"2570-50" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jerome Bigge - Warlady 8 - The Queen Of Time)


2570 A.D.!


By Jerome B. Bigge

Chapter Fifty       It was a few days before Christmas, a holiday still yet ce- lebrated by most Trelandarians despite the Priestesses of Lys who tolerate no other religion but their own now many centuries old. I held my beloved little baby Princess in my arms, Sue Cross sit- ting there watching, her eyes so much like Carol's glowing into mine. I knew how "hard" it was for her, knowing that the child she'd given birth to would be another's. I could understand such "pain", even if there was nothing I could do about it. Yet it was Sue's breasts, not mine, that gave food and drink to my baby girl, and often Sue's loving arms, not mine, that now cuddled her up against the soft feminine warmth of her body. I am too of the opinion too that a baby "knows" its own mother by the odors of her body much like puppies "know" their mother by her scent here. I was also aware that little Eric called Sue "mommy" at times, a fact that left no doubts that he too saw her in such a light now. The thought having gone through my mind of giving up my duties as Queen of Trelandar and retiring to my estate with my children and my husband as Jon had once "ventured" to me a few months ago...       "She is a beautiful little girl," I said to Sue, who nodded. In a way I was starting to "resent" Sue, not because of anything that she'd done, but because my children saw her as their mother! While Eric did see Jon as "daddy", he did not see me as "mommy". I wondered if An'na of Mars, Darlanis' first daughter, had been the same way. Raised by a "nanny" much like Sue while her mother went out as a Queen of Sarn to fight wars with other nations. I knew of how An'na's decision to stay with Aurora had hurt, but I thought I could understand. Perhaps An'na had never seen Darla- nis as being anything but just a "woman" who came to see her from time to time. More of a "foster mother" than anything else here. I did know that Darlanis was spending much more time with her second daughter, Artemis, although here too I suspected that Dar- lanis, like most high born women, really didn't play the role of a mother to the point that a woman of lower economic status might here. The Empress of course being well aware of "who" Artemis would "become", the "mystery" of Domino Tremaine yet unsolved...       SUDDENLY THERE WAS AN EERIE SENSATION IN THE ROOM AND I SAW A GLOWING FIGURE STANDING THERE BEFORE ME! THE FORM THAT OF AN INCREDIBLE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE WOMAN DRESSED MUCH LIKE A PRIESTESS!! AND ONCE AGAIN I FELT THAT SENSATION OF "LOVE", OF "GOODNESS" IT IS TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE TO THE READER, SHOULD HE OR SHE EVEN "BELIEVE" WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN HERE! THAT FEELING THAT I CAN BEST DESCRIBE AS A TERRIBLE "CRAVING", AN URGE TO THROW YOURSELF INTO "HER" ARMS, EVEN AT THE COST OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXISTENCE! AND NOW ONCE AGAIN I STOOD BEFORE THE RULER OF ALL, SHE HERSELF!! THE MISTRESS OF THE UNIVERSE, RULER OF ALL THAT HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL BE! THE BEING THAT MAN LONG AGO IN MY TIME CALLED "GOD"...       "The child you now hold in your arms has her own destiny to fulfill," SHE spoke to me as I now gave HER my baby without hesi- tation. My own will nothing against HERS as everything seemed to "fade out" around me then in a sort of "blurring". Then I stood in the entrance to a dirty, rubbish filled alley, a wino staring at us in open awe as GOD now cradled my Princess and floated to a nearby brick building that had obviously seen better days here! A feeling of "loss" in my mind despite SHE's own awesome powers!! Despite the fact that I knew now "who" my little girl would be- come! That SHE held in HER arms Janet Rogers herself, my baby!!!       