"Banks, L A - Vampire Huntress - Between The books 1-14" - читать интересную книгу автора (Banks L. A)

Her daughter-charge had been through so muchЕ her womb had been desecratedЕ her body beaten and in pain. Marlene hugged herself. Her arms ached to hold Damali and take it all away from her. Yet, that wasnТt possible until Damali left CarlosТs side and came to her for that. All she could do was watch helplessly as her girl-child quietly wept against a dead man whoТd come back to life. DamaliТs clenched fists felt like they were squeezing her heart, sections of it oozing through her daughterТs fingers as she thought about the possibilities.
Marlene looked at Shabazz, then Rider, and then Mike and a silent understanding passed between her and the older Guardians. It was time to move out. She calmly approached Damali and Carlos, but didnТt fully enter their private space. What she wanted was a good look into his eyes. What she saw in the depths of them through her veteran second sight horrified her.

* * *

Father Patrick finally looked up from the fervent prayers that he and his fellow clerics had been silently levying to seal the group from any outside detection. Father Lopez troubled him to the core of his soul. When the young cleric looked up, Father Patrick gave Imam Asula and Monk Lin a knowing stare.

УIf you gentlemen would be so kind to keep vigil while the team prepares to get into the Jeeps, IТd like to take a short walk with Padre.Ф

The otherТs nodded and pulled back, and allowed the senior cleric and go to Father Lopez without even a glance. They knew, too.

УWalk with me, son,Ф Father Patrick said, moving Lopez out of earshot of the teams. УEven a priest needs confession without judgment.Ф

Father Lopez glanced around nervously.

УWeТve temporarily prayer-sealed the area to demon encroachment. This mission is so sensitive that, even other Guardian teams canТt sense us, let alone hear us,Ф Father Patrick said quietly as he draped an arm over LopezТs shoulders and walked him several yards away from everyone else. When theyТd stopped walking, he turned the young priest to face him. УTalk to me, son. ItТs all in your eyesЕ a pain so deep, conflict so visceral that it hangs in the air like a razor thatТs cutting your to shreds.Ф He let out his breath on a slow, patient exhale. УI was a man before I was a priest. I, of all people, will not judge you. Just talk to me.Ф

The tears that had welled up in LopezТs stunned brown eyes spilled down his cheeks. УForgive me Father, for I have sinned.Ф

Father Patrick put a finger to his lips, breathed in slowly, willing himself not to panic and cut off the junior clericТs brimming hysteria. The pain that wafted from Padre Lopez raised the hair on his neck.

УWhen the image was first put into my mind, then the connection that was soЕФ The young cleric stopped speaking, took in a shuddering breath, and allowed his gaze to drift off toward the distance.

УSomething within sent me down the side of the mountain to collect a vampireТs ashes. I still feel connected to him, like his passions are my passions, his urges mine. I donТt understand what is happening to me. All I know is I canТt forget her. The woman Carlos taunted me with lives in my mind.Ф

Padre Lopez glanced down at his mud caked shoes. УThen to see Carlos and DamaliЕ what they have is pure, and that makes it enviable. It survived the grave, survived the fire, FatherЧand now it lives full bloom in The Light. Everything IТve been taught is in question and IТm failing my vows in my mind.Ф His hunted gaze frantically searched the elder clericТs eyes. УIТm going quietly mad. I keep asking to be set free, to be sent into The Light, if that would make the struggle go away. But IТm so conflicted,Ф he said in a desperate whisper through his teeth, Уbecause how can a love like that be wrong? How can one not want that for oneТs self? Why should a man of flesh not be able toЕФ LopezТs voice trailed off and he raked his hair as a crimson tinge spread over his flushed cheeks.

Father PatrickТs grip tightened on the younger manТs shoulders. His voice was gentle, but his tone firm. УI know that the image of being with the young woman that Carlos sent into your mind wasЕ it was difficult. However, that was done when he was at a different place in his mind, his development, therefore, Padre it will pass andЧФ

УNo,Ф Lopez said in an urgent whisper of quick, jagged sentences. УIt was more than an image. I felt her. It will not pass. MonthsЕ and it had not passed! The moment I held his ashes, it worsened. Right now sheТs all I can think about, even with potential doom before us. Her voice still haunts me. I also felt her spirit. I canТt get her spirit out of my spirit. CanТt get the sense of needing to protect her and be with her out of my mind.Ф

Father Patrick looked at the young cleric that had near madness in his eyes, and nodded, knowing that to argue now while Lopez was on the brink of mental collapse would not be wise. So, he opted for calm psychology, anything to get the young cleric on the Vatican plane, and onto hallowed ground. Right now, Lopez was so emotionally vulnerable that a breeze could blow him away.

УSon, my fellow clergyman, I understand your pain. It is not your fault. You are human. What we must endeavor to do is to get us all to safe ground. Try to hold on, till we get to safety. Do not make any permanent decisions about your vows, or your status as a priest, until then. Do not defect. We need a unified team, a strong prayer barrier to make it to safety. Ultimately, you cannot help the young woman who came into your mind unless our fortifications against evil are strong. You are a member of The Covenant, and must hold the line.Ф He landed a supportive hand on each of LopezТs shoulders and held him firm while looking him directly in the eyes. УCan you do that, at least for me? For the team. One spirit. If only until we get back home.Ф

Lopez weakly nodded as his eyes flooded again tears. УBut once I see herЕФ

УWeТll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, itТs theoretical. SheТs not here among us. So, IТll ask you again, can you make this conflicted decision only after we get back home?Ф

Lopez let out an agonized sigh, closed his eyes, and let the tears heТd been holding back fall.

УGood,Ф Father Patrick said, releasing his breath as his pulled the young cleric into a bear hug. УThen I grant you absolution, my son.Ф

Between Books: Volume Four
After The Bitten, Before The Forbidden
April 2005

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