Naturally, this gets Aahz upset. In addition to
managing my magik career, Aahz also oversees our
finances. Well, that's something of an understate-
ment. He shamelessly bleeds the kingdom for every
monetary consideration he can get for us (which is
considerable) and watches over our expenses. When
it comes to spending our ill-gotten wealth, Aahz
would rather part with my blood. As you might
guess, we argue a lot over this.
Gleep is understanding though; which is part of the
reason I keep him around. He's quite intelligent and
understanding for a baby dragon with a one word vo-
cabulary. I spend a considerable amount of time tell-
ing him my troubles, and he always listens attentively
without interrupting or arguing or shouting about
how stupid I am. This makes him better company
than Aahz.
It says something about one's lifestyle when the
only one you can get sympathy from is a dragon.
Unfortunately, on this particular day I was cut off
from my pet's company. It was raining, and when it
rains in Possiltum, it doesn't kid around. Gleep is to
big to live indoors with us, and the rain made the
courtyard impassable, so I couldn't reach the stables
where he was quartered. What was more, I couldn't
risk roaming the halls of the castle for fear of run-
ning into the king. If that happened, he would
doubtless ask when I was going to do something
about the miserable weather. Weather control was
not one of my current skills, and I was under strict
orders from Aahz to avoid the subject at all costs. As
such, I was stuck waiting out the rain in my own
quarters. That in itself wouldn't be so bad, if it
wasn't for the fact that I shared those quarters with
Rain made Aahz grouchy, or I should say
grouchier than usual. I'd rather be locked in a small
cage with an angry spider-bear than be alone in a
room with Aahz when he's in a bad mood.
"There must be something to do," Aahz grum-
bled, begging to pace the floor. "I haven't been this