"Banks, L A - Vampire Huntress - Between The books 1-14" - читать интересную книгу автора (Banks L. A)

With everything left in her, she honed in on her motherТs topside vibration, the connection that went beyond the graveЧpure love still there and unending.

The sensation staunched the pain; love filled her and lifted her higher, closer to topside where there was human life. A motherТs love claimed her, still worried for her even though dead. The Light was the answerЕ

УMomma, take me into The Light,Ф she whispered in her heart, clinging to it, finding the silent prayer Marlene had left behind, and she suddenly found herself in a small, dark Southern house where she had been born. It was a place that was now abandoned. Cobwebs and boards covered the windows and sheltered her from the sun. She could feel her motherТs pain riddle her body as though poking into her tender, demon-victimized form. It all became so clear as she wafted disembodied throughout the structure, remembering all of MarleneТs words, her worries; her warningsЕ everything her mother had said had come true.

Raven closed her eyes as a favorite lullaby that her mother once sang filled her with remorse and a sob escaped her lips. She drifted to the empty bedroom wishing that she could feel safe for just a little while, like when she was an innocent child and would curl up next to MarleneТs warmth and feel those ancient hands petting her hair. Had she only known. But everything was gone; the house was empty. How many years had passed? Was Marlene even alive?

УIТll find you and make it up to you,Ф she promised in a garbled whisper, weeping and moving throughout the structure in disoriented, ghostly panic. Raven glanced up to the ceiling, wondering if her mother had finally crossed over. УDonТt leave me, momma. I just want to go home.Ф

Between Books: Volume Six
After The Forbidden, Before The Damned
July 2005

After The Philadelphia BattleЕ JuanitaТs struggle

Every time she saw Carlos her heart nearly stopped. He was so close, passing in the narrow halls of the groupТs temporary house, yet a million miles away. Unreachable. She wasnТt sure if it was more painful believing that he was dead all that time, or sitting across from him at team meals, literally smelling his sweat when the team worked out. Every memory was sheer agony, but she couldnТt touch him, privately connect with him or barrel into his arms to cry her eyes outЕ because there were too many eyes making sure that never happened. But there was so much unfinished business between them that the others would never understand.

How did one let go of a man like Carlos Rivera? Impossible. She was only human. How did one forget it all and watch another woman become the beginning and end of his slow sexy smile? She knew him too well, as old lovers do, to be able to ignore the silent signals that passed between him and DamaliЧthe way his gaze smoldered at times, telling his new choice without words to leave the group so they could be alone. Then her mind would blaze, just knowing what that meant, his touch a permanent part of her own skin, his voice a haunting echo of hot summer nights.

Juanita bit her lip, refusing to dissolve into a crying jag. But how could she let go, or be flesh and blood and watch the light in his eyes only shine for another woman? DidnТt they know that she had been there when no one else would beЕ even Damali? She had been the one to hear his dreams of building an empire, watched him come up from the streets to rule themЕ had been there for his momma, even his grandmomma to the endЧthe angels had spoken to her, Momma Rivera had saved her life and had risen as a spirit to give her the number to reach him!

Juanita wrapped her arms around herself and leaned against the tree in the yard, fighting the tears that had to fall. Then, the only one she could have told something like this to, Father Lopez, had been killed.

She closed her eyes and huge, unshed tears ran down her face. HeТd reminded her so much of a younger, more innocent version of Carlos that, sheТd come as close as one was allowed to falling in love with a priestЕ but it was because of his resemblance to the man she could never wash out of her system.

Now, she was trapped into living with all these people she didnТt know or like, tormented by the nearness of the man she could never have again. Maybe this was her penance for everything sheТd ever done wrong in her life. Who said Hell was beneath the ground and only got its claws in you once dead?

Marlene watched her like a hawk. Evil woman. Marjorie was no betterЧa judgmental, suburban bitch. Jose had taken possession of her like a Rotweiler, always near, marking her as his territory with an unnecessary touch, a quick kiss, or coming up with some stupid reason to have to talk to her alone. There was an unspoken, invisible barrier created by his Guardian brothersЧand the other females in the house almost snarled if she got too close, too familiar, if an old private joke she and Carlos once shared slipped between them. And that whore, DamaliЕ she rode CarlosТs hip like a nine millimeter.

Only his eyes reached out with a sad knowing, every glance speaking volumes, holding an apology that there was nothing he could do under the circumstances. But even as the memories of what she and Jose had once shared began to take hold, oozing into her with each day as though the house was alive with the past, the old shamanТs chants echoingЕ the more recent memories of CarlosТs touch still pelted her skin like a burning rain.

A shudder ran through her, which only increased the flow of tears. She wiped at them angrily, staring up to the waning sun. DidnТt he know that no matter what happened to him, she would be there? Fangs and allЕ for him, she would have died in his arms like sheТd already done so many nights before, would have walked through fire, ride or die, it didnТt matter. Damali didnТt own sole province over that. Damali left him when he was dealing, had called Carlos a punkЧ a punk, in front of the team! Carlos? Was she sick?

Juanita ran her fingers through her hair as fight adrenaline made her hands shake. Pain pressed down on her so hard she couldnТt breathe. The air around her felt thick. The only cure would be his kissЕ his deep, sensual whisper in her ear just saying one more time, УBaby, itТll be all right.Ф She covered her mouth to stifle an audible sob.

УBeen there,Ф a quiet male voice said behind her.

Juanita whirled around, startled by the intrusion. She placed her palm against her chest and bent over. УRider, ohЕ shit!Ф

УSunТs going down, kiddo. Just came out to bring you back into the house.Ф

She glanced at the half-emptied bottle of Jack Daniels that dangled at his side in a loose hold, and then up into his bloodshot eyes. УYou okay?Ф

УNo more than you are, but IТll live.Ф

He set the bottle down on the ground next to his cowboy boot and took out a pack of Marlboro Reds from his vest pocket, then tapped the back of the pack. With a weary sigh, he brought the pack to his lips, catching a protruding cigarette butt between them, and then struck a match with his thumb. She watched him go through the laborious process of lighting the cancer stick, but understood where he was when he closed his eyes, inhaled with a hiss, and a slow expression of ecstasy spread across his face. Pain killer.

УYou gotta let it go, hon,Ф he said in a tender voice, exhaling smoke. УEven though I canТt pretend to tell you how to do that.Ф He took another slow drag on the butt. УIf you find out the secret, be sure to let old Rider know, okay?Ф