"2565-15" - читать интересную книгу автора (Warlady 1 - 2565 Ad Book 1)

2565 A.D.!


By Jerome B. Bigge

Book One

Chapter Fifteen       A few minutes later we stepped out of the ruined "Earth Home" that had once belonged to Bob and Carol Simmons centuries ago, Lana in the lead. Sharon carrying her sword and other weap- ons as I did not trust the woman with arms even although she had given me her sacred word as a Warrioress that she would abide by the terms of her surrender. Both Sharon and I starting for an instant at the sight of one of the mounts that the four had used. Sharon crying out, "It's A Unicorn!" Grabbing at my arm to get my attention as if such was really necessary! The white stallion and its ivory horn like something out of a "fairy tale"! Lana turning and looking at us both, a puzzled expression on her at- tractive feminine features. Perhaps wondering too just what sort of people that we were! Not knowing that to Sharon and I, such an animal as hers was found only in children's fantasy tales!       The mutated horse and its more ordinary companions muzzling at the grass growing at our feet. Raising their heads from time to time to survey their surroundings as such animals do. The unicorn's long ivory horn brushing the ground as it ate, its very appearance exciting and exotic. As if we were in some strange land found only in fairy tales. Sharon like a child wanting to dash up and see if it was real or not, something I felt might not be wise, that fearsome horn, I felt, being good for something more than just exotic looks! Unicorns, provoked, are dangerous!       "Sharon and I are time travelers from the 20th Century," I told Lady Lana. Said Lady regarding us both as if we had just escaped from the local version of "the funny farm", with under- standable nervousness clearly showing on her attractive features.       "Oh!" she answered. Looking at me as if she had made her decision that we were both dangerously insane, and should be locked up somewhere for the good of society, the sooner the "bet- ter"! I could understand her feelings, given the situation too!       Speaking swiftly, I told her how we had come to this era, and our experiences so far. Telling her about the Ronda, and Princess Janis, to whom I had pledged my sword the day before as Sharon stood there at my side and stared at Lana's big unicorn.       "You are not Dularnians then," Lana said with a smile. Add- ing, "I wondered, because your accent isn't that of any land that I know of." Explaining to me how our accents marked us for being strangers. The lovely Trelandarian aristocrat no doubt nursing the hope that I was not an "enemy" after all. I wondered what I was going to do with her. Letting her go would not be wise, as she already "knew too much", but I thought she might be useful to us as a hostage, being a high born Imperial "Lady" and all that.       Janis had told us about unicorns, of course, as well as about all the other strange forms of life that now existed thanks to The War. There is, however, a considerable difference between hearing about such things and actually seeing them. I like uni- corns, although there is no real difference between them and the more common horse, although the unicorn is, as a rule, a bit more spirited. And also a bit more dangerous! That horn being a deadly weapon! For reasons that are perhaps more a concern of the Caste of Physicians who deal with such things, those of the Warrior and Warrioress Castes usually ride unicorns. The horse being considered a fit mount only for those of low caste and slave girls who are of course not included in the caste system.       "He's so pretty," Sharon breathed, caressing the unicorn as Lana stood at her side, my stepdaughter then turning to me and asking if she could ride him. The pleading look in her eyes like that of a little girl. Lana assuring me that her beautiful and exotic mount was quite safe with children. Which Sharon immedi- ately assumed granted her my permission! My blonde stepdaughter vaulting upon the creature's back before I could open my mouth in reply! Settling herself in the saddle, grabbing for the reins!       "She'll be all right," Lana assured me with a smile as I tied her hands behind her back for the ride back to the Ronda with a strip of silk that I had cut from the hem of her tunic. I assured her in return that if anything happened to Sharon that her life would be forfeit on the spot! Lana shuddering a bit as she saw the look there in my dark eyes. With this I then boosted her up onto one of the horses and mounted another, letting the third one go. Taking the reins of Lana's and drawing its head up to the flanks of my own mount. Sharon already riding Lana's uni- corn around in circles. Giggling with delight as the beast re- sponded to her tugs on the reins. Annoyed at myself for having let Sharon do such a thing just because Lana said that it was safe! Turning in my saddle to regard Lana as she rode behind me, her expression rather wooden which I could understand given the circumstances in which she now found herself!       "When we get to Dularn I'll see that you get sent back home," I assured her. No doubt Janis could "arrange" such things even if there was a war on between her country and Lana's. Lana giving me a smile and nodding, the jut of her breasts beneath her tunic and the flare of her hips and buttocks leaving no doubt in my mind that she would doubtlessly bring a high price in a slave market. No doubt Lana had been thinking about the same thing too! She had the sort of a body that brings high prices on the slave block. A pretty face, rich red lips, almost a dead ringer for Bob's provocative and sensuous wife back in the 20th Century!       "I wish my son could meet a nice girl like your daughter," Lana said to me as we rode along, explaining that she had a son Sharon's age and a daughter of five. Lana being the wife of Senator Jan Daris, a powerful political figure in Imperial polit- ical circles as well as being the overlord of the surrounding area. The anti-aging serums do sometimes confuse me a bit, since Lana appeared to be only in her twenties, not twice that age as she actually was. I suspected that she and her husband didn't get along that well either, since she seemed quite content to re- main on their estate rather than enjoy the life at the capital with him. Senator Daris spending most of his time at Sarn, the capital. The city being built upon the remains of what once was San Francisco. Considering it her own personal business, I did- n't question her further at the time, merely listening to what she had to say and drawing my own conclusions as to the "truth".       There is a saying in the Codes that reads: "Know not they opponent if thou wishes to slay, for it is much harder to slay one you know than one thou does not." I was thankful that I had- n't killed Lana now that I knew what I did about her. Sometimes, as it says in the Codes, it is best not to know too much about your opponent. It is much easier to kill someone when they are a faceless, unknown nameless "enemy" than a fellow human being. I recall once meeting with some Russians who wished to purchase some items from Duval Computer, and being quite surprised to find that they didn't have horns or tails and looked just like we did!       It was pleasant to ride through the woods, the sunbeams peeking down through the leafy curtains over our heads. Sprin- kling the ground around us with little moving patches of light, the dead leaves cracking underfoot. It was peaceful and quiet, only the sound of our voices disturbing the peace. The quiet rustle of the leaves overhead a pleasant sound to my ears. I felt a sense of peace and contentment that I had not felt in a long time. This new world suited me well. Here I could be what I wanted to be, not what others thought I should be because of my sex. I thought once again of Bob and Carol. This had once been their home. The woods through which they had walked together so long ago. He had loved her so much. So much that I'd known I'd never be anything to him but someone to talk to about things that his wife had no interest in, her intellectual abilities leaving a bit to be desired. Our topics of conversation being computers and the art of fencing, Bob being quite fascinated in both items.       We halted at the top of the rise overlooking the cove below, the Ronda lying there at anchor, the entire scene peaceful and quiet. A number of the former slave girls sunning themselves on its deck. Others chattering among themselves, gathering in groups, sewing shifts for themselves out of the sail Janis had said that we could spare. I would have preferred to let Lana go, knowing now what I did about her, but that was something that Ja- nis would have to decide, the Princess being my superior officer. I knew this was not a time for words. She was a mother and a Warrioress. I shared her feelings, the concern that she felt.       As I sat on the back of my horse, suddenly I remembered see- ing a little china cat in the ruins of the Simmons' house that I wanted as "keepsake" of another time. I wanted that cat! Speak- ing swiftly to Sharon and handing the reins to Lana's horse to her, I wheeled my horse and sent him galloping back towards that ruined home that now meant so much to me because of its memories.       