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- Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

A black moment for them both.

Bourland shrank from the doorway where he'd apparently been standing quiet for some time. His expression . . . shattered.


He turned and kept going. Richard rushed after, his heart in his throat.

Bourland did not run, but walked very quickly, coming to an abrupt stop outside the open door of Richard's empty room. When he turned again . . . there was a Walther in his hand; he smoothly racked the slide to chamber a round, but did not bring it up to shoot. Instead he let his arm hang straight down, the pistol pointed at the floor. But he had a finger on the trigger.

They regarded each other for a long, long time. Richard heard his friend's heartbeat loud in the silence between them. It hammered swiftly and hard for a time, then gradually slowed, but not by much.

Richard finally worked up to say something to break the unnerving stretch, but Bourland beat him to it.

"So . . . now I know," he whispered.

"Yes. You do."

"That story about porphyria you handed me back when we met . . ."

"A necessary cover." Richard's standard one to explain his aversion to daylight and other quirks.

"I can understand why. Is this also why you've not changed in all this time? You still look to be in your thirties, and how long have I known you? Fifteen years. Until now I never noticed . . ."

Richard gestured toward the room. "Let's go in, sit down."

"No, they've a camera there. They monitor everything in this place."

That was good, that Bourland was mindful of such things. But was it to preserve Richard's secret or to leave no record of a shooting? "I shut it off. It's safe enough."

Neither man moved.

"Are you going to use that?" Richard indicated the Walther. It was a P-99 with a full sixteen-round magazine, and Bourland would know well how to use it.

He seemed to realize it was in his hand. He puffed a laugh at it. "My God, after what you've been through, what you've survived, this would hardly make a dent, would it?"

Richard was pleased to hear that line of reasoning. "Let's not find out, if you don't mind."

Bourland put the safety on and slipped the pistol into the shoulder holster under his arm. "I came back to see if you might be awake. My cell phone woke me. There's another brain hemorrhage case, this one on a plane that just landed in Heathrow. Charon must have been on it. They were still screening off-loaded passengers. I came back here and saw the impossible: you on your feet and walking down the hall. I couldn't believe it. Then you went in that lab, the young woman, what you did to her . . ."

"She's unharmed."

"You drank her blood," he stated. He was frightened and angry and disgusted.

"She's unharmed, Philip. Doesn't remember a thing."

"To hell with that, you drank her blood!"

"I had to," he said softly. "And she is unharmed. I swear that on Michael's life."

This put him off a little, but he was clearly still unnerved. "Sabra—she knew about you?"

"Yes. Everything."

"Does Michael?"

What? "Why should he?"

"That's no answer."

"The truth is I'm not sure. Michael knows many things beyond his years. He just . . . knows, like how he got my real name out of thin air. If my . . . my condition is part of that knowledge, then he's never seen fit to mention it, nor did I ever raise the topic with him. I doubt Sabra did, either."

Apparently Bourland was doing some fast thinking, but this bombshell was a lot for him to process. "You and Stephanie."

Richard bowed his head at her name. So much pain there. His lover. Michael's mother. A second daughter to Bourland. "I loved her, Philip. Loved and lost."

"Is this why you never married her?"

Not what he expected. He'd thought Bourland would go on about the blood-drinking, demand to know if she'd been touched in that way, had been harmed by it, revolted. But this . . . ?

"She wanted children. I'm . . . not fertile."

"You think that would have mattered to her?"

More surprise. "I was certain I could never give her the life she wanted. It seemed better for her to move on."

"Yet for all that you are, she might be alive today if you'd—"

"Please, Philip, don't go down that road. I've been there a thousand times, and there's no answer, only pain. What we have, the things that happen that are out of our control, for good or ill, is what is, not what might have been. That's what we all live with, and we either accept it or not. We deal with it or let it crush us. What do you think she would say to you?"

That hit home. Harder than Richard had ever intended. Bourland's body jerked as though he had been struck, and his eyelids blinked rapidly, but he mastered himself, lifting his chin. "You can make me forget the last few minutes, can't you? I've seen you work whatever it is on others. Certainly with that woman back there."

"I could. But I'd rather not."

"Why? It's safer for you. God knows it'd be easier on me."

He shrugged, discomfited. "I think this was meant to happen. That you were supposed to find out."

"Why only now? You've had years to decide whether or not I could be trusted."

"This isn't about trusting. I said nothing because it was always for the best. But Sabra taught me that things happen for a reason. I'm thinking that now is the time you need to hear everything."


I've lost so much, please, don't let me lose you, too. "Because you're my only friend . . . and we both loved her."

Bourland caught his breath, his face twisting as he fought his emotions. His eyes glittered a moment with unshed tears. He looked away a moment, then back, his shoulders slumping. "Look, there's a break room up the hall. Perhaps . . . perhaps I can deal better with this with some coffee in me."

* * *

They talked into the early hours. Even when Richard touched only on the barest essentials it took a very long while. The story of one's days is never a quick or easy tale to impart, even for a man with an ordinary span of years.

He told of his life as the Champion d'Orleans, of Sabra saving him from death by handing him defeat, and how she'd delivered death to him after all, and with it, a dark rebirth, the Goddess's Gift.

"Sabra was like you?" Incredulity now.

"Older than me. I never knew how much older, but sometimes she talked about the Romans in Britain. Not kindly."

"My God. No wonder she laughed at me."

"About what?"

"Never mind. Go on. She became human again. How?"

At first Bourland sputtered with questions, but they ceased, and he listened. He managed one cup of coffee, then stared at the table as he heard the truth about the Grail. Richard was finally able to give him the backstory of what was really going on with Charon. In this bright and sterile place, rife with the most sophisticated scientific gadgetry outside of NASA, Bourland was able to hear and accept legend, superstition, and the mystical without demur.

"Of course I may wake in a few hours and with great relief know it was all just a dream," he pointed out.

"You won't."

"I suppose not. It certainly explains why Charon kept calling you 'Lance.' I thought it might have been one of your cover names from whatever you did before you came to Toronto. The sunglasses crowd are still looking into it."

"Do they know the d'Orleans name?"


"Then nothing will come of it."

"I'll see to that."


And just then she walked in. The woman Richard had fed from. She moved slowly, her eyes dull.

Bourland froze.

She didn't notice, continuing on toward a wall of cupboards above a sink.

"Excuse me," he said.

She paused to glance at Bourland. "Hm?"

"Are you all right?" He got up to look at her.

That action earned him an odd look in return, then she snorted. "Only asleep on my feet. I'm out of my gourmet blend, now I get to try the company-bought battery acid." She pulled a red plastic packet of pre-measured commercial coffee from the cupboard, then went to a coin-operated dispensing machine. After consideration, she picked a candy bar. "You guys up late or in early?"

"Up late."

"My sympathy. All-night rush jobs are the downside of salaried pay, I tell you. I've been getting one a week for the past month. I should form a union and go on strike."

On her way out, she glanced at them, staring puzzled at Richard's still bare feet, but making no comment.

Bourland was also silent. Then: "She seems all right. Didn't seem to recognize you at all."

"As I said."

"Indeed. No huge damage, just two small holes and a lot of beard-burn."

Richard suddenly felt himself coloring. "Philip, the new hemorrhage case . . . ?"

"God. I'd forgotten. That's all I know at the moment. This morning in London—their time—a trans-Atlantic flight landed with a dead man aboard, the investigation's ongoing, they'll let me know if and when."

"I doubt they'll be able to get Charon."

"Oh, come, he's not superhuman."

"Don't be too certain, and he has help. The Grail. And whatever powers he's learned to use since our last run-in."

"I thought the Grail was only meant for good."

"So's electricity." He let the inference sink in. "Intent and use are all."

"To think she had that thing sitting in her back room. I thought it was just some curiosity she'd found antiquing or something. Clueless, that's me."

"Safe. Come on."


"You're all in, as am I. Rest while you can. Tomorrow could be busy."

Bourland grunted, but allowed himself to be guided out. "Dear God. All this time. You." He shook his head, then fixed on Richard. "So . . . what was King Arthur really like?"

