"Banks, L A - Vampire Huntress - Between The books 1-14" - читать интересную книгу автора (Banks L. A)УLike,Ф he said, his gaze drifting to a vacant place far away, Уyou love hard enough, but philosophically enough, to walk to save a manТs foolish lifeЧif necessaryЕ whereas a man would go down in flames. A real woman did that for me, and I suspect that you did that once, too.Ф Silence enveloped them, and JuanitaТs hands slowly withdrew from her hips to hug her body. УWhat really happened in the subway tunnel, Rider?Ф He stared at her for a moment. УI was turning, a Master vamp was battle bulked, and my Tara was between us. She made a decision to save my soul by sending me home with my brothersЧwho were supposed to put a stake in my chest, rather than let me get my heart ripped out without a prayer by the man that could feed her and keep her existing.Ф He let his breath out hard and took another deep swallow of liquor when Juanita didnТt answer. УAnd I loved her enough to let her go without raising a hallowed point silver shell against her so she could be fed and not sufferЕ or become too weak to get out of the sun. His feeding kept her on the planet; her decision kept me on the planet. But itТs a fucked up situation.Ф УJesus, RiderЕФ УYeah,Ф Rider said and spat on the ground. УBeen trying to talk to Him about that, but ainТt nobody answered me here of late. So, there we are. Me, you, and a Jerry Springer household. The walking dead, for nowЧsoul-shattered. But, like I said, youТre lucky.Ф УI feel like IТm dying,Ф Juanita whispered. УYep.Ф УSo, how am I lucky?Ф she said, her voice becoming shrill as she extended her hands toward him. УYou never got nicked.Ф They looked at each other. Rider ran his finger down his jugular absently, seeming lost in thought. УIf Rivera had nicked you, weТd have had to put you down for good, hon. Tara was a second. Your ex was a Councilman. Sit in class with Marlene long enough and youТll get schooled. All I can say is, Damali got more than nicked by a Master, then a Councilman, and the girl will rip your lungs out if you step wrong in the house.Ф He shrugged as though defeated and turned the bottle up to his mouth. УHell,Ф he said, wiping his lips with the back of his forearm. УThe girl might even grow fangs again. Whatdu I know?Ф УYou think sheТd go there, huh? Try to actually smoke me forЧФ УCanТt say for sure, thatТs the problemЧand on a situation like this, IТm not inclined to be a betting man.Ф Rider set down his bottle with wobbly care and put away his smokes. He held out his hands and turned them over, watching Juanita stare at them. УAnger, rippling through the system of a battle-hyped NeteruЕ a punch accidentally thrown too hard with way too much emotion behind it. A hair-yank, during what should be a normal cat fight. A swing around bitch-slap catching your lovely jaw the wrong way, and, Juanita, baby, your fragile neck could snap. Do. You. Understand?Ф He stuffed his hands in his pockets when her complexion paled. УYou think Rivera doesnТt want to sit down with you and talk? Not. He does, but the man is pragmatic, canТt risk it. The tactical sensors walk by him and the hairs stands up on their arms. You can smell the worry in his sweat; his nerves are shot, just like all of ours are. Unfinished business is resonating through the house. ItТs always that way; anybody with some age under their belts knows that old lovers gotta talk and come to terms to diffuse the potential bomb. But he canТt do that right now, for your sake. Damali ainТt in the frame of mind or place yet to let that go down. ThatТs also foremost on JoseТs mind.Ф She closed her eyes, pushed her hair over her shoulders, and sighed. УJoseЕФ УYeah, him,Ф Rider said flatly, УJose. Like I said, youТre lucky. YouТve got somebody back at the house just waiting for you to wake up and see himЕ a good man ready to pick up the pieces and try again. Baby, donТt waste this opportunity. They come rare.Ф УButЕФ Her gaze fell on RiderТs again, but this time with so much more respect. УNo, buts,Ф Rider whispered. УBreak JoseТs heart and heТll die. ThatТs who you need to be talking to. What do you think is probably going through his mind watching you twist in the wind over Rivera?Ф Juanita rubbed her palms down her face. УOh, GodЕФ УYep.Ф УDid he sayЧФ УNope,Ф Rider said quickly. УIs it me, or am I crazy? Sis, you are living with a group of folks that read signs, have extra-sensory everything guiding their daily lives. Even a blind man could see whatТs up, then just throw in a sprinkle of extraЧФ УOkay, okay, okay,Ф Juanita said, new tears beginning to form. |