"2565-12" - читать интересную книгу автора (Warlady 1 - 2565 Ad Book 1)2565 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE OF MAN By Jerome B. Bigge Book One Chapter Twelve The former slaves seemed happy as they sunned themselves on the yet steaming deck. Others making clothing from the sail that the Princess believed we could sacrifice for the purpose. My nipples were still a bit tender from having them pierced this morning and then fitted with the little golden rivets like 20th Century earring posts that served to hold the clasps of the beau- tiful golden nipple "clips" that upper caste women of the 26th Century wore. A number of them being stocked in a chest aboard the Ronda. Janis had done the same to Sharon, who delighted in running around the ship wearing nothing but clips and a brief black silken "strap" that left no doubts as to her beauty, Janis having said that the late captain's opinion of my Sharon being worth "thirty gold crowns" was probably quite a bit too low for such a "delight" as her! Janis' own comment making me smile as I regarded Sharon in her to me now quite utterly shocking attire while at the same time I studied THE BOOK OF LYS, the "Bible" of this era for anything that might "answer" my own questions here! Sharon was now on "watch" with our biggest telescope, a task she had pleaded and begged for until I relented and let her do it. My stepdaughter hidden up in the rocks above watching for Imperial Navy vessels that might be out searching for us. Janis having said that there would be no doubt of pursuit if the former members of the crew were able to reach shore and give the alarm. We had even taken the masts down to better conceal ourselves here in the little hidden cove. Anchoring the Ronda so that it was concealed as best we could against any possible discovery. The way the Princess did things leaving no doubts about her either... The Ronda was now at anchor in a little cove that Shirl had told us about. One where we hoped we could refill our water bar- rels and make needed repairs before once again setting out to- wards distant Dularn. The capital city, from what I could deter- mine from the Ronda's maps and what Janis had told me, being lo- cated on the southern tip of the lovely island of Vancouver near Puget Sound. The actual country is of course much more than this, Dularn having control over a portion of what was western Canada back in the 20th Century and the State of Washington. This territory is disputed both with the Empire of California to the south and what are called "Montanas" to the east, a tribal society of nomadic peoples who appear to somewhat related to the American Indians of the past. To the north there are various small groups that somewhat remind me of the Vikings of the Twelfth Century in their appearance and activities, the "North- men" being in the eyes of the Dularnians a bunch of pirates and raiders who live off plundering other people. Their raiding craft being often found even as far south as Baja! Baja being a country ruled by a blood-thirsty Princess who was now Darlanis' own "Warlady", Janis told me. Further south was the Empire of Mexico, and to the east of Trelandar independent Talon, home of the great birds I have already mentioned. Then beyond the Sier- ras was the territory claimed by the Nevadas, another nomadic people racially intermixed like the Montanas with the Indians. There are also new forms of life to be feared, both in the sea and on land, various mutated monsters caused by The War along with the gigantic mutated eagle called a Tarl which is capable of flying off with good sized children and animals up to seventy pounds or so. These creatures are greatly feared by the Peas- ants, who have a number of tales of children being carried off by the great birds to be consumed by their young, which are I sus- pect perhaps more based upon fact than myth. The birds can be domesticated and bred as they have been by the people of Talon for centuries, and while I am a bit heavy for one, they are used to carry women trained in the use of the bow there upon their backs. Talon is an delightfully exotic place, lying between two mountain ranges, and I hope to someday visit the place, although whether or not I want to go take a ride on one of their Tarls is another matter! It is however the "land of the great birds". The royal Princess of Dularn was now relaxing in a hammock at my side, her body like mine oiled against the sun's rays, a bit of silk for modesty over her shaved pubes, her nipples of course covered by the lovely golden disks that she wore both as jewelry and as a covering. I thought her to be one of the most beautiful women that I'd ever seen. The tall blonde Princess having fine regal features that left no doubt that she was of royal blood. Her even more beautiful younger sister