"Applegate, Katherine A - Animorphs - 24 - The Suspicion" - читать интересную книгу автора (Applegate Katherine A)

8 "Do not throw that dirt clod at me."

"It's an experiment. I have to know whether you're really human! You're
like the Undead. Only you're the Un-dirty!"

I did a gentle, underhand lob of the dirt clod. Rachel calmly snatched
it out of the air and let it drop.

"Okay, show me your hand," I demanded. "That was wet dirt. It should
have stuck to your palm."

Rachel laughed and refused to show me her hand. "So here we are. It's a
beautiful Saturday morning. We have no mission, at least as far as I've
heard. You going to work the rest of the day? Or are you going to come
with me to the mall, buy a new bathing suit, and then come with me to
the beach? I need to refresh my tan."

"My tan is already pretty fresh," I said. "And I do not want to spend
the day baking in the sun while you look at guys. I have stuff to do."

Rachel crinkled her face. "Hey. What's that?"

"What's what?" I followed the direction of her stare. She was looking at
an old, hand-operated water pump. It wasn't something we used. It was
more of an antique that my mom liked the look of.

Attached to it was a small, silvery object. "It's a toy," I said. "A toy
spaceship. Star Wars or Star

9 Trek or Star Something, I guess." I pried the little thing off the
pump. "Huh. Must be magnetized."

"You look worried."

I shrugged. "Coincidence." I looked around to make sure no one was
listening. "The pump is where I hid the blue box. You just unscrew the
mechanism from the base plate, and it's in there."

"That's where you hid the blue box?"

"You have a better place?"

The blue box has some official Andalite name. Several, actually. It's
the device they use to transfer the morphing power to an individual. A
kid named David found it not so long ago. We'd used it to make him an
Animorph, but David hadn't handled the power well.

David was a rat. Literally. He would live a rat, die a rat.