179;22/197. |
King's Cross railway station passenger inquiries III:e/154. |
Kirp | V:13/108;15/136. |
Knopfler, Mark | IV:22/120. |
Know-Nothing-Bozo (the Non-Wonder Dog) | IV:6/42. |
Krart | V:9/72. |
Kria, Azgoths of | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Krikkit | IV:24/127. |
Krikkit, Masters of | III:12/66. |
Krikkit One | III:12/70. |
Krikkit, sky of | III:3/18;10/53. |
Krikkit War Computer | III:31/136. |
Krikkit War Crimes Trial, Board of Judges at the III:14/74. |
Krikkit Wars | III:10/49. |
L |
Lajestic Vantrashell of Lob | III:e/161. IV:40/183. |
Lalamatine district | II:5/32. |
Lallafa | III:17/83. |
Lamuella | V:13/108;15/122. |
Land Where Fish are Eternally Blessed | IV:4/20. |
landslide | III:20/101. |
'Language, Truth and Logic' | IV:30/148. |
lark, two-week-dead | I:5/44. |
'Late, as in the late Dentarthurdent' | I:22/118. R:3/67. |
lavatory facilities | II:18/104. |
lawn mower | V:4/29. |
layer cake | R:11/215. |
Lazlar LyriKon Kustom | R:5/99. |
Leader, the | V:21/186. |
Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed (LIVR) | III:14/74. |
Leda and the Octopus, statue of | V:6/46. |
Left Luggage Office | IV:12/78. |
Lemon Zester Attachment | A:4. |
lemons | V:17/149. |
lemon-soaked paper napkins | II:12/67,70. R:12/238. |
lemur | IV:24/126. |
Leno, Jay | V:2/9. |
leopard | R:6/110. |
leopard-skin bag | III:18/89,97;20/103. |
Letchworth | IV:35/165. |
Letterman, David | V:2/9. |
life, beginning of | I:9/64. |
'Life begins at Five Hundred and Fifty' | II:5/31. |
Life Boulevard | II:5/32. |
life, definition of | R:10/192. |
'Life is wasted on the living' | II:3/25. |
'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' | R:11/208. |
lifestyle | I:30/144. |
LifeSupport-O-System | V:1/6. |
Light City | II:5/31. |
light music | II:4/30;16/83. V:25/219. |
| R:3/59r. |
light, speed of | V:1/1. |
Limitless Lightfields of Flanux | IV:40/182. |
Lingua Centauri | IV:8/56. |
lint-free cloth | IV:31/159. |
Lintilla | R:10/206;11/214x. |
liquid lunch | III:1/9. |
Liquidator's Clearinghouse | A:8. |
Liska, snow plains of | III:11/59. |
Liver Purple | III:18/92. |
LIVR (the Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed) | III:14/74. |
lizards | IV:36/170. |
Loathsome Lilac | III:18/92. |
Lob, Lajestic Vantrashell of | III:e/161. IV:40/183. |
Lock, the | III:14/77;25/124. |
logic, puff of | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
Logistical Administration | V:12/96. |
London | I:1/9. III:2/18;19/99. |
| IV:12/76. R:2/48. |
London Speaking Clock | IV:35/169. |
London Underground | I:20/109. |
London Zoo | V:23/206. |
Long Land, Songs of the | III:17/83. |
Loonquawl | I:27/134. |
Lord High Sanvalvwag of Hollop | III:9/44. |
Lord, the | II:29/158. R:12/245. |
Lord's Cricket Ground | III:2/18;19/99. |
Los Angeles | IV:5/29;15/84;29/147. |
'Love Me Tender' | V:22/201. |
lovermatics | R:10/200. |
Lower East Side | V:12/100. |
lullaby, Marvin's | III:31/137. |
Lunch | III:19/98. |
lunch-break, editorial | III:19/98. |
lungfish | II:32/175. |
Lunkwill | I:25/126. |
lurgle, to | III:9/48. |
Lurk mode | V:1/6. |
Lury, Lig Jr | III:19/99. |
Lusitania | R:6/113. |
Lux-O-Valve | III:4/32. |
Lyricon, Lazlar | II:18/107. |
LyriKon, Lazlar | R:5/99. |
M |
MacManus, Mr | V:2/14. |
'Mad About the Boy' | III:4/28. |
Madagascar | V:23/207. |
Magapurna | R:11/210. |
magic hill | III:19/100. |
magician | III:15/79. |
Magnificient Seven, The | IV:39/181. |
Magramal | III:4/32. |
Magrathea | I:15/89x. R:3/53x. |
mail order | V:21/188. |
mailbox, small | A:23. |
maitre d' | III:6/38. |
Majikthise | I:25/129. R:4/76. |
major prophets, village of | V:9/71. |
Malaga | IV:27/141. |
Malibu | IV:30/149. |
Management Consultant | II:32/170,175. R:6/118. |
Manhattan | II:21/120. |
margarine manufacturers, Australian | III:4/31. |
market analyst | I:9/63. |
Marks and Spencer | IV:26/136. R:8/156;11/210. |
Mars | IV:9/60. |
Mars (bar wrapper) | IV:24/126. |
Marshes of Fallia | I:2/21. |
Martin, Andy | V:2/11. |
Marvin | IV:25/132;40/185. |
M*A*S*H | V:21/185. |
Masterpiece Theatre | V:2/9. |
matador | V:19/173. |
matter transference beam | II:22/127. R:1/26. |
Matter Yellow | III:18/92. |
mattress | I:5/44. II:29/155. |
| III:9/43. |
Maxelcat | R:7/131. |
Maxi | IV:3/16. |
maximegalacticians, green sylph-like | I:4/34. |
Maximegalon | II:21/121. R:4/75. |
Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and Painfully | |
Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious | |
(MISPWOSO) | V:6/42. |
Maximegalon Museum of Diseased Imaginings | II:24/137. |
Maximegalon, University of | I:21/112. II:17/89. V:1/2. |
Maxi-Slorta Hypernuclear Devices | III:14/75. |
May 14th | V:15/129. |
MCC | III:32/147. |
McCartney, Linda | III:12/66. |
McCartney, Paul | III:12/66;29/133. |
McDonald's | I:6/51;7/61. V:21/187. |
McKenna, Rob | IV:2/12;16/88. |
McKenna's All-Weather Haulage | IV:5/38;10/68;16/88. |
McMillan, Tricia | I:13/85. II:1/10. V:2/8. |
| R:2/49. |
Meaning of Life, The | II:20/117. |
Mega Market, Duty Free on Port Brasta | IV:1/10;7/56. |
Megabang drum | II:21/120. |
Megabrantis cluster | I:5/40. |
Megacamel, Arcturan | R:10/188. |
Megadodo Publications | II:6/34. R:5/104. |
Megadonkey, Arcturan | I:25/127;31/146. R:4/75. |
Megafreighter, Arcturan | I:29/140. II:5/32. |
| R:7/131. |
Mega-gin, Arcturan | I:2/21. |
Megagnats, Arcturan | R:7/136. |
Megagrasshopper, Arcturan | II:22/131. |
Megaleech, Arcturan | III:16/80. |
Megalycee, Brantisvogan | R:11/221. |
Megamarket | R:9/186. |
MegaMart | A:8. |
megapuppy | II:3/25. |
Megavoidwhale, Arcturan | III:12/70. |
Meggie | II:22/129. |
Melbourne | III:4/29. |
Mella | II:34/185. IV:25/132. |
mental block | V:8/67. |
Merida class, spaceship of | III:e/152. |
Met Office | IV:27/141. |
mice | I:14/86;24/124. II:20/117. |
| R:3/61;4/73,82. |
Mid Town | V:2/8. |
Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Mid-Galactic Census Report | IV:1/9. |
Midlands industrial city, small | III:8/42. |
military academy | I:5/42. R:1/26. |
Miller, Mr | V:2/23. |
Milliard Gargantu(a)brain | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
Milliways | II:14/78;15/79x;16/82x. |
| R:5/93x. |
Milliways Lunch Menu | II:20/115. |
Millstone Jennings, Paula Nancy | I:7/53. |
Mincefriend, Gogrilla | R:7/142. |
Mind Zoo | III:9/47. |
mind-surfers | II:5/32. |
Mind-Surfing | II:30/165. |
Minetti, Mo | V:2/9. |
MISPWOSO (Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and | |
Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly | |
Obvious) | V:6/42. |
missing matter | V:17/147. |
Mister Tawdry | A:8. |
'Mode Execute Ready' | IV:5/30. |
monkeys, infinite number of | I:9/68. R:2/42. |
monster, green bug-eyed | I:5/43. R:1/26. |
monsters, beautiful | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
monsters, naughty bug-eyed | I:19/105. R:3/61. |
Mosaic Lizard, Antarean | II:14/76. |
Moses | III:4/29,31. IV:20/109. |
'Mostly Harmless' | I:6/52;7/61. IV:3/18. |
| V:12/96,100;22/201. |
| R:1/30. |
Moth | I:3/25. R:7/136. |
Mueller, Karl | V:4/30. |
Mueller, Stavro | V:4/30;25/218. |
Mulholland Drive | IV:30/148. |
multicluster quark drive | II:18/107. R:5/99. |
Multicorticoid Perspicutron Titan Muller | I:25/127. |
'My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles' | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
N |
Narrative Practice, Galactic Statue of | R:8/153. |
National Enquirer | V:5/38. |
Nausalia | IV:5/30. |
NBS | V:2/9. |
Nelson's Column | I:6/51;7/61. |
Neo-Descartian Relative Truth Monitor | A:4. |
Neomathematics | II:17/89. |
neon, green | III:18/86. |
Neo-Relativity | IV:4/19. |
Neptune | V:2/16. |
netball | V:11/91. |
neutrino | V:3/26. |
neutron phase speaker | II:21/120. |
'Never go back for your bag' | V:2/17,23. |
New Betel | II:16/85. |
New Earth | I:26/131. |
New Forests | III:12/68. |
New Hampshire | V:21/188. |
New Mexico | V:22/197. |
New York | I:6/51;23/119. IV:5/29; |
| 23/124. V:2/7;12/100; |
| 21/183. R:3/68. |
newcumber | V:13/112. |
Newton, Sir Isaac | R:6/112. |
Nicholls, Harvey | IV:36/170. |
Nil-O-Grav | III:27/128. |
Ningi, Triganic | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
No. 3 gauge prising tool | V:6/40. |
'No Sex Please, We're Amoeboid Zingat-Ularians' | R:3/69. |
no tea | A:7. |
'None at all' | I:1/13;4/35. R:1/19. |
non-pushing-people-about officers | R:2/38. |
non-shouting officers | R:2/38. |
Normality Assert-i-Tron, Sub-Cyclic | II:3/20. |
North London restaurant | III:6/35. |
North West ripple of the Galaxy | V:9/79. |
Norway | I:24/123. R:3/69. |
Norway, award for | I:30/143. R:4/80. |
Nostradamus | IV:9/58. |
'Nothing Personal, Damascus' | V:2/13. |
NowWhat | V:7/53;22/201. |
NowWhat, President of | V:7/53. |
Noxios | IV:5/30. |
Nullify, Reg | II:17/92. |
Number One | II:24/135. R:6/117. |
number three airlock | I:7/56. |
Number Two | II:24/135;32/173. R:6/117. |
number two entry bay | I:11/72. |
numbers, non-absolute | III:7/39. |
nut tree | II:10/59. R:8/163. |
Nutrimatic Drink Dispenser | I:17/94x. II:2/15. |
| III:11/57. R:9/177x. |
O |
'O' levels | V:15/126. |
'Ode To A Small Lump of Green Putty I Found In | |
My Armpit One Midsummer Morning' | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
'Off' | IV:5/30. |
office chair, blue leatherette foam filled | |
swivel-seated | V:8/65. |
officers, non-pushing-people-about | R:2/38. |
officers, non-shouting | R:2/38. |
Oglanuts | II:10/59. R:8/163. |
Oglaroon | II:10/59. R:8/163. |
'Oh no, not again' | I:18/103 R:3/60. |
'Oh. Well that's all right then' | IV:20/111;31/151;31/155. |
OhWell | V:7/54. |
okapi | R:6/109. |
Ol' Janx Spirit | I:1/16;2/20. II:27/151. |
| IV:5/26. V:12/95. |
Old Elms Hospital | IV:8/56. |
Old Pink Dog Bar | IV:4/18. |
Old Thrashbarg | V:13/107,113. |
olive | I:2/21. |
olive oil, Greek | III:20/103;e/152. |
Omni-Destructo Zap rays | III:14/75. |
oomph | III:30/135. |
Open University Study Courses | IV:7/48. |
oracles, village of | V:9/73. |
oranges | V:17/149. |
orders signed in triplicate | I:5/45. |
origami, self-opening | V:17/148. |
Orion Beta | I:1/16. |
Oscar | V:2/9. |
Ouisghian Zodahs | II:24/139. |
Outside of the Asylum, The | IV:15/85;28/146;28/152x. |
Oxford Street | R:11/219. |
P |
Pacific Ocean | IV:30/149. |
Pag | III:14/74. |
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster | I:2/20x. II:8/52;16/82. |
| R:1/21;2/46. |
'Panic' | V:12/106. |
Pansel system | I:9/64. R:9/180. |
paper bag | I:3/27. |
paper clip | II:7/46. |
paper hat | I:9/63. |
papier mache | I:4/37. |
paprika | IV:35/165. |
paraffin stove | R:6/113. |
parakeet gland, Antarean | I:17/99. |
parallel universes | V:3/25x. |
Paralyso-Matic bomb | I:4/38. |
paranoia, perfectly normal | I:30/143. R:4/80. |
parcel, the | V:14/120;15/135. |
parliamentary democracy | V:2/18. |
party | III:21/106x. |
Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings | I:7/53. |
Pavlov | I:24/124. |
pea shooter | A:14. |
peanut | I:3/26;8/62. IV:6/45. |
peanuts, packet of | R:1/24;7/141. |
pears | II:30/162. |
pears Galumbit | R:5/98. |
Peking | I:13/84. |
Pelmanism | IV:7/52. |
pencil | III:28/130. |
pencil, stub of | II:29/154. |
penguin | I:9/67. R:2/41. |
Perfectly Normal Beasts | V:13/107,116;19/171. |
Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, Joo Janta 200 | |
Super-Chromatic | II:5/33. A:7. |
Persephone | V:2/15. |
perspective, glass of | III:17/84. |
Perspex Pillar (of Science and Reason) | III:10/50;25/122. |
perspulex running boards | II:18/107. |
Peter | III:4/20. |
'Peter and out' | R:7/131. |
petunias, bowl of | I:16/94;18/102. III:18/95. |
| R:3/59. |
Phargilor Kangaroo Relocation Drive | R:6/115. |
pheromone control | II:30/165. |
Phil | I:13/84. R:2/48. |
photocopier, solar-powered | V:9/77. |
photon drive | II:3/18. |
photon storms | II:17/94. R:5/95. |
photon-ajuitar | II:21/120. |
Photrazon Cannon, 30-Megahurt Definit-Kil | II:3/19. |
Phouchg | I:27/134. |
Physics | IV:26/133. |
physucturalist, octopodic | I:4/34. |
pi times r squared, pie-eyed | III:22/108. |
pig-farming | V:2/16. |
'pig's ear' | II:3/25. R:9/184. |
pikka birds | V:13/107;20/175. |
pink | IV:31/153. |
Pink Floyd | R:3/62. |
Pintleton Alpha | V:11/88. |
piranha bees | II:24/143. R:6/119. |
Pisa | IV:26/134. |
pizza | IV:18/92;26/137. |
Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional, Future | |
Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted | II:15/80. |
planet-smashing axe, atomic-powered supersonic | A:15. |
plastic cup, non-biodegradable | II:12/67. |
'Playbeing' | II:5/30. R:7/130. |
Pleiades Epsilon | IV:35/166. |
Pleiades Zeta | IV:10/64;35/166. |
Plural zone | V:7/56;17/154;24/209. |
Pluto | V:2/15. |
Pobble Bead, Flanian | II:19/114. |
Podium of Justice | III:e/154. |
poetry | I:7/53x. R:1/31x. |
Poetry Appreciation chairs | I:7/53. |
Poffla Vigus, Vice-President of | V:9/72. |
Poghril | I:9/64. R:9/180. |
Pole Star | IV:9/60. |
policeman | III:4/19. |
pollo sorpreso | III:6/38. |
Polly | V:2/21. |
poltergeist | IV:4/20. |
polystyrene packaging | I:17/98. |
Pondermatic | I:25/127. |
Poodoo | R:12/232. |
Porsche | IV:1/12;2/15;6/43. |
Port Brasta, Alpha Centauri | IV:1/10. |
Port Sesefron | IV:10/65. |
Portland Place | V:23/205. |
postcard | IV:40/183. |
potato crisps | III:22/116;23/119. |
potatoes, sack of | III:24/120. |
power drill | IV:19/99. |
'Practical Parenting in a Fractally Demented | |
Universe' | V:15/125. |
Prak | III:e/152. IV:31/156; |
| 40/183. |
pram, electric | III:6/36. |
Praxibetel communities | I:5/40. |
prayer, individually tailored | V:9/84. |
Prefect, Ford | I:1/13x;5/40x. IV:3/18. |
Preliumtarn | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/182. |
President of Galactic Rotary Club | R:7/139. |
President of NowWhat | V:7/53. |
President of the Galaxy | II:1/10. |
President of the Imperial Galactic Government | I:4/33x. R:9/184x. |
President of the United States of America | IV:6/43. |
Presley, Elvis | V:5/35;22/204. |
prime number, the highest | I:9/64. |
Prince Gid of the Soofling Dynasty | V:9/72. |
Prince Regent | IV:18/92. |
princes | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
Princes of the Plains | III:e/158. |
Princess Hooli of Raui Alpha | V:9/72. |
princesses, ravening | II:25/146 |
Prism Mountains | III:11/59. |
privet bush | II:33/180. III:18/94. |
Prize for Extreme Cleverness | I:10/69. |
projectorscope | R:11/218. |
Prosser, Mr L. | I:1/10x. R:1/18. |
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz | I:5/39x. II:2/11. |
| V:25/219. R:1/25;9/170x. |
pseudo-fracture | R:11/209. |
pseudo-glass | III:23/118. |
pseudo-inches | V:6/50. |
pterodactyl-like creatures | III:22/110. |
pterospondes | V:6/45. |
Pu, Triganic | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
puff of logic | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
puff of unsmoke | R:12/237. |
Q |
Q (on a triple word score) | II:33/178. R:6/124. |
Q (the letter) | II:33/180. |
QQ7 Active J Gamma | III:e/161. IV:34/163. |
quadruple sterated octohelix | R:6/112. |
Qualactin Hypermint extract | I:2/21. |
Qualactin Zones | I:2/21. |
Quarlvista, Royal World Estate of | R:10/202. |
Quentulus Quazgar Mountains | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/183. |
Quest for Ultimate Truth | I:25/129. R:4/76. |
Question, the Ultimate | I:28/136. II:33/183. |
| R:3/69;4/75;5/104;6/126. |
Question to the Ultimate Answer | III:e/154,157. |
Quordlepleen, Max | II:17/91. R:5/93. |
Qwang's Drive-In Asteroid | A:8. |
R |
R | I:34/157x. |
R17 | I:34/157. |
rabbit | II:33/180. III:18/89. |
rabbit skin, bag of | III:1/11;4/24;18/89. |
rabbits (in waistcoats) | IV:20/108. |
Radiation Swamps of Cwulzenda | III:24/120. |
Rahm | I:16/92. R:3/55. |
Rain God | IV:2/15;27/141;33/161. |
rain types | IV:2/13. |
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head | IV:16/88. |
Random | V:13/118. |
raspberries | II:30/162. |
rat, lower intestines of | V:2/7. |
ratchet screwdriver | III:9/43x. IV:37/175. |
Raui Alpha | V:9/72. |
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal | I:3/25;5/45. II:6/36; |
| 24/140. R:1/27;6/114; |
| 7/136;10/195. |
Reader's Digest | I:2/22. R:1/22. |
Reading | I:8/62. |
real thing, the | R:11/226. |
Reason, story of the | III:e/158. |
recipriversexcluson | III:7/39. |
reconnaissance ship | V:1/2;25/217. |
Recreational Illusions Institute Awards Ceremony, | |
Annual Ursa Minor Alpha | III:22/114. |
recursion, infinite | V:15/125. |
recursive functions | V:24/212. |
Red Sea | IV:20/109. |
Refracto-Nullifier | III:4/32. |
Regent's Park | IV:37/174. V:21/194. |
Renault | IV:3/16. |
Reptile House | IV:37/174. |
Resettlement Advice Centre | V:11/88. |
'Rest and Recuperation' | IV:19/100. |
