"Bennett, Cherie - Sunset Island 005 - Sunset Reunion (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bennett Cherie)

"There's my suitcase," Emma said, ducking in front of a heavyset man to reach for her designer luggage.
"Is that everything?" Sam asked. Carrie and Emma nodded. "Should I get Danny to come haul this stuff? He's probably where he can't leave the car, but I could switch places with him," she offered.
"I'm okay," Carrie said.
"Me, too," Emma said, lifting her suitcase. Sam grabbed the handle to help her. "Okay, then, let's boogie!"
Goofy was lolling against the side of a black van painted with various stars, flowers, abstract designs, and scrawled slogans. The girls threw all their stuff in the back of the van and scrambled in. Danny crawled into the back and pulled off the head portion of his costume so he could see to drive.
"What did I tell you?" Sam said, turning around and giving her friends a significant look. "He's^not really supposed to be out here in costume, but he insisted. What could I say?"
Sam, as usual, had been right. Danny really was to-die-for cute. His shaggy brown
hair had streaks of auburn in it, and sea-green eyes peered out of a tanned and handsome face.
"Doesn't it get hot under there?" Carrie asked him as he started the van.
"A little," he admitted in a low voice.
"Shy," Sam mouthed at them, and shrugged. "Listen, I got you guys a room at the greatest hotel. It's so coolЧthe monorail that runs through Disney World stops inside, practically in front of your door!"
Emma had insisted on paying for the hotel, and Carrie had finally capitulated. The truth of the matter was that Emma didn't want to stay at a hotel out in the hinterlands, which is all Carrie would have been able to afford. Hotel prices were very, very high anywhere around there. Besides, Sam would be staying with them a lotЧshe described her rented room as being the size of a closet.
"Palm trees," Carrie sighed, leaning out the window of the van so that the breeze could ruffle her hair. "I love palm trees!"
"When do we get to see your show?" Emma asked Sam,
"Tonight," Sam promised. "I do the Rocking Fifties Revue at seven, and the Wild West Revue at eight."
"She's really great," Danny said, stopping at a light. "I mean, she's the best dancer. She really stands out."
Sam made a face. "Well, thanks, but I'm not supposed to stand out, so that probably isn't very good. I'm supposed to look exactly like the other five girls who are dancing with
"So do you love it?" Carrie asked.
"Sometimes," she answered. "Sometimes it's so exciting I have to pinch myself. Then sometimes I think I will just die if I have to look perky for one more second. They're very into perky there," she explained. Just then they pulled into the circular drive in front of a huge, marble-fronted hotel.
"Wow," Carrie breathed.
A uniformed doorman opened the door to the van and helped Sam from the front seat, then held out his hand to assist Emma and Carrie.
"You can get the bags out of the back," Sam told an approaching bellhop.
Danny jumped out of the van and started to put his Goofy head back on.
"How about leaving it off?" Sam suggested, her hand resting lightly on his forearm.
He gave her a lovesick look. "Okay," he agreed. "Actually, I should get back to work." He turned to Emma and Carrie. "Nice meeting you. I'll see you at the show tonight," he promised.
"Okay. And thanks for the lift!" Carrie yelled as Danny hopped back into the van.
"He's really sweet," Emma told Sam as they followed the bellhop into the lobby.
"But broke," Sam sighed. "I ask you, why is it always the broke guys who are so cute?"
Emma smiled ruefully. Kurt was broke, too. And though it hadn't really mattered to her, because she certainly didn't have to worry about money, she had to admit that it had been a burden on their relationship because he had cared.
It didn't take long to registerЧSam stared covetously at Emma's gold American Express card when she whipped it outЧand the girls followed the bellhop up to their room.
"Anything else I can get for you girls?" the young, clean-cut bellhop asked after he'd brought their bags in.
"No, that's fine," Emma said, handing him a tip. He gave Emma a dazzling smile.
"Okay, then; Have a great time here at the Magic Kingdom!"
He closed the door behind him as Carrie ran to open the sliding glass doors that led to a balcony. "Wow, come look at this! I can see all of Disney World from here! Oh, I love it!"
Emma ran to join her, and the two girls exclaimed over the fabulous view. Meanwhile, Sam bounced up and down on one of the bedsЧafter all, she saw the place six days a week.
"All the bushes down there are trimmed in the shape of giant animals!" Emma said as she came back into the room.
"It kind of makes me wish I had a little kid with me," Carrie said wistfully. "Wouldn't you just love to show all this to some kid?"
"That's exactly why the old Magic Kingdom rakes in the big bucks," Sam said. "Every adult in the world wants to bring their kid hereЧor any kid here, for that matter."
"I can't wait to see it all!" Carrie said, plopping down on the other bed.
"It really is terrific here, I have to admit," Sam said with a grin.
"So, tell us all about it!" Emma coaxed. She sat cross-legged on the bed next to Sam.
"Well, I was so nervous when I first got here," Sam admitted, picking some red polish off the nail on her pinky. "I mean, I guess I'm a good dancerЧ"
"You're a great dancer!" Carrie interrupted.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Sam said, "but I didn't know if I could really compete with actual professionals."
"Evidently they thought so, though, or they wouldn't have hired you," Emma pointed out.
"Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself. I've worked really hard, and I'm doing okay, I guess, but sometimes I just feel like a cog in the wheel. ..."
Carrie and Emma just stared at her.
"Like a robot could do what I'm doing!" Sam said earnestly. "Now and then I think they just hired me because they needed a redhead, and any old redhead tall enough to dance in the second row would do."
"I think you're selling yourself short," Emma said.