"2566-02" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bigge Jerome - Warlady 4 - 2566 Ad)2566 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE OF MAN By Jerome B. Bigge Chapter Two I watched Darlanis slowly pour a dipper another full of wa- ter on the hot rocks fished from the brazier, watched the steam rise up into the heated moist air of the room. The two of us now both completely nude there in the little steam room as she seated herself beside me, her beautiful body like mine beaded with water both from the steam and from our own profuse sweat caused by the heat. I found it a bit difficult to breathe in such heated air. "Conditions have gone from bad to worse in our conflict with Dularn," she said to me. That was my own understanding too. She had refused to commit the forces necessary to go on the offensive against Dularn. You do not "win" a war by fighting on the defen- sive all the time. We were still losing a ship now and then to one of their "North" class raiders that harassed our vulnerable coastlines. The third ship of my own fleet was now getting ready for sea. I also had two smaller schooners, neither a match for a "North" class in battle, but still good for observation and such. There was also my own flagship, the Squala, and the Seahawk, which was under the command of the Prince of Baja, Jers Bisan. I had "urged" Darlanis to construct a fleet of such ships, but she had seen little "reason" as yet to "commit" the monies for them. She did however have a pair of "second rates" that would have been effective against Dularn's raiders, but they spent most of their time in port, and not near enough in my opinion out at sea! "It is of little value having a `Warlady' if you won't allow her to fight," I answered honestly. This war was growing more and more unpopular with my own people. Even such "pacifists" as my Prime Minister, Sanda Talen, wanted to see an "end" to it now! "I fear that your use of 20th Century technology will have to come to an end," Darlanis smiled in reply. "Tais informed me just yesterday that she will not allow any more `use' of such things." Tais being the First Priestess, their "Pope". Raspa, the First Princess of the Lorr having formally handed the Earth and its inhabitants over to the Priestesses for "safe-keeping". For the majority of Mankind it made very little practical differ- ence, although there had been a great deal of celebrating about it all. Now Mars too lived under the "rule" of the Priestesses, something I suspected neither Raspa or Aurora really "liked" all that well. Especially Aurora, who had her "pride" to consider as Leaderess of the Women, the Revolution having "cost" many lives. "It'll be a long `walk' for Serena," I teased Darlanis, the "Princess" having been "rescued" by Darlanis and her husband from being killed by a bunch of black cannibals who roamed around the area. The blacks being infected by the disease called "AIDS". A disease almost "unknown" now in this era, but yet just as deadly as it had been back in the 20th Century before a cure was found in the 21st Century. One that hopefully had now been "stamped out" by the combined forces of both the Priestesses and the Lorr. The blacks, who Serena had called by the term "niggers", having killed and eaten the Priestesses who had attempted to help them. Tais and Raspa and Aurora having "agreed" that it was best if the group now living there in the area be "exterminated" as "vermin"! Such had now been carried out by a patrolling Lorr battle-disc. "No more airplane flights?" I ventured. I had suspected that Tais would not "approve" very much of my nitroglycerine, na- palm, or the black powder explosives that I had developed. I had even built a small cannon, which did work rather effectively! And I even had made up plans for building a 54 gun frigate too! "She doesn't object to those, but she certainly didn't like hearing about all those other little "gadgets" you came up with." Darlanis smiled, running a hand through her dripping wet hair. I supposed the idea of a second "Constitution" hadn't set too well. "No more `boom' or `bang'," I smiled, glad now in a way. I had feared too what would happen when such weapons came into the "hands" of others. Princess Tara had built muzzle loading guns. She had attempted to kill me with such a weapon, but had failed. She was now in "protective custody" there in Vegas, hopefully in a position where she would make no more "trouble" for anyone now. On the other hand her criminal organization was still in place. "We'll have to go back to swords and bows," Darlanis smiled. My factory making the new compound bows was in full production. Most were being shipped across the mountains to the Nevadas, who were fighting their own war against the Montanas from the north. The Montanas were being supplied by Dularn with their most modern arms. The conflict was growing now, Dularn having allied itself with a number of little "states" to the north of it, mostly dens of pirates from what I had heard of them. More "trouble" for my own people. More raiding vessels launching surprise attacks on innocent fishing villages for women and anything else of value!