Restaurant at the End of the Universe | II:2/14;14/78;15/79x; |
| 16/82x. R:5/93x. |
restaurant bill | V:6/51. |
restaurant column | V:6/48. |
Retribution, Anticipation and Diplomacy | R:6/109. |
retsina | III:20/105. |
reverse temporal engineering | V:17/155;24/212. |
Revolution No. Nine | R:2/40r. |
rewind control | III:10/49. |
rhododendron bush | A:14. |
rhythmic modulator | I:7/53. |
Rice Crispies | IV:35/165. |
rice pudding | I:25/126. R:4/74. |
rice wine | III:12/71. |
Rich Tea | IV:20/104. |
Richmond | IV:26/136. |
Rickmansworth | I:p/6. IV:p/8;5/39; |
| 20/110x. R:2/35. |
Rick's Bar | IV:39/182. |
Riktanarqals | V:12/95. |
Road Research Laboratory | IV:6/45. |
robot, definition of | I:11/73. |
robot drone | V:15/135. |
robot, silver | IV:36/170;37/173. |
Robot War Zones | III:30/133. |
robots, tiny flying | IV:37/173. |
robots, tiny molecular | V:8/69. |
robots, white | III:4/30. |
rocket launcher, mobile | V:10/85. |
Rome | II:32/171. |
Ron | II:22/129. |
Room of Informational Illusions | III:8/40. |
Roopy Ga Stip | V:9/72. |
Roosta | II:7/46. R:7/136. |
Rory Award for The Most Gratuitous Use Of The | |
Word 'Fuck' In A Serious Screenplay | III:22/114;25/122. |
Royal Agricultural Hall of Islington | IV:18/93. |
Royal World Estate of Quarlvista | R:10/202. |
rubber bands, pair of | III:1/9. |
rubber duck | II:32/175. R:6/123. |
Rudlit Desert | II:21/120. |
ruler of the Universe | II:29/157. R:12/244. |
rum, Fanallan | V:12/95. |
Rupert | V:2/15;5/37;21/183. |
Russell | IV:5/33. |
'Ruurgggghhhh urrggghh; urgh urgh (uh ruh) ...' | II:30/162. |
RW6 | V:17/157. |
Rymplon (tm) | V:13/110;25/216. |
S |
Saab | IV:3/17. |
Sahara | IV:27/141. |
salad, green | II:17/93. |
Salad-Slasher Attachment | A:4. |
sales brochure | I:11/74. |
Salisbury | R:11/210. |
San Fernando Valley | IV:30/148. |
San Francisco | IV:15/85. |
sand blizzard, Aldebaran | R:4/75. |
sand blizzard, Dangrabad Beta | I:25/127. |
sandwich | IV:12/73. V:9/76,80;11/89. |
Sandwich Maker | V:13/110. |
sandwiches, art of making | V:13/110. |
Santa Barbara | IV:30/150. |
Santa Monica | IV:30/149. |
Santorini | III:20/105. |
Santraginus sea shells | II:16/83. |
Santraginus V | I:2/20;3/25. II:21/121. |
| IV:20/114. V:2/7. R:7/136. |
Saquo-Pilia Hensha | V:6/40. |
sarcasm | V:18/165. |
sash, orange | I:4/35. |
sass, to | I:3/25. R:8/151. |
Sastantua, Ice Crystal Pyramids of | III:11/59. |
Saturday afternoon | II:5/30. |
Saunders, Emily | V:8/60. |
sausage | II:25/150. V:17/154. |
| V:24/213. |
sausage, electronic | II:7/48. R:7/145. |
Saxaquine of the Quenelux | IV:21/117. |
Schecter Custom Stratocaster | IV:22/120. |
Scottish bagpipe music, record of | IV:12/80. |
Scrabble | II:33/179. R:5/104;6/124. |
scuttling crabs, scintillating jewelled | I:5/39. V:24/211. R:9/171. |
sea-monster pool | V:12/99. |
Seattle | IV:16/89. |
security camera | V:2/17,19. |
self-loathing | V:2/18. |
Sens-O-Shower | III:14/77. |
Sens-O-Tape | I:26/131. |
service robots, miniature | II:2/15. |
Sesefras Magna | IV:10/64;35/169. |
Seventh Avenue | IV:23/124. |
seventh dimension | II:34/186. |
Seventh Galaxy of Light and Ingenuity | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
Sevorbeupstry | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/182. |
sex | II:19/114. R:5/101. |
shade of the colour blue, super-intelligent | I:4/34;21/113. R:3/65. |
Shaltanac | R:7/133. |
shame, disease of | I:5/41. |
'Share and Enjoy' | II:2/15. R:9/176. |
sheep | IV:7/51. V:12/105. |
sheep, electric | III:31/137. |
Sheraton Park Tower | IV:36/170. |
Sherpas | III:22/117. |
Sherrin, Ned | V:4/28. |
'shit' | II:33/183. |
shoe box | R:6/111. |
Shoe Event Horizon | II:10/61. R:11/221,223. |
shoe shops | II:10/61. |
shoes | V:12/100;25/214. R:11/215. |
shrubbery | R:2/35r. |
Siderial Daily Mentioner | III:3/18;5/34;e/152. |
Siderial Record Straightener | R:11/214. |
Sidney | II:22/129. |
Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax | III:24/119. |
Silver Bail (of Peace) | III:10/50;22/111;25/122. |
Silvolvia | II:24/138. |
simile dumper | I:7/53. |
Sinai | III:4/29. |
Single Transferable Vote system | IV:19/99. |
Sirian State Mental Hospital | II:6/39,41. R:7/140. |
Sirius | II:22/129. |
Sirius B, Young Conservatives from | II:17/96. R:5/96. |
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation | I:11/73. II:2/15. |
| IV:35/165. R:2/44;7/139. |
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Complaints | |
division | II:2/15x. |
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, motto of | II:2/15. |
Sirius Cybernetics marketing lobby | R:11/214. |
Sirius Tau Star system | I:17/95. |
sit coms, early sixties | I:24/124. |
six-pack | IV:39/182. |
ski-boxing | I:4/34. |
skin from the nape of the neck | V:6/51;8/66;15/136. |
sky-gypsy | II:16/82. |
Slartibartfast | I:22/118. III:4/28. |
| R:3/67. |
Slim's Throat Emporium | II:16/85. |
Slo-Time | III:14/77;25/123. |
SlumpJet | V:7/56. |
sluub, fraction of a | A:4. |
Smith, Chester | A:21. |
Smith, Martin | I:13/84. R:2/48. |
Smithers, Will | IV:6/43. |
Sneng, Werdle | R:8/151. |
snooze alarm | R:10/200. |
'So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish' | I:23/119. IV:31/158. |
| R:3/68. |
soap mine | II:32/168. |
sofa | R:6/114. |
sofa, green leatherette | V:24/209. |
sofa, grey crushed leather | V:6/47;10/85. |
sofa, velvet paisley-covered | III:32/143. |
Soho | V:2/8;21/183. |
Sol | I:3/23. |
'Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes' | I:p/7. A:3. R:1/18. |
Somebody Else's Problem | III:4/26,33x;7/39;25/122. |
Somerset | III:19/99. |
somewhere else | V:15/130. |
Song Cycles of Vassillian | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
Songs of the Long Land | III:17/83. |
Sony Walkmen | IV:26/139. |
Soofling Dynasty | V:9/72. |
Soolfinia | III:15/78. |
Sorth of Bragadox | IV:21/117. |
Soulianis | I:16/92. R:3/55. |
South Dakota | V:22/197. |
Southend | I:9/65. R:2/40. |
space | I:8/62x. R:2/39x. |
space aliens | V:4/29. |
space battle | R:9/175. |
space, bird-shaped | V:17/149. |
space fleet, microscopic | A:7. |
space pirates | I:29/140. |
space-lag | IV:35/164. |
spare ribs | III:21/107. |
Spectrum-Bypass-O-Matic | III:4/32. |
speed of light | V:1/1. |
sperm bank | V:2/22. |
sperm whale | I:16/94;18/102. R:3/59. |
splagberry sauce | V:13/112. |
'splendid and worthwhile' | R:1/23. |
Spontaneous Para-Causal Metereological Phenomenon IV:33/161. |
squirrels | V:16/142;17/152;18/160. |
Squornshellous Beta | IV:22/121. |
'Squornshellous Swamptalk' | III:9/45. |
Squornshellous Zeta | I:5/44. III:9/42;31/136. |
SrDt 3454 | V:12/102. |
St Antwelm, Assumption of | V:6/40. |
St Crispin's Day | IV:20/104. |
St John's Wood | III:2/18;19/99. |
Stagyar-zil-Doggo | V:6/46. |
staircase | R:7/142. |
star buggy | II:18/107. |
star goat | II:24/143. R:6/119. |
'Star Spangled Banner' | I:23/119. R:3/68. |
'Starpox!' | II:2/14. |
Starship Titanic | III:12/69. |
Statue of Arthur (Agrajag's) | III:18/92. |
statue of Arthur (on Brontitall) | R:10/194. |
Stavromula Beta | III:18/96. V:9/80,84; |
| 11/89,93;19/173. |
Stavro's | V:4/30;25/214. |
steam, green sweet-smelling | I:31/145. |
Steel Pillar (of Strength and Power) | III:10/50;25/122. |
steel, stainless | III:14/75. |
stegosaurus, rib cage of | I:27/132. |
Stepney | IV:12/74. |
stethoscope | II:12/67. R:11/226. |
Steve and Carola | IV:3/16. |
Stin Glacier Fields | III:11/59. |
stoat, lightly grilled | II:3/24. |
stone frog | IV:7/46. |
stone, small | II:21/121. |
stone, specially sharpened | V:15/130;16/141. |
Stonehenge | IV:18/95. |
strag | I:3/25. |
Strangulous Stilettans of Jajazikstak | III:24/120. |
Strateej-O-Mat | V:1/6. |
strawberries | II:30/162. |
Streetmentioner, Dr Dan | II:15/79;18/111. |
Strenuous Garfighters of Stug | III:24/120. |
stress charts | V:21/183. |
Strinder the Tool Maker | V:13/111. |
string, self-knotting | V:16/140. |
Striterax, Silastic Armorfiends of | III:24/119. |
structural linguistics | II:24/139. |
Stug, Strenuous Garfighters of | III:24/120. |
stunt apples, Arcturan | R:6/112. |
sub-editors | V:8/62. |
Sub-Etha Net | IV:5/28. |
Sub-Etha News-Matic | I:4/38. |
sub-etha radio | I:12/77. |
Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic | I:3/24. II:25/149. |
| III:2/13. |
sub-etha signalling device | I:5/43. |
Sub-Etha TV | V:15/127. |
sub-ether wave band | R:7/132. |
Sulijoo | II:16/85. |
Sumatra | V:23/207. |
'Sun, Sand and Suffering on the Most Totally | |
Evil Place in the Galaxy' | R:8/166. |
'Sund. explns.' | II:21/126. |
Sunday afternoon | III:1/9. |
Sunglasses, Peril Sensitive | II:5/33. |
Sunset Boulevard | IV:30/148. |
Suntiger, Algolian | I:2/21,22. |
Supernormal Incremental Precipitation Inducer | IV:33/162. |
Sushi | V:2/8. |
suspended animation facility | IV:35/168. |
Sussex | III:12/68. |
Swiss Cheese Plant | IV:18/95. |
Switzerland | IV:31/152. V:15/132; |
| 22/202. |
Swulling | IV:5/30. |
swut | R:10/202. |
Sydney Opera House | III:22/111. |
Syneca Snowhounds | III:11/59. |
T |
table tennis bat | V:9/74. |
tact | II:20/118. R:9/169. |
take-away pizza shops | V:9/71. |
Tan-O-Matic | A:4. |
Tau | II:22/129. |
Taunton | IV:11/70;16/86. |
Taurus | V:24/210. |
Tawdry Merchandise King | A:8. |
Tawdry Merchandise-n-Such | A:8. |
tax exile | I:21/113. |
Tchaikovsky | IV:28/145. |
tea | I:16/92. R:9/178. |
tea, cup of | II:2/16;4/30. III:32/143. |
tea, in easy-to-swallow capsules | R:9/186. |
tea leaf | R:1/18. |
tea, nice hot cup of | I:10/69. R:2/42. |
teaser | I:5/46x. R:1/28. |
teatime of the soul, the long dark | III:1/9. |
technoteachers | R:10/200. |
Ted | V:21/194. |
telephone company accounts department | III:2/16. |
telephone number | I:12/81. |
telephone number (God's) | I:25/130. R:4/77. |
telephone sanitizer | II:23/133. R:6/116. |
teleport device | III:22/116. |
Teleport Systems factory, Sirius Cybernetics | II:22/128. |
tempophone | II:20/115. |
Test Match, last of the Australian Series | III:2/18. |
Test Valley | III:12/68. |
'Thank you for using BS&S' | V:12/104. |
Thatcher, Margaret | R:1/23r. |
'The Big Bang Theory - A Personal View' | II:5/31. |
'The buck stops there' | V:24/211. |
The Domain of the King Bar & Grill | V:22/197. |
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy | II:5/31x. R:1/18;7/130; |
| 10/195. |
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Mk II | V:12/106. |
'The other man's grass is always greener' | R:7/133. |
Theory of Indeterminacy | I:10/69. |
therapy centres | V:9/79. |
thermostatic radiator controls, Danish | IV:2/12. |
Therories of Disaster Area Tax Returns | II:17/89. |
thing, strange behind desk | V:11/88. |
things, local goat-like | V:9/74. |
Thinkpix | III:1/11. |
Third Reach of the Unknown | I:9/64. |
Third Season | V:13/113. |
'This is probably the best button to press' | I:33/156. |
Thor | III:22/110;32/142. |
Thrashbarg | V:13/107,113. |
three-d TV | R:11/210. |
thugs | V:11/89. |
Thumb, Electronic | IV:38/178. |
Thunder God | III:22/110;32/142. |
Thundercloud Corner | IV:16/88. |
Thursday | I:p/6;2/23. V:15/129. |
| R:1/22. |
ticker tape | I:12/79. |
Time Teleports | II:18/104. |
time travel | III:17/83x. |
'Time Traveller's Handbook of 1001 Tense | |
Formations' | II:15/79. |
Times Furnishing | R:6/114. |
Times, the | IV:20/104. |
'To Albert on his twenty-first birthday' | V:15/128. |
toaster | V:11/89. |
toenail clippings | V:11/90. |
tombs, parties in | V:12/101. |
tools, flying | IV:37/174;19/99. |
toothpicks | IV:28/146;31/155x. |
Total Perspective Vortex | II:8/51;10/59;11/63x. |
| R:8/151,163x,165x. |
towel | III:22/109. |
towel, Arthur's | III:4/24. |
towel, Ford's | V:12/97. |
towel, Ford's first | V:12/94. |
towel, lightweight throwing | V:6/40. |
towel, prehistoric | R:8/156,158. |
towel, Roosta's | II:7/46,8/51x. R:7/146; |
| 8/150x. |
towels | I:3/24x. IV:35/164. |
| R:7/136x;8/150. |
toy bow and arrow | V:6/40. |
Traal, Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of | I:3/25;5/45. II:6/36; |
| 24/140. R:1/27;6/114; |
| 7/136;10/195. |
trading scouts | I:20/111. |
Tragula, Trin | II:11/64. R:8/163. |
Transtellar Cruise Lines | II:12/67. |
Transtellar Spacelines | R:11/225. |
treeoids, walking | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
triangulation | V:5/38. |
Tri-D | A:1. |
tri-D camera | I:4/35. |
tri-D TV | V:9/73. |
tri-jet scooter | I:29/140. |
Trillian | I:4/37x. II:1/10. |
| IV:25/131;36/172. |
Trillian Astra | V:9/72. |
triple word score | II:33/178. |
Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth III:e/153. |
tulips | III:20/102. |
tungsten carbide | IV:24/130. |
turlingdrome | R:1/31;10/202. |
TV chess games | R:10/200. |
tzjin-anthony-ks | II:24/138. |
U |
Ugg, Mr | R:6/125. |
Ultimate Question Biscuits | R:5/104. |
Ultimate Question T-shirts | R:5/104. |
Ultimate Weapon | III:24/120. |
Ultra Violent | III:18/92. |
'Ultra-Complete Maximegalon Dictionary of Every | |
Language Ever' | III:9/44. |
Ultra-Cricket, Brockian | I:25/125. III:19/100x. |
| R:4/74. |
Ultracuisine | R:5/94. |
UltraDodo, Vulcan | R:5/94. |
ultragolf | II:6/36. V:6/50. R:10/195. |
ultramahogany | I:25/126. II:16/83. |
UM-Betans | II:5/32. |
Unfiltered Perception | V:18/168. |
union regulations | I:1/15. |
Universe, cure for | R:11/210. |
Universe, highly controversial creation of | R:12/230. |
Universe, the | II:19/113x. R:5/101x. |
Universe-weariness | III:30/135. |
University of Maximegalon | I:21/112. II:17/89. V:1/2. |
University of Maximegalon, History Department | |
of the | V:1/2;3/27. |
Unprobability Field | II:12/71. |
unsmoke, puff of | R:12/237. |
Upper Street | IV:24/127. |
Upper West Side | V:2/8. |
Ursa Minor | I:3/24. R:1/18;7/130x. |
Ursa Minor Beta | II:5/30x. |
Ursa Minor Beta ATC | R:7/131. |
US/AM | V:2/9. |
'Use BS&S and die!' | V:12/104. |
V |
Valhalla | III:22/116. |
Varlengooten, Ice Storms of | III:24/120. |
Varntvar | R:12/233. |
Vassillian, Song Cycles of | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
vastdragons | V:6/45. |
Vegan Rhino | I:31/146. |
Vegan Snow Lizard | R:2/47. |
Ventilation and Telephone Riots | V:12/102. |
Ventilation system | R:9/179. |
Venus | IV:9/60. V:5/38. |
Versenwald, Blart III | IV:e/190. |
Vertical People Transporter | II:6/37,41x;18/104. |
Vice-President of Poffla Vigus | V:9/72. |
Vicissitus Three | R:6/112. |
video-recorders | V:18/163. |
Viltvodle VI | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Virgo | V:2/16. |
Visigoths | I:3/26. |
Viv | V:6/45. |
Vl'Hurg | I:31/144. II:14/76. |
| R:4/81;10/188. |
Vod | III:15/78. |
Vogon Constructor Fleet | I:5/45x. R:1/25,27x. |
Vogon grandmother | I:5/45. R:6/114. |
Vogon laundromat | III:2/15. |
Vogon poetry | I:7/53x. R:1/31x. |
Vogon vogonblurtus | V:24/211. |
Vogonity | I:7/55. R:2/36. |
Vogons | I:5/39x. II:2/11x. V:3/27. |
Vogsol | I:5/39. R:9/171. |
Vogsphere | I:5/39. V:24/211. R:9/171. |
Volkswagen | III:22/110. |
vollue, to | III:9/45. |
Voojagig, Veet | I:21/112. R:3/65. |
'voon' | III:9/45. |
Voondoon, Holy Lunching Friars of | III:19/98. |
Vortaqua | A:2. |
Vortvoid of Qvarne | II:17/95. R:5/95. |
Vranx, Yooden | I:29/140. II:3/27. |
Vroomfondel | I:25/129. R:4/76. |
Vroonday | V:15/126. |
V-sign | V:12/96. |
Vulcan UltraDodo | R:5/94. |
W |
Wabanatta 3 | V:25/214. |
waiter's bill pad | III:8/41. |
walkmen | IV:26/139;38/180. |
walnut | I:8/62. |
War Commander | III:30/135. |
warp drive | V:21/184. |
Warwickshire | III:4/21. |
wash, disturbances in the | III:2/15. |
washing machines | IV:11/72. |
watch, Arthur's | V:15/128. |
watches, digital | IV:p/7. I:p/6;25/125. |
water bison | R:6/113. |
waterbed | V:21/187. |
Watson, Arcane Jill | IV:28/145. |
Watson, John | IV:15/85;28/145. |
wave harmonic theory of historical perception | R:8/150. |
Wayne | V:21/186. |
'weeeelaaaaah!' | III:15/78. |
Week of the Weirdos | IV:27/140. |
welfare planets | A:2. |
'Well That About Wraps It Up For God' | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
West Country | I:1/9. |
West zone | II:5/30. |
Westway flyover | IV:26/133. |
whale, thoughts of | R:3/60. |
whales | R:10/188. |
'What do you get if you multiply six by nine?' | II:33/184. |
whatchamacallits | R:10/198;11/221. |
'What's yellow and dangerous?' | I:32/151. |
wheatgerm | II:8/51. IV:31/159. |
| R:8/150. |
wheeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkrrrrunnnccccch noise | R:11/213. |
wheel | I:32/119. II:32/172. |
| R:3/68;6/122. |
whelk | III:16/81. |
'When you walk through the storm ...' | I:17/99. |
'Where God Went Wrong' | I:p/7. A:3. R:1/18. |
'Where no man has trod' | I:20/108. |
'Where's the tea?' | I:31/150. |
Which? magazine | IV:28/146. |
whiff of hydrogen, ozone and carbon monoxide | I:3/28;5/41. |
