"Anthony,.Piers.-.Mute (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anthony Susan)

There was a ripple of surprise. You know me?

I think you're the prettiest weasel 1 know, with wonderful psi power. How is Mit?

How can you know me when I do not know you? Mit is fine.

We met before. You forgot. Yon can read it in my memory. What is Finesse up to?

She is very angry with you.

"Are you all right, Knot?" Finesse inquired solicitously.

"Uh, just startled. I'm not sure I know what you mean by 'recording.' "

She is absolutely furious. She knows you're lying.

Finesse smiled angelically as she lightly brushed the dirt off his clothing. "I'll be happy to clarify it, Knot."

Please don't tell her anything, Hermine. Let me play my game. Mit will tell you I mean no harm to Finesse or to you.

I know that, Knot Mit does not read thoughts; he reacts empirically. Finesse is ready to cut you into bite-sized pieces with blood dripping. The weasel paused, reflecting. Oh, that looks delicious!

"Are you sure you're well, Knot?" Finesse's voice was soft, her eyes filled with innocent concern. What an actress she was!

"At the moment." Or was the weasel having fun with Finesse gave absolutely no evidence of ill favor. Yet |f she really had a holograph of their prior encounter . . . jmehow I have the impression you're piqued with me." "You have been thinking with Hermine. She always did e too free a mind."

"Yes. Why did you introduce me to these animals? could have trapped me much more effectively if I id never known of them or their abilities. As it is, I like le, and I believe she likes me. That compromises tour main weapon." ' "That was part of the interview. We had to know how you related to the animals. Hennine, especially, has juble communicating with minds she doesn't like." Yes, the weasel agreed. With you if s easy, naughty man. "Perhaps it is time we turned our cards faceup," he

High timel" She is putting the pieces through a meat grinder.

"I am very curious to know the nature of your interest

me." ' Her voice was dulcet. "Do you customarily provide

ditors with faked data to buttress their lapses of


She is grinding the pieces into jelly, Hermine thought

eefully. Do you customarily seduce your auditees?" Knot


,; "That's my job!" At least her temper was showing now. , "Women of that profession do not normally represent llhemselves as representatives of the Coordination Computer."

Oh, naughty man! You've done it now! She is burning jelly into noxious smoke.

"You know very well what I mean," Finesse said with a mild frown. "It is my job to ascertain how a prospective CC recruit reacts to people and situations."