"2570-24" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jerome Bigge - Warlady 8 - The Queen Of Time)THE QUEEN OF TIME 2570 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE By Jerome B. Bigge Chapter Twenty Four "I think she is a person who has been forced to `see' things she would much rather have never seen," Janet Rogers smiled at me as I nodded back. If Tais had indeed traveled through time to the end of the world, I suppose such "sights" might "bother" one! A soft knocking at the door then breaking into our conversation. "Maris sent me," the slave girl said, kneeling there, her eyes glowing softly up into mine. There beside her a cart now loaded down with everything anyone might so wish for here in the line of refreshments and snacks... The collar snug around her throat of almost pure gold, marking her well here as being the "preferred" slave girl of the Queen of Dularn herself. Maris' husband, Prince Paul of the Wyomings, having taken Kathi, who had once been Lady Tirana's slave girl before the Simmons stole her. Prince Paul now leading his people in battle against the Nevadas, who in turn were lead by Darlanis' husband Serak. Both Maris and Darlanis well aware now of the fact they might well both end up widows, something I suspect also drew them "closer" in a way too! "Is she `Janet'?" the girl asked softly in awe, staring past me at Janet as she stood and took a hold of the cart's handles. "She is THE Janet Rogers," I smiled back at the slave girl. "Mistress asked me to bring you this," she said, pushing the cart into the room as I closed the door behind her, a couple of Maris' warrior women on now guard outside the room obviously hav- ing been posted to see that we were not bothered by the curious. "And what `crime' did you commit to end up like this?" Janet Rogers asked, standing up, the slave girl now quickly going to her knees here before us, and keeping them well pressed together as was fitting in this situation given our own rank and titles! "I was a minor thief," she quickly answered the Leaderess. "And how `long' have you been a slave?" Janet asked her. "For thirteen years, mistress," she answered in turn. "I `see'," Janet Rogers spoke, her eyes meeting mine. "This is a `different' culture than yours," I spoke. "I am well `aware' of that `fact'," Janet answered. "You recall John Norman's `GOR'," I asked Janet. "Like `that' society?" the Leaderess said to me. "I am content to `be' what I am," the girl spoke. "Perhaps that is just as well," Janet Rogers said. "We are all `victims' of our own `cultures'," Janet Rogers said to me after the girl had left the room, the Leaderess look- ing over the various snacks and candies that Maris had provided us. "We all have our own `standards', our own 'prejudices' to contend with," she added, looking up at me as I nodded thought- fully back. Well "aware" of my own "racism", of the fact that I saw those of other "races" as being "inferior" in some respect to my own race even if one of my best friends had been an American Indian. Like before when I'd known her Janet had the ability to "see" through things, and find the "TRUTH" there behind every situation. Such had served her well in the famous "Great De- bates" between her and Hillary Clinton when both ran for Presi- dent there in 2008. I am glad Tais allowed us to "meet" again... "I am in some respects still a woman of the 20th Century," I said to her. That was "why", I supposed, that I often "reacted" the way that I did to things. In the 20th Century it was the policy to "educate" everyone, even those who would never be able to "hold" any "productive" position later on in society. In the NEW ORDER this "policy" had come quickly to an end, Janet having pointed out that there was no "value" in doing so here in a so- cial order where only those who were "taxpayers" could ever vote! That spending thousands of credits attempting to educate someone with the "mental age" of a three year old was a simple "waste" of money that could be put to "better" uses somewhere else here now! On the other hand the NEW ORDER did use its "computer technology" to help educate and employ those who were physically handicapped, whose minds of course were just as "good" as anyone else's here. "I am `aware' of that `fact'," Janet Rogers laughed back. "But I have learned a few things," I pointed out to her. "I would like to talk to your `friends'," Janet smiled. "Socialism has always been `attractive' to those `unable' to `succeed' in a truly `free' economic system," the Leaderess of the World Federation of the 21st Century said as Maris now nodded thoughtfully in reply. "While the `bankruptcy' of socialism it- self was proven back even in the last decade of the Twentieth Century, still yet among the `intellectual elite' the basic con- cept refused to die its proper death. Even after having been disproven by the complete `failure' of any nation who used it to improve the living standards of its people by any great amount."