* * The enslavement of women seems to date from some time after The War of 2047 when all social order broke down and "barbarianism" ruled the land. I once told a well known "feminist" in the 20th Century that without "civilization", women would be but "slaves". She didn't believe me, but history has shown that I was "right"! It is also due to this fact that nearly all women now carry some sort of a "weapon" (usually a dagger) here in the 26th Century. "And there's `trouble' now in Trelandar too," I then said. "What sort of `trouble'," she asked, her voice concerned. "There's a `move' underfoot in Trelandar now to declare its `independence' of the Empire if you don't act pretty damm soon to put a stop to this simply `turning the other cheek' when Dularn attacks us." I warned the beautiful golden haired Empress as we sat together. I have always spoken freely to Darlanis. Told her when she was "right" and when she was being a "dumb blonde". I considered this one of those times she was being a "dumb blonde". "And no doubt you are `one' who feels that way," she chal- lenged me, her azure eyes gleaming hot as they burned into mine. Hotter yet than the steamy almost choking air there around us! In a way I preferred old Darlanis the "War Queen" to Darlanis the "Queen of Peace" as she was now called by the more "charitable". Some in Trelandar now spoke of the "need" for another "Empress". My name was usually the one mentioned as Darlanis' "replacement". "I keep the Caste Codes," I answered, "Even if I think you really don't know what you're doing right now." I know that she knew that, but it still "hurt" to sense her immediate "distrust". "I'm sorry, Lorraine," Darlanis said, putting her hand on mine. "You've always been the one friend I knew I could trust." That was "shading the truth" just a bit, but it is true in a way. I admire Darlanis more than any woman I've ever met, even more than Janet Rogers, who did so very much for humanity despite the fact that she had to do some awful things to retain control!! Such as her destruction of Mecca in 2017 by ICBM and her use of poison gas in the battles in the Middle East against the Moslems. The Middle East having been a "sore spot" ever since the war against Iraq in 1991 according to what I learned there at Leith. Those of Leith having kept a good record of the past, more per- haps for the Lorr, their "masters", than for any "benefit" to us. "You don't have a `choice' anymore," I told her. We would have to strike at Dularn. Strike hard, and from the sea. I had no burning desire to put myself again "in harms way" for Darla- nis, but I saw no other alternative. What it would do to my mar- riage was something else that I feared even more than the enemy's arms! Dularn was his country, and I would be bringing death and destruction to his own people. Even if I tried to avoid harming the ordinary citizens of Dularn, there would still be deaths, in- juries, all the "hurt" that goes along with war regardless of the level of technology used! Jon had said that he would "love" me regardless, but I wondered what he would think later on of me??? "I promised Queen Tulis before she died in my arms that I wouldn't attack Dularn again," Darlanis answered softly in reply. "That I would live in peace with those of the land of my birth."* * I know Darlanis was born on Mars, but she didn't know that then nor would have it made any "difference" to her as she considers herself to be "Dularnian", at least "culturally", if not in the "biological" sense. Her father was Prince Paul of Dularn. Tulis suspected the "truth" almost from the first, but kept the "se- cret" to herself until her death, perhaps to avoid embarrassment. Unlike the 20th Century, there is a strong "bias" against those born out of wedlock here in the 26th Century, especially so con- sidering that Darlanis is the actual daughter of Aurora of Mars! "Oh," I breathed, "understanding" now what I had not before. Darlanis saw such as a "matter of honor" sworn to a dying woman. She is of the Caste of Warrioresses. To such "honor" is some- thing "unquestioned". I am reminded here of the "Code" of West Point back in my own era. We of the Caste do not "question" such things. There was no way