"Banks, L A - Vampire Huntress - Between The books 1-14" - читать интересную книгу автора (Banks L. A)

If his woman was no longer alive, and the cosmos had released this level of adrenaline upon his battlegrounds, so be it. And how long had it been since any of them had allowed themselves to fully shape-shift from their human formЕ fear of it getting too good to them had made such a release against their clan code. It was forbidden.

But tonight was truly a spectacular night. The stars winked a seductive messageЧgo for it. The moon bathed them in blue-white splendor. Power was in the air, something in the universe had shiftedЕ the urge to be one with that force was beyond his ability to resist. War made his blood hot, keened his senses, and whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

Kamal dropped his weapon at his feet and his snarling smile broadened as he watched his men instantly drop to all fours. Sleek black coats replaced sun burnished, ebony skins. Shoulder blades cracked and spines distended into tails. Low purrs of jaguar ecstasy blended into one dull harmony that filled the night. In lightening motions, fluid stealth laden high tree branches with unseen terror, weighing them down with an unnatural harvest waiting to pounce. This was their zone; the were-wolves didnТt stand a chance. The thrill of the hunt held them enthralled. Oh, yes, this was a killing eve.

Kamal felt his body give sway to the pull of the gorgeous temptress, the moonЕ cell by pleasure split cell, birthing what was inside him, giving rise to what heТd steadfastly denied himselfЧraw power.

Claws replaced his fists and dug into the fertile earth, his clothes were shreds left behind on the ground like dead snakeskin. His vertebrae elongated notch by notch, a thick coat encasing a network of steel cable beneath it. Tears of sheer ecstasy stung his eyes as he shuddered and became what he was. His team snarled their assent. It was time to cease pretending.

The wolfen clans had invaded his territory. Wolfen were-Senators versus a were-human team that was near mad with the need to avenge the offenseЕ yes, tonight was a good way to end it all.

A high crag became his watchtower. The roar that left his lungs reverberated through the stillness and made the leaves tremble. Marlene had gone, perhaps crossed over. He could deal with her choice to live beside another worthy Guardian, the one called ShabazzЧbut he would never accept her demise at the hands of evil.

Whatever sought MarleneТs Damali, and had killed the love of his life, had seriously underestimated what a man with nothing left to loose might do. Death in a righteous battle would now be his balm.

Between Books: Volume Three
After The Bitten, Before The Forbidden
March 2005

Sydney, Australia...

Rider hung back from the small circle of younger Guardians who had gathered around Damali and Carlos. He and the old heads on the team took a wait and see approach. Just because Carlos had come back from the ashes, didnТt mean everything was necessarily jakey.

But that reality just added another ten ton weight to RiderТs shoulders. He fought back tears of frustration as his jaw muscle worked on the potential problem. When he looked at Damali, he almost had to close his eyes to keep the hot moisture that had built within them from running down his cheeks. She was like his daughter, his baby-girl, no matter what. He shared fatherhood and a deep sense of love and loyalty for her with Shabazz and Mike.

To his way of looking at things, they were the three dads on the team. He was Сfun dad,Т the off the wall one, whoТd allow her to express her wild side and take risks. Shabazz was Сdiscipline dad,Т the one who dispensed wisdom and pulled her back when she became too wild. Mike, wellЕ he was MikeЕ her big teddy bear and tall tree to lean on, Сhuggy dad,Т who was there when the shit just got to be too muchЕ and each one of them had lived through something that had put their hearts in their mouths.

Rider glanced at the old soldiers who had been to Hell and back with their daughter, feeling every ache and pain and heartbreak up close and personal with his comrades. Each one of them was so weary they looked like theyТd drop where they were standing, and yet he knew in his soul that heТd so it all again just to see her happy like she was now.

Shabazz neared him and spoke low and confidentially in his ear with a nod. УThat was some heroic shit, man. Taking on harpies all by yourself.Ф

Both men set their sightline on Carlos and Damali without looking at each other.
Rider shrugged. УYou woulda done the same.Ф He motioned toward Carlos with a nod. УThe other kid we gotta deal with now ainТt too bad, either.Ф

Shabazz let his breath out hard. УYeah, but you put your body on the line, man. Big props.Ф

УMy heart was on the line, dude. Would have given my right arm to see them like they are now.Ф

УShit, man, you almost did,Ф Shabazz muttered. УHarpies and no weapon? Man, donТt go do no crazy bull like that again. We the rock on the team and go way backЧme, you, and Mike. WouldnТt be the same if you or Mike was gone.Ф

УWhat can I say,Ф Rider said quietly. УLook at Сem.Ф He swallowed hard and steadied his voice. УAll I wanted was for these two kids to have the chance I never had. Been where that girl wentЕ been standing over a body, wishing I could just have the angels hear my prayer. They didnТt listen to me, but they listened to her. So, like you always tell me, itТs all good.Ф He looked away as the memory of Tara filled him up. УThe one I loved like that came back, but not in the sunshine.Ф

УI feel you, brother,Ф Shabazz said softly, landing a supportive hand on RiderТs shoulder. УAll us old heads just wanted the kids to have a chance, and to not have to deal with the losses weТve dealt with. ThatТs what weТre supposed to do, right?Ф

Rider nodded and sighed. УWe gonna have to watch Jose, though. HeТs pretty jacked around now. You and I both know that.Ф

For the first time since theyТd been standing together, Rider and Shabazz locked gazes.