"Banks, L A - Vampire Huntress - Between The books 1-14" - читать интересную книгу автора (Banks L. A)

УNo,Ф Rider said firmly. УNot okay. You get this shit straight in that pretty head of yours right here, right now, before we walk back into the house, all right?Ф

She nodded and simply let the tears fall.

УGood. Because, also, if you hadnТt noticed, this is an insane life!Ф Rider snatched up his bottle from the ground again, and then lit another cigarette with shaky hands, juggling the Jack Daniels and a pack of smokes in agitation. УTensions run high,Ф he said, pointing at her with a lit cigarette smoldering between his fingers. УShit happens quick. Madness pops off at a momentТs notice, and finding a life partner is near impossible. Finding a private minute to be real, be scared, be comforted, and to be made to feel safe is a luxury! Most of us have been rolling solo for so long that, when we get even a sniff of something like that, we go down hard and permanently.Ф

УI didnТtЧФ

УI know you didnТt,Ф Rider shouted. УAinТt nobody here got time for games or wishy-washy shit as though weТve got a lotta options. ThatТs why Dan is losing his damned mind over Krissy, and J.L. is about to go Bruce Lee for herЧbrothers squaring off over limited resources. A life mate, read as intimate partner, on this vagabond team is a very limited resource. Open your eyes, sis. And trust me, if either of them was foolish enough to make a move near Inez, weТd be cleaning up road-kill once Big Mike stomped their asses to death. The big guy is on edge; I ainТt never seen him like this. But Inez brings him something he never had before, hope.Ф


УWerenТt you there when our Zen master lost it?Ф Incredulous, Rider began walking in a circle, muttering. УShabazz almost got the whole team smoked back there in Philly over that dashing display Kamal pulled, and he still ainТt right in his head about itЧbut thatТs grown folks business and not my primary concern. I work with the newbies. Soon, itТs gonna hit Bobby like that, too, then what? Might be five to seven years before we get another influx of baby Guardians, and thereТs no guarantee thereТll be a cutie pie in the bunch for that young buck to pick from. DanТs been left hanging and hoping for two years nowЕ me, Mike, and J.L., sheesh.Ф

Rider looked up toward the darkening sky. УWhat was it, like seven years since weТd found Damali? Then Jose had a brief interlude with Dee Dee, who we allowed on the team not really feeling that she was Guardian material, just becauseЕ aw, forget it. Mar told us not to, but we all argued her down, just wore her out till she tried the poor girl, and it ultimately cost Dee Dee her life.Ф He stared at Juanita hard. УShe died because we let someone in the circle who shouldnТt have been there in the first place, trying to rush the hands of fate so one of our brothers could keep his head right. WonТt happen again, believe that.Ф

Juanita folded her arms over her chest. УWhat was messing with his head so much that you all let some womanЧФ

УDonТt go there,Ф Rider warned, scowling at his bottle by his feet. УIТm drunk and canТt be held responsible for the rambling.Ф He shot a hot glance up to Juanita. УAinТt seven years of being alone enough of an explanation?Ф

She relaxed her arms and slowly let them fall to her sides with a fatigued sigh. УOkay. IТm hearing you.Ф

УHon, we have farЦreaching issues on the team. Okay? Now you can say, СokayТ to me!Ф

УOkay,Ф Juanita said softly. УI hear you.Ф

УOkay, then,Ф Rider said, finally lowering his voice. He looked at the burned down cigarette between his fingers. УI gotta stop smoking, but at the moment, I canТt come up with a good reason why I should.Ф

УBecause youТre the teamТs glue, and a really good friend,Ф she said, new tears replacing the oneТs that fell. УI just didnТt know all that was going on.Ф

УYeah, yeah, yeah, IТm the teamТs glue. More like Crazy Glue,Ф he said, trying to make a joke, but failing as emotion caught in his throat. He turned his back to her and stared at the house. УRemember the house, Juanita. Remember when you and Jose were kids, okay? Remember all the good times in that house and on this land. Remember how he made you laugh, made you sighЕ made you safe. This house has memory in it thatТs good for you two.Ф

УI will.Ф Her voice was tender as she went to him and hugged him from behind, laying her cheek against his back.

He closed his eyes and drew in a shuddered breath. УI was supposed to be hugging you, kiddoЕ supposed to be the strong big brother with wise counsel.Ф

УYou are wise, Rider,Ф she said quietly. УI know this house for youЕФ

УIs Hell,Ф he whispered and placed his arms over hers. УThere are days when I canТt even walk up the front steps.Ф

She nodded but didnТt speak.

УThat front walkway,Ф he said, his voice becoming gravelly, Уis where I carried TaraТs body up to the shamanЕ thenЕФ

УI know,Ф Juanita whispered, rocking him gently. УJose told me.Ф

Rider nodded. УI came back one last time to see her NanaЧthey couldnТt do anything.Ф

Juanita nodded against his back as it expanded and contracted, battling a sob.