As I brought my galloping horse to a halt before the ruined home hidden there in the forest, my horse started to act up, to prance and pull away from the ruins. Snorting and blowing, the animal's actions puzzling and baffling. Dismounting, I tied the horse to a convenient tree, and wondering why the beast had acted as it did, entered the ruins once again. Pausing to let my eyes adjust to the near darkness of the interior. IT WAS THEN I SAW THAT THE BODIES OF THE THREE MEN WERE NOW GONE! DRAGGED OFF!!!       For an instant my hand sought the hilt of my sword. A cold chill going down my spine, then I regained control of myself. Thinking that perhaps some animal had dragged them off into the woods. The thought going through my mind that anything capable of doing so would not be something I'd like to meet. Recalling what Janis had told me about the animal life of this era and re- membering that Lana had been hunting a DIRE WOLF! Glancing about, I located the little white china cat. Slipping it into the leathern pouch attached to my sword belt on my right hip, when suddenly I heard a low snarling sound directly behind me!       Wheeling, I spun around, nearly screaming in terror as I saw what stood there, blood on its great jaws. The terrifying eyes looking into mine, seeming to glow red there in the dim light. The great powerful gray body like a nightmare, the dire wolf re- garding me, waiting for me to make a move. A low snarl rumbling from its throat as I reached a cautious hand towards my sword. Carefully drawing it without a sound from the sheath. The two foot long polished steel blade seeming a puny weapon to pit against such a beast! Yet, I had confidence in the blade, know- ing it to be an excellent weapon, the keen point and razor sharp edges making it more deadly than you might think. It felt com- forting in my hand. I had no doubt that I could give a good ac- count of myself if it came to that against even this dire wolf.       Voicing a low snarl, the dire wolf took a step towards me, its eyes slitted glowing coals. The great body moving with sur- prising grace for so large an animal. I stepped forward to meet it. The dire wolf stopped, regarding me, perhaps puzzled that I had moved towards it, its prey usually fleeing in terror from it. I knew it would be stronger than me by far, but I thought my sword was the equal of its fangs. I don't think it ever faced a Warrioress before. It seemed puzzled by my actions. I did not show fear. I did not trigger off its genetically programed "at- tack instinct" that many animals have by trying to flee from it.       The dire wolf snarled viciously at me, baring its fangs, the teeth in its jaws terrible to look upon, but it made no move to attack me. Seeming fearful of my sword, perhaps being hurt at one time by such a weapon, and knowing what a sword could do to it. I had not uttered a word so far, merely holding myself still before it, my keen blade at the ready, waiting for the attack I felt sure was to come. Then to my surprise, it backed off, step- ping back several steps. A low warning snarl coming from it as I edged my way around it towards the remains of the patio doors. My sword shining in my hand, the china cat in my pouch, the lit- tle bauble that I could have died for here in this strange land!       Feeling with my free hand, I found the edge of the door be- hind me, and keeping my attention on the dire wolf, stepped out- side into the daylight. The wolf then disappearing back inside the house that once had belonged to Bob and Carol. Leaving me standing there on the outside looking in, my blouse plastered to my slender muscular body with my own sweat! Why the wolf didn't attack me I don't know, but perhaps it knew that it would die if it did, and wishing to live, it refrained from attack. I have no other answer that makes any sense even today as I write this.       A few minutes later as I showed Sharon the little china cat, Lana remarked to me, "You know, there is a dire wolf in these parts that's killed three cows now and could possibly kill some- one if it isn't killed first." Adding after a second's pause, "I had hoped to hunt it down before it killed again." The lovely brownette's tone of voice implying that she wasn't likely to be doing any more hunting for anything for some time to come.       "Oh," I said, giving her a smile. I thought I'd tell her about my latest adventure later on when we were by ourselves! We could both have a good laugh about it. Then it wouldn't be quite so frightening to think what could have happened to me!