* * On the other hand Syndicalism was quite sucessful in the 21st Century. Syndicalism being what we now call "employee ownership" here in the 20th Century where a group of workers owned their own enterprise. This is, however, still "free enterprise". (JBB) "You can still find Scribes today who `subscribe' to such ideas," I added, being well aware of Sanda's own "inclinations" that way at times. Lady Talen being a woman who sometimes failed to realize that history had already disproven many such "ideas"!! The memories flooding back of our delightful debates there on my estate that long hot summer back in 2565 when life had been easy. When I'd had few worries but to concern myself with keeping fit. "Your Prime Minister for `one'," Darlanis "smiled" at me. I had quickly refuted most of Sanda's more "radical" ideas, but she was a smart woman, if one who didn't think quite as deeply as I'd wished she would at times. While as Queen I could easily "deal" with such matters, yet I worried what would happen after my death and Sanda then "served" a Queen less "competent" than I was here! Her own political party was likely to stay in power for decades yet to come, especially as long as Sanda herself still ran it... And Gayle was not Sanda's "match" when it came to "intelligence". The thought occurring to me then that in the long run it didn't matter as "Doomsday" was now only seventy eight years away now! This in turn making me realize that my own children might see it! "There are always those who look towards `government' to re- dress their own `grievances'. Who fail to `see' that it is their own failure, not that of society that is the problem here." Shar- on ventured, wise beyond her years from being a Queen. From ac- tually having to "deal" with such people upon a regular basis! I supposed such things are as "old" as "government" itself is here. "No government ever made people `better off' than they would have been without it," Janet Rogers smiled, this being another of her famous "quotations" that have survived the centuries past her death. "Just as no country ever taxed itself into prosperity."* * This "quote" is actually from Rush Limbaugh, and was asked of President Bill Clinton in the form of a "question" of whether or not he knew of any country that had ever done so. Naturally Bill Clinton had no "answer" for it, as there is no "answer"... (JBB) "Didn't the `civil rights laws' of the 20th Century `help' at least `some' people?" Sharon asked, the idea of "civil rights" as such being almost as "alien" here in this era as would be the idea of "welfare as a `right'" as was known back in the Twentieth Century. There are "Blacks", but they are no longer commonplace. In any case the "concept" of "government" interfering in "private relationships" between people is totally "alien" to our cultures just as it would have been back in "Nineteenth Century" America. I once discussed this with June Colt, who couldn't understand why the governments of the past had ever "done" such "things" here... On the other hand I suppose I should "note" here that June is a woman of the 26th Century who just "happens" to have a dark skin. She is no more "aware" of being "black" than I am of being white. There are "racial" prejudices, but they are directed at American Indians for the most part, mostly due to their own warlike ways. "To give some person a `right', I must then take a `freedom' away from `you'," Janet Rogers smiled back. "And in doing so I must make my government much more `oppressive' than it would oth- erwise be." Janet going on to explain that these "civil rights laws" were a basic "mistake" in the first place, as they "encour- aged" Blacks not to correct their own "behavior" that caused the "discrimination" in the first place. Racial discrimination, like all other forms of "discrimination" being caused in part by the "actions" of the group being discriminated against and simple un- thinking prejudice. Blacks being discriminated against in the past for the most part because of their higher crime rates, poor "work habits", all the very same things that other groups managed to eventually "overcome" here by imposing strict "SELF DISCI- PLINE" upon themselves. By taking "responsibility" for the ac- tions of others of their own cultural or racial group, thus solv- ing the problem without the "interference" of government. This "last" having been done by everyone else but for the black race.* * It is likely here that the black race, used as a "control" by the Lorr in their genetic experiments upon the human race, may be exactly what all of Humanity would have been without the Lorr... The "difference" of ten I.Q. points in average intelligence be- tween Blacks and those of other races is apparently only a fur- ther "proof" of what the Lorr "did" for us by genetic alteration. The "work" done by Janet Rogers' scientists in the 21st Century "determined" at the time that it was most likely that Blacks, un- like the other races, were never exposed to the "intelligence en- hancing" effects of evolution caused by the Ice Ages due to the location of Africa and its climate in the four known Ice Ages. Current day Blacks in "civilized" North America "appear" to have the same intelligence levels as whites as a rule from what I've been able to observe of such things. They are, however, usually not "pure blooded Blacks", such being extremely rare in our own social order due to effects of female enslavement after The War. I am told by Tais that those in Africa have degenerated back into savagery, with the "civilization" of the past now recalled only as "myth and legends" to be spoken of around campfires at night. Hatred of Jews on the other hand was due to religious reasons and in Nazi Germany apparently was envy of their own economic sucess. It should be "noted" here that