"Archer, Geoffrey - The Burma Legacy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Archer Geoffrey)

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To Eva, Alison and James.

I am indebted to several authors whose books helped me to understand
present day Myanmar and the Burma of the past.
Aung San Suu Kyi's Letters from Burma, Rory Maclean's Under the Dragon,
and Shelby Tucker's Among Insurgents provided potent illustrations of life
under military rule in the 19905.
Richard Rhodes James" Chindit, Philip Stibbe's Return Via Rangoon,
George Macdonald Eraser's Quartered Safe Out Here, Eric Lomax's The
Railway Man and Theodore F. Cook's Japan at War - An Oral History all, in
their different ways, revealed the suffering of those who fought the Second
World War in Burma.
I also owe a debt of gratitude to the Burma Star Association and to
Arthur Titherington for sharing his painful memories of being a prisoner of
the Japanese. Sincere thanks too to Martin Smith for his invaluable advice
and assistance prior to my research visit to Myanmar.

The Andaman Sea, Thailand
Thursday, 30 December 1999
A GLEAMING MOTOR cruiser carved a white scar across the vivid blue
sea, its throttles wide open. The man and woman on the bridge
gripped the grab-handles as it hammered through the curling wake of a
white-hulled ferry on passage from Phuket to the paradise islands of PhiPhi.
Scanning the ship's decks through binoculars they saw passengers
watching them with envy. But the image the tourists had of them - a
relaxed, well-off couple enjoying a vacation in the privacy of their own
boat - was a lie. This was no pleasure cruise.
The real name of the bare-chested man at the wheel was Sam Packer,
but his business card described him as Stephen Maxwell, a Singapore-based