whisky and soda | II:24/141. |
white hole | I:15/89. |
'Who is this God Person Anyway?' | I:p/7. A:3. R:1/18. |
Whole Sort of General Mish Mash | V:3/26;17/150;22/200. |
'Who's Who in Interactive Fiction Sample | |
Transcripts' | A:24. |
'Why?' | I:31/148. |
'Why stop just when I'm enjoying it?' | II:24/145. R:6/120. |
'Why stop now just when I'm hating it?' | III:31/138. |
Wikkit Gate (Key) | III:10/49x;14/77;25/122x. |
Wilcox | III:4/20. |
Williams, Mrs | V:4/29. |
willomy, to | III:9/46. |
Winchester | III:12/68. |
wine bar | R:10/201. |
Wintwock of Stegbartle Major, Greater Drubbered | IV:26/137. |
Wise Old Bird | R:10/197. |
women, five hundred entirely naked | I:29/139. |
Wonko the Sane | IV:15/86;28/146; |
| 31/151x,155x. |
Wooden Pillar (of Nature and Spirituality) | III:10/50;25/122. |
Woomera | I:3/24. |
'wop' | III:4/30;9/48;11/54; |
| 22/114. |
Worm Hole Disco | R:8/159. |
wormhole | I:31/144. R:4/81. |
Worst Dressed Sentient Being | I:12/77. R:2/46. |
Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged | III:1/9x;33/147. |
wrist panel | V:15/127. |
writing stick, flexible | V:12/97. |
WSOGMM | V:3/26;17/150;22/200. |
wurf, to | III:9/48. |
X |
X zero zero 547 | R:3/58. |
Xanthic Re-Structon Destabilized Zenon Emitter | II:7/47. R:7/144. |
Xaxis | IV:19/100;23/123. |
Xaxisian ship | IV:10/64;19/99. |
x's, j's and {'s | V:9/76. |
Y |
Yaga, Cloudworlds of | III:15/78. |
yaks, mad | R:11/210. |
Ye Olde Tawdry Merchandise Shoppe | A:8. |
'Yellow Submarine' | V:13/113. |
'You and Your Planets' | V:2/15;21/192. |
Young Conservatives from Sirius B | II:17/96. |
'Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With' | I:11/73. R:2/44. |
'You're very tall' | I:5/42. II:21/123. |
| R:7/136. |
Ysllodins | III:12/70. |
Yugoslavia | IV:16/89. |
Yvonne | IV:14/83. |
Z |
Z, the Big | I:12/77. R:2/46;7/132. |
Zabush sector | V:9/72. |
Zaire | V:23/207. |
Zamphour | I:2/21. |
Zansellquasure Flamarion Bridge Club | R:5/95. |
Zap gun | III:25/124. |
'zark' | III:11/54,59;18/96; |
| 22/114. |
Zarniwoop | II:6/35;12/70. R:7/130, |
| 139;12/239. |
Zarquon | II:18/111x. R:5/101x. |
'Zarquon' | II:6/40,43;32/172. |
| III:11/61. IV:5/26. |
| V:1/2;10/85. R:6/123; |
| 7/141;8/157. |
Zarquon, Church of the Second Coming of the | |
Great Prophet | II:17/96. R:5/96. |
Zarss | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/182. |
'Z.B.' | I:20/112. |
zebra crossing | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
Zem | III:9/43. |
Zentalquabula, ancient alabastrum quarries of | V:12/100. |
Zipo Bibrok 5x10^8 | III:14/75. |
Zirzla robot starcruisers | IV:19/99;23/123. |
Zondostina | IV:10/64. |
Zoofroozelchester | R:8/159. |
'Zootlowurdlezootlewurdlezootlowurdle' | R:11/216. |
Zwingler, Mr | V:2/23. |
Zylatburger, Algolian | R:5/94. |
ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha | I:11/71;12/78. V:7/56. |
| R:2/39,46.
That's it, folks. Have fun and write me your comments.
Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. Disclaimer follows ...
I really don't like to mention this, but you all know that there are really mean guys out there waiting for the right moment to leap from their slimy, smelly caves and publish this index and eventually become very, very rich indeed. So:
This text is copyrighted by Mathias Maul (address see above). It may not be altered in any way without the written permission of the author. It may be copied, be it in binary or in printed form, and distributed in its original form and content over Bulletin Board Systems and/or other public or private libraries as long as no fee of any kind is charged for it (this also includes the prices for commercially sold Public Domain or Shareware Diskettes or CD ROMs). This text or parts of this text may not be included in a commercial product of any kind, especially magazines, without the written permission of the author. The author of this text may in no case be held liable for any, including any special, incidental or consequential, damages on hard-, soft-, or possibly existing wetware whatsoever—I will not pay any hospital fees if you simply give up one day and go mad (as I actually did some months ago).
In short: Share and enjoy (or—go stick your head in a pig), but be fair.
The Hitch Hiker's Guide Trilogy, one of the best novels of the century, is copyrighted by Douglas Adams, one of the best authors of the millenium.
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Bureaucracy", "Leather Goddesses of Phobos", "Planetfall" and "Stationfall" are trademarks of and copyrighted by Infocom Inc. which regrettably left the world of modern computer entertainment far too early. Thank you Dave, Steve, Brian, Marc, Bruce, and all the other brilliant people at Infocom Inc. You couldn't have done better.
Please allow me one last word ...
This text is dedicated to my former English teacher who died of cancer in late October 1992. Up to the last minutes of her life she lived for her students and was a reliable friend to many of them. See you in heaven... :)
The Ultra-Complete Index to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Ultra-Complete Index to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
© Copyright 1992-94 by Mathias Maul
Many long years have passed since the publication of Douglas Adams' masterpiece "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" which undoubtedly initiated a cult. Thousands of people were fascinated by the bunch of brainless idiots called Zaphod, Ford, Trillian, (Marvin,) and, above all, Arthur Dent. Thousands of people listened to the radio play and watched the TV series. Thousands of people read the books five or more times (like myself). Thousands of people spent seemingly endless years waiting for a sequel. Millions of other carbon-based life forms had never heard of the existence of this hallmark in modern literature and died of ignorance. Well, there was no REAL sequel (Ok, Dirk Gently. It's brilliant. But it isn't a sequel to the Guide). There was nothing, an impenetrable emptiness, a complete void. The only things to keep being amused were some Monty Python sketches Douglas Adams had (probably) taken part in writing (just think of the Chesterfield Sofa in episode #20 of the Flying Circus or of his appearance in the last show) and of course his (and many others') ingenious adventure game 'Bureaucracy' (which is one of the best computer games ever published on this planet, believe me).
To cut it short, nothing has happened in the last years concerning the Guide. But now the dull days are over. The time has come to retrieve the holy books from the golden casket, print out this index (preferably with a laser printer) and re-read the Guide for the sixth time. And again. And again. But it will be different this time. By means of this fabulously amazing index, you will experience a different feeling when reading Adams' work, you will be transported into higher dimensions of emotion when listening to Marvin, you will feel a second (or third, depending on your origin and/or the number of heads regarded as 'normal' in your neighborhood) head grow when reading about Zaphod, you will simply become happy.
[I know, most of the above facts are outdated because Douglas Adams— may all existing, or non-existing, or just believed to be existing, or even long, long dead (or just lying in hospitals) gods in- or outside of what we usually refer to as the universe bless him—finally created the fifth part of the Guide but as I liked the above paragraphs so much I was reluctant to delete them.]
But enough of this idle twaddle, let's get into it NOW.
Some notes for the unsophisticated reader
Firstly, whenever I mention Douglas Adams I speak of John Lloyd, his partly-co-author, as well, just to prevent any troubles. This also applies to Steve Meretzky who seems to have co-authored the Guide as well (apart from creating brilliant adventure games such as "Leather Goddesses of Phobos", "Planetfall", "Stationfall", and, naturally, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
Of course, this isn't a 'really proper' index (i.e. to the effect that ALL important words and places are listed) but an attempt to help thousands of Douglas Adams fans find a vitally important name/place/event buried somewhere in the deep recesses of Adams' magnificent work (imagine that you simply HAVE to know where to find the paragraph dealing with the Vl'hurgs and the G'Gugvuntts). On the other hand this index does look professional due to the sometimes rather obscure form of the entries, for example "Asgard, deities from halls of". I tried to make the entries understandable but obviously—some people had difficulties in finding certain things—often didn't manage to do so very well. In other words, if you're searching for a specific keyword, try to rearrange it until you've found it. However, if the index does not contain the desired keyword, contact me immediately (EMail preferred) and I will include it in the next release.
In general, names are sorted surname first, for example "Vranx, Yooden", and more complex entries like "Ultra-Complete Maximegalon Dictionary of Every Language Ever" are included in two or more variations to make locating easier.
Titles ("Where God Went Wrong"), memorable quotes ("History is bunk") or exclamations ("Weeeelaaaaah!") are included in the index in single quotes. One could argue endlessly whether this or that quote can be considered 'memorable', and I was very tempted to include at least half of the complete text as 'memorable quote' but came to my senses when I realized that this could lead to some minor problems for all those people who want to download the index. Of course, the selection sometimes is rather subjective, but I'm always open to suggestions.
It seems that Douglas Adams changed the spelling of some words from time to time. For example, 'Eroticon Six' is spelled 'Eroticon 6' as well as 'Eroticon VI'. In such cases I took down the variation which came first, or I liked better, or both.
As there are many, many names and places in the Guide I only have included the ones that seemed likely to be of use and omitted the names which only appeared in insignificant-looking subclauses or quotations and didn't appear to have any obvious reason to be mentioned in this very place where they were. That is—I did so in the first three releases but realized that this decision was complete rubbish. However, the index still contains dozens of entries which might seem to be totally out of place (such as maybe 'change-of-address card'), but most of these are listed due to the well-known Interconnectedness of Things—the change-of-address card for example appears in 'Bureaucracy' (a mind-bogglingly ingenious, hilarious, and generally stupendously well-written Infocom adventure game).
I do not know if this index is of any use to anyone else but I often found myself in the situation of desperately having to find the the place where for example Vroomfondel is first mentioned (PLEASE don't ask me why) and would have been grateful to have something as HANDY!, TERRIFIC! and ASTONISHINGLY USEFUL! as this index. On the other hand, everyone who read "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien will agree with me that it cannot possibly be read (and understood) without having to consult the indexes from time to time. However, if you still aren't convinced of the amazing usefulness of this index, read the first paragraphs again.
I received several mails from people who do not own the Pan Books edition of the Guide, or, even worse, only one of the American versions, and therefore had had problems in finding the corresponding pages. For this reason I have included not only page numbers, but also chapter references in this release. The new entry format describes the location of a given keyword by giving volume, chapter, and page. Separate chapters within a volume are divided by a semicolon, separate volumes by a period, which is also what an entry is always terminated by. A more complex entry could look like this:
frotz IV: 6/17,23; 9/42x. V: 4/69. R: 2/42r. A: 21.
In this case, 'frotz' can be found in volume four, chapter six, pages seventeen and twenty-three and chapter nine, page forty-two (where a more or less extensive explanation of 'frotz' is given), and also in volume five in chapter four, page sixty-nine as well as in the Radio Scripts, Fit the Second, Page forty-two (as a remark). Oh yes, and in the Infocom package, page twenty-one.
The page number given refers—in most cases—to the first appearance of the keyword itself, not to some vague description. If there is a paragraph explaining something thoroughly it is marked with an 'x' succeeding the according page number, an 'r' denotes that the keyword appears as a remark in the Radio Scripts (like for example 'shrubbery').
Page references are according to the Pan Books paperback edition (ISBN 0-330- { 25864-8 | 26213-0 | 26738-8 | 28700-1 | 32311-3 }, all published by Pan Books Ltd., London) as this seems the one most widely spread. I'm afraid I neither have the time nor the money to buy all the other editions as well and adapt the page numbers. Furthermore, I do not see the need of doing an index of the German/French/Italian/Suaheli versions as one can expect every fan to know the original version by heart. Also, it seems that some versions differ a lot from each other, especially the US Pocket Books editions from the 'original' UK versions.
All page references to the Radio Scripts are according to the Pan Books paperback edition of 1985, ISBN 0-330-29288-9. It was difficult enough to get hold of this version, so please don't blame me for not using another one. I did not list the differences between the Radio Scripts and the version that was aired (respectively the version I have: the BBC CDs) but I'm thinking of doing such a list whenever I have a bit of spare time. Furthermore, I did not include the footnotes given in the Radio Scrips; however interesting they are, I think they would be somehow out of place here.
All references to the adventure game are according to the original Infocom package, not to the Mastertronic budget version. If you can't get hold of an original, don't blame me. If you can, however, don't hesitate to contact me at once; this also applies to all sorts of Infocom items, be it old games, issues of the New Zork Times or The Status Line, posters, reviews or other papers.
The main reason for me to make up this index was simply to keep me busy: I was—and still am—fascinated by the Guide, and I wanted to do something other than just reading it (I'm still pondering on whether I should publish this 40-page paper about the Guide I've written recently for school). It's as accurate as I think is necessary, but there is a chance that I made some horrible mistakes. However, this text is supposed to travel around in networks and I'm hoping to find many, many (or even more) mails from other fans with suggestions, supplements, corrections etc. in my box.
If there are some keywords that—according to your opinion—simply must be included in this index, or if you find mistakes of any kind or if you know whether there is a meaning in the way you have to arrange the books in order to get a '42' (I,III,II,IV; ok, 1+3=4 and 4-2=2, making 42, but this isn't very satisfying) or if you just want to send me all your money please contact me at once at one of the addresses listed below.
I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable contributions to the index (in alphabetical order):
Marc Aurel [[email protected]], who, besides supplying lots of suggestions, acted as human gateway between me and the UseNet newsgroup alt.fan.douglas-adams and made it possible for me to publish the index there,
Dave Bealer [[email protected]] for Random Access Humour, the best and most humorous magazine I've ever read, and (sort of) distribution of the index in the United States,
Klaus Nitsche, the friendliest sysop I've ever met, who gave me deep insights in how it is to be a sysop and generally was very nice and encouraging, not to mention the numerous times this document (while still in draft status) had to pass his scrutinous checks,
Thomas Schaefer [[email protected]], just for being a great fan of the index and for many, many kilobytes of encouraging mail,
Jonathan Woithe [[email protected]], who provided me with hundreds of entries for Mostly Harmless,
and all the readers of alt.fan.douglas-adams for their numerous encouraging mails. If you have the feeling that your name should be mentioned, please print this text and fill your name in the free space provided below:
Thank you.