He gaped, but his friend was utterly serious. "Well, he sure as hell didn't look like Sean Connery."

* * *

Richard went back to his room. For the time being he had no other place to go, might as well sleep while he could.

If he could.

He lay in the dimness, waiting for the morning to bring fresh news, and humbly thanking the Goddess for Bourland's acceptance. It was good to have an ally on that level, one who knew everything.

Richard had few left with Sabra gone.

He touched on that raw and bleeding wound. He wanted to scream. Howling out one's grief was allowed, and he drew breath for it, but none came forth. Richard struggled again to let go, to cry; he wanted to break down and let it out here in this impersonal space where it would be safe, but nothing happened. No tears. He'd been ripped in two, the better part of him taken forever, and still he could not weep.

If he could just hear Sabra's voice again in his mind as he always had before and know she was all right wherever she might be, then he wouldn't feel so empty and lost and afraid. But the silence within was absolute and final. She was gone. All trace of her had departed but for fragile memories. One small inadequate tear did finally trickle from his right eye, past his temple to his pillow, but it had nothing to do with release so much as reflex from staring at the ceiling.

Eventually sleep settled lightly on him, and with it came dreams. He'd had none during his healing, now they poured through his mind, one after the other. Only flashes, not solid as the visions, but still vivid. He glimpsed the great snake god, coiled into a knot, seeming to float in space. It noticed him, shifting. Within the vast loops of its long body Richard thought he saw something . . .  someone . . . Sharon?

Just as he tried to get closer he was pulled away, flying toward the sun. It didn't burn, though the brightness made him wince. A green, flat land stretched below, very familiar. Its fields were crisscrossed by glowing lines of power, many intersecting. Where there was an intersection was a marker, either a man-built hill or a stone circle. Strangely, some of the intersection points were darkened, as though blasted by the heat of a fire, or as though a bomb had gone off. The stones were shattered, their power gone.

He almost had the meaning . . .

Then he was wide awake. Someone was in his room, moving stealthily close.

Frank the bureaucrat was at the side of the bed, his great eyes startled, quite startled, to see the change in Richard. "What th—"

To spare both of them future bother, Richard had to move fast. The door was shut, there wasn't enough light to hypnotize. He rolled from the bed, caught Frank by his perfect suit coat and slammed him against the near side wall. That knocked the wind from him, but not the fight. He'd gotten training from someplace, and Richard had to block two powerful moves that might have hurt had they landed. He struck three nerve points himself in speedy succession that paralyzed, but did not knock the man out, then reached to flip on the overhead light.

Puffing and face to face, Richard put him under quick. Damnation, why hadn't he knocked first? Richard could then have put on a light and taken care of this with much less exertion. Why was it when you were in a hospital situation people took it as their right to simply barge in on the sick?

"Why are you here?" he demanded.

Frank gazed calmly past him now, unseeing. "Looking for Philip. Something's wrong. Our computer files on you are gone. They've been tampered with."

"Oh. Not at all, you ordered it. You were under orders yourself to do it, and you and any others involved with my care will never speak of it or me again. Mr. Bourland and I are only special guests here for the time being, and in need of your full cooperation and resources. Isn't that right?"

"Of course."

"But before we leave, let's make sure all the little loose ends concerning me have been snipped . . ."

* * *

As the day waxed in Canada and waned in the United Kingdom no news came of finding Charon. By inference, the hemorrhage case on the trans-Atlantic flight meant that he was in the country. Via Bourland, Richard had people on that side checking airport arrivals video.

"All of them," he insisted. "And remember he may no longer be wearing an eye patch."

Copies were digitized and sent across so he could comb through them himself. He parked at a computer and worked with a graphics expert updating a composite of Charon's face, removing the facial scarring. Several versions were now on the same sheet, with and without the patch, scars, add a beard, leave it out, short and long hair, wig, hat, sunglasses. They used the distorted image captured from the curved mirror, cleaning it up even more, refining. It was all they had so far that could be considered a current picture.

But he felt it was wasted effort. If they'd not caught Charon at the airport, then he was elsewhere and well hidden. Richard was certain Charon had thrown up some kind of shielding to get himself past the thicket of security. Of course, he couldn't actually make himself invisible, but he could arrange to simply not be noticed. A subtle difference, but just as effective. It might have been such an effort that had buggered all the cameras in the other airports and at the hospital.

Also, Frank's people in the field did confirm Richard's guess about the timing of their ceremonies. The ones at Stonehenge were preparing for theirs to commence at moonrise. Since it would be a full moon, that would put it just at sunset. The people at Chichén Itzá would conduct their ceremony in the full light of day—but the same moment. Neither knowing about the other, they had arrived at the times independently.

Afternoon in Toronto passed with nothing else coming in from nightside Britain. Thankfully no further odd deaths were reported, though Charon was certainly capable of hiding a body if necessary.

When it was sufficiently dark, Bourland and Richard left in the back of an anonymous white van for a safe house Bourland had set up. By now Richard was in more substantial clothing than the borrowed scrubs, all of it new, since it would be a breach of security to go to his house to pick up anything of his own. The stuff fit, even the hiking boots. Some very meticulous people were looking after things.

The house was in one of the newer Toronto suburbs, and had an attached garage. The van went in, the garage door went down, and they got out, entering through the kitchen. Once inside, the door went up and the driver departed. Richard judged they would be safe enough with himself in shape to guard again.

He never got a look at the exterior of the place. The curtains and shades in every room were drawn, only to be expected, but it was comfortable. There were several bedrooms, kitted with two and three beds each, allowing not only for the people needing to drop from sight but space for those assigned to protect them. The furnishings were inoffensive and impersonal as a hotel suite but comfortable, and some very wise person had invested in a largescreen TV with a satellite hookup in the fight against cabin fever. Current magazines were neatly lined up on tables, and in one corner was a shelf stacked with a surprisingly large collection of well-thumbed comic books. Escapism at its finest.

Michael was overjoyed to see Richard, though he wasn't his normal ebullient self. The safe house was strange territory and the abrupt changes left him very subdued. A retreat to the familiar for comfort was impossible. Bourland had done the best he could to bridge things, and an importation of books, movies, CDs, and video games served to keep the boy diverted.

Excused for the time being from school because of the family emergency Michael still had homework. He had no heart for it, though, and no one pressed him. Understandable.

Improbably, the two specialist bodyguards turned out to be excellent sitters. The cold man played vid games with the same deadly focus and speed as Michael, and the woman taught him how to partner-dance.

Richard raised an eyebrow at that one, curious as to how the subject had ever come up, but whatever filled the time and distracted. Apparently Michael knew his adored foster uncle was a good dancer, but was too shy to ask to go to an instructor to learn for himself. Being taught by a pretty woman with time on her hands was an ingenious compromise.

With Bourland and Richard's return, the bodyguards were no longer needed, their murderous talents fortunately unused and required elsewhere. Richard could not admit any regret at losing them, though Michael had developed quite a crush on the lovely blond woman and couldn't stop talking about her. Also understandable.

It was a bleak evening as Bourland and Michael ate microwaved frozen dinners in the kitchen while Richard sat at the table to share company. None of them were able to speak about Sabra. Now and then Richard was aware of Bourland looking at him, but he let it pass without comment or question. His friend was simply curious, and needing to get used to his new knowledge. Bourland would be matching the long and ancient background history up to the man he knew and trying to merge the two. Not easy. He must have still been bursting with questions, but those could wait.

Bourland had been in and out of the paranormal center throughout the day, seeing to other errands that could not be accomplished by phone or computer, and right after his meal dozed off on one of the living room couches.

"Shouldn't he go up to his room?" Michael whispered, troubled. He was sensitive to adults behaving out of character, and watched Bourland from the couch opposite.

Richard said no, and came over to sit next to him. "He'll get a better sleep there than he will in a bed. I don't know why, but sometimes that's how it works out for grown-ups. Just keep the TV volume steady and it'll be fine."

