"CHAP-34" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jerome Bigge - Warlady 3 - The Queen Of Swords)



By Jerome B. Bigge

Chapter Thirty Four

      (Commentary by Lorraine Richards)       Once, what now seems a long ago I had discussed with Janet Rogers a "theory" of mine as to why the Earth was not being vis- ited by space travelers from other star systems. (The evidence for "flying saucers" being a bit "shaky".) It was my belief that there was a sort of interstellar "police" that kept more advanced worlds from using their technological capabilities to conquer less advanced worlds. Janet had considered my ideas "nonsense". *****************************************************************       "What gives you the `right' to pass `judgment' on us?" Arle- na challenged Tais as the First Priestess stood there before the assembled Leaderesses of the Women. The airless, lifeless sur- face of the Moon only a few hundred feet over their heads. A world that had never known life, as "dead" as any world could be!       "It was decided tens of thousands of years ago that such was necessary for the protection of intelligent life from `exploita- tion' by those more 'advanced'," Tais answered as if she was speaking to a group of small children. Their open "hostility" to her had been expected. "You forget that there are out there in the Universe forms of `life' that could conquer and enslave you right now almost just as easily as the Lorr conquered and en- slaved those of Earth fifty thousand years ago. Beings far supe- rior to you in intelligence and in technology." Aurora nodding, forced to "agree" even if she wished it otherwise. The Universe could be a "dangerous" place! Such had been taught by the Lorr.       "And the Valkyrie?" another of the Women then asked Tais.       "You may use it out to two light years from the Sun," Tais answered. "That has been determined as the `limit' for its use."       "And have the Lorr been `told' of this?" one now challenged.       "Another has informed Raspa of these matters," Tais smiled back. Adding then with a smile, "I am sure that you have much to discuss now." With this she "shimmered" for an instant before disappearing as suddenly as she had appeared there before them!* * I always have had my "suspicions" about the Priestesses of Lys, but even so I never realized just how "advanced" they actually were! Of course not all Priestesses have such "powers", and it does take the "combined efforts" of many to "do" such things, but still I should have suspected "such" when Tais showed that she possessed mental powers of reading a message "implanted" in my mind without my even thinking about it just then! (Lorraine) *****************************************************************       "I have been `expecting' you," Raspa said as Aurora and Ar- lena stepped out of the "Portal" there on Mars, the Leaderess of the Lorr smiling inwardly to herself at their obvious discomfort! It had been only a few minutes earlier when the Priestess left.       "Is there nothing we can `do'," Arlena asked, regarding the gigantic black "ant" standing there before her on its six legs.       "Perhaps there is a friend of mine to whom we might address just that question," Raspa replied, informing the Woman on duty at the Portal to switch its frequency to that of the Starfire's! *****************************************************************       Lorraine arose from kneeling before the horrid looking alien from Mars, a grim smile curving her thin lips. Her slender mus- cular body concealed now beneath a heavy robe against the chill of the night. It was hard not to laugh at the looks on the faces of the two women with her, but she doubted that either would like such! The "news" she had drawn from Raspa's mind had told all!!!       "`Mummy' has just told her `children' that they can't cross the street," Lorraine laughed softly, regarding the three there. "Perhaps its just as well, considering what we could have `met' out there had the Valkyrie been successful," Lorraine then spoke.       "We're being treated like naughty children!" Arlena protest- ed, not all that "delighted" either now at Lorraine's comment!!!       "Considering the past history of all three of our races, I also consider it as being proper," Lorraine smiled back at her. The Women too themselves had viewed Mankind as mere "barbarians".       "You're responsible for all this!" Arlena then snapped back, it being common knowledge that the Priestesses were "Lorraine's".       "I do manage at times to `do the right thing'," Lorraine smiled in reply, standing there, her dark eyes burning hot into the gray of Arlena's. "And I think it is a lesson well taught!" The vice-Leaderess of the Women scowling as she regarded her!!! *****************************************************************       "It is `good' having a woman like you sleeping at a man's side," Serak said to me as I rejoined him there beneath the blan- kets after squatting behind a tree to relieve myself. I had just as a "precaution" taken my sword with me. I had also done as did the women of the village and stayed in sight of the encampment although there was now little to worry about any more with the mutants all dead! Aurora's orders having been quickly followed.       "Because I am `beautiful' or because I am `good in bed'?" I teased him, biting his lip just a bit when we kissed so that it would be swollen in the morning. Such would of course leave no doubts as to the sort of a woman who now "shared" his blankets!       "Both," Serak laughed, reaching down, and "touching" me. *****************************************************************       "Since we're `stuck' with our own `neighborhood', then it makes sense to consider what we can do to `fix it up'," Lorraine said as Aurora and Raspa each nodded in agreement, Arlena pouting to herself in disappointment at having been told that her own race was "unfit" to mingle with others out there among the stars!       "The `terra-forming' of Mars is difficult," Raspa admitted.       "Not if you use your `Portals' to transport water from the Earth to Mars," Lorraine replied. "And the same could done with the Moon too," she added, with a smile for still pouting Arlena! "There is plenty of fresh water on the Earth, and I'm sure that a few trillion gallons of it won't be missed," the Warlady smiled.       "And we could do it too!" Arlena spoke, her eyes glowing! Water would not remain on the surface of the Moon due to its lack of atmosphere and gravity, but there were caverns beneath its surface that could be developed into new "homes" for many people.       "Venus may be `terra-formable' if we can get rid of most of its poisonous atmosphere," the Queen of Trelandar then suggested.       "We could transmit its atmosphere out into space," Aurora mused, considering the "possibilities" now being "offered" here!       "Or perhaps transmit some of it to Mars," Raspa ventured. "Some `filtering' would be necessary, but the carbon dioxide is badly needed on Mars to help thicken the atmosphere," she added. The "life-plants" of Mars converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.       "The Jovian satellites might be "usable" to a subterranean race," Lorraine then ventured, "Given fresh water from Earth."       "I fear Mercury is `too hot'," Aurora mused in thought.       "We should have `enough room'" Lorraine smiled back.       "I `suppose so'," Arlena then answered doubtfully.       "There is plenty of `raw material'" Lorraine smiled.       "The asteroid belt?" Aurora ventured now with a smile.       "We may someday be deemed `worthy'," Lorraine ventured.       "And `children' do `grow up'," Aurora then smiled in turn. *****************************************************************       "You will be the first Nevada to `fly'," I said to Serak.       "I have faced many `perils' in my lifetime," he smiled back.       "I am a `good pilot'," I assured him with a smile. He tapped doubtfully on Black Lady's wing, stood back, regarded the airplane. Shrugged his shoulders in a way that left no "doubts"!       "I think I will be the first `Nevada' to fly," he announced to his watching men, who considered me as some sort of a "witch"!       "The `only' way to travel," I smiled, standing there, the sun glinting off my golden attire. I wondered what Aurora was doing just then. No doubt enjoying the "fruits" of her revolu- tion against the Lorr. I wondered if it would really make any "difference" to us of Earth. I rather "doubted" it from what my mother had said in passing. She was "Martian", not an Earthling.       "It is a beautiful land," Serak said to me as we flew over it. I didn't share his "opinion" of it, but wisely kept my own opinions to myself, knowing that they would not be appreciated!       "Many have thought so," I ventured non-committedly in turn.       "It is `our' land," Serak said to me. I nodded, understood.       "Perhaps it is `our world' again too," I then said to him.       "At least the `Women' are more attractive than the Lorr," he smiled back, reaching over, caressing the interior of my thigh.       "I wonder if it will really make that much of a `difference' to most people," I mused. The Peasants would till their fields as they had for hundreds of years. There would still be a "need" for Warriors and Warrioresses. I would still have Lorraine. A daughter who might someday roam the vastness between the stars.       "It is `good' that you will be my Princess," he said to me.       "If you keep reaching up under my skirt like that I'm going to have `trouble' flying this plane," I teased him back in reply.       "Your `Empire' now has the `means' to conquer my people," he said, looking into my eyes, her words coming as a shock to me!!!       "You mean because of Aurora?" I quickly smiled back at him.       "A dozen warriors, armed with the `thundersticks' of the `Women', could rout an army," he replied, his fingertip now slip- ping in beneath my strap. I could feel myself growing "wet" too! Feel the "swell" of my nipples beneath my clips, my breasts bared to his touch, his eyes. I felt incredibly "female", totally so!!       "Once all men lived under the rule of one woman," I replied.       "It is said that she `understood' as few others did," Serak said to me. I was surprised that such "records" had been "kept"!       "I suspect that Lorraine is `another'," I said to him then.       "But it is your neck that I am going to `chain'," he said.