Next Chapter

2565 A.D.!


By Jerome B. Bigge

Book One

Chapter Fifteen       A few minutes later we stepped out of the ruined "Earth Home" that had once belonged to Bob and Carol Simmons centuries ago, Lana in the lead. Sharon carrying her sword and other weap- ons as I did not trust the woman with arms even although she had given me her sacred word as a Warrioress that she would abide by the terms of her surrender. Both Sharon and I starting for an instant at the sight of one of the mounts that the four had used. Sharon crying out, "It's A Unicorn!" Grabbing at my arm to get my attention as if such was really necessary! The white stallion and its ivory horn like something out of a "fairy tale"! Lana turning and looking at us both, a puzzled expression on her at- tractive feminine features. Perhaps wondering too just what sort of people that we were! Not knowing that to Sharon and I, such an animal as hers was found only in children's fantasy tales!       The mutated horse and its more ordinary companions muzzling at the grass growing at our feet. Raising their heads from time to time to survey their surroundings as such animals do. The unicorn's long ivory horn brushing the ground as it ate, its very appearance exciting and exotic. As if we were in some strange land found only in fairy tales. Sharon like a child wanting to dash up and see if it was real or not, something I felt might not be wise, that fearsome horn, I felt, being good for something more than just exotic looks! Unicorns, provoked, are dangerous!       "Sharon and I are time travelers from the 20th Century," I told Lady Lana. Said Lady regarding us both as if we had just escaped from the local version of "the funny farm", with under- standable nervousness clearly showing on her attractive features.       "Oh!" she answered. Looking at me as if she had made her decision that we were both dangerously insane, and should be locked up somewhere for the good of society, the sooner the "bet- ter"! I could understand her feelings, given the situation too!       Speaking swiftly, I told her how we had come to this era, and our experiences so far. Telling her about the Ronda, and Princess Janis, to whom I had pledged my sword the day before as Sharon stood there at my side and stared at Lana's big unicorn.       "You are not Dularnians then," Lana said with a smile. Add- ing, "I wondered, because your accent isn't that of any land that I know of." Explaining to me how our accents marked us for being strangers. The lovely Trelandarian aristocrat no doubt nursing the hope that I was not an "enemy" after all. I wondered what I was going to do with her. Letting her go would not be wise, as she already "knew too much", but I thought she might be useful to us as a hostage, being a high born Imperial "Lady" and all that.       Janis had told us about unicorns, of course, as well as about all the other strange forms of life that now existed thanks to The War. There is, however, a considerable difference between hearing about such things and actually seeing them. I like uni- corns, although there is no real difference between them and the more common horse, although the unicorn is, as a rule, a bit more spirited. And also a bit more dangerous! That horn being a deadly weapon! For reasons that are perhaps more a concern of the Caste of Physicians who deal with such things, those of the Warrior and Warrioress Castes usually ride unicorns. The horse being considered a fit mount only for those of low caste and slave girls who are of course not included in the caste system.       "He's so pretty," Sharon breathed, caressing the unicorn as Lana stood at her side, my stepdaughter then turning to me and asking if she could ride him. The pleading look in her eyes like that of a little girl. Lana assuring me that her beautiful and exotic mount was quite safe with children. Which Sharon immedi- ately assumed granted her my permission! My blonde stepdaughter vaulting upon the creature's back before I could open my mouth in reply! Settling herself in the saddle, grabbing for the reins!       "She'll be all right," Lana assured me with a smile as I tied her hands behind her back for the ride back to the Ronda with a strip of silk that I had cut from the hem of her tunic. I assured her in return that if anything happened to Sharon that her life would be forfeit on the spot! Lana shuddering a bit as she saw the look there in my dark eyes. With this I then boosted her up onto one of the horses and mounted another, letting the third one go. Taking the reins of Lana's and drawing its head up to the flanks of my own mount. Sharon already riding Lana's uni- corn around in circles. Giggling with delight as the beast re- sponded to her tugs on the reins. Annoyed at myself for having let Sharon do such a thing just because Lana said that it was safe! Turning in my saddle to regard Lana as she rode behind me, her expression rather wooden which I could understand given the circumstances in which she now found herself!       "When we get to Dularn I'll see that you get sent back home," I assured her. No doubt Janis could "arrange" such things even if there was a war on between her country and Lana's. Lana giving me a smile and nodding, the jut of her breasts beneath her tunic and the flare of her hips and buttocks leaving no doubt in my mind that she would doubtlessly bring a high price in a slave market. No doubt Lana had been thinking about the same thing too! She had the sort of a body that brings high prices on the slave block. A pretty face, rich red lips, almost a dead ringer for Bob's provocative and sensuous wife back in the 20th Century!       "I wish my son could meet a nice girl like your daughter," Lana said to me as we rode along, explaining that she had a son Sharon's age and a daughter of five. Lana being the wife of Senator Jan Daris, a powerful political figure in Imperial polit- ical circles as well as being the overlord of the surrounding area. The anti-aging serums do sometimes confuse me a bit, since Lana appeared to be only in her twenties, not twice that age as she actually was. I suspected that she and her husband didn't get along that well either, since she seemed quite content to re- main on their estate rather than enjoy the life at the capital with him. Senator Daris spending most of his time at Sarn, the capital. The city being built upon the remains of what once was San Francisco. Considering it her own personal business, I did- n't question her further at the time, merely listening to what she had to say and drawing my own conclusions as to the "truth".       