You can contact me at the following addresses:
Mathias Maul InterNet: [email protected] Brueckes 12 MausNet: Mathias Maul @ WI2 D-55545 Bad Kreuznach FidoNet: Mathias Maul at 1:105/330.666 Germany 2:500/149.2 tel [+49] (0)671-31462 2:2461/161.42
(If you do not get any response from me when contacting me via EMail within, say, two weeks, please try another address or use SnailMail instead. However, you can be absolutely sure that I will answer.)
Feel free to write me whenever you want, I like receiving and answering mail from other people. Write in English or German, I understand both of them well enough to converse. (Yes—the English I use in this text evidently is 'only' the English I learned in school (I didn't study the language nor am I a native speaker), so if you spot some real bad mistakes, feel free to correct me.)
By the way, if you send me—well, whatever you think appropriate— I'll mail you a nicely set, printed and bound version of this text. Please include at least two international reply coupons to cover postage. Remember -- send whatever you think appropriate. Anything that you think can make me happy is ok.
Please put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now, the index is about to start ...
100,000th word | V:11/92. |
13, floor | V:8/68;12/96,100. |
13 to 22, dimensions | V:17/150. |
1437 | IV:5/32. |
15,000,000 | II:23/134. |
1-555-55-5-55555-555-5555 | A:8. |
1-5-555-55-55555-555-5555, ext. 5 | A:8. |
169 | II:33/178. |
17 | IV:2/13,14. R:11/221. |
17 across | V:11/90. |
170,000,000,000,000 | II:17/90. |
1951 | R:2/49. |
1-A Tawdry Sales & Service | A:8. |
1min 35s | R:1/24. |
23, floor | V:8/69. |
231 | IV:2/13. |
239000 | I:9/64. R:9/180. |
2.4 | IV:1/10. |
2.6 | IV:28/145. |
267709 | I:8/63. R:2/39. |
27000 | I:5/40. |
276000 | I:9/67. |
276709 | I:12/80. |
28 | III:2/18. |
30 feet per second per second | V:12/94. |
3,000,000,006 | I:4/35. |
32 feet per second per second | V:11/91. |
33,39,47-51,87,88,100,192-213,123-126,127,11,17 | IV:2/14. |
33517 | III:1/11. |
3454, SrDt | V:12/102. |
36, hold | II:24/143. |
37 | II:17/88. IV:40/186. |
3758 | I:5/40. |
40,000 | V:2/7. |
40,004 | V:2/7. |
42 | I:27/135. II:1/9;20/117; |
| 33/181. III:e/157. |
| IV:20/110. V:25/214. |
| R:4/79;5/104;6/125. |
4,763,984,132 | V:3/27. |
573 | II:32/171. R:6/122. |
576,000,000,000 | II:17/93,101. |
576,000,003,579 | II:18/105. |
576,200,000,000 | II:18/110. |
576324 | R:5/101. |
576326 | R:5/101. |
578,000,000,000 | R:11/214. |
597000000000 | I:21/114. |
597,000,812,406.7 | R:5/106. |
5975509 | IV:35/167. |
5983 | V:2/8. |
59.99 | A:8. |
5a, section | I:15/89. |
5D chat show | I:31/148. R:4/83. |
634784, page | I:15/89. |
6:37 | II:21/124. |
7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21-84 | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
7023 | R:10/195. |
747 | V:3/26. |
7500000 | I:25/130. |
75972xx | III:28/130. |
79 | V:2/7. |
794 | II:25/146. |
8767128 | I:18/102. |
8,767,128 | R:3/59. |
8A, section | I:31/151. |
911VCK168 | R:11/221. |
938,324 | II:19/112. |
938,326 | II:19/112. |
999999999 | III:4/32. |
9GX78, summit vector of | R:3/58. |
A |
'A Scottish Soldier' | IV:13/82. |
'Aaaaaaaaaaah | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
!' | R:10/190. |
accent, British | V:2/9. |
'Access Standby' | IV:5/30. |
accident, waiting for one to happen | V:11/93. |
accountants | V:18/169. |
adrenalin pills | R:4/87. |
Advanced God | V:3/25. |
Advanced Music Substitute Systems | IV:35/167. |
advanced tea substitute | A:15. |
Advanced Vectoid Stabilisis | V:13/108. |
'Adventures in aggressive Marketing' | R:11/218. |
'advice' | V:9/71. |
aerosol deodorant | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Africa | I:30/143. III:2/13. |
| R:4/80. |
Agda | II:34/185. |
agglomerates | V:8/64. |
Agrajag | III:18/91,94x. V:19/173. |
aigrettes | V:8/64. |
ajuitar | II:16/85. |
Albert | V:15/128. |
alchemy | IV:9/58. |
alcohol | I:2/20x. R:1/21x. |
Aldebaran | II:22/128. |
Aldebaran sand blizzard | R:4/75. |
Algol | II:5/32;22/128. |
Algolian claret | R:8/152. |
Algolian Suntiger | I:2/21,22. |
Algolian Zylatburger | R:5/94. |
Allen, Woody | V:2/8. |
alligator | III:4/21. |
alliterative residulator | I:7/53. |
Allitnil | R:12/233. |
Allosimanius Syneca | III:11/59. |
Almighty Bob | V:13/113;18/168;20/176. |
Alpha | V:4/30. |
Alpha Centauri | I:3/31;15/89. R:1/25;3/53. |
Alpha Proxima | I:8/62. |
Altairian Dollar | I:5/46. II:19/114. |
| IV:36/171. A:2. R:5/102. |
alternative book-keeping | III:19/99. |
Amalgamated Union of Philosophers, Sages, | |
Luminaries and Other Thinking Persons | I:25/129. R:4/76,87. |
'Amazing Grace' | IV:13/82. |
America | I:6/51. |
American Express | II:16/84. IV:4/19,21; |
| 15/85. V:21/188. |
American Hots | IV:22/119. |
AMF 3 | R:7/131. |
anaconda | R:6/113. |
ancestors, of Earthmen | R:1/20. |
Ancient Galactic History | III:12/68. |
Andress, Gary | V:2/14. |
Andrews, Gail | V:2/11;21/192. |
angel (on the head of a pin) | III:20/105. |
'Angst in Space' | III:1/11. |
Anhondo plains | V:13/116;19/171. |
AnjaQatine Star Guard, closing march of | V:16/145. |
Anjie | IV:12/75. |
Annual Ursa Minor Alpha Recreational Illusions | |
Institute Awards Ceremony | III:22/114. |
Answer, the Ultimate | I:25/128;27/135. II:1/9. |
| R:4/79;5/104. |
Antarean parakeet gland | I:17/99. |
Antares | I:17/99. |
anticlone | R:12/239. |
anti-gravity suits | V:15/130. |
Anti-matter ray | II:7/47. R:7/144. |
Apocalypse, Four Horsemen of the | V:16/139. |
Apple | IV:17/90. |
Apres-Flare parties | II:18/107. |
Arab | I:4/37. |
archimandrites | V:8/64. |
Arctic ice-floes | III:4/23. |
Arcturan Megadonkey | I:25/127;31/146. R:4/75; |
| 10/188. |
Arcturan Megafreighter | I:29/140. II:5/32. |
| R:7/131. |
Arcturan Mega-gin | I:2/21. |
Arcturan Megagnats | R:7/136. |
Arcturan Megagrasshopper | II:22/131. |
Arcturan Megaleech | III:16/80. |
Arcturan Megavoidwhale | III:12/70. |
Arcturan stunt apples | R:6/112. |
Argabuthon | III:e/152. |
Argabuthon Chamber of Law | III:e/154. |
Argabuthon Sceptre of Justice | III:25/122;e/152. |
Arglebard, Forest of | III:e/154. |
Arium, Great Circling Poets of | II:25/146. R:6/120. |
Arizona | V:22/197. |
Arkintoofle Minor | V:1/1. |
armagnac | V:11/89. |
army | IV:38/176. |
Arsenal | I:2/21. R:1/22. |
art | II:19/114. R:10/195. |
artesian well | V:18/163. |
'Arthur Dent Throwing the Nutrimatic Cup' | R:10/195. |
Arthur Dent's brother | R:6/109. |
'Arthur, the Man Who Made the Rain God Rain' | IV:27/141. |
A-Rth-Urp-Hil-Ipdenu | III:1/11. |
artificial Universe | II:12/71. R:7/131;12/241. |
Artrifactovol | III:12/69. |
Arts Nobbling Council, Mid-Galactic | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Asbleg | R:11/218. |
ascetics | V:9/79. |
Asgard, Halls of | II:17/96. |
Ashes | III:4/29x;32/146. |
ashtray | R:6/114. |
aspirin | V:21/193. |
Assumption of St Antwelm | V:6/40. |
Astra, Trillian | V:9/72. |
Astral Crescent | R:8/159. |
astrology | V:2/19;5/38. |
Asylum, the Outside of The | IV:15/85;28/146;28/152x. |
Athens airport | III:20/102. |
Atlantic Ocean | IV:5/38. |
Atlantis | I:16/92. R:3/55. |
atomic vector plotter | I:10/68. R:2/42. |
atomineers, reptiloid | I:4/34. |
autobiography, Marvin's | R:12/239. |
autogardeners | R:10/200. |
Autumn Passage | V:13/113. |
avocado dip | III:21/107. |
Axel Nebula | II:18/107. |
Azgoths of Kria | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
B |
B Ark | II:24/141x. R:6/119. |
Babel Fish | I:6/49x. IV:7/49. R:1/29x. |
Bacon, Francis | III:18/92. |
bacon rolls | V:22/198. |
bad news | V:1/1. |
Baffin | V:23/207. |
bag, leopard-skin | III:18/89,97;20/103. |
bag of rabbit skin | III:1/11;4/24;18/89. |
baggage-retrieval system | III:20/102. |
bagpiper | II:32/167,173. IV:20/102. |
Baker Street | IV:26/133. |
Balace of Nature | III:29/131. |
ball, small red hard | III:4/19;10/51;12/67; |
| 33/149. |
ballet | V:11/89. |
Bambleweeny 57 Sub-Meson Brain | I:10/68. R:2/42. |
banana fruitcake | V:1/2. |
Banjy Mouse | R:4/82. |
Bar & Grill | V:9/79;22/197. |
Bar-B-Q sauce | II:8/51. R:8/150. |
Barnard's Star | I:5/43. R:1/26. |
Barry Manilow | IV:2/13. |
Bartledan | V:11/90. |
Bartlett, Eric | V:4/28;21/189. |
Bartrax | R:11/218. |
Basingstoke | I:5/43. R:1/26. |
Bass, Hillary | V:2/11. |
Bastablon | II:15/81. |
bath (ebony, conical) | II:17/98. R:5/94. |
'Bath Sheets in Space' | R:8/151. |
battle hymn, Betelgeusian | I:7/61. |
BBC | IV:8/56. |
BBC Home Service | R:2/49. |
'Be like the twenty-second elephant with heated | |
value in space - bark!' | IV:1/10. |
beach house | V:9/81. |
Beach Loafers, Ceremonial | III:14/74. |
beachware, inappropriately coloured | V:8/60. |
beasts, vicious snarling slavering | V:16/142. |
Beatles, the | R:2/40r. |
bee, demented | R:7/132. |
Beeblebrox, Mrs Alice | R:8/159. |
Beeblebrox, Zaphod | I:4/33. V:3/27. |
Beeblebrox, Zaphod the Fourth | II:3/21. R:9/181. |
Beeblebrox, Zaphod the Nothingth | II:3/22. |
Beeblebroxologists | R:8/159. |
Beethoven's Fifth | I:7/60. |
Belcerebon | II:21/123x. |
belgium | R:10/202x;12/246. |
Benjy Mouse | I:31/146. |
Berlin Wall | R:9/169. |
berries | II:30/162. |
Best Bang | I:12/77. R:2/46. |
Beta | V:25/218. |
Betelgeuse | II:22/128. IV:36/172. |
| R:1/22. |
Betelgeuse Five | I:5/41. II:3/24. V:12/94. |
| R:2/48;8/159. |
Betelgeuse Seven | I:5/40. |
Betelgeuse state prison | R:9/184. |
Betelgeuse trading scouts | I:1/14. |
Bethselamin | I:8/62. R:2/39. |
Bevingford bypass | R:1/23. |
'Beware of the Leopard' | I:1/12. R:1/19. |
Bibrok, Zipo 5x10^8 | III:14/75. |
Big Bang | I:25/127. R:2/46;4/75. |
Big Bang Burger Bar | II:17/91. |
Big Bang Burger Chef | R:5/93. |
Big Surprise | IV:40/183. |
bindle werdles | R:1/31. |
bird | V:17/148. |
bird cage | V:2/21. |
birdpeople of Brontitall | R:10/197. |
birds, evil smelling | II:9/53. |
bird-shaped hole | V:12/101. |
biro planet | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
biscuits, packet of | IV:20/104. V:8/66. |
Bistro Illegal | II:16/85. |
Bistromathics | III:7/39x. |
Bjanjy Territories | V:9/72. |
Black's Medical Dictionary | IV:5/35. |
Blagulon Kappa | I:33/156. |
'Blamwellamum of Woont' | V:16/145. |
Blart Versenwald III | IV:e/190. |
blaster ray | R:7/132. |
Bloomingdales | V:2/20. |
blur, green | II:14/74. |
blur, video-tactile | III:10/51. |
blurglecruncheon | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
Board of Judges at the Krikkit War Crimes Trial | III:14/74. |
Bob, Almighty | V:13/113;18/168;20/176. |
Bobby | V:21/186. |
Body Debit | R:8/160. |
Boeing 747 | IV:26/137. |
Boer War helmet | IV:18/92. |
Bogart movie | I:6/51. |
boghog, NowWhattian | V:7/54. |
Bogons | R:9/169. |
Boobiloo Baby Foods | II:6/39. R:7/140. |
Boris the Spider | R:11/225r. |
Boston | IV:26/138. |
bottles, rafia-wrapped | III:6/35. |
Bournemouth | IV:5/31;7/50;37/174. |
Bowie, David | IV:31/151. |
boy-being | II:17/88. |
boysenberry | V:2/16. |
Brantersvogon Starhouse | R:3/69. |
Brantisvogan bank account | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
Brantisvogan Civil Service | III:11/59. |
Brantisvogan escort agency | R:11/214. |
Brantisvogan Megalycee | R:11/221. |
'break the ice at parties' | I:10/69. |
breakfast cereal | II:19/113. R:5/101. |
Breathe-O-Smart | V:12/103. |
breath-freshener | V:21/187. |
Brentwood | V:2/10. |
Brequinda | IV:21/117. |
Brian | III:4/20. |
Bridge Club, Zansellquasure Flamarion | II:17/95. R:5/95. |
British phone system | IV:35/165. |
British Rail | IV:20/103. |
Broadway | V:2/9. |
Brockian Ultra-Cricket | I:25/125. III:19/100x. |
| R:4/74. |
bronchial pneumonia, thirty ton elephant with | R:1/21. |
Brontitall | R:10/188. |
Broop Kidron Thirteen | R:7/133. |
Brownian Motion | I:10/68. R:2/42. |
bruise (to the upper arm) | I:17/99. R:3/58. |
brush, blue | V:16/145. |
Bulldockpokingham | A:14. |
bureaucracy | I:30/143. |
Burnt Hombre | III:18/92. |
bush-like being, purple | II:16/86. |
buzz, to | I:5/46. |
Bwenelli Atoll | V:12/95. |
bypass | I:1/11x. R:1/18;7/133x. |
C |
Cafe Lou | II:16/85. |
Cagney and Lacey | V:21/185. |
California | IV:8/57;20/114. |
Campaign for Real Time (Camtim) | III:12/69;16/81;17/84; |
| 32/147. |
Campaign to Save the Humans | IV:32/160. |
cannelloni | III:16/79. |
Canter | III:4/20. |
Cape Canaveral | I:3/24. |
Capricorn | V:24/210. V:5/38. |
Carfrax, Gamma Caves of | III:24/120. |
Carol | V:15/125. |
carpet-cleaning companies | III:21/106. |
Casablanca | IV:39/182. |
cash point machines | V:6/51. |
Cataclysmic Combo | II:17/92. |
catalogue | I:29/138. |
Cathedral of Chalesm | III:16/79;17/85. |
Cathedral of Hate | III:18/92. |
cave | R:10/188. |
'Celestial Home Care Omnibus' | I:p/7. |
cello | IV:18/93. |
Cenozoic Era | I:26/131. |
Census Report, Mid-Galactic | IV:1/9. |
centigrade | III:6/35. |
central mission module | V:1/4. |
Central Park | IV:5/29. V:2/20. |
ceramo-teak | V:6/47. |
Ceremonial Beach Loafers | III:14/74. |
Ceylon | II:2/16. |
Chain-O-Rama | A:8. |
Chanel lip gloss | V:2/16. |
Change | IV:21/116. |
change-of-address card | III:11/59. |
chariot, burning fiery | V:13/114. |
cheese crackers | III:21/107. |
cheese-and-wine raid | III:22/115. |
Chesterfield sofa | III:2/17;32/143. |
Chief Strategic Officer | V:1/6. |
China | II:2/16. III:12/71. |
china cups | II:4/30. III:32/143. |
chinanto/mnigs | II:24/138. |
Chiropodist, the Flying | R:12/240. |
cholesterol poisoning | I:9/64. |
Christians | V:2/12. |
Chuck | V:21/186. |
chukka boots (size nine) | R:6/111. |
Church of the Second Coming of the Great Prophet | |
Zarquon | II:17/96. R:5/96. |
CIA | IV:5/38. |
Ciceronicus 12 | I:25/127. |
Circling Poets of Arium, Great | II:25/146. R:6/120. |
City State of Avalars | IV:21/119. |
Civil Service, Brantisvogan | III:11/59. |
Civil Service, Galactic | I:5/40. R:9/171. |
Clara, Aunt | A:3. R:8/152. |
cleaning staff | I:27/132. |
'click, hum' | V:1/2;5/33. |
Cloning Machine Company | R:12/237. |
cloning machines | R:11/214. |
'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' | R:8/156r. |
Cloudworlds of Yaga | III:15/78. |
clover | V:3/27;4/30. |
clubs, electric | V:15/127,130. |
Coarse Actor's Guide to Space Ship Guards | R:2/37r. |
cocoon, fluffy pink plastic | V:11/93. |
coffee and biscuits | II:12/68. R:12/237. |
coffee, artificially constructed | III:13/73. |
coffee machine | R:7/131. |
coffins | II:22/132. |
Cold Hillsides | III:e/158. |
cold slits | II:24/140. |
Colin | V:8/60;14/120. |
Colluphid, Oolon | I:p/7;6/50. II:5/31. A:2. |
| R:1/30. |
Colonel, the | V:22/203. |
Columbus | R:3/54. |
Coluphid, Oolon | R:1/18;10/188. |
'Come Outside' | IV:31/153. |
Commercial Council of Magrathea | I:17/95. R:3/56. |
common sense | V:2/7. |