Darlanis was the Empress of Imperial California. I thought of the secrets we had shared, Janis telling me much of herself, of how she deplored the seemingly senseless winless conflict between her country and Darlanis' Empire. A conflict, she had told me, that had been go- ing on for years now with no indication of any end in sight! A war, Janis felt, that was as much her mother's "fault" as Darla- nis'! A war that had now cost thousands of lives on both sides! Around us towered the great frowning cliffs of the cove we had entered just before dawn. The sparkling waters a contrast to what we had endured out in the ocean. Shirl had gone ashore with three women she had picked to seek water, all three of the Peas- ant Caste and thus familiar with doing such tasks. Something we badly needed, having now only a few days supply left, and that only if very strictly rationed! Of wine and beer we had a plen- ty, but that does not really satisfy one's thirst and only leads to further "trouble" later on when drunkenness takes over. The Ronda was a good ship, I thought to myself, having seen what she had endured, the mishandling she had tolerated. Despite whatever Janis had to say about the superiority of her own coun- try's vessels, said craft being schooner rigged instead of being lateen rigged like most Californian craft are. The damage had been minor, and easily repairable with the materials we had at hand. It was pleasant to relax after what we had been through. To let the sun bake the ache from our strained muscles, to rub scented oils into our skins, and apply healing lotion to our rope-burned hands. The night before now only a memory none of us would soon forget. We all owed Janis our lives, for without her seamanship, we would have been dashed upon the rocks and de- stroyed. I knew that better than some of the others aboard as I studied the BOOK, searching it for anything that might be useful. "I would think," I had said to Janis, "That your mother and your sister Darlanis would be able to establish peace between your countries." It having puzzled me why the two, mother and daughter, now separated by politics, both being of the Warrioress Caste, were not able to somehow settle the differences between their countries without resort to the senseless bloodshed that had been carried on for years. Janis being the crown Princess of Dularn and next in line for the throne, which can only be held by a woman of the royal family line under Dularnian Law. Dularn is, like Talon, a "Queendom" where only a woman may be the ruler. I suppose there is something to be said for such a practice, al- though I suspect now that it is more an "illusion" of something else than anything based upon actual rational reasoning. Women rulers being often as "blood-thirsty" as their male counterparts. "Neither Darlanis or my mother have been able to resolve the differences that divide us," Janis had answered. Explaining that at least in her country, and no doubt in California as well, there were those who profited from the war, and had little inter- est in seeing an end to it. Her own brother being one of those who supported the continuance of the war between Dularn and the Empire of California. In the case of the Empire, the problem was perhaps best described as being "Princess Tara of Baja", who was also head of the Californian Senate and additionally "Warlady" of the Empire, her own son having been the royal Imperial Prince and legal successor to Empress Darlanis Marden. Darlanis herself is overly ambitious, and while she may "protest" all she wants that she is a "good" Empress, which I don't deny, she is still far too eager to spread her own dominion by any means she can wherever she can do so in the name of "advancing modern civilization"!* * She has "mellowed" a little since she "lost" Trelandar to me, but she still thinks of herself as a "reincarnation" of Janet Rogers in a way. As a woman who is "born to rule" other peoples! Curious, I had attempted to learn how Janis had become a slave girl aboard the Ronda, but she merely told me that she had been captured by slavers while on a secret mission that only she could do herself. More than this, she refused to tell me, saying that her mission had been a military secret that must be kept se- cret for now at least. I didn't question her further, knowing that she would have told me more if she felt it wise to do so. I am now free to reveal that she was attempting to form some sort of an alliance with Talon, and to use Talon's "bird-girls" and their great birds against the Empire. She was however betrayed and ended up helplessly chained aboard the Ronda as a slave girl! I was just about to doze off, THE BOOK OF LYS there on the deck beneath me when there came a bright flash of light into my eyes. The flash repeating itself again just as I opened