now that Darlanis could "act". If we were to "defend" ourselves against Dularn, it would have to be without her as our leader. Such is a part of our "Caste Codes". "Does Maris know?" I asked, wondering. Darlanis nodded in the negative. Queen Tulis of Dularn had died of poison in Darla- nis' arms. She had done so rather than face the month or so of raving insanity she faced before her death from a tumor buried deep inside her brain. Her death had made Maris Queen of Dularn. "It was almost the last thing we spoke of before her death," Darlanis said in a soft voice, her eyes glistening with tears. I understood now what I had not before. Why she had not committed our forces to anything more than just "defense" against attack! "You can `trust' me," I said to her. "Follow my advice." I was getting awfully "tired" too of defending her to my friends. Especially after the North Star had attacked Lady Tirana's lands. True, the "damage" had not been that great, but the simple fact that a Dularnian raider could attack our vulnerable coastline al- most anywhere it wished "bothered" a lot of people, including me! "I will consider it," Darlanis answered, "But understand that I can do nothing myself." I nodded, kissed her, knowing as I did that she was truly "worthy" of being Empress of California. That she kept the "Codes" as a true caste sister should always. I would have to "act" on my own. Perhaps as Queen of Trelandar? My slave girl Yvette Senchal stood at my side, her perfumed body brushing mine as I sat before the mirror, and carefully painted the eyeliner around my eyes. The briefly attired delight just a bit nervous now knowing the importance of the occasion. I had impressed upon the girl the necessity for my looking my best. I am not a beautiful woman. Hardly even "attractive", I often feel "inferior" to women like Darlanis who are so "beautiful"!!! "I am proud to belong to a great and wonderful mistress like you," Yvette breathed in a low whisper as she completed her task. I had no fears of her "loyalty" to me. I was her only "contact" with her own country half a world away. The only one who could speak French. We often spoke it together. It was, I supposed, a way of speaking privately that I greatly enjoyed especially now. "And I assume that you already have a handsome young sailor from the Squala to keep you `warm' in your blankets tonight," I said to the sensual delight. Yvette trains my other slave girls in the arts and crafts of love-making. A slim gold band around her neck marked the girl well as being the sort of slave she was. Yvette often "needed" sex like a drunkard "needs" the "bottle". "Yes, mistress," Yvette answered softly as she did my lips. She has few secrets from me. She reminds me in a way of another woman I once knew long, long ago although she was more like Lara, the Princess of Baja than Yvette in her appearance. The home she once lived in still exists as ruins on the forested lands I own. Once again I regretted the "wrong" that I had done Carol Simmons by letting myself become "emotionally involved" with her husband. There never was any question of "infidelity" here, but it was an act that I am not very proud of even now long after their deaths. "I'm just glad I don't have a long coastline to worry about," Queen Dala Dai of Talon said to me with a smile as she strolled the rooftop arboretum that overlooks the harbor beyond. She was wearing a lovely silken silver gown, a wrap over her bare shoulders against the chill. She is small, about five feet, no more than a hundred pounds, like a perfect little "doll" of a woman. Talon's Tarls, a gigantic eagle like bird, can carry a small woman on their backs, such "birdwomen" being a mainstay of Talon's defense against attack. They were the major reason why Talon did not succumb to Darlanis' attack on it ten years ago. I had seen scenes of those battles recorded on laser disks by those of Leith. It had been a "war" that had "cost" little Talon much. Now she was here at my urging to sign a treaty with Darlanis. I hoped such a treaty might be the "start" to something "greater". It was "time" that Mankind once again considered "civilization". "Darlanis needs all the `friends' she can get right now," I told the little brunette there at my side. Dala nodded, her dark eyes glowing up into mine. I knew how she "felt" about Darlanis. It had taken all the diplomatic skills I possessed to get Talon into an alliance with California. There were still those in Ta- lon who claimed that their beloved Queen had now "sold them out"! That what Darlanis had not been able to obtain "by the sword" she had now "obtained" by other means. Few yet "trusted" Darlanis!!! "I am `your' friend, not