complaints department | I:17/95. |
computeach | R:11/221. |
computer terminal | V:8/64. |
computers, independence of | I:19/105. |
concrete, brushed | III:14/75. |
conkers | I:29/140. |
consciousness, Arthur's | III:4/22. |
constructor ship, massive yellow | V:24/210. |
continent toupets | R:10/200. |
cop | I:32/153. R:4/85. |
corporate committee | V:12/102. |
correcting fluid | III:17/84. |
Cosmovid | III:1/11. |
Cottington Service Station | R:1/23. |
couch, psychiatrist's | III:32/144. |
cough, exciting | III:22/112. |
counting | I:19/105. |
country-rock singer | II:32/169. |
Coventry Cathedral | R:8/155. |
Coward, Noel | III:4/28. |
creatures, big bull-necked slug-like | V:10/86. |
creatures, elegant gazelle-like | I:5/40. R:9/171. |
creatures, pterodactyl-like | III:22/110. |
creatures, small furry from Alpha Centauri | I:15/89. R:3/53. |
credit card | V:12/102. |
cricket | III:12/67. V:2/18. |
crisis inducer | R:11/209. |
crisis psychology | R:11/209. |
crisis role, Arthur's normal | III:4/30. |
Croydon | I:13/84. R:2/48. |
Cruxwan University | I:25/128. |
Crystal, Zap-Proof | III:14/76. |
crzjgrdwldiwdc | II:33/181. |
curling tongs | II:32/171. |
cushions | IV:22/120. |
custard, million-gallon vat of | I:9/66. |
Cwulzenda, Radiation Swamps of | III:24/120. |
cybercubicle | III:11/63;30/134. |
cyberminds | V:18/160. |
cybernightmare, multi-dimensional | V:20/176. |
D |
'Da da da dum!' | I:7/60. |
Daedalus Club | II:18/107. |
daffodils | R:8/155. |
Dalforsas | III:e/158. |
Damascectomy | V:2/15. |
Damascus | V:2/13. |
Damogran | I:4/32. |
Damogran Frond Crested Eagle | I:4/37. |
Dangrabad Beta sand blizzard | I:25/127. |
Danqueds | V:12/95. |
Darlington | IV:16/88. |
Darwin, Charles | IV:20/101. R:6/112. |
day care time zones | V:15/124. |
Day of the Answer | I:27/133. R:4/78. |
Death Flotilla, Chameleoid | R:6/112. |
death-support system | II:20/115. |
Deep Thought | I:25/126. II:1/9;33/182. |
| IV:17/90. R:4/74. |
Definit-Kil cannon | R:9/176. |
defocused temporal perception | II:6/41. R:7/141. |
Degenerate Cybermats, home for | III:11/63. |
deities, minor from Halls of Asgard | II:17/96. R:5/95. |
Deluxe-O-Mat | A:8. |
demolition order | V:24/212. |
Denmark | IV:2/13. |
Dent, Arthur | IV:25/130. |
Dent, Arthur Philip | III:1/8. |
Dent, Random Frequent Flyer | V:23/208. |
Dentrassi | I:5/41x. R:1/26. |
Deodat, Arthur Philip | III:4/34. |
Desiato, Hotblack | II:16/84. |
Devon | IV:11/67. |
digital watches | IV:p/7. I:p/6;25/125. |
| R:2/35;4/74;10/200. |
dimensional drift | V:19/172. |
Dine-O-Charge | V:6/50;22/198;23/206. |
dingo's kidneys | I:1/20;6/50. II:32/177. |
| III:23/118. R:6/124;9/180. |
dinosaur skeletons, artificial | I:26/131. |
dinosaurs | IV:26/137. |
Dire Straits | IV:22/119. |
Disaster Area | II:16/84;17/88x. |
Dish of the Day | II:17/89,92. |
dishwashers | R:10/199. |
Dismodulating Anti Phase stun ray | R:4/82. |
Divinity and Water Polo, joint faculty of | V:1/2. |
DNA bank | V:11/90;15/123. |
Dockpokinghamshire | A:14. |
dodo | IV:26/137. |
dog, small | I:31/145. R:4/82. |
Dolby Stereo | IV:20/111. |
Dollar, Altairian | I:5/46. II:19/114. |
| IV:36/171. A:2. R:5/102. |
Dolmansaxlil Galactiped Corporation | R:10/204. |
Dolmansaxlil Shoe Corporation | R:11/216. |
Dolmansaxlil Shoe Shop Intensifier Ray | R:11/219. |
dolphins | I:23/119. IV:18/93;20/113. |
| R:3/68. |
Don Alfonso's tweezers | IV:5/37. |
'Don't Panic' | I:5/44. II:5/32. |
| R:1/18,27;7/146;10/196. |
door | I:11/75. |
Dordellis wars | I:29/140. |
doughnut | I:9/66. |
Dr Scholl sandals | IV:28/145;28/152;31/156. |
Dragon Burger Bar | IV:21/119. |
drill, flying | IV:19/99;39/181. |
Drimple | V:13/112;20/176. |
ducks | IV:20/102. |
Dust Cloud | III:25/123. |
Dwellers in the Forest | III:e/158. |
E |
Eadrax | II:2/15. |
Eagle, Damogran Frond Crested | I:4/37. |
Earth (Mark Two) | I:24/123. R:3/69. |
Earth, the | I:28/137. II:1/9. IV:5/31. |
| V:17/154. R:4/80;5/90; |
| 11/218;12/245. |
earwig, navel of gigantic | V:15/125. |
East India Company | II:2/16. R:1/18. |
East River | IV:5/30;23/124. |
East Village | V:2/8. |
Easter Island | I:4/32. |
Eastern Galactic Arm | II:10/59. |
Eastern Rim of the Galaxy | V:9/71. R:1/18. |
Eccentrica Gallumbits | I:6/52;12/77. II:5/31. |
| III:6/36. IV:23/125. |
| R:1/30;9/184. |
Ed | V:15/125. |
Eddie (the shipboard computer) | I:16/90. IV:17/90. R:3/54. |
Eddy (in the space-time continuum) | III:2/16;10/50;32/146. |
Edelstein, Baron von | A:23. |
Eden, Garden of | II:30/162. |
Edgbaston | III:4/20. |
Eezzeereed, Galactic | II:23/133. |
Effa, Long Lands of | III:17/84. |
Effrafax of Wug | III:4/32. |
egg sandwich | V:3/26. |
eggshells, huge broken | R:11/225. |
Egyptians | IV:20/109. |
Einstein | III:7/39. |
Ekland, Britt | IV:16/88. |
elderberry bush | I:9/65. |
electric pencil | I:12/78. |
electric sheep | III:31/137. |
electric violin | II:16/82. |
Electricity Board | IV:7/47. |
electron ram | II:7/47. R:7/144. |
Electronic Thumb | I:3/24. |
elevator | II:6/37,41x. R:7/139,141x. |
emu | IV:6/41;36/172. |
Encyclopaedia Galactica | II:5/31. R:1/18. |
'end if' | V:18/169. |
End of History | II:17/91. |
End of Time | II:15/81. |
England | I:6/51. |
English Channel | IV:9/59. |
Envir-O-Form | V:1/6. |
environmentalists | II:21/122. |
'EP' | V:22/203. |
Epun | IV:10/64. |
Eroticon 6 | I:6/52. II:5/31. |
Eroticon Six | III:6/36. |
Eroticon VI | IV:23/125. R:1/30. |
error look-up table | V:1/3. |
Escape-O-Buggy | IV:10/65. |
Escher, Maurits C. | V:9/82. IV:31/153. |
Eskimos | IV:2/13. |
Essence of Qualactin | III:15/77. |
Essex | III:12/66. V:3/27. |
Ethel | IV:27/140. |
ethics, Ford's code of | V:8/59. |
etymologists, half-crazed | III:9/48. |
Euston Road | IV:26/133. |
EVA pod | R:7/136. |
evening classes | R:12/230. |
Event Maelstrom | I:9/64. |
'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About | |
Guilt, But Were Too Ashamed To Ask' | R:10/188. |
'Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Sex | |
But Have Been Forced To Find Out' | II:5/31. |
Evildrome Boozarama | II:16/85. |
Exeter | IV:17/89. |
'Expect the unexpected' | R:10/195. |
ex-Pralite monks | II:30/165. |
express elevator | R:10/201. |
'exquisite' (on a triple word score) | II:8/50. |
Extreme Cleverness, Prize for | I:10/69. R:2/42. |
E-Z Press Buttons | A:4. |
F |
fahrenheit | III:6/35. |
fairy cake | II:11/63. R:8/163. |
Fallia, Marshes of | I:2/21. |
Fanalla | V:12/95. |
fax | V:2/22. |
Fenchurch | IV:12/77. |
Fenchurch, disappearance of | V:7/56. |
Fenchurch Street Station | IV:12/79. |
Fenella | IV:5/35. |
Fenny | IV:5/35. |
Fiat | IV:3/16. |
'Fifty-three More Things To Do In Zero Gravity' | I:p/7. R:1/18. |
'filthy rotten stinking samelings' | R:6/112. |
Final Message sunhats | IV:40/184. |
financial systems, four-dimensional topological | |
model of the Guide's | V:8/66. |
Finlon | R:6/123. |
Fintlewoodlewix | R:6/122. |
Fiona | IV:8/57. |
Fire Mountains of Frazfraga | III:24/120. |
First Aid | V:18/159. |
fiscal policy | II:32/175. R:6/123. |
fish | II:29/153. R:12/243. |
fish bowl | IV:7/48;16/86;31/157x. |
fish oil, inflammable | V:16/144. |
fish, two-headed | V:13/108;15/136. |
Fitzmelton, Lady Cynthia | R:1/22. |
five hundred metre hurdles | R:10/201. |
five-year mission | IV:35/167. |
fjords | I:22/117. II:31/166. |
| III:16/82. R:3/67;4/80. |
fladish | V:13/112. |
Flainian Pobble Bead | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
flare-riding | II:18/106. |
Flargathon Gas Swamps | IV:8/55. |
Fleet Street | IV:28/144. |
Flex-O-Panel | V:15/127. |
flight 121 | IV:29/147. |
flollop, to | III:9/44. |
floopily | III:9/44. |
floopy | III:9/45. |
fluff | IV:19/100. A:6. |
flur, to | III:9/48. |
flurble, to | III:9/45. |
flying, art of | III:2/14;11/58x. |
Flying Chiropodist | R:12/240. |
foie gras | V:23/206. |
Folfanga | III:1/10. |
Fook | I:25/126. |
fools, ingenuity of complete | V:12/102. |
Foominster | A:21. |
'foop' | III:4/31;9/48;22/114; |
| 25/125. |
football | II:3/18. |
footsy | R:10/201. |
footwarrior | R:10/204. |
footwear | V:12/100. |
Ford Cortina | IV:3/17. |
forty-two | I:27/135. II:1/9;20/117; |
| 33/181. III:e/157. |
| IV:20/110. V:25/214. |
| R:4/79;5/104;6/125. |
Foth of Avalars | IV:21/117. |
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse | V:16/139. |
four-thirty | V:15/125. |
Fragilis | IV:21/117. |
France | I:4/32. |
Frankie Mouse | I:31/146. R:4/82. |
Frastra, fire storms of | V:2/7. |
Fraz, Constellation | IV:26/137. |
Frazfraga, Fire Mountains of | III:24/120. |
French Embassy | IV:20/112. |
French fries | II:3/24. V:21/188. |
frequent flyer | V:15/123. |
Frobbington | A:21. |
frogs | III:e/155. |
Frogstar | V:12/102. |
Frogstar Fighters | II:6/43. R:7/143. |
Frogstar Prisoner Relations Officer | R:8/151. |
Frogstar scout robot | II:6/44. R:7/143. |
Frogstar World A | II:9/53x. |
Frogstar World B | II:9/53x. |
Frogstar World B, history of | II:10/61. |
Frogstar World C | II:10/61. |
frood | I:3/25. II:13/73;16/82. |
| R:8/151. |
froody | V:25/214. V:6/52. |
Frootmig, Hurling | III:19/98. |
fruit gum, brain-dead | V:15/134. |
fruit juice | II:5/33. |
fruitbat | IV:27/143. |
'Fuck', Rory Award for The Most Gratuitous Use | |
Of The Word In A Serious Screenplay | III:22/114;25/122. |
funts, bottomless hurtling hooping | V:8/64. |
Fuolornis Fire Dragon | IV:21/117. |
Future Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted | |
Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional | II:15/80. |
G |
gabbleblotchit | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
Gad, Frat | R:8/151. |
gag, electronic | III:11/60. |
Gagrakacka | II:24/138. |
Gagrakacka Mind Zones | II:17/88. V:8/63. |
Galactibanks | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
Galactic Alcoholics Anonymous | R:7/135. |
Galactic Centre | I:29/140. |
Galactic Civil Service | I:5/40. R:9/171. |
Galactic Copyright laws | II:19/113. R:5/101. |
Galactic Eezzeereed | II:23/133. |
Galactic Empire | I:15/89. R:3/53. |
Galactic Geo-Temporal Control Board | II:5/31. |
Galactic Police | II:17/100. |
Galactic President | II:28/152. |
Galactic Rotary Club, President of | R:7/139. |
Galactic Statue of Narrative Practice | R:8/153. |
Galactic tax department | II:6/39. R:7/140. |
Galactic Times Crossword | R:6/115. |
Galactic Tribunal | II:21/123. |
Galacticredit card | I:20/110. |
Galacticspeke | I:4/32. |
Galapagos Islands | R:6/114. |
Galaxy o'Tawdry Merchandise | A:8. |
Galileo | IV:26/134. |
Gallumbits, Eccentrica | I:6/52;12/77. II:5/31. |
| III:6/36. IV:23/125. |
| R:1/30;9/184. |
game shows | V:5/34;21/191. |
Gamma Barbeque | III:32/146. |
Gamma Caves of Carfrax | III:24/120. |
Gan Green | III:18/92. |
Garden of Eden | II:30/162. |
Gargravarr, Pizpot | II:9/56. R:8/162. |
Garkbit | R:5/91. |
gazelle | II:32/174. R:6/123. |
geese | V:23/207;8/59. |
Genghis Khan | I:1/11. |
ge-N'N-T'N-ix | II:24/138. |
Genuine People Personality | I:11/74. R:2/44. |
George the Third | III:2/14. |
Gertrude | A:15. |
G-Force | R:6/114. |
G'Gugvunt(t) (G'Gugvant) | I:31/144. R:4/81;10/188. |
Gid, Prince of the Soofling Dynasty | V:9/72. |
gin and tonic | III:2/13. R:1/29;6/117. |
giraffe | III:2/14. |
girl-being | II:17/88. |
glacier | I:31/147. R:4/83;6/124. |
glass bowl | IV:7/48;16/86;31/157x. |
Glastonbury | III:19/99. |
globber, to | III:9/44. |
glurry, to | III:9/46. |
gnab gib | II:17/101. |
gnat, Ilford-based | I:13/84. |
gnat spray | I:3/25. |
'Go stick your head in a pig' | II:2/15. R:9/177. |
God, phone number of | I:25/130. |
God, proof of non-existence of | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
God's Final Message to His creation | III:e/160. IV:34/163; |
| 40/183,188x. |
'Godspell' | I:3/30. |
gold, subcutaneous | IV:9/60. |
Golden Bail (of Prosperity) | III:10/50;25/122. |
Golf GTi | IV:11/67. |
golfing magazine | V:17/152. |
Golgafrincham | II:25/146x. IV:25/132. |
| R:6/120x. |
Golgafrincham Ark Fleet, Ship B, Hold Seven | II:23/133. R:6/116. |
Golgafrincham jogging towel | III:4/24. |
good life, biro equivalent of the | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
Googleplex Star Thinker | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
'Googoogoogoogoo' | R:11/216. |
Goonhilly | I:3/24. |
goose pimples | V:2/10. |
'Goosnargh' | IV:5/26. |
Gorba Plant, Seven-Stomached | A:3. |
governing people, problems of | R:12/242. |
government spider | I:4/37. |
GPP | I:11/74. R:2/44. |
grandmother, Vogon | I:5/45. R:6/114. |
granola | A:21. |
grapefruit | IV:23/125. |
Grarp the Baker | V:13/110. |
gravity, law of | III:20/102. R:10/200. |
Great Circling Poets of Arium | II:25/146. R:6/120. |
Great Collapsing Hrung Disaster | I:5/40. |
Great Green Arkleseizure | II:1/9. V:9/73. R:5/90. |
Great Hyperlobic Omni-Cognate Neutron Wrangler | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
Great On-Turning, day of the | I:25/126. |
Great Red Plain of Rars | IV:40/183. |
Great Ventilation and Telephone Riots | V:12/102. |
Great White Handkerchief, Coming of The | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Greater Drubbered Wintwock of Stegbartle Major | IV:26/137. |
Grebulons | V:1/2;21/184. |
green, the colour | I:20/111. |
Greenbridge, Essex | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Greenpeace | IV:8/55;18/93. |
Gretchen Town, New Betel | II:16/85. |
Grey Binding Fiefdoms of Saxaquine | IV:40/182. |
grillion | III:14/76;31/138. |
groop | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
gruntbuggly, freddled | I:7/54. R:1/31. |
Grunthos the Flatulent | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
GSS Audacity | III:12/70. |
GSS Daring | III:12/70. |
GSS Suicidal Insanity | III:12/70. |
Guardian, The | III:4/22. IV:20/104. |
'guidance' | V:9/71. |
Guide, history of the | III:19/98. |
Guide, the | V:17/150. |
Guildford | I:1/13. R:3/55. |
guilt, quantum packets of | R:10/188. |
Guiness clock | IV:6/41. |
gun turrets | V:21/194. |
gun, vicious-looking | V:16/143. |
gunk music | I:12/77. |
gupp, to | III:9/46. |
guys with green wings | IV:40/189. |
H |
habra leaves | III:17/84. |
Hactar | III:24/120;32/142. |
Hades | III:12/67. |
Hadra | II:16/85. |
Haggunenon Underfleet commander | R:6/110. |
Haggunenons | R:6/112x. |
Hairdressers' Fire Development Sub-Committee | II:32/171. R:6/122. |
Halfrunt, Gag | I:12/77. II:2/12x. |
| R:7/132. |
Hall and Woodhouse | IV:9/58. |
Hallapolis State Opera | V:16/145. |
Halley's Comet | IV:27/140. |
Halls of Asgard | II:17/96. R:5/95. |
halma, electronic | R:9/175. |
ham croissant | III:19/99. |
hamburgers | V:21/187. |
Hamlet | I:9/68. R:2/42. |
hammer (Thor's) | II:17/96. |
Hampshire | III:12/68. |
Han Dold City | IV:4/18. |
Han Wavel | III:11/56x. |
hangnails | A:4. |
