"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)139: By lukyng, withowttyn lesse, a lyon the semys!"
140: "Thow has me somond," quod ■e Kyng, "and said what ■e lykes; 141: Fore sake of thy soueraynge I suffre the ■e more; 142: Sen I ╒wasх coround in kyth, wyth crysum enoyntede, 143: Was neuer creature to me ■at carpede so large. 144: Bot I sall tak concell at kynges enoyntede, 145: Off dukes and duspers and doctours noble, 146: Offe peres of ■e parlement, prelates and o■er, 147: Off ■e richeste renkys of ■e Rounde Table; 148: ▐us schall I take avisemente of valiant beryns, 149: Wyrke aftyre the wytte of my wyes knyghttes; 150: To warpe wordez in waste no wyrchip it were, 151: Ne wilfully in ■is wrethe to wreken my seluen. 152: For■i sall ■ow lenge here and lugge wyth ■ise lordes, 153: This seuenyghte in solace, to suggourne 3our horses, 154: To see whatte lyfe ■at wee leede in thees lawe laundes, 155: Forby ■e realtee of Rome, ■at recheste was euere." 156: He command Sir Cayous, "Take kepe to thoos lordez, 157: To styghtyll ■a steryn men as theire statte askys, 158: That they bee herberde in haste in thoos heghe chambres, 159: Sythin sittandly in sale seruyde theraftyr. 160: That they fynd na fawte of fude to thiere horsez, 161: Nowthire weyn, ne waxe, ne welthe in ■is erthe, 162: Spare for no spycerye, bot spende what ■e lykys, 163: That there be largesce on lofte and no lake founden. 165: ▐ou sall haue gersoms full grett, that gayne sall ■e euere." 166: Now er they herberde in hey and in oste holden, 167: Hastyly wyth hende men within thees heghe wallez; 168: In chambyrs with chympnes ■ey chaungen ■eire wedez, 169: And sythyn the chauncelere ■em fecchede with cheualrye noble. 170: Sone ■e Senatour was sett, as hym wele semyde; 171: At ■e Kyngez ownn borde twa knyghtes hym seruede, 172: Singulere sothely, as Arthure hym seluyn, 173: Richely on ■e ryghte hannde at the Round Table, 174: Be resoun ■at ■e Romaynes whare so ryche holden, 175: As of ■e realeste blode ■at reynede in erthe. 176: There come in at ■e fyrste course, befor ■e Kyng seluen, 177: Bareheuedys ■at ware bryghte, burnyste with syluer, 178: All with taghte men and town in togers full ryche, 179: Of saunke reall in suyte, sexty at ones; 180: Flesch fluriste of fermyson with frumentee noble, 181: Therto wylde to wale and wynlyche bryddes, 182: Pacokes and plouers in platers of golde, 183: Pygges of porke despyne ■at pasturede neuer, 184: Sythen herons in hedoyne, hyled full faire, 185: Grett swannes full swythe in silueryn chargeours, 186: Tartes of turky, taste wham ■em lykys, 187: Gumbaldes grathely, full gracious to taste, 188: Seyne bowes of wylde bores with ■e braune lechyde, |