hers," Dala answered softly back, the breeze off the ocean in the distance gently ruffling her coal black hair. Swinging the ships in the harbor at their anchors as they waited for the escorting warships to protect them on the open sea from the swift Dularnian raiders now somewhere out there beyond the horizon. Darlanis' name was now a "curseword" on the lips of many. I much feared what might "happen" here if action was not taken against those now harassing our shores like wolves. I pulled my own wrap more about my shoulders, the black silk of my long formal gown doing nothing to protect me from the chill of the air. I am not a beautiful woman, but Yvette does well with what she has to work with. My bust is small and firm, and I do have rather high set muscular buttocks. I don't look all that bad in a long gown, as it conceals my legs, which are not really one of my best assets so far as my own personal appearance goes. "I want to thank you for what you've done for my Sela," Dala said to me. Sela Dai was now in command of my little fleet of two "Squala class" schooners and two smaller schooners used most- ly for patrol work and observation. She had done well in a ship to ship battle with the infamous "North Star" off the coast of Trelandar. The "North Star" being under the command, I under- stood now, of none other than the Queen of Dularn herself! Maris had eventually broken off the battle, using her superior skill and her ship's better "handling" to flee the heavier ship. There had been considerable "outcry" in Trella at the news, and poor Sela had come in for her share of blame in letting the North Star get away from her, but Sela had been fighting an experienced and battle hardened crew commanded by Dularn's best naval commander! Maris Jord now being the "Jon Richards" of Dularn, I understood. "She did well considering the lack of training," I smiled. Sela had got off a couple good broadsides into the North Star. I had not authorized the use of flame weapons unless the Dularnians started using them. The heavy three master she commanded had been manned by inexperienced men who had never seen combat be- fore. They had not responded to her orders like those of the North Star had to their commander. I had reviewed the issue, and found that Sela had done the best that she could with what she had to fight with. Still, it had been the first time that a Du- larnian raider had actually engaged one of my famous "Squala's"! There had been too much of an expectation of "automatic victory"! The "belief" by some that Sela Dai had not tried to "win" either! "It would have better had she killed Queen Maris," the Queen of Talon answered, looking out over the great harbor of Sarn. I sometimes see in my mind's eye yet another city now only a memo- ry. There is little left anymore of the remains of what once had been San Francisco. Only a few massive structures like parts of the Golden Gate Bridge too heavy for even the people of the 26th Century to use for building materials. There is little "love" for the past. The people of "today" blaming those of the "past" for much of their "troubles". For The War of 2047 A.D. that nearly ended life here on the Earth. The "past" is now mostly "legend". Leith probably possesses the most "accurate" records of that era, although I yet "wonder" about the Priestesses of Lys. There is no doubt in my mind that they do possess a "tech- nology" far in advance of the rest of Mankind, or even now that of Mars! The "demonstration" Tais put on this spring was proof! "Perhaps," I answered. What puzzled me was why Maris was now actually putting herself "in harms way" like she was. I sus- pected that there were also "reasons" not so readily obvious. I did not think that Maris was doing what she did just to win the admiration of her people, although that no doubt played its part! Her present popularity among her people was almost unbelievable! Men had actually "fought" to sail on the North Star with her too! Such had come to my ears through "means" best left unspoken here. "She is far more `popular' with her people than Tulis was," Dala observed, her dark eyes looking up into mine. Dularn has universal military training. All adult Dularnians bear arms. It is not a country that would be easy to conquer even with the full forces of the Empire and its allies. And Dularn's alliance with the Montanas had already insured that the Nevadas would be of no value to California. And Baja even with Princess Tara deposed and her son on the throne offered little help, the Bajans having little "love" for either the Empire of California or Darlanis. I knew too of the political opposition Dala now faced, and I did not expect that she could be of much help either against Dularn! 