Happy Hour Time | A:4. |
Happy Vertical People Transporter | R:7/139,141x. |
Harl, Vann | V:6/47. |
'Harmless' | I:6/52. R:1/30. |
Harrods | II:17/98. IV:36/170. |
Harsh Economic Truths class 17 | R:11/221. |
Hastromil | II:17/101. |
hate | R:9/183. |
'Have a nice day' | V:11/93. |
Hawalius | V:9/71. |
Heart of Gold | I:4/32;11/70. II:2/11. |
| IV:17/90. R:2/41. |
'Heartbreak Hotel' | V:22/202. |
Heathrow | V:2/24. |
heat-sink | II:18/106. |
'Heavily Modified Face Flannels' | R:8/151. |
hedgehog | IV:5/34;7/57. |
heebiephone, octaventral | III:16/80. |
Heimlich Maneuver | A:3. |
Henley | V:4/30. |
Henry V | IV:20/104. |
Henson, Murray Bost | IV:27/139. |
Heppi-Werld III | II:22/128. |
Herring Sandwich experiments | V:6/42. |
hessian wall weave, dark brown | II:22/130. |
hessian wall weave, grey | V:8/62. |
'Hi' | I:4/37. |
high poles, village of | V:9/79. |
Hills of Hunian | II:30/165. |
Hingefreel | V:1/1. |
'history [...] is bunk' | III:17/83. |
History Department of the University of | |
Maximegalon | V:1/2;3/27. |
holdall, navy-blue | III:20/102. |
hole, bird-shaped | V:12/101. |
Hollop, Lord High Sanvalvwag of | III:9/44. |
Hollywood | IV:30/148. |
Holy Lunching Friars of Voondoon | III:19/98. |
'Holy Zarquon's singing fish' | R:10/191. |
Home Brain Box | III:1/11. |
Hondo Mountains | V:13/116. |
Hooli, Princess of Raui Alpha | V:9/72. |
Hooloovoo | I:4/34. |
hoopy | I:3/25. II:3/26;23/133. |
| R:8/151. |
Horse and Groom | I:1/16. IV:6/41. |
horse chestnuts | II:33/182. |
Horsehead Nebula | I:12/79. IV:5/37. R:3/53. |
hot air | V:12/102. |
Hot Tub Lakes, Heart-Shaped | A:2. |
Hounslow | IV:26/136. |
House of Remainders | A:8. |
housefly, six-foot-high hologram of a | III:18/88. |
household robots | R:10/200. |
'How I Scaled the North Face of the Megapurna | |
with a Perfectly Healthy Finger But | |
Everything Else Sprained, Broken or Bitten | |
Off By a Pack of Mad Yaks' | R:11/210. |
'How I Survived an Hour with a Sprained Finger' | R:11/210. |
'How many roads must a man walk down?' | I:32/151. |
How, Why, and Where phases | I:35/159. II:20/116. |
| R:6/109. |
Hrundi four-berth runabout | V:13/108;23/205. |
Hrung Disaster, Great Collapsing | I:5/40. |
hrungmus, 20-armed | A:4. |
Hudson, President | V:2/13. |
Hunian, Hills of | II:30/165. |
Hunt the Wocket | V:6/40;8/60;12/97. |
Huntringfurl | R:11/218. |
Hurtenflurst, Hig | R:11/216. |
Hyde Park | IV:18/96;20/102. R:3/59. |
hyena offal, bucket of | R:9/180. |
hyperbinoptic glasses | II:21/122. |
hyperbridge, cyberstructed | III:9/47. |
hyperhearse, galactic | II:20/116. |
hypermathematics | II:17/89;III:17/83. |
hyperspace bypass | V:3/27. |
Hyperspace Planning Council | II:2/11. R:1/25. |
hyperspatial field generator | R:5/103. |
I |
'I Left my Leg in Jaglan Beta' | III:22/108. |
'I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with | |
my lifestyle' | I:30/144. R:4/81. |
ICBM silo | IV:4/19. |
Ice Crystal Pyramids of Sastantua | III:11/59. |
ice lollies | III:4/23. |
Ice Storms of Varlengooten | III:24/120. |
ice-cream, pecan-flavoured | V:3/27. |
ice-floes, Arctic | III:4/23. |
Ident-i-Eeze | V:6/50. |
idiots, very rich | I:17/99. |
if clauses | V:24/212. |
Igor | A:22. |
iguana | II:16/84. IV:37/174. |
Ilford | I:13/84. |
imagery intensifier | I:7/53. |
Imperial Galactic Government delivery service | A:8. |
in-building climate control | V:12/103. |
income tax | I:25/126. R:4/74. |
Indian Wrestling | I:1/16. |
'ineffable' | V:13/114. |
InfiniDim Enterprises | V:6/48;10/85;22/200. |
Infinite Improbability Drive | I:10/68x. II:2/11. |
| R:2/42x;11/208. |
infinity | I:24/121. |
infinity, definition of | II:19/113. |
in-flight magazine | V:16/143. |
in-flight movie, holographic | V:16/145. |
Infra Dead | III:18/92. |
infra-pink lizard emblem | II:18/107. R:5/99. |
insect, large pink-winged | II:6/34. |
insurance business | V:13/118. |
integral mathematics, infrastructure of | R:9/170. |
'Interactive Subjectivity Frameworks' | III:7/40. |
intergalactic bar billiards | II:34/186. R:6/126. |
invisible, technology of making | III:4/32. |
ion-buggies | III:9/47. |
irrational particle accelerator | III:1/9. |
Isleworth | IV:26/136. |
Islington | I:8/63;13/84. III:1/7. |
| IV:18/92. R:2/39,48. |
Istanbul | IV:5/29. |
'it,' the | II:17/95. |
Italian bistro | III:4/33. |
Italian high wire act | R:12/234r. |
Italy | IV:16/89. |
'It's a nice day' | I:5/42. II:21/123. |
| R:7/136. |
Ix | I:5/41. |
J |
Jaglan Beta | I:3/25. IV:20/115. |
| R:7/136. |
Jaglan Beta, third moon of | II:18/107. R:5/99. |
Jajazikstak, Strangulous Stilettans of | III:24/120. |
Janx Spirit | I:1/16;2/20. II:27/151. |
| IV:5/26. R:12/240. |
Jatravartid | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Jeltz, Prostetnic Vogon | I:5/39x. II:2/11. |
| V:25/219. R:1/25;9/170x. |
Jennings, Paula Nancy Millstone | R:1/31. |
jet lag | V:4/29. |
Jim | IV:14/83. |
jinond-o-nicks | II:24/138. |
Jodrell Bank | I:3/24. |
joggers | II:22/132. |
jogging towel, Golgafrincham | III:4/24. |
Johannesburg | I:8/62. |
joint faculty of Divinity and Water Polo | V:1/2. |
Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive | |
Sunglasses | II:5/33. A:7. |
joojooflop | R:10/202. |
joopleberry shrub | R:7/133. |
'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat' | I:3/29. |
Judgement Day | R:5/96. |
Judiciary Pag | III:14/74. |
junior programmer | I:25/129. |
junk food | II:30/162. |
junk mail | IV:4/20;7/46;15/85. |
jynnan tonnyx | II:24/138. |
K |
Kakrafoon | I:3/25. II:18/110;21/120. |
| IV:20/114. R:7/136. |
Kapelsen, Mrs Enid of Boston, Massachusetts | IV:26/138;34/163. |
Keith, Penelope | R:1/23r. |
Kent | III:12/68. |
kettle | II:3/17. |
Kevin | V:3/27. |
'Kevin and out' | R:7/131. |
Kiasbanil | R:11/218. |
kill-Arthur-Dent body | III:18/94. |
Kill-O-Zap | I:32/152. III:11/63. |
| II:23/134x. |
King, the | V:20/179;22/197. |
King's Cross railway station passenger inquiries III:e/154. |
Kirp | V:13/108;15/136. |
Knopfler, Mark | IV:22/120. |
Know-Nothing-Bozo (the Non-Wonder Dog) | IV:6/42. |
Krart | V:9/72. |
Kria, Azgoths of | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Krikkit | IV:24/127. |
Krikkit, Masters of | III:12/66. |
Krikkit One | III:12/70. |
Krikkit, sky of | III:3/18;10/53. |
Krikkit War Computer | III:31/136. |
Krikkit War Crimes Trial, Board of Judges at the III:14/74. |
Krikkit Wars | III:10/49. |
L |
Lajestic Vantrashell of Lob | III:e/161. IV:40/183. |
Lalamatine district | II:5/32. |
Lallafa | III:17/83. |
Lamuella | V:13/108;15/122. |
Land Where Fish are Eternally Blessed | IV:4/20. |
landslide | III:20/101. |
'Language, Truth and Logic' | IV:30/148. |
lark, two-week-dead | I:5/44. |
'Late, as in the late Dentarthurdent' | I:22/118. R:3/67. |
lavatory facilities | II:18/104. |
lawn mower | V:4/29. |
layer cake | R:11/215. |
Lazlar LyriKon Kustom | R:5/99. |
Leader, the | V:21/186. |
Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed (LIVR) | III:14/74. |
Leda and the Octopus, statue of | V:6/46. |
Left Luggage Office | IV:12/78. |
Lemon Zester Attachment | A:4. |
lemons | V:17/149. |
lemon-soaked paper napkins | II:12/67,70. R:12/238. |
lemur | IV:24/126. |
Leno, Jay | V:2/9. |
leopard | R:6/110. |
leopard-skin bag | III:18/89,97;20/103. |
Letchworth | IV:35/165. |
Letterman, David | V:2/9. |
life, beginning of | I:9/64. |
'Life begins at Five Hundred and Fifty' | II:5/31. |
Life Boulevard | II:5/32. |
life, definition of | R:10/192. |
'Life is wasted on the living' | II:3/25. |
'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' | R:11/208. |
lifestyle | I:30/144. |
LifeSupport-O-System | V:1/6. |
Light City | II:5/31. |
light music | II:4/30;16/83. V:25/219. |
| R:3/59r. |
light, speed of | V:1/1. |
Limitless Lightfields of Flanux | IV:40/182. |
Lingua Centauri | IV:8/56. |
lint-free cloth | IV:31/159. |
Lintilla | R:10/206;11/214x. |
liquid lunch | III:1/9. |
Liquidator's Clearinghouse | A:8. |
Liska, snow plains of | III:11/59. |
Liver Purple | III:18/92. |
LIVR (the Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed) | III:14/74. |
lizards | IV:36/170. |
Loathsome Lilac | III:18/92. |
Lob, Lajestic Vantrashell of | III:e/161. IV:40/183. |
Lock, the | III:14/77;25/124. |
logic, puff of | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
Logistical Administration | V:12/96. |
London | I:1/9. III:2/18;19/99. |
| IV:12/76. R:2/48. |
London Speaking Clock | IV:35/169. |
London Underground | I:20/109. |
London Zoo | V:23/206. |
Long Land, Songs of the | III:17/83. |
Loonquawl | I:27/134. |
Lord High Sanvalvwag of Hollop | III:9/44. |
Lord, the | II:29/158. R:12/245. |
Lord's Cricket Ground | III:2/18;19/99. |
Los Angeles | IV:5/29;15/84;29/147. |
'Love Me Tender' | V:22/201. |
lovermatics | R:10/200. |
Lower East Side | V:12/100. |
lullaby, Marvin's | III:31/137. |
Lunch | III:19/98. |
lunch-break, editorial | III:19/98. |
lungfish | II:32/175. |
Lunkwill | I:25/126. |
lurgle, to | III:9/48. |
Lurk mode | V:1/6. |
Lury, Lig Jr | III:19/99. |
Lusitania | R:6/113. |
Lux-O-Valve | III:4/32. |
Lyricon, Lazlar | II:18/107. |
LyriKon, Lazlar | R:5/99. |
M |
MacManus, Mr | V:2/14. |
'Mad About the Boy' | III:4/28. |
Madagascar | V:23/207. |
Magapurna | R:11/210. |
magic hill | III:19/100. |
magician | III:15/79. |
Magnificient Seven, The | IV:39/181. |
Magramal | III:4/32. |
Magrathea | I:15/89x. R:3/53x. |
mail order | V:21/188. |
mailbox, small | A:23. |
maitre d' | III:6/38. |
Majikthise | I:25/129. R:4/76. |
major prophets, village of | V:9/71. |
Malaga | IV:27/141. |
Malibu | IV:30/149. |
Management Consultant | II:32/170,175. R:6/118. |
Manhattan | II:21/120. |
margarine manufacturers, Australian | III:4/31. |
market analyst | I:9/63. |
Marks and Spencer | IV:26/136. R:8/156;11/210. |
Mars | IV:9/60. |
Mars (bar wrapper) | IV:24/126. |
Marshes of Fallia | I:2/21. |
Martin, Andy | V:2/11. |
Marvin | IV:25/132;40/185. |
M*A*S*H | V:21/185. |
Masterpiece Theatre | V:2/9. |
matador | V:19/173. |
matter transference beam | II:22/127. R:1/26. |
Matter Yellow | III:18/92. |
mattress | I:5/44. II:29/155. |
| III:9/43. |
Maxelcat | R:7/131. |
Maxi | IV:3/16. |
maximegalacticians, green sylph-like | I:4/34. |
Maximegalon | II:21/121. R:4/75. |
Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and Painfully | |
Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious | |
(MISPWOSO) | V:6/42. |
Maximegalon Museum of Diseased Imaginings | II:24/137. |
Maximegalon, University of | I:21/112. II:17/89. V:1/2. |
Maxi-Slorta Hypernuclear Devices | III:14/75. |
May 14th | V:15/129. |
MCC | III:32/147. |
McCartney, Linda | III:12/66. |
McCartney, Paul | III:12/66;29/133. |
McDonald's | I:6/51;7/61. V:21/187. |
McKenna, Rob | IV:2/12;16/88. |
McKenna's All-Weather Haulage | IV:5/38;10/68;16/88. |
McMillan, Tricia | I:13/85. II:1/10. V:2/8. |
| R:2/49. |
Meaning of Life, The | II:20/117. |
Mega Market, Duty Free on Port Brasta | IV:1/10;7/56. |
Megabang drum | II:21/120. |
Megabrantis cluster | I:5/40. |
Megacamel, Arcturan | R:10/188. |
Megadodo Publications | II:6/34. R:5/104. |
Megadonkey, Arcturan | I:25/127;31/146. R:4/75. |
Megafreighter, Arcturan | I:29/140. II:5/32. |
| R:7/131. |
Mega-gin, Arcturan | I:2/21. |
Megagnats, Arcturan | R:7/136. |
Megagrasshopper, Arcturan | II:22/131. |
Megaleech, Arcturan | III:16/80. |
Megalycee, Brantisvogan | R:11/221. |
Megamarket | R:9/186. |
MegaMart | A:8. |
megapuppy | II:3/25. |
Megavoidwhale, Arcturan | III:12/70. |
Meggie | II:22/129. |
Melbourne | III:4/29. |
Mella | II:34/185. IV:25/132. |
mental block | V:8/67. |
Merida class, spaceship of | III:e/152. |
Met Office | IV:27/141. |
mice | I:14/86;24/124. II:20/117. |
| R:3/61;4/73,82. |
Mid Town | V:2/8. |
Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
Mid-Galactic Census Report | IV:1/9. |
Midlands industrial city, small | III:8/42. |
military academy | I:5/42. R:1/26. |
Miller, Mr | V:2/23. |
Milliard Gargantu(a)brain | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
Milliways | II:14/78;15/79x;16/82x. |
| R:5/93x. |
Milliways Lunch Menu | II:20/115. |
Millstone Jennings, Paula Nancy | I:7/53. |
Mincefriend, Gogrilla | R:7/142. |
Mind Zoo | III:9/47. |
mind-surfers | II:5/32. |
Mind-Surfing | II:30/165. |
Minetti, Mo | V:2/9. |
MISPWOSO (Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and | |
Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly | |
Obvious) | V:6/42. |
missing matter | V:17/147. |
Mister Tawdry | A:8. |
'Mode Execute Ready' | IV:5/30. |
monkeys, infinite number of | I:9/68. R:2/42. |
monster, green bug-eyed | I:5/43. R:1/26. |
monsters, beautiful | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
monsters, naughty bug-eyed | I:19/105. R:3/61. |
Mosaic Lizard, Antarean | II:14/76. |
Moses | III:4/29,31. IV:20/109. |
'Mostly Harmless' | I:6/52;7/61. IV:3/18. |
| V:12/96,100;22/201. |
| R:1/30. |
Moth | I:3/25. R:7/136. |
Mueller, Karl | V:4/30. |
Mueller, Stavro | V:4/30;25/218. |
Mulholland Drive | IV:30/148. |
multicluster quark drive | II:18/107. R:5/99. |
Multicorticoid Perspicutron Titan Muller | I:25/127. |
'My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles' | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
N |
Narrative Practice, Galactic Statue of | R:8/153. |
National Enquirer | V:5/38. |
Nausalia | IV:5/30. |
NBS | V:2/9. |
Nelson's Column | I:6/51;7/61. |
Neo-Descartian Relative Truth Monitor | A:4. |
Neomathematics | II:17/89. |
neon, green | III:18/86. |
Neo-Relativity | IV:4/19. |
Neptune | V:2/16. |
netball | V:11/91. |
neutrino | V:3/26. |
neutron phase speaker | II:21/120. |
'Never go back for your bag' | V:2/17,23. |
New Betel | II:16/85. |
New Earth | I:26/131. |
New Forests | III:12/68. |
New Hampshire | V:21/188. |
New Mexico | V:22/197. |
New York | I:6/51;23/119. IV:5/29; |
| 23/124. V:2/7;12/100; |
| 21/183. R:3/68. |
newcumber | V:13/112. |
Newton, Sir Isaac | R:6/112. |
Nicholls, Harvey | IV:36/170. |
Nil-O-Grav | III:27/128. |
Ningi, Triganic | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
No. 3 gauge prising tool | V:6/40. |
'No Sex Please, We're Amoeboid Zingat-Ularians' | R:3/69. |
no tea | A:7. |
'None at all' | I:1/13;4/35. R:1/19. |
non-pushing-people-about officers | R:2/38. |
non-shouting officers | R:2/38. |
Normality Assert-i-Tron, Sub-Cyclic | II:3/20. |
North London restaurant | III:6/35. |
North West ripple of the Galaxy | V:9/79. |
Norway | I:24/123. R:3/69. |
Norway, award for | I:30/143. R:4/80. |
Nostradamus | IV:9/58. |
'Nothing Personal, Damascus' | V:2/13. |
NowWhat | V:7/53;22/201. |
NowWhat, President of | V:7/53. |
Noxios | IV:5/30. |
Nullify, Reg | II:17/92. |
Number One | II:24/135. R:6/117. |