"He told me you were dead."

That change of topic drew his sharp attention. If Michael had taken the information the wrong way . . . "When?"

"Not like that. Dad said you'd only been hurt, but everyone's supposed to think you were dead so they could do stuff to catch that guy. Real spy stuff. Dad told me not to, but I watched the news. Was that really you going off the bridge?"

Richard had also seen the bouncing, fuzzy amateur video taken by a tourist who happened to have his camera in the right place at the right time. After a distant pan of both falls from the Canadian side, the view swept jerkily along the gray river to the bridge, where a puff of smoke and fire suddenly erupted, and a black flailing figure shot clear of the explosion and fell, turning once before hitting the water. It amazed Richard how quick it had been in actuality compared to his nightmare memory of the experience. Seconds. There and gone.

His identity was yet to be revealed, for which he was grateful, but there was no doubt in his mind that Charon would have seen the circus many times by now. Probably having a good gloat.

"Yes, that was me."

"You don't look hurt."

"In truth, I'm sure I broke every bone in my body. I just heal fast."

Michael grunted, noncommittally. "Did you have to have shots?"

"Don't remember."

"Did you have a nurse?"

"Sort of, and she was very pretty." Richard wondered again how much Michael knew, but not to the point of asking. When it came down to it, his condition and outré diet weren't all that important to their relationship.

"I miss Aunt Sabra." Michael leaned over against Richard as he used to when he was much smaller. He put his arm around the boy, knowing the contact would reassure.

"So do I."

"She didn't hurt, did she?"

"The doctor said she was completely unconscious. She wouldn't have felt anything."

"I miss her . . ." Michael's voice went up and then the tears came. His sobs were quiet, but enough to wake Bourland. His eyelids cracked open, a questioning expression.

Richard put a finger to his lips and opened his palm outward to sign that he'd look after things. "It's all right," he whispered, holding his godson.

He waited for his own tears to come. One would have to have a heart of stone to listen to such crying and be unaffected.

And apparently his had turned to granite.


* * *

Richard dozed himself, only dimly aware when Michael got up, sniffling, to turn off the TV and wander into the kitchen. Domestic noises as the boy made a snack. Mourning or not, he was growing, packing food away like a starved squirrel. Bourland snored on the other couch. Good, he needed the rest.

Sabra's memorial service was tomorrow.

Bourland had managed to keep a low profile for Sabra despite her being the victim in the much publicized hospital invasion. Interest in the incident had been thoroughly knocked aside by the bridge explosion, so the media was likely to be busy elsewhere. Her family could grieve for her in private. Richard could not be there, though, since he was dead himself. In case Charon had agents on the watch.

Bloody bastard.

Michael finished in the kitchen and returned to the living room. Richard opened his eyes enough to see the boy gather a pile of pillows into the corner by the bookshelf, turn on a handy light, and pull the entire stack of comic books onto the floor with him. He liked to read himself to sleep. With a large bowl of popcorn and a canned soda for company he settled in for a marathon session. Richard eased back, dozing again. In between Bourland's snores he could hear the solid thump of their heartbeats. So long as they continued, all was—almost—well.

He ached for her . . .

"My lord, you must come now." The Abbot of Glastonbury himself shook Richard awake. Knowing what it meant and hating, hating it, he roused from his bed in one of the dim cells and followed.

It was just coming to sunset. Richard felt the pressure of the day's eye on him like a great searing weight. Soon it would lift. Too soon.

The chamber to which the abbot led him was clean and comfortable as could be made. In one corner three monks murmured soft prayers. Candles burned against the approach of night. There was a tall window in the west wall that looked out on green flat fields. The sun stared through like a curious pilgrim. On a low bed facing the window, well padded with many coverlets, lay a very old, old man. He wore a simple dark robe like the others, but on one finger was a gold ring proclaiming his rank in the Church. His white hair had been carefully combed, spread evenly on the pillow. Snow in the summer.

Tears welled so in Richard's eyes he could barely see. The abbot seemed to understand, took his arm, and led him over. Ignoring the harsh orange orb of the sun, Richard knelt on the stone floor by the bed and wiped his sight clear.

"How now, Dickon?" whispered the old man, blue eyes staring up. He'd gone blind in the last months and raised a gaunt, questing hand.

Richard took it, too conscious of the brittle bones beneath the thin skin. He pressed his lips to his brother's fingers. "I am well, Edward."

Edward made no further speech for some while, his breast rising and falling under the wheat-colored linen sheet. With each fall, it seemed to take longer and longer to rise again. Richard willed him to continue.

The fading sun was fever-hot on one side of Richard's face. He leaned close to murmur to his brother. "There is yet time. I can help you."

Unexpectedly, Edward puffed a very quiet laugh.

"I can. Please. Let me spare you."

"Spare me from heaven? No, thank you, Dickon. I look forward to it. This life hurts too much."

"That will vanish. You will be restored. I promise."

"We've had this talk before. You know how it ends. I always win." He hummed another laugh.

"You love the Church so much, think of the good you can do by sustaining your life. You can be young again."

"I've a perfect body waiting for me already." Edward's sightless gaze drifted toward him, a flash of sorrow in their blue. "You only hurt yourself by clinging so hard to this flesh, and that comforts me not. I'm ready to let it go. It is my time, and it is all right. Ask your lady. She agrees with me."

"Edward, I need you. You're my only family."

"I am not, just the only family you like."

"Please . . ."

"Richard, listen. This is what is to be. Accept it and know I am happy. I will not turn my path this time. You've chosen yours and I mine. I love the light too much to give it up for more life on this side. My Lord calls me, let me pass to Him with a joyful heart."

Richard could stand it no longer and bowed his head and wept hard, his own heart breaking.

"There now, Dickon, there now . . ." He reached across with his other hand and stroked Richard's hair until the storm eased. "I feel the sun going. Would you lift me? I want that warmth on my face."

As gently as he could, his eyes streaming, Richard gathered Edward up as though to look on the sunset. His brother's once strong body was as light as a child's. He eased the white head against his shoulder, and settled in, arms protectively around him.

"That's better," said Edward, his voice barely up to a whisper. "This is good. You know, I have a very dim memory of . . . I think Mother held me like this . . . I was so little, though. It might have been a dream . . ."

Richard held him and watched the sun for them both.


"I'm here, Edward. Right here."

"Richard, it's getting late." Bourland shook his shoulder.

He blinked at the unfamiliar room, the frail-looking furniture, the stranger in the odd clothes bending over him. The past and present slewed chaotically over one another in his mind, until things sorted themselves into their proper place. Fifteen centuries slid away in seconds. By the time Richard sat up the safe house looked normal to him again.

"The services are at nine," Bourland reminded. "I know you can't be there, but—"

"I'll manage." He rubbed wearily at his growing beard and wondered if he should shave.

Why was his face wet?

* * *

Richard stood solitary in a snow-covered cemetery, a black-clad figure blending with the tree trunks and ornate tombstones. He watched the quaint little nineteenth-century chapel from a distance, waiting for the service within to end. The only attendees in the family's pew that morning were Bourland and Michael. Nearby would be Bourland's school chum Frank, and standing back by the door the Boris and Natasha couple. To anyone else so small a gathering might have seemed pitiful and sad, but Richard knew Sabra would have preferred it that way. She'd looked on death as a passage to something better, and he believed that himself, but it was hard, cruel hard on those left behind.

The silence in his mind was the worst. How he missed her voice. In the past it now and then had annoyed him when she'd disrupt his thoughts with a comment or say something that would set him off into laughter at an inappropriate time. He'd give anything, go through anything, to bring her voice back again. A few words, a moment to tell her he loved her, to say good-bye. If she could only tell him she was all right, that all was well.

He'd once been on a tour of a cave in the Ozarks, and to make a point about the place, his guide had shut off his flashlight. The dark was so profound, even Richard's eyes perceived nothing, only phantom afterimages of light, which soon faded. The place was as quiet as it was black, and he was aware of the hundreds of feet of rock between himself and the surface. Without that light he would wander and perish—eventually—trying to find his way out.