2566 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE OF MAN By Jerome B. Bigge Chapter Two I watched Darlanis slowly pour a dipper another full of wa- ter on the hot rocks fished from the brazier, watched the steam rise up into the heated moist air of the room. The two of us now both completely nude there in the little steam room as she seated herself beside me, her beautiful body like mine beaded with water both from the steam and from our own profuse sweat caused by the heat. I found it a bit difficult to breathe in such heated air. "Conditions have gone from bad to worse in our conflict with Dularn," she said to me. That was my own understanding too. She had refused to commit the forces necessary to go on the offensive against Dularn. You do not "win" a war by fighting on the defen- sive all the time. We were still losing a ship now and then to one of their "North" class raiders that harassed our vulnerable coastlines. The third ship of my own fleet was now getting ready for sea. I also had two smaller schooners, neither a match for a "North" class in battle, but still good for observation and such. There was also my own flagship, the Squala, and the Seahawk, which was under the command of the Prince of Baja, Jers Bisan. I had "urged" Darlanis to construct a fleet of such ships, but she had seen little "reason" as yet to "commit" the monies for them. She did however have a pair of "second rates" that would have been effective against Dularn's raiders, but they spent most of their time in port, and not near enough in my opinion out at sea! "It is of little value having a `Warlady' if you won't allow her to fight," I answered honestly. This war was growing more and more unpopular with my own people. Even such "pacifists" as my Prime Minister, Sanda Talen, wanted to see an "end" to it now! "I fear that your use of 20th Century technology will have to come to an end," Darlanis smiled in reply. "Tais informed me just yesterday that she will not allow any more `use' of such things." Tais being the First Priestess, their "Pope". Raspa, the First Princess of the Lorr having formally handed the Earth and its inhabitants over to the Priestesses for "safe-keeping". For the majority of Mankind it made very little practical differ- ence, although there had been a great deal of celebrating about it all. Now Mars too lived under the "rule" of the Priestesses, something I suspected neither Raspa or Aurora really "liked" all that well. Especially Aurora, who had her "pride" to consider as Leaderess of the Women, the Revolution having "cost" many lives. "It'll be a long `walk' for Serena," I teased Darlanis, the "Princess" having been "rescued" by Darlanis and her husband from being killed by a bunch of black cannibals who roamed around the area. The blacks being infected by the disease called "AIDS". A disease almost "unknown" now in this era, but yet just as deadly as it had been back in the 20th Century before a cure was found in the 21st Century. One that hopefully had now been "stamped out" by the combined forces of both the Priestesses and the Lorr. The blacks, who Serena had called by the term "niggers", having killed and eaten the Priestesses who had attempted to help them. Tais and Raspa and Aurora having "agreed" that it was best if the group now living there in the area be "exterminated" as "vermin"! Such had now been carried out by a patrolling Lorr battle-disc. "No more airplane flights?" I ventured. I had suspected that Tais would not "approve" very much of my nitroglycerine, na- palm, or the black powder explosives that I had developed. I had even built a small cannon, which did work rather effectively! And I even had made up plans for building a 54 gun frigate too! "She doesn't object to those, but she certainly didn't like hearing about all those other little "gadgets" you came up with." Darlanis smiled, running a hand through her dripping wet hair. I supposed the idea of a second "Constitution" hadn't set too well. "No more `boom' or `bang'," I smiled, glad now in a way. I had feared too what would happen when such weapons came into the "hands" of others. Princess Tara had built muzzle loading guns. She had attempted to kill me with such a weapon, but had failed. She was now in "protective custody" there in Vegas, hopefully in a position where she would make no more "trouble" for anyone now. On the other hand her criminal organization was still in place. "We'll have to go back to swords and bows," Darlanis smiled. My factory making the new compound bows was in full production. Most were being shipped across the mountains to the Nevadas, who were fighting their own war against the Montanas from the north. The Montanas were being supplied by Dularn with their most modern arms. The conflict was growing now, Dularn having allied itself with a number of little "states" to the north of it, mostly dens of pirates from what I had heard of them. More "trouble" for my own people. More raiding vessels launching surprise attacks on innocent fishing villages for women and anything else of value!