Trelandar's Constitution prohibits any sort of "discrimination" by the GOVERNMENT against anyone... The GOVERNMENT is also "prohibited" from interfering in "private relationships" between people, something "allowed" in the Empire, which actually does have a "law" much like the "Americans with Disabilities Act" which existed in the last decade of the 20th Century. (Repealed by Janet Rogers in 2010) In this matter Tre- landar is much more "libertarian" than Sarn or Orgon, while Du- larn is even a bit "more so" yet than is Trelandar. Dularnian "culture" and its achievements are also the "envy" of many. Some of this should be "credited" however to Queen Maris, who is very strongly "libertarian" in her thinking, I should note here too. "There is a `difference' between `equality of opportunity' and `equality of outcome'," I explained, Janet now smiling back. "A society can give you by its laws the first, but not the second without eventually becoming a `tyranny' of `special interests'." This last having been a "hallmark" of the Clinton administration. Of the sort of "ideology" that lingered on afterwards to `oppose' Janet Rogers there in her early years as America's new Leaderess in the "person" of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former First Lady. "What did `happen' when you told the Blacks that they were no longer going to get `favors' from the government?" Darlanis asked, the Empress having once met the "worst" of the black race. These being the mutated cannibals infected with a sort of AIDS... A "pestilence" that the Priestesses of Lys eventually wiped out there among the "ruins" of Muskegon, Michigan back there in 2566. "There were the `Riots of 2010'," Janet Rogers smiled back. These were the last time anyone tried to "oppose" Janet Rogers by such means. "They `learned' better than to ever `riot' again..." The "tone" of her voice leaving no doubts that there was "STEEL" in this woman, that she was truly of the caste of Warrioresses!! "There were a number of people who `opposed' me, who sought their own private `gain' over the `welfare' of the country," she added. "Organized Labor" had been one such group, eventually "crushed" by the brutal force of the GUARD, much like the "Brown Shirts" of Nazi Germany. The "historical parallels" here leaving no doubts. On the other hand I doubt that Janet really had a "choice" here. America was being torn apart, the world was in the depths of a "depression" not seen for eighty years, and Janet did what she had to do to put things back "together" once again for Mankind... "It is not a `part' of my life that I take `pride' in, but on the other hand had I not `done' what I had, I'm sure history would be far different than it has been," Janet then smiled to all of us!! THE QUEEN OF TIME 2570 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE By Jerome B. Bigge Chapter Twenty Four "I think she is a person who has been forced to `see' things she would much rather have never seen," Janet Rogers smiled at me as I nodded back. If Tais had indeed traveled through time to the end of the world, I suppose such "sights" might "bother" one! A soft knocking at the door then breaking into our conversation. "Maris sent me," the slave girl said, kneeling there, her eyes glowing softly up into mine. There beside her a cart now loaded down with everything anyone might so wish for here in the line of refreshments and snacks... The collar snug around her throat of almost pure gold, marking her well here as being the "preferred" slave girl of the Queen of Dularn herself. Maris' husband, Prince Paul of the Wyomings, having taken Kathi, who had once been Lady Tirana's slave girl before the Simmons stole her. Prince Paul now leading his people in battle against the Nevadas, who in turn were lead by Darlanis' husband Serak. Both Maris and Darlanis well aware now of the fact they might well both end up widows, something I suspect also drew them "closer" in a way too! "Is she `Janet'?" the girl asked softly in awe, staring past me at Janet as she stood and took a hold of the cart's handles. "She is THE Janet Rogers," I smiled back at the slave girl. "Mistress asked me to bring you this," she said, pushing the cart into the room as I closed the door behind her, a couple of Maris' warrior women on now guard outside the room obviously hav- ing been posted to see that we were not bothered by the curious. "And what `crime' did you commit to end up like this?" Janet Rogers asked, standing up, the slave girl now quickly going to her knees here before us, and keeping them well pressed together as was fitting in this situation given our own rank and titles! "I was a minor thief," she quickly answered the Leaderess. "And how `long' have you been a slave?" Janet asked her. "For thirteen years, mistress," she answered in turn. "I `see'," Janet Rogers spoke, her eyes meeting mine. "This is a `different' culture than yours," I spoke. "I am well `aware' of that `fact'," Janet answered. "You recall John Norman's `GOR'," I asked Janet. "Like `that' society?" the Leaderess said to me. "I am content to `be' what I am," the girl spoke. "Perhaps that is just as well," Janet Rogers said. "We are all `victims' of our own `cultures'," Janet Rogers said to me after the girl had left the room, the Leaderess look- ing over the various snacks and candies that Maris had provided us. "We all have our own `standards', our own 