Sabra's voice and spirit were gone from his soul the way the light was gone from that cave.

Only a matter of time, he thought, looking at the surrounding graves in the soft snow.

By listening hard he could just hear recorded music coming from the little gray stone building. He managed a tiny twitch of a smile, catching the faint strains of "In My Life." Sabra had loved that song. Lennon and McCartney's words and music pierced him through and through with their simple truth.

The sky was heavy and grayer than lead. It began snowing again, though the fall was soft, the flakes coming straight down in the thick, windless air. Richard was glad to be out here. Better to be under the sky in the cold than in the chapel, haunted as it must be by the spirits of the dead along with those who sorrowed after them. Thousands of others had passed through before him, and he would have felt, or imagined he felt, their combined presences. He couldn't bear the idea of sitting quietly, listening to the priest uttering the same terrible words yet again.

It had been nearly impossible the last time, when he sat in there for Stephanie and her little girls, Elena and Seraphina. He'd held together for Michael's sake, and because Sabra had been with them. Richard had buried and mourned for hundreds he'd dearly loved and lost, but he would go mad if he had to do the same for Sabra. Not her, never for her. He'd thought of another way to deal with her loss. All he had to do was hang on long enough. See to it that Charon was shot screaming into hell, and then . . .

A rush of dry flakes swept around him, a random breeze stirring them up . . . but not quite. Otherside wind. He turned, bracing, expecting an attack.

Instead of his enemy, a tall woman strode toward him out of the flurry, hands in the pockets of her long coat. Her strong, sturdy figure seemed to coalesce from the flying snow and the black trunks, growing more solid the nearer she got. She was wrapped in many layers of protective clothing. Some of it looked very new. Her western-style boots were well-worn, though.

She came close, pulled off the knitted muffler that covered her brown face, and smiled up at him.

He caught his breath, recognizing She-Who-Walks.

He'd not seen her for a couple of years, but she'd never been far from his thoughts. His lover, his sister, his brown-eyed daughter in blood, chosen for him by Sabra to share their dark Gift. Of all the people on the planet, only she truly understood the depth of his grief. He embraced her hard, and she murmured to him in her own language. He did not know the meaning, but recognized words of comfort and love.

They clung to each other, standing like stones themselves among the graves and silence, and something within him suddenly cracked and shattered under her gentle touch and voice.

He felt it like a physical blow. His knees gave way. She-Who-Walks held him tight, kneeling, too, in the snow. Finally, agonizingly, his tears came. His pent-up grief flooded forth.

He clung to her and sobbed, sobbed like a child.

* * *

"While I'm away from Kingcome Inlet, you should call me Iona," said She-Who-Walks. "I travel light. It's easier to carry."

"Is that your name rendered in your language?" Richard asked. Though intimate on many levels, he yet knew little about her. She struck him as being decades more mature than when he'd last seen her. Something to do with her serenity. She wore it like a warm blanket.

She chuckled. "It's Celtic, Greek, or Welsh—depends on what you want. I like the Celtic. It means 'from the king's island.' Fits well. The Dark Mother suggested it for me before she left to live here."

They sat side-by-side on a wooden bench off one of the winding paths. The chapel was behind them; only grave markers were within view. An appropriate place for the dead to talk.

She-Who-Walks (he strove hard to say Iona in his mind) also possessed the gift of Sight. She'd seen the visions that Michael had been projecting.

"There have been no others since the Dark Mother's death?" she asked.

"None. Did they come from Sabra?"

"No. They were from the Goddess. Warnings."

"What are we to do?"

"Our best."

"That's not what I meant."

She gave him one of her little smiles, the kind that made her eyes dance. "I know. It's better not to ask what to do until the time is ready. That will be soon. Today."

He waited for her to continue, but she looked out over the stones. The snow still fell, and flakes stuck in her lashes. How he'd missed her. "I hoped you would come," he said.

"How could I not?"

"If I'd been able to phone you . . ."

"Not in that place." The idea amused her. Her home was one of the spots for which the word "isolated" had been invented. "I knew I would be needed when the vision with the stone house and the snake came to me. That's when I left home. Took a long time to get here. Sure like your weather." She meant it. The Vancouver area was very wet. Snow was a delight to her.

"Michael had visions before that."

"Yes. Not as strong as that one. The Dark Mother was looking after those lesser ones for him."

"I didn't know. She should have told Philip. He's been troubled that they were hurting Michael."

"She was looking after those on Otherside. He wouldn't have understood."

"He does now. I've told Philip everything, my history, everything."

"About me, too?"

"Oh, yes."

"Good. We need him."

Again he waited for more information, but none came. She seemed content to enjoy the gray, dark day, like him, ignoring the cold.

"Why is Charon doing this?" he asked. "Do you know?"

"He's dying. He's doing all he can to stop it."


"Cancer. He should have died weeks ago. It's his path, but he wouldn't take it and began fighting it. He's eating power and souls to put it off. He shouldn't do that. Big mistake."

"Dear God. Now it makes sense. It's funny, but Philip said he was a cancer in the gene pool. . . . If we'd only known sooner. Sabra said his protections had been broken by the fight with Sharon Geary."

"That's what I felt, too. It left him vulnerable to the Dark Mother's Sight and she to him."

"But he acted first. The car crash. Where was Charon when he caused it?"

Iona looked at him. "He didn't cause it. That was the Goddess."

Richard went very still. Shock. He couldn't have heard right. "No. it couldn't possibly . . . no."

"It was—"

"Did you have the vision of Sabra's accident?"

"Yes. And it was bad to see, but I knew it was to protect her." Iona continued to look, the appalling truth in her dark eyes, until he had to turn away.

"Why?" He wanted to roar his fury, but held himself to a whisper. Shaking.

"You know why. To protect her. The crash was meant to happen. Charon had nothing to do with it. Otherwise the Dark Mother would have gone after him. Tried to stop him."

Richard choked on suppressed rage. "The Goddess did that? Hurt her own priestess? And her death? Why did the Goddess allow her to die?"

He got another long look. "You know there are some things even the Goddess has no influence over."

"My bitterest lesson," he snarled.

Iona did not offer comfort or distraction. "If she had not been in the crash, she would have gone after Charon and lost. The Goddess would not have been able to save her from him. He'd have fed from her soul until it was gone. Some things are worse than dying; having your soul eaten is one of them."

"She could have sent me in to stop him. I'm the warrior."

"Then you'd have both been lost, then Michael, then others. This was the only path that had life, not death for them on it. And her soul is safe, now."

"I wouldn't know that. Her voice is gone from my heart."

"You will hear it again, Dark Father."

Not on this Side, he thought.

"What is, is," she stated with a shrug. "We may not like it, but there's always a reason."

Nearly his own words to Bourland. Why was it that teaching a truth to another was so much easier than learning it for oneself?

"What about Sharon Geary?" He told her of his dream. "I thought she was with the great snake, but before I could be sure, I was taken to that green land. I think it's Glastonbury."

"Then it must be. The snake god could be protecting her."

"From what?"

"Many things. They're in a bad place, but even drained or hurt by the soul eater man, the god has certain untouchable powers. He will use them to bring himself back if he can. Maybe bring her along."

"That or the dreams are my own wishful thinking. Wherever she is . . . can we help her?" He was afraid to hope for Sharon's safe return, but if her soul could be set free . . . that would be something salvaged.

"We will try. Soon. There are very big powers involved, and they're being disrupted. Charon is eating them, upsetting the balance. He is like a bucket with a hole that grows. The more he pours into himself, the faster he empties. Soon there will be nothing but the hole itself. He will turn everything inside out, and that will turn the whole world mad."


"Dark Father, you don't want to know. But we must stop Charon before he works his power again. Another rip between the Sides will be . . . bad."

He remembered the hellish creatures from the image captured by Bourland's computer and stopped his imagination from going any further with the thought. "How do we stop him?"

"When we're together. You, Michael, Michael's other father. I will show you—but it must be on the Dark Mother's special ground."


