"Attanasio, A A - Radix 02 - In Other Worlds 1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Attanasio A.A)

this implosion, the most immense collapsar that has ever
existed spins, tusked with fiery streamers huge as galaxies.
The void around it flares with its radiant scud, too hot for
planets or even ordinary stars. But inside the black hole,
beyond its cyclone of neutron fire, where all things, even the
subtleties of light, are spellbound by gravity, a wonderful
kingdom exists."
"And that's where we are now, right?"
"Yes. The kingdom is called the Werld. It is a lightsecond
deep, and it is wide as thirteen earths. Most remarkable of all, it
is embedded in a bubble of ordinary spacetime, a gravitational
globule suspended inside the black hole. The spin of the
collapsar's ring nucleus distorts the infalling spacetime around
the vacuole kingdom, sealing the Werld o$' from the crushing
gravity that surrounds it on all sides. The nucleus of the black
hole is the kingdom's source of life, much the way Sol was the
lifesource of your planet-only in reverse. Sol was a star, and it
radiated the energy which sustained earthlife. The ring nucleus
here is a singularity, an infinitely dense zone where light and
spacetime cease to exist. The singularity pulls energy into it. The
radiation streaming past and through the Werld provides the
light and energy for life to thrive. After passing here, the energy
plunges on, into the nucleus, where it is destroyed. Except at
the exact center. There a hole in the ring singularity links into
superspace, an

infinite corridor that connects all the universes that
exist the multiverse. You popped out of that hole."
"Any chance I could pop back in?" Carl queried hopefully.
"I'm afraid not. You see, you came out as light. And
most of -you was lost in the ring singularity. Only some of you
shot straight through the hole of the ring, arced along a klein-
bottle warp, looking from the center of the black hole to the
periphery before plummeting back toward the core. Along the
way, your four-spat, journey intersected the top edge of this
kingdom and glinted here in this living lake--in me. A few of
your photons were captured by specialized cells just under the
glassy surface of my lake, and over a period of time equal to an
earth century, you were re-created from the information
inside your own light."
Carl felt frosty with fear. "How do you know you got it
"Every molecule of your form has been explored by my
five-space consciousness: and compared to the anthropic ideal
enfolded in the hyperspace of your genes. The flaws and
variances of the genetic ideal were the rough edges of your
individuality: your soft stomach, weak eyes, bald head, and
bloated kidneys. Those deviations from the perfection implicit
in your chromosomes are actually food to a being like me--an
eld skyle. I eat the strange. You see, my five-space mind