"Volume XVI" - читать интересную книгу автора (Burtons Version)

а 11. ааааThe Dream of Valid Hasan.
а 12-23.ааааStory of Bohetzad and his Ten Viziers (with eleven subsidiary tales).а[FN#5]
а 24. ааааStory of Habib and Dorathal-Goase (=Durrat al-Ghawwсs the Pearl of the Diver); or, the Arabian Knight.
а 25. ааааStory of Illabousatrous (?) of Schal-Goase, and of Camarilzaman.
а 26. ааааStory of the Lady of the Beautiful Tresses.
а 27. ааааThe History of Habib and Dorathal-Goase; or, the Arabian Knight continued.
а 28. ааааHistory of Maugraby (Al Magnrabi=the Moor); or, the Magician.
а 29. ааааHistory of Halaiaddin ('Alс al-Din, Alaeddin, Aladdin), Prince of Persia.
а 30. ааааHistory of Yemaladdin (Jamсl al-Dэn), Prince of Great Katay.
а 31. ааааHistory of Baha-Ildur, Prince of Cinigae.
а 32. ааааHistory of Badrildinn (Badr al-Dэn), Prince of Tartary.
а 33. ааааHistory of the Amours of Maugraby with Auhata al-Kawakik ( = Ukht al-Kawсkib, Sister of the Planets), daughter of the King of Egypt.
а 34. ааааHistory of the Birth of Maugraby. Of these thirty four only five (MS. iv., vi., vii., xxvii. and xxxii.) have not been found in the original Arabic.

Public opinion was highly favourable to the "Suite" when first issued. Orientalism was at that time new to Europe, and the general was startled by its novelties, e.g. by "Women wearing drawers and trousers like their husbands, and men arrayed in loose robes like their wives, yet at the same time cherishing, as so many goats, each a venerable length of beard." (Heron's Preface.) They found its "phцnomena so remote from the customs and manners of Europe, that, when exhibited as entering into the ordinary system of human affairs, they could not fail to confer a considerable share of amusive novelty on the characters and events with which they were connected." (Ditto, Preface.) Jonathan Scott roundly pronounced the continuation a forgery. Dr. Patrick Russell (History of Aleppo, vol. i. 385) had no good opinion of it, and Caussin de Perceval (pшre, vol. viii., p. 40-46) declared the version щloignщe du go√t Orientale; yet he re-translated the tales from the original Arabic (Continuщs, Paris, 1806), and in this he was followed by Gauttier, while Southey borrowed the idea of his beautiful romance, "Thalaba the Destroyer," now in Lethe from the "History of Maughraby." Mr. A. G. Ellis considers these tales as good as the old "Arabian Nights," and my friend Mr. W. F. Kirby (Appendix to The Nights, vol. x. p. 418), quite agrees with him that Chavis and Cazotte's Continuation is well worthy of republication in its entirety. It remained for the Edinburgh Review, in one of those ignorant and scurrilous articles with which it periodically outrages truth and good taste (No. 535, July, 1886), to state, "Cazotte published his Suite des Mille et une Nuits, a barefaced forgery, in 1785." A barefaced forgery! when the original of twenty eight tales out of thirty four are perfectly well known, and when sundry of these appear in MSS. of "The Thousand Nights and a Night."

The following is a list of the Tales (widely differing from those of Chavis and Cazotte) which appeared in the version of Caussin de Perceval.


Les | Mille et une Nuits | Contes Arabes, | Traduits en Francais | Par M. Galland, | Membre de l'Acadщmie des Inscriptions et | Belles-Lettres, Professeur de Langue Arabe | au Collщge Royal, | Continuщs | Par M. Caussin de Perceval, | Professeur de Langue Arabe au Collщge Impщrial. | Tome huitiщme. | р Paris, | chez Le Normant, Imp.-Libraire, | Rue des Prъtres Saint-Germain-l СAuxerrois. | 1806.

1. ааааNouvelles aventures du calife Haroun Alraschid; ou histoire de la petite fille de Chosroшs Anouschirvan.
ааааааааааааааааааа(Gauttier, Histoire du Khalyfe de Baghdad: vol. vii. II7.)
2. ааааLe Bimaristan, ou histoire du jeune Marchand de Bagdad et de la dame inconnue.
3. ааааLe mщdщcin et le jeune traiteur de Bagdad
4. ааааHistoire du Sage Hicar.
ааааааааааааааааааа(Gauttier, Histoire du Sage Heycar, vii. 313.)
5. ааааHistoire du roi Azadbakht, ou des dix Visirs.
6. ааааHistoire du marchand devenu malheureux.
7. ааааHistoire du imprudent et de ses deux enfants.
8. ааааHistoire du d' Abousaber, ou de l'homme patient.
9. ааааHistoire du du prince Behezad.
10. ааааHistoire du roi Dadbin, ou de la vertueuse Aroua.
11. ааааHistoire du Bakhtzeman.
12. ааааHistoire du Khadidan.
13. ааааHistoire du Beherkerd.
14. ааааHistoire du Ilanschah et d'Abouteman.
15. ааааHistoire du Ibrahim et de son fils.
16. ааааHistoire du Soleяman-schah.
17. ааааHistoire du de l'esclave sauve du supplice.


18. ааааAttaf ou l'homme gщnщreux.
ааааааааааааааааааа(Gauttier, Histoire de l'habitant de Damas, vii. 234.)
19. ааааHistoire du Prince Habib et de Dorrat Algoase.