"Andrews, V C - crystal" - читать интересную книгу автора (Andrews V.C)

it. I used a thermometer to take my temperature,
plotted the days on my calendar, even planned
some romantic evenings," she said, blushing. She
shrugged. "Nothing happened. We just thought
we were missing," she continued. "Take better
aim, I used to tell him, didn't I, Kari?"
"Thelma, you're embarrassing me," he said.
"Oh, fiddledy-doo. We're a family. We can't be
embarrassed," she emphasized,
The simplicity and honesty with which she
talked about the most intimate details of her life
fascinated me.
"Anyway," she continued, turning back to me,
"Kari read up on it and learned that he shoulds
keep hisScrotum cool. He avoided wearing any|
thing tight, refrained from taking hot baths, antried to keep himself cool, especially before w|
were going to make a baby. We even waited longeg
between times because periods of sexual restraizf
usually increase the volume and potency d|
sperm, right, Kari?" II
"You don't have to get into the nfttygri(||
details, Thelma." ib
"Oh, sure I do. I want Crystal to understand^
was reading a magazine the other day, .A^^g
Parent or something like that, and the article
mothers and daughters especially should be hon
est and open about everything so they can build
"Where was I?" she asked. "Oh, volume and
potency of sperm. So, when that didn't work, we
went to a doctor. You know that the average male
produces anywhere from 120 million to 600 mil
lion sperm in a single ejaculation?"
"You have trouble with so many other facts and
statistics, Thelma. Hew come you don't forget
that one?" Karl asked gently,
"I don't know. It's not easy to forget, I guess,"
she said, shrugging. "Anyway, we found out that
Karl was way below that and it didn't matter what
he did. We still tried and tried, of course, and then
we finally decided to adopt. Actually, I gotthe
idea from Throbs of the Heart by Torch Summers,
and then I discussed if with Kari and he agreed it
would be a good idea.
"However, taking care of a baby is not an easy
job. You have to wake up at night, and then you're
too tired to dp anything the next day, even watch
television. So, that's how come we went looking