It was night where I stood, the stars dim in a light pollut- ed sky, a few automobiles parked here and there leaving no doubts that I was back in the Twentieth Century, although just what YEAR I could not determine, the cars themselves mostly dating from say the 1950's. I saw SHE place my daughter on the doorstep of the building, a knocking sound now coming to my ears as I stood there unable to move, my attire no doubt quite out of place here too!!! The attire of a Queen of Trelandar as "outlandish" perhaps as the attire of SHE herself might be in such a godless world as this...       I saw the wino throw the bottle he'd held from himself, go to his knees, stretching out his arms to SHE as for a brief sec- ond SHE stood there regarding him like a loving mother might do. I sensed that SHE was speaking to him, but I heard nothing then, as SHE does not communicate with us by sounds, but by thoughts... Then SHE returned to me, and there was a sudden "blurring" as we then stood in a deep dimly lit cavern, men and women moving about along with a scattered number of Lorr! SHE telling me that this was the interior of the Earth itself, that despite the fact that the surface of the Earth was now incapable of supporting life, that deep beneath its surface life might still go on here. That Man yet survived, even in only thousands now, but Man did LIVE still inside his own world, the world that had given him birth.       "You are puzzled that I take such `interest' in things?" SHE spoke to me, her beauty such that it is beyond description. SHE is of course without form or shape, a BEING beyond our own ken.       "The Priestesses say you watch over us," I answered softly, standing there here in the "bowels" of an Earth perhaps a hundred years beyond the time I'd known only a fraction of an hour ago.       "I watch over all living things," SHE spoke, the long for- gotten words from the Bible coming to mind that not even a spar- row fell that SHE did not know of. "I am the `MOTHER OF LIFE'," SHE added, "Its `guardian' in all the universes that there are." I saw "visions" then, of worlds almost without number, and I re- alized then too that WHAT stood there before me was only a tiny fraction of what SHE truly was. That the power of GOD, SHE was truly infinite, that SHE guided the myriad universes, that noth- ing in those universes could occur unless SHE permitted to occur.       "You allow `EVIL'!" I sobbed, standing there before "GOD"!       "A wise mother must give her children the chance to `grow'," SHE answered. "They must learn for themselves right from wrong." I knew that SHE spoke the TRUTH, even if I could not understand!       Then there was that sense of "blurring", and once again I stood in the very same room in my palace that I had been in only a few minutes before, with the "knowledge" impressed into my mind of just who my little baby would grow up to be, the tears rolling down my cheeks as I knew now without any doubt "who" my Princess Ann had been now! I was the true mother of Janet Rogers herself!       "THAT was LYS??" Sue breathed out, standing there facing me, the look on her attractive face leaving no doubts she had "seen"!       "Yes," I answered, the tears running down my cheeks. LYS is one of HER names, although I think SHE is perhaps more accurate. "And my Princess Ann will grow up to be `Janet Rogers'," I said. SHE had allowed me that "knowledge", of "who" my Princess would grow up to be. I'm very proud to be Janet's "mother", and as I've written here, Janet did have many of my own "skills" too... And if Tais is willing, I plan to see my daughter again someday!!       And with "this" I come to the end of my story, leaving you with perhaps a story you will find hard to believe, many people still believing that my earlier experiences on Mars were only the result of "lack of oxygen" and the "effects" of Lorr venom. This time I did have an "eye witness" to SHE's appearance, and Sue's own "vision" of SHE matches mine quite closely, I might note now. SHE also gave me a few "suggestions" I'll pass on to Tais here... Maybe I'm not going to "die" quite as soon as I thought here ei- ther. SHE having made certain "suggestions" I feel worth trying.       The End       Lorraine Richards, Queen of Trelandar