There is a saying in the Codes that reads: "Know not they opponent if thou wishes to slay, for it is much harder to slay one you know than one thou does not." I was thankful that I had- n't killed Lana now that I knew what I did about her. Sometimes, as it says in the Codes, it is best not to know too much about your opponent. It is much easier to kill someone when they are a faceless, unknown nameless "enemy" than a fellow human being. I recall once meeting with some Russians who wished to purchase some items from Duval Computer, and being quite surprised to find that they didn't have horns or tails and looked just like we did!       It was pleasant to ride through the woods, the sunbeams peeking down through the leafy curtains over our heads. Sprin- kling the ground around us with little moving patches of light, the dead leaves cracking underfoot. It was peaceful and quiet, only the sound of our voices disturbing the peace. The quiet rustle of the leaves overhead a pleasant sound to my ears. I felt a sense of peace and contentment that I had not felt in a long time. This new world suited me well. Here I could be what I wanted to be, not what others thought I should be because of my sex. I thought once again of Bob and Carol. This had once been their home. The woods through which they had walked together so long ago. He had loved her so much. So much that I'd known I'd never be anything to him but someone to talk to about things that his wife had no interest in, her intellectual abilities leaving a bit to be desired. Our topics of conversation being computers and the art of fencing, Bob being quite fascinated in both items.       We halted at the top of the rise overlooking the cove below, the Ronda lying there at anchor, the entire scene peaceful and quiet. A number of the former slave girls sunning themselves on its deck. Others chattering among themselves, gathering in groups, sewing shifts for themselves out of the sail Janis had said that we could spare. I would have preferred to let Lana go, knowing now what I did about her, but that was something that Ja- nis would have to decide, the Princess being my superior officer. I knew this was not a time for words. She was a mother and a Warrioress. I shared her feelings, the concern that she felt.       As I sat on the back of my horse, suddenly I remembered see- ing a little china cat in the ruins of the Simmons' house that I wanted as "keepsake" of another time. I wanted that cat! Speak- ing swiftly to Sharon and handing the reins to Lana's horse to her, I wheeled my horse and sent him galloping back towards that ruined home that now meant so much to me because of its memories.       As I brought my galloping horse to a halt before the ruined home hidden there in the forest, my horse started to act up, to prance and pull away from the ruins. Snorting and blowing, the animal's actions puzzling and baffling. Dismounting, I tied the horse to a convenient tree, and wondering why the beast had acted as it did, entered the ruins once again. Pausing to let my eyes adjust to the near darkness of the interior. IT WAS THEN I SAW THAT THE BODIES OF THE THREE MEN WERE NOW GONE! DRAGGED OFF!!!       For an instant my hand sought the hilt of my sword. A cold chill going down my spine, then I regained control of myself. Thinking that perhaps some animal had dragged them off into the woods. The thought going through my mind that anything capable of doing so would not be something I'd like to meet. Recalling what Janis had told me about the animal life of this era and re- membering that Lana had been hunting a DIRE WOLF! Glancing about, I located the little white china cat. Slipping it into the leathern pouch attached to my sword belt on my right hip, when suddenly I heard a low snarling sound directly behind me!       Wheeling, I spun around, nearly screaming in terror as I saw what stood there, blood on its great jaws. The terrifying eyes looking into mine, seeming to glow red there in the dim light. The great powerful gray body like a nightmare, the dire wolf re- garding me, waiting for me to make a move. A low snarl rumbling from its throat as I reached a cautious hand towards my sword. Carefully drawing it without a sound from the sheath. The two foot long polished steel blade seeming a puny weapon to pit against such a beast! Yet, I had confidence in the blade, know- ing it to be an excellent weapon, the keen point and razor sharp edges making it more deadly than you might think. It felt com- forting in my hand. I had no doubt that I could give a good ac- count of myself if it came to that against even this dire wolf.       Voicing a low snarl, the dire wolf took a step towards me, its eyes slitted glowing coals. The great body moving with sur- prising grace for so large an animal. I stepped forward to meet it. The dire wolf stopped, regarding me, perhaps puzzled that I had moved towards it, its prey usually fleeing in terror from it. I knew it would be stronger than me by far, but I thought my sword was the equal of its fangs. I don't think it ever faced a Warrioress before. It seemed puzzled by my actions. I did not show fear. I did not trigger off its genetically programed "at- tack instinct" that many animals have by trying to flee from it.       The dire wolf snarled viciously at me, baring its fangs, the teeth in its jaws terrible to look upon, but it made no move to attack me. Seeming fearful of my sword, perhaps being hurt at one time by such a weapon, and knowing what a sword could do to it. I had not uttered a word so far, merely holding myself still before it, my keen blade at the ready, waiting for the attack I felt sure was to come. Then to my surprise, it backed off, step- ping back several steps. A low warning snarl coming from it as I edged my way around it towards the remains of the patio doors. My sword shining in my hand, the china cat in my pouch, the lit- tle bauble that I could have died for here in this strange land!       Feeling with my free hand, I found the edge of the door be- hind me, and keeping my attention on the dire wolf, stepped out- side into the daylight. The wolf then disappearing back inside the house that once had belonged to Bob and Carol. Leaving me standing there on the outside looking in, my blouse plastered to my slender muscular body with my own sweat! Why the wolf didn't attack me I don't know, but perhaps it knew that it would die if it did, and wishing to live, it refrained from attack. I have no other answer that makes any sense even today as I write this.       A few minutes later as I showed Sharon the little china cat, Lana remarked to me, "You know, there is a dire wolf in these parts that's killed three cows now and could possibly kill some- one if it isn't killed first." Adding after a second's pause, "I had hoped to hunt it down before it killed again." The lovely brownette's tone of voice implying that she wasn't likely to be doing any more hunting for anything for some time to come.       "Oh," I said, giving her a smile. I thought I'd tell her about my latest adventure later on when we were by ourselves! We could both have a good laugh about it. Then it wouldn't be quite so frightening to think what could have happened to me!

Next Chapter