'prejudices' to contend with," she added, looking up at me as I nodded thought- fully back. Well "aware" of my own "racism", of the fact that I saw those of other "races" as being "inferior" in some respect to my own race even if one of my best friends had been an American Indian. Like before when I'd known her Janet had the ability to "see" through things, and find the "TRUTH" there behind every situation. Such had served her well in the famous "Great De- bates" between her and Hillary Clinton when both ran for Presi- dent there in 2008. I am glad Tais allowed us to "meet" again... "I am in some respects still a woman of the 20th Century," I said to her. That was "why", I supposed, that I often "reacted" the way that I did to things. In the 20th Century it was the policy to "educate" everyone, even those who would never be able to "hold" any "productive" position later on in society. In the NEW ORDER this "policy" had come quickly to an end, Janet having pointed out that there was no "value" in doing so here in a so- cial order where only those who were "taxpayers" could ever vote! That spending thousands of credits attempting to educate someone with the "mental age" of a three year old was a simple "waste" of money that could be put to "better" uses somewhere else here now! On the other hand the NEW ORDER did use its "computer technology" to help educate and employ those who were physically handicapped, whose minds of course were just as "good" as anyone else's here. "I am `aware' of that `fact'," Janet Rogers laughed back. "But I have learned a few things," I pointed out to her. "I would like to talk to your `friends'," Janet smiled. "Socialism has always been `attractive' to those `unable' to `succeed' in a truly `free' economic system," the Leaderess of the World Federation of the 21st Century said as Maris now nodded thoughtfully in reply. "While the `bankruptcy' of socialism it- self was proven back even in the last decade of the Twentieth Century, still yet among the `intellectual elite' the basic con- cept refused to die its proper death. Even after having been disproven by the complete `failure' of any nation who used it to improve the living standards of its people by any great amount."* * On the other hand Syndicalism was quite sucessful in the 21st Century. Syndicalism being what we now call "employee ownership" here in the 20th Century where a group of workers owned their own enterprise. This is, however, still "free enterprise". (JBB) "You can still find Scribes today who `subscribe' to such ideas," I added, being well aware of Sanda's own "inclinations" that way at times. Lady Talen being a woman who sometimes failed to realize that history had already disproven many such "ideas"!! The memories flooding back of our delightful debates there on my estate that long hot summer back in 2565 when life had been easy. When I'd had few worries but to concern myself with keeping fit. "Your Prime Minister for `one'," Darlanis "smiled" at me. I had quickly refuted most of Sanda's more "radical" ideas, but she was a smart woman, if one who didn't think quite as deeply as I'd wished she would at times. While as Queen I could easily "deal" with such matters, yet I worried what would happen after my death and Sanda then "served" a Queen less "competent" than I was here! Her own political party was likely to stay in power for decades yet to come, especially as long as Sanda herself still ran it... And Gayle was not Sanda's "match" when it came to "intelligence". The thought occurring to me then that in the long run it didn't matter as "Doomsday" was now only seventy eight years away now! This in turn making me realize that my own children might see it! "There are always those who look towards `government' to re- dress their own `grievances'. Who fail to `see' that it is their own failure, not that of society that is the problem here." Shar- on ventured, wise beyond her years from being a Queen. From ac- tually having to "deal" with such people upon a regular basis! I supposed such things are as "old" as "government" itself is here. "No government ever made people `better off' than they would have been without it," Janet Rogers smiled, this being another of her famous "quotations" that have survived the centuries past her death. "Just as no country ever taxed itself into prosperity."* * This "quote" is actually from Rush Limbaugh, and was asked of President Bill Clinton in the form of a "question" of whether or not he knew of any country that had ever done so. Naturally Bill Clinton had no "answer" for it, as there is no "answer"... (JBB) "Didn't the `civil rights laws' of the 20th Century `help' at least `some' people?" Sharon asked, the idea of "civil rights" as such being almost as "alien" here in this era as would be the idea of "welfare as a `right'" as was known back in the Twentieth Century. There are "Blacks", but they are no longer commonplace. In any case the "concept" of "government" interfering in "private relationships" between people is totally "alien" to our cultures just as it would have been back in "Nineteenth Century" America. I once discussed this with June Colt, who couldn't understand why the governments of the past had ever "done" such "things" here... On the other hand I suppose I should "note" here that June is a woman of the 26th Century who just "happens" to have a dark skin. She is no more "aware" of