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- Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

A black moment for them both.

Bourland shrank from the doorway where he'd apparently been standing quiet for some time. His expression . . . shattered.


He turned and kept going. Richard rushed after, his heart in his throat.

Bourland did not run, but walked very quickly, coming to an abrupt stop outside the open door of Richard's empty room. When he turned again . . . there was a Walther in his hand; he smoothly racked the slide to chamber a round, but did not bring it up to shoot. Instead he let his arm hang straight down, the pistol pointed at the floor. But he had a finger on the trigger.

They regarded each other for a long, long time. Richard heard his friend's heartbeat loud in the silence between them. It hammered swiftly and hard for a time, then gradually slowed, but not by much.

Richard finally worked up to say something to break the unnerving stretch, but Bourland beat him to it.

"So . . . now I know," he whispered.

"Yes. You do."

"That story about porphyria you handed me back when we met . . ."

"A necessary cover." Richard's standard one to explain his aversion to daylight and other quirks.

"I can understand why. Is this also why you've not changed in all this time? You still look to be in your thirties, and how long have I known you? Fifteen years. Until now I never noticed . . ."

Richard gestured toward the room. "Let's go in, sit down."

"No, they've a camera there. They monitor everything in this place."

That was good, that Bourland was mindful of such things. But was it to preserve Richard's secret or to leave no record of a shooting? "I shut it off. It's safe enough."

Neither man moved.

"Are you going to use that?" Richard indicated the Walther. It was a P-99 with a full sixteen-round magazine, and Bourland would know well how to use it.

He seemed to realize it was in his hand. He puffed a laugh at it. "My God, after what you've been through, what you've survived, this would hardly make a dent, would it?"

Richard was pleased to hear that line of reasoning. "Let's not find out, if you don't mind."

Bourland put the safety on and slipped the pistol into the shoulder holster under his arm. "I came back to see if you might be awake. My cell phone woke me. There's another brain hemorrhage case, this one on a plane that just landed in Heathrow. Charon must have been on it. They were still screening off-loaded passengers. I came back here and saw the impossible: you on your feet and walking down the hall. I couldn't believe it. Then you went in that lab, the young woman, what you did to her . . ."

"She's unharmed."

"You drank her blood," he stated. He was frightened and angry and disgusted.

"She's unharmed, Philip. Doesn't remember a thing."

"To hell with that, you drank her blood!"

"I had to," he said softly. "And she is unharmed. I swear that on Michael's life."

This put him off a little, but he was clearly still unnerved. "Sabra—she knew about you?"

"Yes. Everything."

"Does Michael?"

What? "Why should he?"

"That's no answer."

"The truth is I'm not sure. Michael knows many things beyond his years. He just . . . knows, like how he got my real name out of thin air. If my . . . my condition is part of that knowledge, then he's never seen fit to mention it, nor did I ever raise the topic with him. I doubt Sabra did, either."

Apparently Bourland was doing some fast thinking, but this bombshell was a lot for him to process. "You and Stephanie."

Richard bowed his head at her name. So much pain there. His lover. Michael's mother. A second daughter to Bourland. "I loved her, Philip. Loved and lost."

"Is this why you never married her?"

Not what he expected. He'd thought Bourland would go on about the blood-drinking, demand to know if she'd been touched in that way, had been harmed by it, revolted. But this . . . ?

"She wanted children. I'm . . . not fertile."

"You think that would have mattered to her?"

More surprise. "I was certain I could never give her the life she wanted. It seemed better for her to move on."

"Yet for all that you are, she might be alive today if you'd—"

"Please, Philip, don't go down that road. I've been there a thousand times, and there's no answer, only pain. What we have, the things that happen that are out of our control, for good or ill, is what is, not what might have been. That's what we all live with, and we either accept it or not. We deal with it or let it crush us. What do you think she would say to you?"

That hit home. Harder than Richard had ever intended. Bourland's body jerked as though he had been struck, and his eyelids blinked rapidly, but he mastered himself, lifting his chin. "You can make me forget the last few minutes, can't you? I've seen you work whatever it is on others. Certainly with that woman back there."

"I could. But I'd rather not."

"Why? It's safer for you. God knows it'd be easier on me."

He shrugged, discomfited. "I think this was meant to happen. That you were supposed to find out."

"Why only now? You've had years to decide whether or not I could be trusted."

"This isn't about trusting. I said nothing because it was always for the best. But Sabra taught me that things happen for a reason. I'm thinking that now is the time you need to hear everything."


I've lost so much, please, don't let me lose you, too. "Because you're my only friend . . . and we both loved her."

Bourland caught his breath, his face twisting as he fought his emotions. His eyes glittered a moment with unshed tears. He looked away a moment, then back, his shoulders slumping. "Look, there's a break room up the hall. Perhaps . . . perhaps I can deal better with this with some coffee in me."

* * *

They talked into the early hours. Even when Richard touched only on the barest essentials it took a very long while. The story of one's days is never a quick or easy tale to impart, even for a man with an ordinary span of years.

He told of his life as the Champion d'Orleans, of Sabra saving him from death by handing him defeat, and how she'd delivered death to him after all, and with it, a dark rebirth, the Goddess's Gift.

"Sabra was like you?" Incredulity now.

"Older than me. I never knew how much older, but sometimes she talked about the Romans in Britain. Not kindly."

"My God. No wonder she laughed at me."

"About what?"

"Never mind. Go on. She became human again. How?"

At first Bourland sputtered with questions, but they ceased, and he listened. He managed one cup of coffee, then stared at the table as he heard the truth about the Grail. Richard was finally able to give him the backstory of what was really going on with Charon. In this bright and sterile place, rife with the most sophisticated scientific gadgetry outside of NASA, Bourland was able to hear and accept legend, superstition, and the mystical without demur.

"Of course I may wake in a few hours and with great relief know it was all just a dream," he pointed out.

"You won't."

"I suppose not. It certainly explains why Charon kept calling you 'Lance.' I thought it might have been one of your cover names from whatever you did before you came to Toronto. The sunglasses crowd are still looking into it."

"Do they know the d'Orleans name?"


"Then nothing will come of it."

"I'll see to that."


And just then she walked in. The woman Richard had fed from. She moved slowly, her eyes dull.

Bourland froze.

She didn't notice, continuing on toward a wall of cupboards above a sink.

"Excuse me," he said.

She paused to glance at Bourland. "Hm?"

"Are you all right?" He got up to look at her.

That action earned him an odd look in return, then she snorted. "Only asleep on my feet. I'm out of my gourmet blend, now I get to try the company-bought battery acid." She pulled a red plastic packet of pre-measured commercial coffee from the cupboard, then went to a coin-operated dispensing machine. After consideration, she picked a candy bar. "You guys up late or in early?"

"Up late."

"My sympathy. All-night rush jobs are the downside of salaried pay, I tell you. I've been getting one a week for the past month. I should form a union and go on strike."

On her way out, she glanced at them, staring puzzled at Richard's still bare feet, but making no comment.

Bourland was also silent. Then: "She seems all right. Didn't seem to recognize you at all."

"As I said."

"Indeed. No huge damage, just two small holes and a lot of beard-burn."

Richard suddenly felt himself coloring. "Philip, the new hemorrhage case . . . ?"

"God. I'd forgotten. That's all I know at the moment. This morning in London—their time—a trans-Atlantic flight landed with a dead man aboard, the investigation's ongoing, they'll let me know if and when."

"I doubt they'll be able to get Charon."

"Oh, come, he's not superhuman."

"Don't be too certain, and he has help. The Grail. And whatever powers he's learned to use since our last run-in."

"I thought the Grail was only meant for good."

"So's electricity." He let the inference sink in. "Intent and use are all."

"To think she had that thing sitting in her back room. I thought it was just some curiosity she'd found antiquing or something. Clueless, that's me."

"Safe. Come on."


"You're all in, as am I. Rest while you can. Tomorrow could be busy."

Bourland grunted, but allowed himself to be guided out. "Dear God. All this time. You." He shook his head, then fixed on Richard. "So . . . what was King Arthur really like?"