Next Chapter



By Jerome B. Bigge

Chapter Thirty Four

      (Commentary by Lorraine Richards)       Once, what now seems a long ago I had discussed with Janet Rogers a "theory" of mine as to why the Earth was not being vis- ited by space travelers from other star systems. (The evidence for "flying saucers" being a bit "shaky".) It was my belief that there was a sort of interstellar "police" that kept more advanced worlds from using their technological capabilities to conquer less advanced worlds. Janet had considered my ideas "nonsense". *****************************************************************       "What gives you the `right' to pass `judgment' on us?" Arle- na challenged Tais as the First Priestess stood there before the assembled Leaderesses of the Women. The airless, lifeless sur- face of the Moon only a few hundred feet over their heads. A world that had never known life, as "dead" as any world could be!       "It was decided tens of thousands of years ago that such was necessary for the protection of intelligent life from `exploita- tion' by those more 'advanced'," Tais answered as if she was speaking to a group of small children. Their open "hostility" to her had been expected. "You forget that there are out there in the Universe forms of `life' that could conquer and enslave you right now almost just as easily as the Lorr conquered and en- slaved those of Earth fifty thousand years ago. Beings far supe- rior to you in intelligence and in technology." Aurora nodding, forced to "agree" even if she wished it otherwise. The Universe could be a "dangerous" place! Such had been taught by the Lorr.       "And the Valkyrie?" another of the Women then asked Tais.       "You may use it out to two light years from the Sun," Tais answered. "That has been determined as the `limit' for its use."       "And have the Lorr been `told' of this?" one now challenged.       "Another has informed Raspa of these matters," Tais smiled back. Adding then with a smile, "I am sure that you have much to discuss now." With this she "shimmered" for an instant before disappearing as suddenly as she had appeared there before them!* * I always have had my "suspicions" about the Priestesses of Lys, but even so I never realized just how "advanced" they actually were! Of course not all Priestesses have such "powers", and it does take the "combined efforts" of many to "do" such things, but still I should have suspected "such" when Tais showed that she possessed mental powers of reading a message "implanted" in my mind without my even thinking about it just then! (Lorraine) *****************************************************************       "I have been `expecting' you," Raspa said as Aurora and Ar- lena stepped out of the "Portal" there on Mars, the Leaderess of the Lorr smiling inwardly to herself at their obvious discomfort! It had been only a few minutes earlier when the Priestess left.       "Is there nothing we can `do'," Arlena asked, regarding the gigantic black "ant" standing there before her on its six legs.       "Perhaps there is a friend of mine to whom we might address just that question," Raspa replied, informing the Woman on duty at the Portal to switch its frequency to that of the Starfire's! *****************************************************************       Lorraine arose from kneeling before the horrid looking alien from Mars, a grim smile curving her thin lips. Her slender mus- cular body concealed now beneath a heavy robe against the chill of the night. It was hard not to laugh at the looks on the faces of the two women with her, but she doubted that either would like such! The "news" she had drawn from Raspa's mind had told all!!!       "`Mummy' has just told her `children' that they can't cross the street," Lorraine laughed softly, regarding the three there. "Perhaps its just as well, considering what we could have `met' out there had the Valkyrie been successful," Lorraine then spoke.       "We're being treated like naughty children!" Arlena protest- ed, not all that "delighted" either now at Lorraine's comment!!!       "Considering the past history of all three of our races, I also consider it as being proper," Lorraine smiled back at her. The Women too themselves had viewed Mankind as mere "barbarians".       "You're responsible for all this!" Arlena then snapped back, it being common knowledge that the Priestesses were "Lorraine's".       "I do manage at times to `do the right thing'," Lorraine smiled in reply, standing there, her dark eyes burning hot into the gray of Arlena's. "And I think it is a lesson well taught!" The vice-Leaderess of the Women scowling as she regarded her!!! *****************************************************************       "It is `good' having a woman like you sleeping at a man's side," Serak said to me as I rejoined him there beneath the blan- kets after squatting behind a tree to relieve myself. I had just as a "precaution" taken my sword with me. I had also done as did the women of the village and stayed in sight of the encampment although there was now little to worry about any more with the mutants all dead! Aurora's orders having been quickly followed.       "Because I am `beautiful' or because I am `good in bed'?" I teased him, biting his lip just a bit when we kissed so that it would be swollen in the morning. Such would of course leave no doubts as to the sort of a woman who now "shared" his blankets!       "Both," Serak laughed, reaching down, and "touching" me. *****************************************************************       "Since we're `stuck' with our own `neighborhood', then it makes sense to consider what we can do to `fix it up'," Lorraine said as Aurora and Raspa each nodded in agreement, Arlena pouting to herself in disappointment at having been told that her own race was "unfit" to mingle with others out there among the stars!       "The `terra-forming' of Mars is difficult," Raspa admitted.       "Not if you use your `Portals' to transport water from the Earth to Mars," Lorraine replied. "And the same could done with the Moon too," she added, with a smile for still pouting Arlena! "There is plenty of fresh water on the Earth, and I'm sure that a few trillion gallons of it won't be missed," the Warlady smiled.       "And we could do it too!" Arlena spoke, her eyes glowing! Water would not remain on the surface of the Moon due to its lack of atmosphere and gravity, but there were caverns beneath its surface that could be developed into new "homes" for many people.       "Venus may be `terra-formable' if we can get rid of most of its poisonous atmosphere," the Queen of Trelandar then suggested.       "We could transmit its atmosphere out into space," Aurora mused, considering the "possibilities" now being "offered" here!       "Or perhaps transmit some of it to Mars," Raspa ventured. "Some `filtering' would be necessary, but the carbon dioxide is badly needed on Mars to help thicken the atmosphere," she added. The "life-plants" of Mars converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.       "The Jovian satellites might be "usable" to a subterranean race," Lorraine then ventured, "Given fresh water from Earth."       "I fear Mercury is `too hot'," Aurora mused in thought.       "We should have `enough room'" Lorraine smiled back.       "I `suppose so'," Arlena then answered doubtfully.       "There is plenty of `raw material'" Lorraine smiled.       "The asteroid belt?" Aurora ventured now with a smile.       "We may someday be deemed `worthy'," Lorraine ventured.       "And `children' do `grow up'," Aurora then smiled in turn. *****************************************************************       "You will be the first Nevada to `fly'," I said to Serak.       "I have faced many `perils' in my lifetime," he smiled back.       "I am a `good pilot'," I assured him with a smile. He tapped doubtfully on Black Lady's wing, stood back, regarded the airplane. Shrugged his shoulders in a way that left no "doubts"!       "I think I will be the first `Nevada' to fly," he announced to his watching men, who considered me as some sort of a "witch"!       "The `only' way to travel," I smiled, standing there, the sun glinting off my golden attire. I wondered what Aurora was doing just then. No doubt enjoying the "fruits" of her revolu- tion against the Lorr. I wondered if it would really make any "difference" to us of Earth. I rather "doubted" it from what my mother had said in passing. She was "Martian", not an Earthling.       "It is a beautiful land," Serak said to me as we flew over it. I didn't share his "opinion" of it, but wisely kept my own opinions to myself, knowing that they would not be appreciated!       "Many have thought so," I ventured non-committedly in turn.       "It is `our' land," Serak said to me. I nodded, understood.       "Perhaps it is `our world' again too," I then said to him.       "At least the `Women' are more attractive than the Lorr," he smiled back, reaching over, caressing the interior of my thigh.       "I wonder if it will really make that much of a `difference' to most people," I mused. The Peasants would till their fields as they had for hundreds of years. There would still be a "need" for Warriors and Warrioresses. I would still have Lorraine. A daughter who might someday roam the vastness between the stars.       "It is `good' that you will be my Princess," he said to me.       "If you keep reaching up under my skirt like that I'm going to have `trouble' flying this plane," I teased him back in reply.       "Your `Empire' now has the `means' to conquer my people," he said, looking into my eyes, her words coming as a shock to me!!!       "You mean because of Aurora?" I quickly smiled back at him.       "A dozen warriors, armed with the `thundersticks' of the `Women', could rout an army," he replied, his fingertip now slip- ping in beneath my strap. I could feel myself growing "wet" too! Feel the "swell" of my nipples beneath my clips, my breasts bared to his touch, his eyes. I felt incredibly "female", totally so!!       "Once all men lived under the rule of one woman," I replied.       "It is said that she `understood' as few others did," Serak said to me. I was surprised that such "records" had been "kept"!       "I suspect that Lorraine is `another'," I said to him then.       "But it is your neck that I am going to `chain'," he said.

Next Chapter