them. It was Sharon signaling us from up in the rocks over to star- board! The Ronda being tied with its bow facing inwards, a plank leading across to land. My blonde teenage stepdaughter in her exotic "26th Century" sunbathing attire waving down at us. Call- ing out, "Lorraine! There's A Big Galley Coming This Way!" With a bound I was on my feet, grabbing for my clothing, the clinging back silk blouse that I had made from the remains of my dress, the leather kilt that I now wore as a skirt. Janis throw- ing on her own leather, the sword and dagger swinging in their scabbards. Her face grim as she fastened her harness, both of us knowing what our fate would be if we were captured! The women on deck gathering together in terror, some running below to get a possession or two. All of them well aware that slavery once again awaited them if the galley captured us as well it might. There being no hope except to flee into the forest before the Im- perials captured us. An act, I had been told, that would only prolong the end considering the deadly nature of some of the mu- tated forms of life prowling the forest here in the 26th Century! Sharon was shaking with excitement as we reached her, Janis immediately taking the telescope and training it on the approach- ing vessel, a big Imperial galley. Its oars slowly dipping into the water as it headed towards us. Even at this distance I could see the painted eyes on its bow and the proud flags flying from its twin masts. The masts bare of sails, the wind being foul for it. I thought it a beautiful, proud vessel, the blue-green hull of the dreadnought blending with the gently rolling sea, a bit of foam showing white at its bow as the ram lifted and fell with the swells. It was almost a perfect duplicate of a Classical design! Janis handed me the brass telescope, a big 16x50, saying in a strange voice, "Sarnian Lady, 54. Imperial Flagship. She's Carrying Darlanis." The term 54 referring to the number of oars, the vessel in question being a trireme with three men to an oar, the oars being fitted within a framework so that the rowers can most effectively exert their strength. It is a very interesting design, the rowers pulling straight back, the oars themselves pi- voting back and forth where they fit into the framework. The top speed of such a vessel being about seven knots under oars alone. The total fighting force of such a ship varies, but is usu- ally in the neighborhood of about two hundred and twenty men. There is additionally a force of twenty Warrioresses, Darlanis' own personal guard that travels with her wherever she goes. These women, Janis had assured me, were the best that the Empire possessed in their skill with sword and bow. Darlanis herself is generally believed to be one of finest swordswomen in the Empire. Having crossed foils with her a few times now, I can assure you that she can give me a better fight than anyone I've ever met! In any case, there could be no doubts of what would happen to us should one of Sarnian Lady's two lookouts happen to spot the Ron- da now floating peacefully in the little hidden cove below us. "What are we going to do?" Sharon asked, naked but for clips and strap, her young body oiled to protect it from the sun's rays. My stepdaughter staring at the approaching vessel, knowing from how Janis and I had reacted that we were once again in seri- ous trouble. For an instant I felt like breaking down and cry- ing. It seeming that ever since "THE GATEWAY" had sent us through time that it had been just one thing after another now! "I don't know, Sharon, I don't know," I answered, holding her close. Staring first at Sarnian Lady and then at the forest near at hand. Thinking of what Janis had told me of the beasts that roamed its glades. Horrible mutations such as wolves almost the size of ponies! Janis staring again through the telescope at the galley, perhaps thinking of her sister so close, yet so far. Closer and closer Sarnian Lady came, Janis pointing out her sister to me, handing me the telescope so I might see, the Em- press of California standing there on the quarterdeck. Her blonde hair blowing slightly in the wind, the golden tiara leav- ing no doubt that this was indeed Darlanis Marden, the Empress of California as she calls herself. A long blue silken cape accent- ed that incredibly beautiful 5'10" body, Darlanis wearing nothing more than a beautiful halter and miniskirt of a pure golden mesh, with a weapons harness so encrusted with precious jewels that it glittered blindingly there in the sunlight! Leather spike heeled boots, the color of gold, accented the perfection of her long ta- pering legs. She is said to be the most beautiful woman who has ever lived. I did not dispute it! I understood why the Warriors of California followed such a woman. Why men now spoke of her