He gaped, but his friend was utterly serious. "Well, he sure as hell didn't look like Sean Connery."

* * *

Richard went back to his room. For the time being he had no other place to go, might as well sleep while he could.

If he could.

He lay in the dimness, waiting for the morning to bring fresh news, and humbly thanking the Goddess for Bourland's acceptance. It was good to have an ally on that level, one who knew everything.

Richard had few left with Sabra gone.

He touched on that raw and bleeding wound. He wanted to scream. Howling out one's grief was allowed, and he drew breath for it, but none came forth. Richard struggled again to let go, to cry; he wanted to break down and let it out here in this impersonal space where it would be safe, but nothing happened. No tears. He'd been ripped in two, the better part of him taken forever, and still he could not weep.

If he could just hear Sabra's voice again in his mind as he always had before and know she was all right wherever she might be, then he wouldn't feel so empty and lost and afraid. But the silence within was absolute and final. She was gone. All trace of her had departed but for fragile memories. One small inadequate tear did finally trickle from his right eye, past his temple to his pillow, but it had nothing to do with release so much as reflex from staring at the ceiling.

Eventually sleep settled lightly on him, and with it came dreams. He'd had none during his healing, now they poured through his mind, one after the other. Only flashes, not solid as the visions, but still vivid. He glimpsed the great snake god, coiled into a knot, seeming to float in space. It noticed him, shifting. Within the vast loops of its long body Richard thought he saw something . . .  someone . . . Sharon?

Just as he tried to get closer he was pulled away, flying toward the sun. It didn't burn, though the brightness made him wince. A green, flat land stretched below, very familiar. Its fields were crisscrossed by glowing lines of power, many intersecting. Where there was an intersection was a marker, either a man-built hill or a stone circle. Strangely, some of the intersection points were darkened, as though blasted by the heat of a fire, or as though a bomb had gone off. The stones were shattered, their power gone.

He almost had the meaning . . .

Then he was wide awake. Someone was in his room, moving stealthily close.

Frank the bureaucrat was at the side of the bed, his great eyes startled, quite startled, to see the change in Richard. "What th—"

To spare both of them future bother, Richard had to move fast. The door was shut, there wasn't enough light to hypnotize. He rolled from the bed, caught Frank by his perfect suit coat and slammed him against the near side wall. That knocked the wind from him, but not the fight. He'd gotten training from someplace, and Richard had to block two powerful moves that might have hurt had they landed. He struck three nerve points himself in speedy succession that paralyzed, but did not knock the man out, then reached to flip on the overhead light.

Puffing and face to face, Richard put him under quick. Damnation, why hadn't he knocked first? Richard could then have put on a light and taken care of this with much less exertion. Why was it when you were in a hospital situation people took it as their right to simply barge in on the sick?

"Why are you here?" he demanded.

Frank gazed calmly past him now, unseeing. "Looking for Philip. Something's wrong. Our computer files on you are gone. They've been tampered with."

"Oh. Not at all, you ordered it. You were under orders yourself to do it, and you and any others involved with my care will never speak of it or me again. Mr. Bourland and I are only special guests here for the time being, and in need of your full cooperation and resources. Isn't that right?"

"Of course."

"But before we leave, let's make sure all the little loose ends concerning me have been snipped . . ."

* * *

As the day waxed in Canada and waned in the United Kingdom no news came of finding Charon. By inference, the hemorrhage case on the trans-Atlantic flight meant that he was in the country. Via Bourland, Richard had people on that side checking airport arrivals video.

"All of them," he insisted. "And remember he may no longer be wearing an eye patch."

Copies were digitized and sent across so he could comb through them himself. He parked at a computer and worked with a graphics expert updating a composite of Charon's face, removing the facial scarring. Several versions were now on the same sheet, with and without the patch, scars, add a beard, leave it out, short and long hair, wig, hat, sunglasses. They used the distorted image captured from the curved mirror, cleaning it up even more, refining. It was all they had so far that could be considered a current picture.

But he felt it was wasted effort. If they'd not caught Charon at the airport, then he was elsewhere and well hidden. Richard was certain Charon had thrown up some kind of shielding to get himself past the thicket of security. Of course, he couldn't actually make himself invisible, but he could arrange to simply not be noticed. A subtle difference, but just as effective. It might have been such an effort that had buggered all the cameras in the other airports and at the hospital.

Also, Frank's people in the field did confirm Richard's guess about the timing of their ceremonies. The ones at Stonehenge were preparing for theirs to commence at moonrise. Since it would be a full moon, that would put it just at sunset. The people at Chichén Itzá would conduct their ceremony in the full light of day—but the same moment. Neither knowing about the other, they had arrived at the times independently.

Afternoon in Toronto passed with nothing else coming in from nightside Britain. Thankfully no further odd deaths were reported, though Charon was certainly capable of hiding a body if necessary.

When it was sufficiently dark, Bourland and Richard left in the back of an anonymous white van for a safe house Bourland had set up. By now Richard was in more substantial clothing than the borrowed scrubs, all of it new, since it would be a breach of security to go to his house to pick up anything of his own. The stuff fit, even the hiking boots. Some very meticulous people were looking after things.

The house was in one of the newer Toronto suburbs, and had an attached garage. The van went in, the garage door went down, and they got out, entering through the kitchen. Once inside, the door went up and the driver departed. Richard judged they would be safe enough with himself in shape to guard again.

He never got a look at the exterior of the place. The curtains and shades in every room were drawn, only to be expected, but it was comfortable. There were several bedrooms, kitted with two and three beds each, allowing not only for the people needing to drop from sight but space for those assigned to protect them. The furnishings were inoffensive and impersonal as a hotel suite but comfortable, and some very wise person had invested in a largescreen TV with a satellite hookup in the fight against cabin fever. Current magazines were neatly lined up on tables, and in one corner was a shelf stacked with a surprisingly large collection of well-thumbed comic books. Escapism at its finest.

Michael was overjoyed to see Richard, though he wasn't his normal ebullient self. The safe house was strange territory and the abrupt changes left him very subdued. A retreat to the familiar for comfort was impossible. Bourland had done the best he could to bridge things, and an importation of books, movies, CDs, and video games served to keep the boy diverted.

Excused for the time being from school because of the family emergency Michael still had homework. He had no heart for it, though, and no one pressed him. Understandable.

Improbably, the two specialist bodyguards turned out to be excellent sitters. The cold man played vid games with the same deadly focus and speed as Michael, and the woman taught him how to partner-dance.

Richard raised an eyebrow at that one, curious as to how the subject had ever come up, but whatever filled the time and distracted. Apparently Michael knew his adored foster uncle was a good dancer, but was too shy to ask to go to an instructor to learn for himself. Being taught by a pretty woman with time on her hands was an ingenious compromise.

With Bourland and Richard's return, the bodyguards were no longer needed, their murderous talents fortunately unused and required elsewhere. Richard could not admit any regret at losing them, though Michael had developed quite a crush on the lovely blond woman and couldn't stop talking about her. Also understandable.

It was a bleak evening as Bourland and Michael ate microwaved frozen dinners in the kitchen while Richard sat at the table to share company. None of them were able to speak about Sabra. Now and then Richard was aware of Bourland looking at him, but he let it pass without comment or question. His friend was simply curious, and needing to get used to his new knowledge. Bourland would be matching the long and ancient background history up to the man he knew and trying to merge the two. Not easy. He must have still been bursting with questions, but those could wait.

Bourland had been in and out of the paranormal center throughout the day, seeing to other errands that could not be accomplished by phone or computer, and right after his meal dozed off on one of the living room couches.

"Shouldn't he go up to his room?" Michael whispered, troubled. He was sensitive to adults behaving out of character, and watched Bourland from the couch opposite.

Richard said no, and came over to sit next to him. "He'll get a better sleep there than he will in a bed. I don't know why, but sometimes that's how it works out for grown-ups. Just keep the TV volume steady and it'll be fine."