being "black" than I am of being white. There are "racial" prejudices, but they are directed at American Indians for the most part, mostly due to their own warlike ways. "To give some person a `right', I must then take a `freedom' away from `you'," Janet Rogers smiled back. "And in doing so I must make my government much more `oppressive' than it would oth- erwise be." Janet going on to explain that these "civil rights laws" were a basic "mistake" in the first place, as they "encour- aged" Blacks not to correct their own "behavior" that caused the "discrimination" in the first place. Racial discrimination, like all other forms of "discrimination" being caused in part by the "actions" of the group being discriminated against and simple un- thinking prejudice. Blacks being discriminated against in the past for the most part because of their higher crime rates, poor "work habits", all the very same things that other groups managed to eventually "overcome" here by imposing strict "SELF DISCI- PLINE" upon themselves. By taking "responsibility" for the ac- tions of others of their own cultural or racial group, thus solv- ing the problem without the "interference" of government. This "last" having been done by everyone else but for the black race.* * It is likely here that the black race, used as a "control" by the Lorr in their genetic experiments upon the human race, may be exactly what all of Humanity would have been without the Lorr... The "difference" of ten I.Q. points in average intelligence be- tween Blacks and those of other races is apparently only a fur- ther "proof" of what the Lorr "did" for us by genetic alteration. The "work" done by Janet Rogers' scientists in the 21st Century "determined" at the time that it was most likely that Blacks, un- like the other races, were never exposed to the "intelligence en- hancing" effects of evolution caused by the Ice Ages due to the location of Africa and its climate in the four known Ice Ages. Current day Blacks in "civilized" North America "appear" to have the same intelligence levels as whites as a rule from what I've been able to observe of such things. They are, however, usually not "pure blooded Blacks", such being extremely rare in our own social order due to effects of female enslavement after The War. I am told by Tais that those in Africa have degenerated back into savagery, with the "civilization" of the past now recalled only as "myth and legends" to be spoken of around campfires at night. Hatred of Jews on the other hand was due to religious reasons and in Nazi Germany apparently was envy of their own economic sucess. It should be "noted" here that Trelandar's Constitution prohibits any sort of "discrimination" by the GOVERNMENT against anyone... The GOVERNMENT is also "prohibited" from interfering in "private relationships" between people, something "allowed" in the Empire, which actually does have a "law" much like the "Americans with Disabilities Act" which existed in the last decade of the 20th Century. (Repealed by Janet Rogers in 2010) In this matter Tre- landar is much more "libertarian" than Sarn or Orgon, while Du- larn is even a bit "more so" yet than is Trelandar. Dularnian "culture" and its achievements are also the "envy" of many. Some of this should be "credited" however to Queen Maris, who is very strongly "libertarian" in her thinking, I should note here too. "There is a `difference' between `equality of opportunity' and `equality of outcome'," I explained, Janet now smiling back. "A society can give you by its laws the first, but not the second without eventually becoming a `tyranny' of `special interests'." This last having been a "hallmark" of the Clinton administration. Of the sort of "ideology" that lingered on afterwards to `oppose' Janet Rogers there in her early years as America's new Leaderess in the "person" of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former First Lady. "What did `happen' when you told the Blacks that they were no longer going to get `favors' from the government?" Darlanis asked, the Empress having once met the "worst" of the black race. These being the mutated cannibals infected with a sort of AIDS... A "pestilence" that the Priestesses of Lys eventually wiped out there among the "ruins" of Muskegon, Michigan back there in 2566. "There were the `Riots of 2010'," Janet Rogers smiled back. These were the last time anyone tried to "oppose" Janet Rogers by such means. "They `learned' better than to ever `riot' again..." The "tone" of her voice leaving no doubts that there was "STEEL" in this woman, that she was truly of the caste of Warrioresses!! "There were a number of people who `opposed' me, who sought their own private `gain' over the `welfare' of the country," she added. "Organized Labor" had been one such group, eventually "crushed" by the brutal force of the GUARD, much like the "Brown Shirts" of Nazi Germany. The "historical parallels" here leaving no doubts. On the other hand I doubt that Janet really had a "choice" here. America was being torn apart, the world was in the depths of a "depression" not seen for eighty years, and Janet did what she had to do to put things back "together" once again for Mankind... "It is not a `part' of my life that I take `pride' in, but on the other hand had I not `done' what I had, I'm sure history would be far different than it has been," Janet then smiled to all of us!! |