* * The enslavement of women seems to date from some time after The War of 2047 when all social order broke down and "barbarianism" ruled the land. I once told a well known "feminist" in the 20th Century that without "civilization", women would be but "slaves". She didn't believe me, but history has shown that I was "right"! It is also due to this fact that nearly all women now carry some sort of a "weapon" (usually a dagger) here in the 26th Century. "And there's `trouble' now in Trelandar too," I then said. "What sort of `trouble'," she asked, her voice concerned. "There's a `move' underfoot in Trelandar now to declare its `independence' of the Empire if you don't act pretty damm soon to put a stop to this simply `turning the other cheek' when Dularn attacks us." I warned the beautiful golden haired Empress as we sat together. I have always spoken freely to Darlanis. Told her when she was "right" and when she was being a "dumb blonde". I considered this one of those times she was being a "dumb blonde". "And no doubt you are `one' who feels that way," she chal- lenged me, her azure eyes gleaming hot as they burned into mine. Hotter yet than the steamy almost choking air there around us! In a way I preferred old Darlanis the "War Queen" to Darlanis the "Queen of Peace" as she was now called by the more "charitable". Some in Trelandar now spoke of the "need" for another "Empress". My name was usually the one mentioned as Darlanis' "replacement". "I keep the Caste Codes," I answered, "Even if I think you really don't know what you're doing right now." I know that she knew that, but it still "hurt" to sense her immediate "distrust". "I'm sorry, Lorraine," Darlanis said, putting her hand on mine. "You've always been the one friend I knew I could trust." That was "shading the truth" just a bit, but it is true in a way. I admire Darlanis more than any woman I've ever met, even more than Janet Rogers, who did so very much for humanity despite the fact that she had to do some awful things to retain control!! Such as her destruction of Mecca in 2017 by ICBM and her use of poison gas in the battles in the Middle East against the Moslems. The Middle East having been a "sore spot" ever since the war against Iraq in 1991 according to what I learned there at Leith. Those of Leith having kept a good record of the past, more per- haps for the Lorr, their "masters", than for any "benefit" to us. "You don't have a `choice' anymore," I told her. We would have to strike at Dularn. Strike hard, and from the sea. I had no burning desire to put myself again "in harms way" for Darla- nis, but I saw no other alternative. What it would do to my mar- riage was something else that I feared even more than the enemy's arms! Dularn was his country, and I would be bringing death and destruction to his own people. Even if I tried to avoid harming the ordinary citizens of Dularn, there would still be deaths, in- juries, all the "hurt" that goes along with war regardless of the level of technology used! Jon had said that he would "love" me regardless, but I wondered what he would think later on of me??? "I promised Queen Tulis before she died in my arms that I wouldn't attack Dularn again," Darlanis answered softly in reply. "That I would live in peace with those of the land of my birth."* * I know Darlanis was born on Mars, but she didn't know that then nor would have it made any "difference" to her as she considers herself to be "Dularnian", at least "culturally", if not in the "biological" sense. Her father was Prince Paul of Dularn. Tulis suspected the "truth" almost from the first, but kept the "se- cret" to herself until her death, perhaps to avoid embarrassment. Unlike the 20th Century, there is a strong "bias" against those born out of wedlock here in the 26th Century, especially so con- sidering that Darlanis is the actual daughter of Aurora of Mars! "Oh," I breathed, "understanding" now what I had not before. Darlanis saw such as a "matter of honor" sworn to a dying woman. She is of the Caste of Warrioresses. To such "honor" is some- thing "unquestioned". I am reminded here of the "Code" of West Point back in my own era. We of the Caste do not "question" such things. There was no way now that Darlanis could "act". If we were to "defend" ourselves against Dularn, it would have to be without her as our leader. Such is a part of our "Caste Codes". "Does Maris know?" I asked, wondering. Darlanis nodded in the negative. Queen Tulis of Dularn had died of poison in Darla- nis' arms. She had done so rather than face the month or so of raving insanity she faced before her death from a tumor buried deep inside her brain. Her death had made Maris Queen of Dularn. "It was almost the last thing we spoke of before her death," Darlanis said in a soft voice, her eyes glistening with tears. I understood now what I had not before. Why she had not committed our forces to anything more than just "defense" against attack! "You can `trust' me," I said to her. "Follow my advice." I was getting awfully "tired" too of defending her to my friends. Especially after the North Star had attacked Lady Tirana's lands. True, the "damage" had not been that great, but the simple fact that a Dularnian raider could attack our vulnerable coastline al- most anywhere it wished "bothered" a lot of people, including me! "I will consider it," Darlanis answered, "But understand that I can do nothing myself." I nodded, kissed her, knowing as I did that she was truly "worthy" of being Empress of California. That she kept the "Codes" as a true caste sister should always. I would have to "act" on my own. Perhaps as Queen of Trelandar? My slave girl Yvette Senchal stood at my side, her perfumed body brushing mine as I sat before the mirror, and carefully painted the eyeliner around my eyes. The briefly attired delight just a bit nervous now knowing the importance of the occasion. I had impressed upon the girl the necessity for my looking my best. I am not a beautiful woman. Hardly even "attractive", I often feel "inferior" to women like Darlanis who are so "beautiful"!!! "I am proud to belong to a great and wonderful mistress like you," Yvette breathed in a low whisper as she completed her task. I had no fears of her "loyalty" to me. I was her only "contact" with her own country half a world away. The only one who could speak French. We often spoke it together. It was, I supposed, a way of speaking privately that I greatly enjoyed especially now. "And I assume that you already have a handsome young sailor from the Squala to keep you `warm' in your blankets tonight," I said to the sensual delight. Yvette trains my other slave girls in the arts and crafts of love-making. A slim gold band around her neck marked the girl well as being the sort of slave she was. Yvette often "needed" sex like a drunkard "needs" the "bottle". "Yes, mistress," Yvette answered softly as she did my lips. She has few secrets from me. She reminds me in a way of another woman I once knew long, long ago although she was more like Lara, the Princess of Baja than Yvette in her appearance. The home she once lived in still exists as ruins on the forested lands I own. Once again I regretted the "wrong" that I had done Carol Simmons by letting myself become "emotionally involved" with her husband. There never was any question of "infidelity" here, but it was an act that I am not very proud of even now long after their deaths. "I'm just glad I don't have a long coastline to worry about," Queen Dala Dai of Talon said to me with a smile as she strolled the rooftop arboretum that overlooks the harbor beyond. She was wearing a lovely silken silver gown, a wrap over her bare shoulders against the chill. She is small, about five feet, no more than a hundred pounds, like a perfect little "doll" of a woman. Talon's Tarls, a gigantic eagle like bird, can carry a small woman on their backs, such "birdwomen" being a mainstay of Talon's defense against attack. They were the major reason why Talon did not succumb to Darlanis' attack on it ten years ago. I had seen scenes of those battles recorded on laser disks by those of Leith. It had been a "war" that had "cost" little Talon much. Now she was here at my urging to sign a treaty with Darlanis. I hoped such a treaty might be the "start" to something "greater". It was "time" that Mankind once again considered "civilization". "Darlanis needs all the `friends' she can get right now," I told the little brunette there at my side. Dala nodded, her dark eyes glowing up into mine. I knew how she "felt" about Darlanis. It had taken all the diplomatic skills I possessed to get Talon into an alliance with California. There were still those in Ta- lon who claimed that their beloved Queen had now "sold them out"! That what Darlanis had not been able to obtain "by the sword" she had now "obtained" by other means. Few yet "trusted" Darlanis!!! "I am `your' friend, not hers," Dala answered softly back, the breeze