"He told me you were dead."

That change of topic drew his sharp attention. If Michael had taken the information the wrong way . . . "When?"

"Not like that. Dad said you'd only been hurt, but everyone's supposed to think you were dead so they could do stuff to catch that guy. Real spy stuff. Dad told me not to, but I watched the news. Was that really you going off the bridge?"

Richard had also seen the bouncing, fuzzy amateur video taken by a tourist who happened to have his camera in the right place at the right time. After a distant pan of both falls from the Canadian side, the view swept jerkily along the gray river to the bridge, where a puff of smoke and fire suddenly erupted, and a black flailing figure shot clear of the explosion and fell, turning once before hitting the water. It amazed Richard how quick it had been in actuality compared to his nightmare memory of the experience. Seconds. There and gone.

His identity was yet to be revealed, for which he was grateful, but there was no doubt in his mind that Charon would have seen the circus many times by now. Probably having a good gloat.

"Yes, that was me."

"You don't look hurt."

"In truth, I'm sure I broke every bone in my body. I just heal fast."

Michael grunted, noncommittally. "Did you have to have shots?"

"Don't remember."

"Did you have a nurse?"

"Sort of, and she was very pretty." Richard wondered again how much Michael knew, but not to the point of asking. When it came down to it, his condition and outré diet weren't all that important to their relationship.

"I miss Aunt Sabra." Michael leaned over against Richard as he used to when he was much smaller. He put his arm around the boy, knowing the contact would reassure.

"So do I."

"She didn't hurt, did she?"

"The doctor said she was completely unconscious. She wouldn't have felt anything."

"I miss her . . ." Michael's voice went up and then the tears came. His sobs were quiet, but enough to wake Bourland. His eyelids cracked open, a questioning expression.

Richard put a finger to his lips and opened his palm outward to sign that he'd look after things. "It's all right," he whispered, holding his godson.

He waited for his own tears to come. One would have to have a heart of stone to listen to such crying and be unaffected.

And apparently his had turned to granite.


* * *

Richard dozed himself, only dimly aware when Michael got up, sniffling, to turn off the TV and wander into the kitchen. Domestic noises as the boy made a snack. Mourning or not, he was growing, packing food away like a starved squirrel. Bourland snored on the other couch. Good, he needed the rest.

Sabra's memorial service was tomorrow.

Bourland had managed to keep a low profile for Sabra despite her being the victim in the much publicized hospital invasion. Interest in the incident had been thoroughly knocked aside by the bridge explosion, so the media was likely to be busy elsewhere. Her family could grieve for her in private. Richard could not be there, though, since he was dead himself. In case Charon had agents on the watch.

Bloody bastard.

Michael finished in the kitchen and returned to the living room. Richard opened his eyes enough to see the boy gather a pile of pillows into the corner by the bookshelf, turn on a handy light, and pull the entire stack of comic books onto the floor with him. He liked to read himself to sleep. With a large bowl of popcorn and a canned soda for company he settled in for a marathon session. Richard eased back, dozing again. In between Bourland's snores he could hear the solid thump of their heartbeats. So long as they continued, all was—almost—well.

He ached for her . . .

"My lord, you must come now." The Abbot of Glastonbury himself shook Richard awake. Knowing what it meant and hating, hating it, he roused from his bed in one of the dim cells and followed.

It was just coming to sunset. Richard felt the pressure of the day's eye on him like a great searing weight. Soon it would lift. Too soon.

The chamber to which the abbot led him was clean and comfortable as could be made. In one corner three monks murmured soft prayers. Candles burned against the approach of night. There was a tall window in the west wall that looked out on green flat fields. The sun stared through like a curious pilgrim. On a low bed facing the window, well padded with many coverlets, lay a very old, old man. He wore a simple dark robe like the others, but on one finger was a gold ring proclaiming his rank in the Church. His white hair had been carefully combed, spread evenly on the pillow. Snow in the summer.

Tears welled so in Richard's eyes he could barely see. The abbot seemed to understand, took his arm, and led him over. Ignoring the harsh orange orb of the sun, Richard knelt on the stone floor by the bed and wiped his sight clear.

"How now, Dickon?" whispered the old man, blue eyes staring up. He'd gone blind in the last months and raised a gaunt, questing hand.

Richard took it, too conscious of the brittle bones beneath the thin skin. He pressed his lips to his brother's fingers. "I am well, Edward."

Edward made no further speech for some while, his breast rising and falling under the wheat-colored linen sheet. With each fall, it seemed to take longer and longer to rise again. Richard willed him to continue.

The fading sun was fever-hot on one side of Richard's face. He leaned close to murmur to his brother. "There is yet time. I can help you."

Unexpectedly, Edward puffed a very quiet laugh.

"I can. Please. Let me spare you."

"Spare me from heaven? No, thank you, Dickon. I look forward to it. This life hurts too much."

"That will vanish. You will be restored. I promise."

"We've had this talk before. You know how it ends. I always win." He hummed another laugh.

"You love the Church so much, think of the good you can do by sustaining your life. You can be young again."

"I've a perfect body waiting for me already." Edward's sightless gaze drifted toward him, a flash of sorrow in their blue. "You only hurt yourself by clinging so hard to this flesh, and that comforts me not. I'm ready to let it go. It is my time, and it is all right. Ask your lady. She agrees with me."

"Edward, I need you. You're my only family."

"I am not, just the only family you like."

"Please . . ."

"Richard, listen. This is what is to be. Accept it and know I am happy. I will not turn my path this time. You've chosen yours and I mine. I love the light too much to give it up for more life on this side. My Lord calls me, let me pass to Him with a joyful heart."

Richard could stand it no longer and bowed his head and wept hard, his own heart breaking.

"There now, Dickon, there now . . ." He reached across with his other hand and stroked Richard's hair until the storm eased. "I feel the sun going. Would you lift me? I want that warmth on my face."

As gently as he could, his eyes streaming, Richard gathered Edward up as though to look on the sunset. His brother's once strong body was as light as a child's. He eased the white head against his shoulder, and settled in, arms protectively around him.

"That's better," said Edward, his voice barely up to a whisper. "This is good. You know, I have a very dim memory of . . . I think Mother held me like this . . . I was so little, though. It might have been a dream . . ."

Richard held him and watched the sun for them both.


"I'm here, Edward. Right here."

"Richard, it's getting late." Bourland shook his shoulder.

He blinked at the unfamiliar room, the frail-looking furniture, the stranger in the odd clothes bending over him. The past and present slewed chaotically over one another in his mind, until things sorted themselves into their proper place. Fifteen centuries slid away in seconds. By the time Richard sat up the safe house looked normal to him again.

"The services are at nine," Bourland reminded. "I know you can't be there, but—"

"I'll manage." He rubbed wearily at his growing beard and wondered if he should shave.

Why was his face wet?

* * *

Richard stood solitary in a snow-covered cemetery, a black-clad figure blending with the tree trunks and ornate tombstones. He watched the quaint little nineteenth-century chapel from a distance, waiting for the service within to end. The only attendees in the family's pew that morning were Bourland and Michael. Nearby would be Bourland's school chum Frank, and standing back by the door the Boris and Natasha couple. To anyone else so small a gathering might have seemed pitiful and sad, but Richard knew Sabra would have preferred it that way. She'd looked on death as a passage to something better, and he believed that himself, but it was hard, cruel hard on those left behind.

The silence in his mind was the worst. How he missed her voice. In the past it now and then had annoyed him when she'd disrupt his thoughts with a comment or say something that would set him off into laughter at an inappropriate time. He'd give anything, go through anything, to bring her voice back again. A few words, a moment to tell her he loved her, to say good-bye. If she could only tell him she was all right, that all was well.

He'd once been on a tour of a cave in the Ozarks, and to make a point about the place, his guide had shut off his flashlight. The dark was so profound, even Richard's eyes perceived nothing, only phantom afterimages of light, which soon faded. The place was as quiet as it was black, and he was aware of the hundreds of feet of rock between himself and the surface. Without that light he would wander and perish—eventually—trying to find his way out.