2570 A.D.!


By Jerome B. Bigge

Chapter Fifty       It was a few days before Christmas, a holiday still yet ce- lebrated by most Trelandarians despite the Priestesses of Lys who tolerate no other religion but their own now many centuries old. I held my beloved little baby Princess in my arms, Sue Cross sit- ting there watching, her eyes so much like Carol's glowing into mine. I knew how "hard" it was for her, knowing that the child she'd given birth to would be another's. I could understand such "pain", even if there was nothing I could do about it. Yet it was Sue's breasts, not mine, that gave food and drink to my baby girl, and often Sue's loving arms, not mine, that now cuddled her up against the soft feminine warmth of her body. I am too of the opinion too that a baby "knows" its own mother by the odors of her body much like puppies "know" their mother by her scent here. I was also aware that little Eric called Sue "mommy" at times, a fact that left no doubts that he too saw her in such a light now. The thought having gone through my mind of giving up my duties as Queen of Trelandar and retiring to my estate with my children and my husband as Jon had once "ventured" to me a few months ago...       "She is a beautiful little girl," I said to Sue, who nodded. In a way I was starting to "resent" Sue, not because of anything that she'd done, but because my children saw her as their mother! While Eric did see Jon as "daddy", he did not see me as "mommy". I wondered if An'na of Mars, Darlanis' first daughter, had been the same way. Raised by a "nanny" much like Sue while her mother went out as a Queen of Sarn to fight wars with other nations. I knew of how An'na's decision to stay with Aurora had hurt, but I thought I could understand. Perhaps An'na had never seen Darla- nis as being anything but just a "woman" who came to see her from time to time. More of a "foster mother" than anything else here. I did know that Darlanis was spending much more time with her second daughter, Artemis, although here too I suspected that Dar- lanis, like most high born women, really didn't play the role of a mother to the point that a woman of lower economic status might here. The Empress of course being well aware of "who" Artemis would "become", the "mystery" of Domino Tremaine yet unsolved...       SUDDENLY THERE WAS AN EERIE SENSATION IN THE ROOM AND I SAW A GLOWING FIGURE STANDING THERE BEFORE ME! THE FORM THAT OF AN INCREDIBLE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE WOMAN DRESSED MUCH LIKE A PRIESTESS!! AND ONCE AGAIN I FELT THAT SENSATION OF "LOVE", OF "GOODNESS" IT IS TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE TO THE READER, SHOULD HE OR SHE EVEN "BELIEVE" WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN HERE! THAT FEELING THAT I CAN BEST DESCRIBE AS A TERRIBLE "CRAVING", AN URGE TO THROW YOURSELF INTO "HER" ARMS, EVEN AT THE COST OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXISTENCE! AND NOW ONCE AGAIN I STOOD BEFORE THE RULER OF ALL, SHE HERSELF!! THE MISTRESS OF THE UNIVERSE, RULER OF ALL THAT HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL BE! THE BEING THAT MAN LONG AGO IN MY TIME CALLED "GOD"...       "The child you now hold in your arms has her own destiny to fulfill," SHE spoke to me as I now gave HER my baby without hesi- tation. My own will nothing against HERS as everything seemed to "fade out" around me then in a sort of "blurring". Then I stood in the entrance to a dirty, rubbish filled alley, a wino staring at us in open awe as GOD now cradled my Princess and floated to a nearby brick building that had obviously seen better days here! A feeling of "loss" in my mind despite SHE's own awesome powers!! Despite the fact that I knew now "who" my little girl would be- come! That SHE held in HER arms Janet Rogers herself, my baby!!!       It was night where I stood, the stars dim in a light pollut- ed sky, a few automobiles parked here and there leaving no doubts that I was back in the Twentieth Century, although just what YEAR I could not determine, the cars themselves mostly dating from say the 1950's. I saw SHE place my daughter on the doorstep of the building, a knocking sound now coming to my ears as I stood there unable to move, my attire no doubt quite out of place here too!!! The attire of a Queen of Trelandar as "outlandish" perhaps as the attire of SHE herself might be in such a godless world as this...       I saw the wino throw the bottle he'd held from himself, go to his knees, stretching out his arms to SHE as for a brief sec- ond SHE stood there regarding him like a loving mother might do. I sensed that SHE was speaking to him, but I heard nothing then, as SHE does not communicate with us by sounds, but by thoughts... Then SHE returned to me, and there was a sudden "blurring" as we then stood in a deep dimly lit cavern, men and women moving about along with a scattered number of Lorr! SHE telling me that this was the interior of the Earth itself, that despite the fact that the surface of the Earth was now incapable of supporting life, that deep beneath its surface life might still go on here. That Man yet survived, even in only thousands now, but Man did LIVE still inside his own world, the world that had given him birth.       "You are puzzled that I take such `interest' in things?" SHE spoke to me, her beauty such that it is beyond description. SHE is of course without form or shape, a BEING beyond our own ken.       "The Priestesses say you watch over us," I answered softly, standing there here in the "bowels" of an Earth perhaps a hundred years beyond the time I'd known only a fraction of an hour ago.       "I watch over all living things," SHE spoke, the long for- gotten words from the Bible coming to mind that not even a spar- row fell that SHE did not know of. "I am the `MOTHER OF LIFE'," SHE added, "Its `guardian' in all the universes that there are." I saw "visions" then, of worlds almost without number, and I re- alized then too that WHAT stood there before me was only a tiny fraction of what SHE truly was. That the power of GOD, SHE was truly infinite, that SHE guided the myriad universes, that noth- ing in those universes could occur unless SHE permitted to occur.       "You allow `EVIL'!" I sobbed, standing there before "GOD"!       "A wise mother must give her children the chance to `grow'," SHE answered. "They must learn for themselves right from wrong." I knew that SHE spoke the TRUTH, even if I could not understand!       Then there was that sense of "blurring", and once again I stood in the very same room in my palace that I had been in only a few minutes before, with the "knowledge" impressed into my mind of just who my little baby would grow up to be, the tears rolling down my cheeks as I knew now without any doubt "who" my Princess Ann had been now! I was the true mother of Janet Rogers herself!       "THAT was LYS??" Sue breathed out, standing there facing me, the look on her attractive face leaving no doubts she had "seen"!       "Yes," I answered, the tears running down my cheeks. LYS is one of HER names, although I think SHE is perhaps more accurate. "And my Princess Ann will grow up to be `Janet Rogers'," I said. SHE had allowed me that "knowledge", of "who" my Princess would grow up to be. I'm very proud to be Janet's "mother", and as I've written here, Janet did have many of my own "skills" too... And if Tais is willing, I plan to see my daughter again someday!!       And with "this" I come to the end of my story, leaving you with perhaps a story you will find hard to believe, many people still believing that my earlier experiences on Mars were only the result of "lack of oxygen" and the "effects" of Lorr venom. This time I did have an "eye witness" to SHE's appearance, and Sue's own "vision" of SHE matches mine quite closely, I might note now. SHE also gave me a few "suggestions" I'll pass on to Tais here... Maybe I'm not going to "die" quite as soon as I thought here ei- ther. SHE having made certain "suggestions" I feel worth trying.       The End       Lorraine Richards, Queen of Trelandar