as men of the past might have spoken of a "goddess"! I understood now much that I had not believed before. What I saw there in the telescope was not a woman, or an "Empress", but some incredibly beautiful "golden goddess" out of an ancient mythology! A woman not truly of this Earth! (And I suspect THAT is the TRUTH now!) "We'd better tell the women to flee," I said, lowering the telescope, the image of Darlanis still vivid in my mind, glancing down at the Ronda floating peacefully below. The vessel somewhat "mine" in a way and sorry to see the last of her. The thought of fleeing into the forest not really all that appealing. Sharon at my side, her beautiful azure eyes staring at the big galley now so close, the flags waving in the wind. The oars like the legs of some multi-legged insect as they drew it across the water to- wards us. Darlanis standing there on the quarterdeck looking out at the shore, perhaps thinking what thoughts I knew not. Had I possessed my 300 Weatherby with its 3x-9x telescopic sight, I would have killed her without a moment's hesitation, picking her off like one would a woodchuck at three hundred yards! I hated her without knowing anything about her. She was "THE ENEMY", nothing more! Such is the way we humans are, I suppose. It is perhaps why we are such a war-like race. Why we can kill one another so easily without feeling the least bit "immoral" about it. Why we are nothing but "barbarians" in the eyes of the Lorr. "I suppose we'd better," Janis muttered, staring at her counterpart perhaps a quarter of a mile away now through the telescope, thinking what thoughts I know not. I wondered how long it had been since they had embraced, my thoughts for a mo- ment despite my hatred going out to Her there on the galley. Wondering if she ever thought of the older sister she had once loved long ago there in Dularn and who had loved her in return. Then suddenly, just as Sarnian Lady was only a minute or so away from being able to see into the cove, I saw the galley turn. The sails swiftly rising to the masts and filling as she headed out to sea. The golden figure of Darlanis disappearing as she perhaps went below. Janis lowering the telescope, blinking a bit. Perhaps from the glare of the sun on the water, or perhaps from another reason. I didn't much care just then. I hugged Sharon until she was gasping for breath, knowing that once again we were safe! That Darlanis was searching elsewhere for us now! 2565 A.D.! A TALE OF ADVENTURE IN THE SECOND DARK AGE OF MAN By Jerome B. Bigge Book One Chapter Twelve The former slaves seemed happy as they sunned themselves on the yet steaming deck. Others making clothing from the sail that the Princess believed we could sacrifice for the purpose. My nipples were still a bit tender from having them pierced this morning and then fitted with the little golden rivets like 20th Century earring posts that served to hold the clasps of the beau- tiful golden nipple "clips" that upper caste women of the 26th Century wore. A number of them being stocked in a chest aboard the Ronda. Janis had done the same to Sharon, who delighted in running around the ship wearing nothing but clips and a brief black silken "strap" that left no doubts as to her beauty, Janis having said that the late captain's opinion of my Sharon being worth "thirty gold crowns" was probably quite a bit too low for such a "delight" as her! Janis' own comment making me smile as I regarded Sharon in her to me now quite utterly shocking attire while at the same time I studied THE BOOK OF LYS, the "Bible" of this era for anything that might "answer" my own questions here! Sharon was now on "watch" with our biggest telescope, a task she had pleaded and begged for until I relented and let her do it. My stepdaughter hidden up in the rocks above watching for Imperial Navy vessels that might be out searching for us. Janis having said that there would be no doubt of pursuit if the former members of the crew were able to reach shore and give the alarm. We had even taken the masts down to better conceal ourselves here in the little hidden cove. Anchoring the Ronda so that it was concealed as best we could against any possible discovery. The way the Princess did things leaving no doubts about her either... The Ronda was now at anchor in a little cove that Shirl had told us about. One where we hoped we could refill our water bar- rels and make needed repairs before once again setting out to- wards distant Dularn. The capital city, from what I could deter- mine from the Ronda's maps and what Janis had told me, being lo- cated on the southern tip of the lovely island of Vancouver near Puget Sound. The actual country is of course much more than this, Dularn having control over a portion of what was western Canada back in the 20th Century and the State of Washington. This