Sabra's voice and spirit were gone from his soul the way the light was gone from that cave.

Only a matter of time, he thought, looking at the surrounding graves in the soft snow.

By listening hard he could just hear recorded music coming from the little gray stone building. He managed a tiny twitch of a smile, catching the faint strains of "In My Life." Sabra had loved that song. Lennon and McCartney's words and music pierced him through and through with their simple truth.

The sky was heavy and grayer than lead. It began snowing again, though the fall was soft, the flakes coming straight down in the thick, windless air. Richard was glad to be out here. Better to be under the sky in the cold than in the chapel, haunted as it must be by the spirits of the dead along with those who sorrowed after them. Thousands of others had passed through before him, and he would have felt, or imagined he felt, their combined presences. He couldn't bear the idea of sitting quietly, listening to the priest uttering the same terrible words yet again.

It had been nearly impossible the last time, when he sat in there for Stephanie and her little girls, Elena and Seraphina. He'd held together for Michael's sake, and because Sabra had been with them. Richard had buried and mourned for hundreds he'd dearly loved and lost, but he would go mad if he had to do the same for Sabra. Not her, never for her. He'd thought of another way to deal with her loss. All he had to do was hang on long enough. See to it that Charon was shot screaming into hell, and then . . .

A rush of dry flakes swept around him, a random breeze stirring them up . . . but not quite. Otherside wind. He turned, bracing, expecting an attack.

Instead of his enemy, a tall woman strode toward him out of the flurry, hands in the pockets of her long coat. Her strong, sturdy figure seemed to coalesce from the flying snow and the black trunks, growing more solid the nearer she got. She was wrapped in many layers of protective clothing. Some of it looked very new. Her western-style boots were well-worn, though.

She came close, pulled off the knitted muffler that covered her brown face, and smiled up at him.

He caught his breath, recognizing She-Who-Walks.

He'd not seen her for a couple of years, but she'd never been far from his thoughts. His lover, his sister, his brown-eyed daughter in blood, chosen for him by Sabra to share their dark Gift. Of all the people on the planet, only she truly understood the depth of his grief. He embraced her hard, and she murmured to him in her own language. He did not know the meaning, but recognized words of comfort and love.

They clung to each other, standing like stones themselves among the graves and silence, and something within him suddenly cracked and shattered under her gentle touch and voice.

He felt it like a physical blow. His knees gave way. She-Who-Walks held him tight, kneeling, too, in the snow. Finally, agonizingly, his tears came. His pent-up grief flooded forth.

He clung to her and sobbed, sobbed like a child.

* * *

"While I'm away from Kingcome Inlet, you should call me Iona," said She-Who-Walks. "I travel light. It's easier to carry."

"Is that your name rendered in your language?" Richard asked. Though intimate on many levels, he yet knew little about her. She struck him as being decades more mature than when he'd last seen her. Something to do with her serenity. She wore it like a warm blanket.

She chuckled. "It's Celtic, Greek, or Welsh—depends on what you want. I like the Celtic. It means 'from the king's island.' Fits well. The Dark Mother suggested it for me before she left to live here."

They sat side-by-side on a wooden bench off one of the winding paths. The chapel was behind them; only grave markers were within view. An appropriate place for the dead to talk.

She-Who-Walks (he strove hard to say Iona in his mind) also possessed the gift of Sight. She'd seen the visions that Michael had been projecting.

"There have been no others since the Dark Mother's death?" she asked.

"None. Did they come from Sabra?"

"No. They were from the Goddess. Warnings."

"What are we to do?"

"Our best."

"That's not what I meant."

She gave him one of her little smiles, the kind that made her eyes dance. "I know. It's better not to ask what to do until the time is ready. That will be soon. Today."

He waited for her to continue, but she looked out over the stones. The snow still fell, and flakes stuck in her lashes. How he'd missed her. "I hoped you would come," he said.

"How could I not?"

"If I'd been able to phone you . . ."

"Not in that place." The idea amused her. Her home was one of the spots for which the word "isolated" had been invented. "I knew I would be needed when the vision with the stone house and the snake came to me. That's when I left home. Took a long time to get here. Sure like your weather." She meant it. The Vancouver area was very wet. Snow was a delight to her.

"Michael had visions before that."

"Yes. Not as strong as that one. The Dark Mother was looking after those lesser ones for him."

"I didn't know. She should have told Philip. He's been troubled that they were hurting Michael."

"She was looking after those on Otherside. He wouldn't have understood."

"He does now. I've told Philip everything, my history, everything."

"About me, too?"

"Oh, yes."

"Good. We need him."

Again he waited for more information, but none came. She seemed content to enjoy the gray, dark day, like him, ignoring the cold.

"Why is Charon doing this?" he asked. "Do you know?"

"He's dying. He's doing all he can to stop it."


"Cancer. He should have died weeks ago. It's his path, but he wouldn't take it and began fighting it. He's eating power and souls to put it off. He shouldn't do that. Big mistake."

"Dear God. Now it makes sense. It's funny, but Philip said he was a cancer in the gene pool. . . . If we'd only known sooner. Sabra said his protections had been broken by the fight with Sharon Geary."

"That's what I felt, too. It left him vulnerable to the Dark Mother's Sight and she to him."

"But he acted first. The car crash. Where was Charon when he caused it?"

Iona looked at him. "He didn't cause it. That was the Goddess."

Richard went very still. Shock. He couldn't have heard right. "No. it couldn't possibly . . . no."

"It was—"

"Did you have the vision of Sabra's accident?"

"Yes. And it was bad to see, but I knew it was to protect her." Iona continued to look, the appalling truth in her dark eyes, until he had to turn away.

"Why?" He wanted to roar his fury, but held himself to a whisper. Shaking.

"You know why. To protect her. The crash was meant to happen. Charon had nothing to do with it. Otherwise the Dark Mother would have gone after him. Tried to stop him."

Richard choked on suppressed rage. "The Goddess did that? Hurt her own priestess? And her death? Why did the Goddess allow her to die?"

He got another long look. "You know there are some things even the Goddess has no influence over."

"My bitterest lesson," he snarled.

Iona did not offer comfort or distraction. "If she had not been in the crash, she would have gone after Charon and lost. The Goddess would not have been able to save her from him. He'd have fed from her soul until it was gone. Some things are worse than dying; having your soul eaten is one of them."

"She could have sent me in to stop him. I'm the warrior."

"Then you'd have both been lost, then Michael, then others. This was the only path that had life, not death for them on it. And her soul is safe, now."

"I wouldn't know that. Her voice is gone from my heart."

"You will hear it again, Dark Father."

Not on this Side, he thought.

"What is, is," she stated with a shrug. "We may not like it, but there's always a reason."

Nearly his own words to Bourland. Why was it that teaching a truth to another was so much easier than learning it for oneself?

"What about Sharon Geary?" He told her of his dream. "I thought she was with the great snake, but before I could be sure, I was taken to that green land. I think it's Glastonbury."

"Then it must be. The snake god could be protecting her."

"From what?"

"Many things. They're in a bad place, but even drained or hurt by the soul eater man, the god has certain untouchable powers. He will use them to bring himself back if he can. Maybe bring her along."

"That or the dreams are my own wishful thinking. Wherever she is . . . can we help her?" He was afraid to hope for Sharon's safe return, but if her soul could be set free . . . that would be something salvaged.

"We will try. Soon. There are very big powers involved, and they're being disrupted. Charon is eating them, upsetting the balance. He is like a bucket with a hole that grows. The more he pours into himself, the faster he empties. Soon there will be nothing but the hole itself. He will turn everything inside out, and that will turn the whole world mad."


"Dark Father, you don't want to know. But we must stop Charon before he works his power again. Another rip between the Sides will be . . . bad."

He remembered the hellish creatures from the image captured by Bourland's computer and stopped his imagination from going any further with the thought. "How do we stop him?"

"When we're together. You, Michael, Michael's other father. I will show you—but it must be on the Dark Mother's special ground."


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