number three airlock | I:7/56. |
Number Two | II:24/135;32/173. R:6/117. |
number two entry bay | I:11/72. |
numbers, non-absolute | III:7/39. |
nut tree | II:10/59. R:8/163. |
Nutrimatic Drink Dispenser | I:17/94x. II:2/15. |
| III:11/57. R:9/177x. |
O |
'O' levels | V:15/126. |
'Ode To A Small Lump of Green Putty I Found In | |
My Armpit One Midsummer Morning' | I:7/53. R:1/31. |
'Off' | IV:5/30. |
office chair, blue leatherette foam filled | |
swivel-seated | V:8/65. |
officers, non-pushing-people-about | R:2/38. |
officers, non-shouting | R:2/38. |
Oglanuts | II:10/59. R:8/163. |
Oglaroon | II:10/59. R:8/163. |
'Oh no, not again' | I:18/103 R:3/60. |
'Oh. Well that's all right then' | IV:20/111;31/151;31/155. |
OhWell | V:7/54. |
okapi | R:6/109. |
Ol' Janx Spirit | I:1/16;2/20. II:27/151. |
| IV:5/26. V:12/95. |
Old Elms Hospital | IV:8/56. |
Old Pink Dog Bar | IV:4/18. |
Old Thrashbarg | V:13/107,113. |
olive | I:2/21. |
olive oil, Greek | III:20/103;e/152. |
Omni-Destructo Zap rays | III:14/75. |
oomph | III:30/135. |
Open University Study Courses | IV:7/48. |
oracles, village of | V:9/73. |
oranges | V:17/149. |
orders signed in triplicate | I:5/45. |
origami, self-opening | V:17/148. |
Orion Beta | I:1/16. |
Oscar | V:2/9. |
Ouisghian Zodahs | II:24/139. |
Outside of the Asylum, The | IV:15/85;28/146;28/152x. |
Oxford Street | R:11/219. |
P |
Pacific Ocean | IV:30/149. |
Pag | III:14/74. |
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster | I:2/20x. II:8/52;16/82. |
| R:1/21;2/46. |
'Panic' | V:12/106. |
Pansel system | I:9/64. R:9/180. |
paper bag | I:3/27. |
paper clip | II:7/46. |
paper hat | I:9/63. |
papier mache | I:4/37. |
paprika | IV:35/165. |
paraffin stove | R:6/113. |
parakeet gland, Antarean | I:17/99. |
parallel universes | V:3/25x. |
Paralyso-Matic bomb | I:4/38. |
paranoia, perfectly normal | I:30/143. R:4/80. |
parcel, the | V:14/120;15/135. |
parliamentary democracy | V:2/18. |
party | III:21/106x. |
Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings | I:7/53. |
Pavlov | I:24/124. |
pea shooter | A:14. |
peanut | I:3/26;8/62. IV:6/45. |
peanuts, packet of | R:1/24;7/141. |
pears | II:30/162. |
pears Galumbit | R:5/98. |
Peking | I:13/84. |
Pelmanism | IV:7/52. |
pencil | III:28/130. |
pencil, stub of | II:29/154. |
penguin | I:9/67. R:2/41. |
Perfectly Normal Beasts | V:13/107,116;19/171. |
Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, Joo Janta 200 | |
Super-Chromatic | II:5/33. A:7. |
Persephone | V:2/15. |
perspective, glass of | III:17/84. |
Perspex Pillar (of Science and Reason) | III:10/50;25/122. |
perspulex running boards | II:18/107. |
Peter | III:4/20. |
'Peter and out' | R:7/131. |
petunias, bowl of | I:16/94;18/102. III:18/95. |
| R:3/59. |
Phargilor Kangaroo Relocation Drive | R:6/115. |
pheromone control | II:30/165. |
Phil | I:13/84. R:2/48. |
photocopier, solar-powered | V:9/77. |
photon drive | II:3/18. |
photon storms | II:17/94. R:5/95. |
photon-ajuitar | II:21/120. |
Photrazon Cannon, 30-Megahurt Definit-Kil | II:3/19. |
Phouchg | I:27/134. |
Physics | IV:26/133. |
physucturalist, octopodic | I:4/34. |
pi times r squared, pie-eyed | III:22/108. |
pig-farming | V:2/16. |
'pig's ear' | II:3/25. R:9/184. |
pikka birds | V:13/107;20/175. |
pink | IV:31/153. |
Pink Floyd | R:3/62. |
Pintleton Alpha | V:11/88. |
piranha bees | II:24/143. R:6/119. |
Pisa | IV:26/134. |
pizza | IV:18/92;26/137. |
Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional, Future | |
Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted | II:15/80. |
planet-smashing axe, atomic-powered supersonic | A:15. |
plastic cup, non-biodegradable | II:12/67. |
'Playbeing' | II:5/30. R:7/130. |
Pleiades Epsilon | IV:35/166. |
Pleiades Zeta | IV:10/64;35/166. |
Plural zone | V:7/56;17/154;24/209. |
Pluto | V:2/15. |
Pobble Bead, Flanian | II:19/114. |
Podium of Justice | III:e/154. |
poetry | I:7/53x. R:1/31x. |
Poetry Appreciation chairs | I:7/53. |
Poffla Vigus, Vice-President of | V:9/72. |
Poghril | I:9/64. R:9/180. |
Pole Star | IV:9/60. |
policeman | III:4/19. |
pollo sorpreso | III:6/38. |
Polly | V:2/21. |
poltergeist | IV:4/20. |
polystyrene packaging | I:17/98. |
Pondermatic | I:25/127. |
Poodoo | R:12/232. |
Porsche | IV:1/12;2/15;6/43. |
Port Brasta, Alpha Centauri | IV:1/10. |
Port Sesefron | IV:10/65. |
Portland Place | V:23/205. |
postcard | IV:40/183. |
potato crisps | III:22/116;23/119. |
potatoes, sack of | III:24/120. |
power drill | IV:19/99. |
'Practical Parenting in a Fractally Demented | |
Universe' | V:15/125. |
Prak | III:e/152. IV:31/156; |
| 40/183. |
pram, electric | III:6/36. |
Praxibetel communities | I:5/40. |
prayer, individually tailored | V:9/84. |
Prefect, Ford | I:1/13x;5/40x. IV:3/18. |
Preliumtarn | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/182. |
President of Galactic Rotary Club | R:7/139. |
President of NowWhat | V:7/53. |
President of the Galaxy | II:1/10. |
President of the Imperial Galactic Government | I:4/33x. R:9/184x. |
President of the United States of America | IV:6/43. |
Presley, Elvis | V:5/35;22/204. |
prime number, the highest | I:9/64. |
Prince Gid of the Soofling Dynasty | V:9/72. |
Prince Regent | IV:18/92. |
princes | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
Princes of the Plains | III:e/158. |
Princess Hooli of Raui Alpha | V:9/72. |
princesses, ravening | II:25/146 |
Prism Mountains | III:11/59. |
privet bush | II:33/180. III:18/94. |
Prize for Extreme Cleverness | I:10/69. |
projectorscope | R:11/218. |
Prosser, Mr L. | I:1/10x. R:1/18. |
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz | I:5/39x. II:2/11. |
| V:25/219. R:1/25;9/170x. |
pseudo-fracture | R:11/209. |
pseudo-glass | III:23/118. |
pseudo-inches | V:6/50. |
pterodactyl-like creatures | III:22/110. |
pterospondes | V:6/45. |
Pu, Triganic | II:19/114. R:5/102. |
puff of logic | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
puff of unsmoke | R:12/237. |
Q |
Q (on a triple word score) | II:33/178. R:6/124. |
Q (the letter) | II:33/180. |
QQ7 Active J Gamma | III:e/161. IV:34/163. |
quadruple sterated octohelix | R:6/112. |
Qualactin Hypermint extract | I:2/21. |
Qualactin Zones | I:2/21. |
Quarlvista, Royal World Estate of | R:10/202. |
Quentulus Quazgar Mountains | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/183. |
Quest for Ultimate Truth | I:25/129. R:4/76. |
Question, the Ultimate | I:28/136. II:33/183. |
| R:3/69;4/75;5/104;6/126. |
Question to the Ultimate Answer | III:e/154,157. |
Quordlepleen, Max | II:17/91. R:5/93. |
Qwang's Drive-In Asteroid | A:8. |
R |
R | I:34/157x. |
R17 | I:34/157. |
rabbit | II:33/180. III:18/89. |
rabbit skin, bag of | III:1/11;4/24;18/89. |
rabbits (in waistcoats) | IV:20/108. |
Radiation Swamps of Cwulzenda | III:24/120. |
Rahm | I:16/92. R:3/55. |
Rain God | IV:2/15;27/141;33/161. |
rain types | IV:2/13. |
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head | IV:16/88. |
Random | V:13/118. |
raspberries | II:30/162. |
rat, lower intestines of | V:2/7. |
ratchet screwdriver | III:9/43x. IV:37/175. |
Raui Alpha | V:9/72. |
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal | I:3/25;5/45. II:6/36; |
| 24/140. R:1/27;6/114; |
| 7/136;10/195. |
Reader's Digest | I:2/22. R:1/22. |
Reading | I:8/62. |
real thing, the | R:11/226. |
Reason, story of the | III:e/158. |
recipriversexcluson | III:7/39. |
reconnaissance ship | V:1/2;25/217. |
Recreational Illusions Institute Awards Ceremony, | |
Annual Ursa Minor Alpha | III:22/114. |
recursion, infinite | V:15/125. |
recursive functions | V:24/212. |
Red Sea | IV:20/109. |
Refracto-Nullifier | III:4/32. |
Regent's Park | IV:37/174. V:21/194. |
Renault | IV:3/16. |
Reptile House | IV:37/174. |
Resettlement Advice Centre | V:11/88. |
'Rest and Recuperation' | IV:19/100. |
Restaurant at the End of the Universe | II:2/14;14/78;15/79x; |
| 16/82x. R:5/93x. |
restaurant bill | V:6/51. |
restaurant column | V:6/48. |
Retribution, Anticipation and Diplomacy | R:6/109. |
retsina | III:20/105. |
reverse temporal engineering | V:17/155;24/212. |
Revolution No. Nine | R:2/40r. |
rewind control | III:10/49. |
rhododendron bush | A:14. |
rhythmic modulator | I:7/53. |
Rice Crispies | IV:35/165. |
rice pudding | I:25/126. R:4/74. |
rice wine | III:12/71. |
Rich Tea | IV:20/104. |
Richmond | IV:26/136. |
Rickmansworth | I:p/6. IV:p/8;5/39; |
| 20/110x. R:2/35. |
Rick's Bar | IV:39/182. |
Riktanarqals | V:12/95. |
Road Research Laboratory | IV:6/45. |
robot, definition of | I:11/73. |
robot drone | V:15/135. |
robot, silver | IV:36/170;37/173. |
Robot War Zones | III:30/133. |
robots, tiny flying | IV:37/173. |
robots, tiny molecular | V:8/69. |
robots, white | III:4/30. |
rocket launcher, mobile | V:10/85. |
Rome | II:32/171. |
Ron | II:22/129. |
Room of Informational Illusions | III:8/40. |
Roopy Ga Stip | V:9/72. |
Roosta | II:7/46. R:7/136. |
Rory Award for The Most Gratuitous Use Of The | |
Word 'Fuck' In A Serious Screenplay | III:22/114;25/122. |
Royal Agricultural Hall of Islington | IV:18/93. |
Royal World Estate of Quarlvista | R:10/202. |
rubber bands, pair of | III:1/9. |
rubber duck | II:32/175. R:6/123. |
Rudlit Desert | II:21/120. |
ruler of the Universe | II:29/157. R:12/244. |
rum, Fanallan | V:12/95. |
Rupert | V:2/15;5/37;21/183. |
Russell | IV:5/33. |
'Ruurgggghhhh urrggghh; urgh urgh (uh ruh) ...' | II:30/162. |
RW6 | V:17/157. |
Rymplon (tm) | V:13/110;25/216. |
S |
Saab | IV:3/17. |
Sahara | IV:27/141. |
salad, green | II:17/93. |
Salad-Slasher Attachment | A:4. |
sales brochure | I:11/74. |
Salisbury | R:11/210. |
San Fernando Valley | IV:30/148. |
San Francisco | IV:15/85. |
sand blizzard, Aldebaran | R:4/75. |
sand blizzard, Dangrabad Beta | I:25/127. |
sandwich | IV:12/73. V:9/76,80;11/89. |
Sandwich Maker | V:13/110. |
sandwiches, art of making | V:13/110. |
Santa Barbara | IV:30/150. |
Santa Monica | IV:30/149. |
Santorini | III:20/105. |
Santraginus sea shells | II:16/83. |
Santraginus V | I:2/20;3/25. II:21/121. |
| IV:20/114. V:2/7. R:7/136. |
Saquo-Pilia Hensha | V:6/40. |
sarcasm | V:18/165. |
sash, orange | I:4/35. |
sass, to | I:3/25. R:8/151. |
Sastantua, Ice Crystal Pyramids of | III:11/59. |
Saturday afternoon | II:5/30. |
Saunders, Emily | V:8/60. |
sausage | II:25/150. V:17/154. |
| V:24/213. |
sausage, electronic | II:7/48. R:7/145. |
Saxaquine of the Quenelux | IV:21/117. |
Schecter Custom Stratocaster | IV:22/120. |
Scottish bagpipe music, record of | IV:12/80. |
Scrabble | II:33/179. R:5/104;6/124. |
scuttling crabs, scintillating jewelled | I:5/39. V:24/211. R:9/171. |
sea-monster pool | V:12/99. |
Seattle | IV:16/89. |
security camera | V:2/17,19. |
self-loathing | V:2/18. |
Sens-O-Shower | III:14/77. |
Sens-O-Tape | I:26/131. |
service robots, miniature | II:2/15. |
Sesefras Magna | IV:10/64;35/169. |
Seventh Avenue | IV:23/124. |
seventh dimension | II:34/186. |
Seventh Galaxy of Light and Ingenuity | I:25/127. R:4/75. |
Sevorbeupstry | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/182. |
sex | II:19/114. R:5/101. |
shade of the colour blue, super-intelligent | I:4/34;21/113. R:3/65. |
Shaltanac | R:7/133. |
shame, disease of | I:5/41. |
'Share and Enjoy' | II:2/15. R:9/176. |
sheep | IV:7/51. V:12/105. |
sheep, electric | III:31/137. |
Sheraton Park Tower | IV:36/170. |
Sherpas | III:22/117. |
Sherrin, Ned | V:4/28. |
'shit' | II:33/183. |
shoe box | R:6/111. |
Shoe Event Horizon | II:10/61. R:11/221,223. |
shoe shops | II:10/61. |
shoes | V:12/100;25/214. R:11/215. |
shrubbery | R:2/35r. |
Siderial Daily Mentioner | III:3/18;5/34;e/152. |
Siderial Record Straightener | R:11/214. |
Sidney | II:22/129. |
Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax | III:24/119. |
Silver Bail (of Peace) | III:10/50;22/111;25/122. |
Silvolvia | II:24/138. |
simile dumper | I:7/53. |
Sinai | III:4/29. |
Single Transferable Vote system | IV:19/99. |
Sirian State Mental Hospital | II:6/39,41. R:7/140. |
Sirius | II:22/129. |
Sirius B, Young Conservatives from | II:17/96. R:5/96. |
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation | I:11/73. II:2/15. |
| IV:35/165. R:2/44;7/139. |
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Complaints | |
division | II:2/15x. |
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, motto of | II:2/15. |
Sirius Cybernetics marketing lobby | R:11/214. |
Sirius Tau Star system | I:17/95. |
sit coms, early sixties | I:24/124. |
six-pack | IV:39/182. |
ski-boxing | I:4/34. |
skin from the nape of the neck | V:6/51;8/66;15/136. |
sky-gypsy | II:16/82. |
Slartibartfast | I:22/118. III:4/28. |
| R:3/67. |
Slim's Throat Emporium | II:16/85. |
Slo-Time | III:14/77;25/123. |
SlumpJet | V:7/56. |
sluub, fraction of a | A:4. |
Smith, Chester | A:21. |
Smith, Martin | I:13/84. R:2/48. |
Smithers, Will | IV:6/43. |
Sneng, Werdle | R:8/151. |
snooze alarm | R:10/200. |
'So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish' | I:23/119. IV:31/158. |
| R:3/68. |
soap mine | II:32/168. |
sofa | R:6/114. |
sofa, green leatherette | V:24/209. |
sofa, grey crushed leather | V:6/47;10/85. |
sofa, velvet paisley-covered | III:32/143. |
Soho | V:2/8;21/183. |
Sol | I:3/23. |
'Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes' | I:p/7. A:3. R:1/18. |
Somebody Else's Problem | III:4/26,33x;7/39;25/122. |
Somerset | III:19/99. |
somewhere else | V:15/130. |
Song Cycles of Vassillian | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
Songs of the Long Land | III:17/83. |
Sony Walkmen | IV:26/139. |
Soofling Dynasty | V:9/72. |
Soolfinia | III:15/78. |
Sorth of Bragadox | IV:21/117. |
Soulianis | I:16/92. R:3/55. |
South Dakota | V:22/197. |
Southend | I:9/65. R:2/40. |
space | I:8/62x. R:2/39x. |
space aliens | V:4/29. |
space battle | R:9/175. |
space, bird-shaped | V:17/149. |
space fleet, microscopic | A:7. |
space pirates | I:29/140. |
space-lag | IV:35/164. |
spare ribs | III:21/107. |
Spectrum-Bypass-O-Matic | III:4/32. |
speed of light | V:1/1. |
sperm bank | V:2/22. |
sperm whale | I:16/94;18/102. R:3/59. |
splagberry sauce | V:13/112. |
'splendid and worthwhile' | R:1/23. |
Spontaneous Para-Causal Metereological Phenomenon IV:33/161. |
squirrels | V:16/142;17/152;18/160. |
Squornshellous Beta | IV:22/121. |
'Squornshellous Swamptalk' | III:9/45. |
Squornshellous Zeta | I:5/44. III:9/42;31/136. |
SrDt 3454 | V:12/102. |
St Antwelm, Assumption of | V:6/40. |
St Crispin's Day | IV:20/104. |
St John's Wood | III:2/18;19/99. |
Stagyar-zil-Doggo | V:6/46. |
staircase | R:7/142. |
star buggy | II:18/107. |
star goat | II:24/143. R:6/119. |
'Star Spangled Banner' | I:23/119. R:3/68. |
'Starpox!' | II:2/14. |
