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TO PROMOTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE WRITE TO PREMIUM MARKETING DIVISION. NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY. 1633 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10019. Copyright й 1986 by Nightfall, Inc., Martin Greenberg. and CharlesG, Waugb All rights reserved "Behind the News," by Jack Finney. Copyright й 1952 by Jack Finney; renewed й 1980 by Jack Finney. Reprinted by permission of Don Congdon Associates. Inc. "The Flight of the Umbrella," by Marvin Kaye- Copyright й 1977 by Maivin Kaye. All rights reserved. "The Right of the Umbrella" first appeared in the June. 1977, issue of FANTASTIC magazine and was later rewritten and incoiporaled into THE INCREDIBLE UMBRELLA (Doubleday, 1979). This anthology employs the original magazine version of (he text. Reprinted by permission of the author. "Twcen." by J. F. Bone- Copyright й 1978 by the Ultimate Publishing Company- Reprinted by permission of the Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc.. 845 Third Avenue, New York. NY 10022. "The Boy Who Brought Love." by Edward D- Hoch. Copyright й 1974 by Roger Elwood- Reprinted by permission of the author. "The Vacation." by Ray Bradbury. Copyright й 1963 by Ray Bradbury. Reprinted by permission of Don Congdon Associates, Inc. "The Anything Box," by Zenna Henderaon. Copyright й 1956 by Zenna Hendersoa. Reprinted by permission of Curtis Brown. Lid. "A Born Charmer," by Edward P. Hughes. Copyright й 1981 by Mercury Press, Inc. From THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION. Reprinted by permission of the author. |