off the ocean in the distance gently ruffling her coal black hair. Swinging the ships in the harbor at their anchors as they waited for the escorting warships to protect them on the open sea from the swift Dularnian raiders now somewhere out there beyond the horizon. Darlanis' name was now a "curseword" on the lips of many. I much feared what might "happen" here if action was not taken against those now harassing our shores like wolves. I pulled my own wrap more about my shoulders, the black silk of my long formal gown doing nothing to protect me from the chill of the air. I am not a beautiful woman, but Yvette does well with what she has to work with. My bust is small and firm, and I do have rather high set muscular buttocks. I don't look all that bad in a long gown, as it conceals my legs, which are not really one of my best assets so far as my own personal appearance goes. "I want to thank you for what you've done for my Sela," Dala said to me. Sela Dai was now in command of my little fleet of two "Squala class" schooners and two smaller schooners used most- ly for patrol work and observation. She had done well in a ship to ship battle with the infamous "North Star" off the coast of Trelandar. The "North Star" being under the command, I under- stood now, of none other than the Queen of Dularn herself! Maris had eventually broken off the battle, using her superior skill and her ship's better "handling" to flee the heavier ship. There had been considerable "outcry" in Trella at the news, and poor Sela had come in for her share of blame in letting the North Star get away from her, but Sela had been fighting an experienced and battle hardened crew commanded by Dularn's best naval commander! Maris Jord now being the "Jon Richards" of Dularn, I understood. "She did well considering the lack of training," I smiled. Sela had got off a couple good broadsides into the North Star. I had not authorized the use of flame weapons unless the Dularnians started using them. The heavy three master she commanded had been manned by inexperienced men who had never seen combat be- fore. They had not responded to her orders like those of the North Star had to their commander. I had reviewed the issue, and found that Sela had done the best that she could with what she had to fight with. Still, it had been the first time that a Du- larnian raider had actually engaged one of my famous "Squala's"! There had been too much of an expectation of "automatic victory"! The "belief" by some that Sela Dai had not tried to "win" either! "It would have better had she killed Queen Maris," the Queen of Talon answered, looking out over the great harbor of Sarn. I sometimes see in my mind's eye yet another city now only a memo- ry. There is little left anymore of the remains of what once had been San Francisco. Only a few massive structures like parts of the Golden Gate Bridge too heavy for even the people of the 26th Century to use for building materials. There is little "love" for the past. The people of "today" blaming those of the "past" for much of their "troubles". For The War of 2047 A.D. that nearly ended life here on the Earth. The "past" is now mostly "legend". Leith probably possesses the most "accurate" records of that era, although I yet "wonder" about the Priestesses of Lys. There is no doubt in my mind that they do possess a "tech- nology" far in advance of the rest of Mankind, or even now that of Mars! The "demonstration" Tais put on this spring was proof! "Perhaps," I answered. What puzzled me was why Maris was now actually putting herself "in harms way" like she was. I sus- pected that there were also "reasons" not so readily obvious. I did not think that Maris was doing what she did just to win the admiration of her people, although that no doubt played its part! Her present popularity among her people was almost unbelievable! Men had actually "fought" to sail on the North Star with her too! Such had come to my ears through "means" best left unspoken here. "She is far more `popular' with her people than Tulis was," Dala observed, her dark eyes looking up into mine. Dularn has universal military training. All adult Dularnians bear arms. It is not a country that would be easy to conquer even with the full forces of the Empire and its allies. And Dularn's alliance with the Montanas had already insured that the Nevadas would be of no value to California. And Baja even with Princess Tara deposed and her son on the throne offered little help, the Bajans having little "love" for either the Empire of California or Darlanis. I knew too of the political opposition Dala now faced, and I did not expect that she could be of much help either against Dularn! |