Starship Titanic | III:12/69. |
Statue of Arthur (Agrajag's) | III:18/92. |
statue of Arthur (on Brontitall) | R:10/194. |
Stavromula Beta | III:18/96. V:9/80,84; |
| 11/89,93;19/173. |
Stavro's | V:4/30;25/214. |
steam, green sweet-smelling | I:31/145. |
Steel Pillar (of Strength and Power) | III:10/50;25/122. |
steel, stainless | III:14/75. |
stegosaurus, rib cage of | I:27/132. |
Stepney | IV:12/74. |
stethoscope | II:12/67. R:11/226. |
Steve and Carola | IV:3/16. |
Stin Glacier Fields | III:11/59. |
stoat, lightly grilled | II:3/24. |
stone frog | IV:7/46. |
stone, small | II:21/121. |
stone, specially sharpened | V:15/130;16/141. |
Stonehenge | IV:18/95. |
strag | I:3/25. |
Strangulous Stilettans of Jajazikstak | III:24/120. |
Strateej-O-Mat | V:1/6. |
strawberries | II:30/162. |
Streetmentioner, Dr Dan | II:15/79;18/111. |
Strenuous Garfighters of Stug | III:24/120. |
stress charts | V:21/183. |
Strinder the Tool Maker | V:13/111. |
string, self-knotting | V:16/140. |
Striterax, Silastic Armorfiends of | III:24/119. |
structural linguistics | II:24/139. |
Stug, Strenuous Garfighters of | III:24/120. |
stunt apples, Arcturan | R:6/112. |
sub-editors | V:8/62. |
Sub-Etha Net | IV:5/28. |
Sub-Etha News-Matic | I:4/38. |
sub-etha radio | I:12/77. |
Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic | I:3/24. II:25/149. |
| III:2/13. |
sub-etha signalling device | I:5/43. |
Sub-Etha TV | V:15/127. |
sub-ether wave band | R:7/132. |
Sulijoo | II:16/85. |
Sumatra | V:23/207. |
'Sun, Sand and Suffering on the Most Totally | |
Evil Place in the Galaxy' | R:8/166. |
'Sund. explns.' | II:21/126. |
Sunday afternoon | III:1/9. |
Sunglasses, Peril Sensitive | II:5/33. |
Sunset Boulevard | IV:30/148. |
Suntiger, Algolian | I:2/21,22. |
Supernormal Incremental Precipitation Inducer | IV:33/162. |
Sushi | V:2/8. |
suspended animation facility | IV:35/168. |
Sussex | III:12/68. |
Swiss Cheese Plant | IV:18/95. |
Switzerland | IV:31/152. V:15/132; |
| 22/202. |
Swulling | IV:5/30. |
swut | R:10/202. |
Sydney Opera House | III:22/111. |
Syneca Snowhounds | III:11/59. |
T |
table tennis bat | V:9/74. |
tact | II:20/118. R:9/169. |
take-away pizza shops | V:9/71. |
Tan-O-Matic | A:4. |
Tau | II:22/129. |
Taunton | IV:11/70;16/86. |
Taurus | V:24/210. |
Tawdry Merchandise King | A:8. |
Tawdry Merchandise-n-Such | A:8. |
tax exile | I:21/113. |
Tchaikovsky | IV:28/145. |
tea | I:16/92. R:9/178. |
tea, cup of | II:2/16;4/30. III:32/143. |
tea, in easy-to-swallow capsules | R:9/186. |
tea leaf | R:1/18. |
tea, nice hot cup of | I:10/69. R:2/42. |
teaser | I:5/46x. R:1/28. |
teatime of the soul, the long dark | III:1/9. |
technoteachers | R:10/200. |
Ted | V:21/194. |
telephone company accounts department | III:2/16. |
telephone number | I:12/81. |
telephone number (God's) | I:25/130. R:4/77. |
telephone sanitizer | II:23/133. R:6/116. |
teleport device | III:22/116. |
Teleport Systems factory, Sirius Cybernetics | II:22/128. |
tempophone | II:20/115. |
Test Match, last of the Australian Series | III:2/18. |
Test Valley | III:12/68. |
'Thank you for using BS&S' | V:12/104. |
Thatcher, Margaret | R:1/23r. |
'The Big Bang Theory - A Personal View' | II:5/31. |
'The buck stops there' | V:24/211. |
The Domain of the King Bar & Grill | V:22/197. |
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy | II:5/31x. R:1/18;7/130; |
| 10/195. |
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Mk II | V:12/106. |
'The other man's grass is always greener' | R:7/133. |
Theory of Indeterminacy | I:10/69. |
therapy centres | V:9/79. |
thermostatic radiator controls, Danish | IV:2/12. |
Therories of Disaster Area Tax Returns | II:17/89. |
thing, strange behind desk | V:11/88. |
things, local goat-like | V:9/74. |
Thinkpix | III:1/11. |
Third Reach of the Unknown | I:9/64. |
Third Season | V:13/113. |
'This is probably the best button to press' | I:33/156. |
Thor | III:22/110;32/142. |
Thrashbarg | V:13/107,113. |
three-d TV | R:11/210. |
thugs | V:11/89. |
Thumb, Electronic | IV:38/178. |
Thunder God | III:22/110;32/142. |
Thundercloud Corner | IV:16/88. |
Thursday | I:p/6;2/23. V:15/129. |
| R:1/22. |
ticker tape | I:12/79. |
Time Teleports | II:18/104. |
time travel | III:17/83x. |
'Time Traveller's Handbook of 1001 Tense | |
Formations' | II:15/79. |
Times Furnishing | R:6/114. |
Times, the | IV:20/104. |
'To Albert on his twenty-first birthday' | V:15/128. |
toaster | V:11/89. |
toenail clippings | V:11/90. |
tombs, parties in | V:12/101. |
tools, flying | IV:37/174;19/99. |
toothpicks | IV:28/146;31/155x. |
Total Perspective Vortex | II:8/51;10/59;11/63x. |
| R:8/151,163x,165x. |
towel | III:22/109. |
towel, Arthur's | III:4/24. |
towel, Ford's | V:12/97. |
towel, Ford's first | V:12/94. |
towel, lightweight throwing | V:6/40. |
towel, prehistoric | R:8/156,158. |
towel, Roosta's | II:7/46,8/51x. R:7/146; |
| 8/150x. |
towels | I:3/24x. IV:35/164. |
| R:7/136x;8/150. |
toy bow and arrow | V:6/40. |
Traal, Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of | I:3/25;5/45. II:6/36; |
| 24/140. R:1/27;6/114; |
| 7/136;10/195. |
trading scouts | I:20/111. |
Tragula, Trin | II:11/64. R:8/163. |
Transtellar Cruise Lines | II:12/67. |
Transtellar Spacelines | R:11/225. |
treeoids, walking | I:21/113. R:3/65. |
triangulation | V:5/38. |
Tri-D | A:1. |
tri-D camera | I:4/35. |
tri-D TV | V:9/73. |
tri-jet scooter | I:29/140. |
Trillian | I:4/37x. II:1/10. |
| IV:25/131;36/172. |
Trillian Astra | V:9/72. |
triple word score | II:33/178. |
Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth III:e/153. |
tulips | III:20/102. |
tungsten carbide | IV:24/130. |
turlingdrome | R:1/31;10/202. |
TV chess games | R:10/200. |
tzjin-anthony-ks | II:24/138. |
U |
Ugg, Mr | R:6/125. |
Ultimate Question Biscuits | R:5/104. |
Ultimate Question T-shirts | R:5/104. |
Ultimate Weapon | III:24/120. |
Ultra Violent | III:18/92. |
'Ultra-Complete Maximegalon Dictionary of Every | |
Language Ever' | III:9/44. |
Ultra-Cricket, Brockian | I:25/125. III:19/100x. |
| R:4/74. |
Ultracuisine | R:5/94. |
UltraDodo, Vulcan | R:5/94. |
ultragolf | II:6/36. V:6/50. R:10/195. |
ultramahogany | I:25/126. II:16/83. |
UM-Betans | II:5/32. |
Unfiltered Perception | V:18/168. |
union regulations | I:1/15. |
Universe, cure for | R:11/210. |
Universe, highly controversial creation of | R:12/230. |
Universe, the | II:19/113x. R:5/101x. |
Universe-weariness | III:30/135. |
University of Maximegalon | I:21/112. II:17/89. V:1/2. |
University of Maximegalon, History Department | |
of the | V:1/2;3/27. |
Unprobability Field | II:12/71. |
unsmoke, puff of | R:12/237. |
Upper Street | IV:24/127. |
Upper West Side | V:2/8. |
Ursa Minor | I:3/24. R:1/18;7/130x. |
Ursa Minor Beta | II:5/30x. |
Ursa Minor Beta ATC | R:7/131. |
US/AM | V:2/9. |
'Use BS&S and die!' | V:12/104. |
V |
Valhalla | III:22/116. |
Varlengooten, Ice Storms of | III:24/120. |
Varntvar | R:12/233. |
Vassillian, Song Cycles of | II:25/146. R:6/121. |
vastdragons | V:6/45. |
Vegan Rhino | I:31/146. |
Vegan Snow Lizard | R:2/47. |
Ventilation and Telephone Riots | V:12/102. |
Ventilation system | R:9/179. |
Venus | IV:9/60. V:5/38. |
Versenwald, Blart III | IV:e/190. |
Vertical People Transporter | II:6/37,41x;18/104. |
Vice-President of Poffla Vigus | V:9/72. |
Vicissitus Three | R:6/112. |
video-recorders | V:18/163. |
Viltvodle VI | II:1/9. R:5/90. |
Virgo | V:2/16. |
Visigoths | I:3/26. |
Viv | V:6/45. |
Vl'Hurg | I:31/144. II:14/76. |
| R:4/81;10/188. |
Vod | III:15/78. |
Vogon Constructor Fleet | I:5/45x. R:1/25,27x. |
Vogon grandmother | I:5/45. R:6/114. |
Vogon laundromat | III:2/15. |
Vogon poetry | I:7/53x. R:1/31x. |
Vogon vogonblurtus | V:24/211. |
Vogonity | I:7/55. R:2/36. |
Vogons | I:5/39x. II:2/11x. V:3/27. |
Vogsol | I:5/39. R:9/171. |
Vogsphere | I:5/39. V:24/211. R:9/171. |
Volkswagen | III:22/110. |
vollue, to | III:9/45. |
Voojagig, Veet | I:21/112. R:3/65. |
'voon' | III:9/45. |
Voondoon, Holy Lunching Friars of | III:19/98. |
Vortaqua | A:2. |
Vortvoid of Qvarne | II:17/95. R:5/95. |
Vranx, Yooden | I:29/140. II:3/27. |
Vroomfondel | I:25/129. R:4/76. |
Vroonday | V:15/126. |
V-sign | V:12/96. |
Vulcan UltraDodo | R:5/94. |
W |
Wabanatta 3 | V:25/214. |
waiter's bill pad | III:8/41. |
walkmen | IV:26/139;38/180. |
walnut | I:8/62. |
War Commander | III:30/135. |
warp drive | V:21/184. |
Warwickshire | III:4/21. |
wash, disturbances in the | III:2/15. |
washing machines | IV:11/72. |
watch, Arthur's | V:15/128. |
watches, digital | IV:p/7. I:p/6;25/125. |
water bison | R:6/113. |
waterbed | V:21/187. |
Watson, Arcane Jill | IV:28/145. |
Watson, John | IV:15/85;28/145. |
wave harmonic theory of historical perception | R:8/150. |
Wayne | V:21/186. |
'weeeelaaaaah!' | III:15/78. |
Week of the Weirdos | IV:27/140. |
welfare planets | A:2. |
'Well That About Wraps It Up For God' | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
West Country | I:1/9. |
West zone | II:5/30. |
Westway flyover | IV:26/133. |
whale, thoughts of | R:3/60. |
whales | R:10/188. |
'What do you get if you multiply six by nine?' | II:33/184. |
whatchamacallits | R:10/198;11/221. |
'What's yellow and dangerous?' | I:32/151. |
wheatgerm | II:8/51. IV:31/159. |
| R:8/150. |
wheeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkrrrrunnnccccch noise | R:11/213. |
wheel | I:32/119. II:32/172. |
| R:3/68;6/122. |
whelk | III:16/81. |
'When you walk through the storm ...' | I:17/99. |
'Where God Went Wrong' | I:p/7. A:3. R:1/18. |
'Where no man has trod' | I:20/108. |
'Where's the tea?' | I:31/150. |
Which? magazine | IV:28/146. |
whiff of hydrogen, ozone and carbon monoxide | I:3/28;5/41. |
whisky and soda | II:24/141. |
white hole | I:15/89. |
'Who is this God Person Anyway?' | I:p/7. A:3. R:1/18. |
Whole Sort of General Mish Mash | V:3/26;17/150;22/200. |
'Who's Who in Interactive Fiction Sample | |
Transcripts' | A:24. |
'Why?' | I:31/148. |
'Why stop just when I'm enjoying it?' | II:24/145. R:6/120. |
'Why stop now just when I'm hating it?' | III:31/138. |
Wikkit Gate (Key) | III:10/49x;14/77;25/122x. |
Wilcox | III:4/20. |
Williams, Mrs | V:4/29. |
willomy, to | III:9/46. |
Winchester | III:12/68. |
wine bar | R:10/201. |
Wintwock of Stegbartle Major, Greater Drubbered | IV:26/137. |
Wise Old Bird | R:10/197. |
women, five hundred entirely naked | I:29/139. |
Wonko the Sane | IV:15/86;28/146; |
| 31/151x,155x. |
Wooden Pillar (of Nature and Spirituality) | III:10/50;25/122. |
Woomera | I:3/24. |
'wop' | III:4/30;9/48;11/54; |
| 22/114. |
Worm Hole Disco | R:8/159. |
wormhole | I:31/144. R:4/81. |
Worst Dressed Sentient Being | I:12/77. R:2/46. |
Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged | III:1/9x;33/147. |
wrist panel | V:15/127. |
writing stick, flexible | V:12/97. |
WSOGMM | V:3/26;17/150;22/200. |
wurf, to | III:9/48. |
X |
X zero zero 547 | R:3/58. |
Xanthic Re-Structon Destabilized Zenon Emitter | II:7/47. R:7/144. |
Xaxis | IV:19/100;23/123. |
Xaxisian ship | IV:10/64;19/99. |
x's, j's and {'s | V:9/76. |
Y |
Yaga, Cloudworlds of | III:15/78. |
yaks, mad | R:11/210. |
Ye Olde Tawdry Merchandise Shoppe | A:8. |
'Yellow Submarine' | V:13/113. |
'You and Your Planets' | V:2/15;21/192. |
Young Conservatives from Sirius B | II:17/96. |
'Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With' | I:11/73. R:2/44. |
'You're very tall' | I:5/42. II:21/123. |
| R:7/136. |
Ysllodins | III:12/70. |
Yugoslavia | IV:16/89. |
Yvonne | IV:14/83. |
Z |
Z, the Big | I:12/77. R:2/46;7/132. |
Zabush sector | V:9/72. |
Zaire | V:23/207. |
Zamphour | I:2/21. |
Zansellquasure Flamarion Bridge Club | R:5/95. |
Zap gun | III:25/124. |
'zark' | III:11/54,59;18/96; |
| 22/114. |
Zarniwoop | II:6/35;12/70. R:7/130, |
| 139;12/239. |
Zarquon | II:18/111x. R:5/101x. |
'Zarquon' | II:6/40,43;32/172. |
| III:11/61. IV:5/26. |
| V:1/2;10/85. R:6/123; |
| 7/141;8/157. |
Zarquon, Church of the Second Coming of the | |
Great Prophet | II:17/96. R:5/96. |
Zarss | III:e/161. IV:34/163; |
| 40/182. |
'Z.B.' | I:20/112. |
zebra crossing | I:6/50. R:1/30. |
Zem | III:9/43. |
Zentalquabula, ancient alabastrum quarries of | V:12/100. |
Zipo Bibrok 5x10^8 | III:14/75. |
Zirzla robot starcruisers | IV:19/99;23/123. |
Zondostina | IV:10/64. |
Zoofroozelchester | R:8/159. |
'Zootlowurdlezootlewurdlezootlowurdle' | R:11/216. |
Zwingler, Mr | V:2/23. |
Zylatburger, Algolian | R:5/94. |
ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha | I:11/71;12/78. V:7/56. |
| R:2/39,46.
That's it, folks. Have fun and write me your comments.
Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. Disclaimer follows ...
I really don't like to mention this, but you all know that there are really mean guys out there waiting for the right moment to leap from their slimy, smelly caves and publish this index and eventually become very, very rich indeed. So:
This text is copyrighted by Mathias Maul (address see above). It may not be altered in any way without the written permission of the author. It may be copied, be it in binary or in printed form, and distributed in its original form and content over Bulletin Board Systems and/or other public or private libraries as long as no fee of any kind is charged for it (this also includes the prices for commercially sold Public Domain or Shareware Diskettes or CD ROMs). This text or parts of this text may not be included in a commercial product of any kind, especially magazines, without the written permission of the author. The author of this text may in no case be held liable for any, including any special, incidental or consequential, damages on hard-, soft-, or possibly existing wetware whatsoever—I will not pay any hospital fees if you simply give up one day and go mad (as I actually did some months ago).
In short: Share and enjoy (or—go stick your head in a pig), but be fair.
The Hitch Hiker's Guide Trilogy, one of the best novels of the century, is copyrighted by Douglas Adams, one of the best authors of the millenium.
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Bureaucracy", "Leather Goddesses of Phobos", "Planetfall" and "Stationfall" are trademarks of and copyrighted by Infocom Inc. which regrettably left the world of modern computer entertainment far too early. Thank you Dave, Steve, Brian, Marc, Bruce, and all the other brilliant people at Infocom Inc. You couldn't have done better.
Please allow me one last word ...
This text is dedicated to my former English teacher who died of cancer in late October 1992. Up to the last minutes of her life she lived for her students and was a reliable friend to many of them. See you in heaven... :)