territory is disputed both with the Empire of California to the south and what are called "Montanas" to the east, a tribal society of nomadic peoples who appear to somewhat related to the American Indians of the past. To the north there are various small groups that somewhat remind me of the Vikings of the Twelfth Century in their appearance and activities, the "North- men" being in the eyes of the Dularnians a bunch of pirates and raiders who live off plundering other people. Their raiding craft being often found even as far south as Baja! Baja being a country ruled by a blood-thirsty Princess who was now Darlanis' own "Warlady", Janis told me. Further south was the Empire of Mexico, and to the east of Trelandar independent Talon, home of the great birds I have already mentioned. Then beyond the Sier- ras was the territory claimed by the Nevadas, another nomadic people racially intermixed like the Montanas with the Indians. There are also new forms of life to be feared, both in the sea and on land, various mutated monsters caused by The War along with the gigantic mutated eagle called a Tarl which is capable of flying off with good sized children and animals up to seventy pounds or so. These creatures are greatly feared by the Peas- ants, who have a number of tales of children being carried off by the great birds to be consumed by their young, which are I sus- pect perhaps more based upon fact than myth. The birds can be domesticated and bred as they have been by the people of Talon for centuries, and while I am a bit heavy for one, they are used to carry women trained in the use of the bow there upon their backs. Talon is an delightfully exotic place, lying between two mountain ranges, and I hope to someday visit the place, although whether or not I want to go take a ride on one of their Tarls is another matter! It is however the "land of the great birds". The royal Princess of Dularn was now relaxing in a hammock at my side, her body like mine oiled against the sun's rays, a bit of silk for modesty over her shaved pubes, her nipples of course covered by the lovely golden disks that she wore both as jewelry and as a covering. I thought her to be one of the most beautiful women that I'd ever seen. The tall blonde Princess having fine regal features that left no doubt that she was of royal blood. Her even more beautiful younger sister Darlanis was the Empress of Imperial California. I thought of the secrets we had shared, Janis telling me much of herself, of how she deplored the seemingly senseless winless conflict between her country and Darlanis' Empire. A conflict, she had told me, that had been go- ing on for years now with no indication of any end in sight! A war, Janis felt, that was as much her mother's "fault" as Darla- nis'! A war that had now cost thousands of lives on both sides! Around us towered the great frowning cliffs of the cove we had entered just before dawn. The sparkling waters a contrast to what we had endured out in the ocean. Shirl had gone ashore with three women she had picked to seek water, all three of the Peas- ant Caste and thus familiar with doing such tasks. Something we badly needed, having now only a few days supply left, and that only if very strictly rationed! Of wine and beer we had a plen- ty, but that does not really satisfy one's thirst and only leads to further "trouble" later on when drunkenness takes over. The Ronda was a good ship, I thought to myself, having seen what she had endured, the mishandling she had tolerated. Despite whatever Janis had to say about the superiority of her own coun- try's vessels, said craft being schooner rigged instead of being lateen rigged like most Californian craft are. The damage had been minor, and easily repairable with the materials we had at hand. It was pleasant to relax after what we had been through. To let the sun bake the ache from our strained muscles, to rub scented oils into our skins, and apply healing lotion to our rope-burned hands. The night before now only a memory none of us would soon forget. We all owed Janis our lives, for without her seamanship, we would have been dashed upon the rocks and de- stroyed. I knew that better than some of the others aboard as I studied the BOOK, searching it for anything that might be useful. "I would think," I had said to Janis, "That your mother and your sister Darlanis would be able to establish peace between your countries." It having puzzled me why the two, mother and daughter, now separated by politics, both being of the Warrioress Caste, were not able to somehow settle the differences between their countries without resort to the senseless bloodshed that had been carried on for years. Janis being the crown Princess of Dularn and next in line for the throne, which can only be held by a woman of the royal family line under Dularnian Law. Dularn is, like Talon, a "Queendom" where only a woman may be the ruler. I suppose there is something to be said for such a practice, al- though I suspect now that it is more an "illusion" of something else than anything based upon actual rational reasoning. Women rulers being often as "blood-thirsty" as their male counterparts. "Neither Darlanis or my mother have been able to resolve the differences that divide us," Janis had answered. Explaining that at least in her country, and no doubt in California as well, there were those who profited from the war, and had little inter- est in seeing an end to it. Her own brother being one of those who supported the continuance of the war between Dularn and the Empire of California. In the case of the Empire, the problem was perhaps best described as being "Princess Tara of Baja", who was also head of the Californian Senate and additionally "Warlady" of the Empire, her own son having been the royal Imperial Prince and legal successor to Empress Darlanis Marden. Darlanis herself is overly ambitious, and while she may "protest" all she wants that she is a "good" Empress, which I don't deny, she is still far too eager to spread her own dominion by any means she can wherever she can do so in the name of "advancing modern civilization"!* * She has "mellowed" a little since she "lost" Trelandar to me, but she still thinks of herself as a "reincarnation" of Janet Rogers in a way. As a woman who is "born to rule" other peoples! Curious, I had attempted to learn how Janis had become a slave girl aboard the Ronda, but she merely told me that she had been captured by slavers while on a secret mission that only she could do herself. More than this, she refused to tell me, saying that her mission had been a military secret that must be kept se- cret for now at least. I didn't question her further, knowing that she would have told me more if she felt it wise to do so. I am now free to reveal that she was attempting to form some sort of an alliance with Talon, and to use Talon's "bird-girls" and their great birds against the Empire. She was however betrayed and ended up helplessly chained aboard the Ronda as a slave girl! I was just about to doze off, THE BOOK OF LYS there on the deck beneath me when there came a bright flash of light into my eyes. The flash repeating itself again just as I opened them. It was Sharon signaling us from up in the rocks over to star- board! The Ronda being tied with its bow facing inwards, a plank leading across to land. My blonde teenage stepdaughter in her exotic "26th Century" sunbathing attire waving down at us. Call- ing out, "Lorraine! There's A Big Galley Coming This Way!" With a bound I was on my feet, grabbing for my clothing, the clinging back silk blouse that I had made from the remains of my dress, the leather kilt that I now wore as a skirt. Janis throw- ing on her own leather, the sword and dagger swinging in their scabbards. Her face grim as she fastened her harness, both of us knowing what our fate would be if we were captured! The women on deck gathering together in terror, some running below to get a possession or two. All of them well aware that slavery once again awaited them if the galley captured us as well it might. There being no hope except to flee into the forest before the Im- perials captured us. An act, I had been told, that would only prolong the end considering the deadly nature of some of the mu- tated forms of life prowling the forest here in the 26th Century! Sharon was shaking with excitement as we reached her, Janis immediately taking the telescope and training it on the approach- ing vessel, a big Imperial galley. Its oars slowly dipping into the water as it headed towards us. Even at this distance I could see the painted eyes on its bow and the proud flags flying from its twin masts. The masts bare of sails, the wind being foul for it. I thought it a beautiful, proud vessel, the blue-green hull of the dreadnought blending with the gently rolling sea, a bit of foam showing white at its bow as the ram lifted and fell with the swells. It was almost a perfect duplicate of a Classical design! Janis handed me the brass telescope, a big 16x50, saying in a strange voice, "Sarnian Lady, 54. Imperial Flagship. She's Carrying Darlanis." The term 54 referring to the number of oars, the vessel in question being a trireme with three men to an oar, the oars being fitted within a framework so that the rowers can most effectively exert their strength. It is a very interesting design, the rowers pulling straight back, the oars themselves pi- voting back and forth where they fit into the framework. The top speed of such a vessel being about seven knots under oars alone. The total fighting force of such a ship varies, but is usu- ally in the neighborhood of about two hundred and twenty men. There is additionally a force of twenty Warrioresses, Darlanis' own personal guard that travels with her wherever she goes. These women, Janis had assured me, were the best that the Empire possessed in their skill with sword and bow. Darlanis herself is generally believed to be one of finest swordswomen in the Empire. Having crossed foils with her a few times now, I can assure you that she can give me a better fight than anyone I've ever met! In any case, there could be no doubts of what would happen to us should one of Sarnian Lady's two lookouts happen to spot the Ron- da now floating peacefully in the little hidden cove below us. "What are we going to do?" Sharon asked, naked but for clips and strap, her young body oiled to protect it from the sun's rays. My stepdaughter staring at the approaching vessel, knowing from how Janis and I had reacted that we were once again in seri- ous trouble. For an instant I felt like breaking down and cry- ing. It seeming that ever since "THE GATEWAY" had sent us through time that it had been just one thing after another now! "I don't know, Sharon, I don't know," I answered, holding her close. Staring first at Sarnian Lady and then at the forest near at hand. Thinking of what Janis had told me of the beasts that roamed its glades. Horrible mutations such as wolves almost the size of ponies! Janis staring again through the telescope at the galley, perhaps thinking of her sister so close, yet so far. Closer and closer Sarnian Lady came, Janis pointing out her sister to me, handing me the telescope so I might see, the Em- press of California standing there on the quarterdeck. Her blonde hair blowing slightly in the wind, the golden tiara leav- ing no doubt that this was indeed Darlanis Marden, the Empress of California as she calls herself. A long blue silken cape accent- ed that incredibly beautiful 5'10" body, Darlanis wearing nothing more than a beautiful halter and miniskirt of a pure golden mesh, with a weapons harness so encrusted with precious jewels that it glittered blindingly there in the sunlight! Leather spike heeled boots, the color of gold, accented the perfection of her long ta- pering legs. She is said to be the most beautiful woman who has ever lived. I did not dispute it! I understood why the Warriors of California followed such a woman. Why men now spoke of her as men of the past might have spoken of a "goddess"! I understood now much that I had not believed before. What I saw there in the telescope was not a woman, or an "Empress", but some incredibly beautiful "golden goddess" out of an ancient mythology! A woman not truly of this Earth! (And I suspect THAT is the TRUTH now!) "We'd better tell the women to flee," I said, lowering the telescope, the image of Darlanis still vivid in my mind, glancing down at the Ronda floating peacefully below. The vessel somewhat "mine" in a way and sorry to see the last of her. The thought of fleeing into the forest not really all that appealing. Sharon at my side, her beautiful azure eyes staring at the big galley now so close, the flags waving in the wind. The oars like the legs of some multi-legged insect as they drew it across the water to- wards us. Darlanis standing there on the quarterdeck looking out at the shore, perhaps thinking what thoughts I knew not. Had I possessed my 300 Weatherby with its 3x-9x telescopic sight, I would have killed her without a moment's hesitation, picking her off like one would a woodchuck at three hundred yards! I hated her without knowing anything about her. She was "THE ENEMY", nothing more! Such is the way we humans are, I suppose. It is perhaps why we are such a war-like race. Why we can kill one another so easily without feeling the least bit "immoral" about it. Why we are nothing but "barbarians" in the eyes of the Lorr. "I suppose we'd better," Janis muttered, staring at her counterpart perhaps a quarter of a mile away now through the telescope, thinking what thoughts I know not. I wondered how long it had been since they had embraced, my thoughts for a mo- ment despite my hatred going out to Her there on the galley. Wondering if she ever thought of the older sister she had once loved long ago there in Dularn and who had loved her in return. Then suddenly, just as Sarnian Lady was only a minute or so away from being able to see into the cove, I saw the galley turn. The sails swiftly rising to the masts and filling as she headed out to sea. The golden figure of Darlanis disappearing as she perhaps went below. Janis lowering the telescope, blinking a bit. Perhaps from the glare of the sun on the water, or perhaps from another reason. I didn't much care just then. I hugged Sharon until she was gasping for breath, knowing that once again we were safe! That Darlanis was searching elsewhere for us now! |