"2565-78" - читать интересную книгу автора (Warlady 1 - 2565 Ad Book 2)

2565 A.D.!


By Jerome B. Bigge

Book Two

Chapter Thirty Five       "You are `the Lady Sanda Harles'?" Darlanis said to Sanda as we entered the captain's cabin where Darlanis laid. With us were Gayle and Sharon. Jon stood to one side. I wondered how he felt about the woman. She was the enemy of his people. The woman who had begun a war that had killed thousands over the years. The same Empress who had unleashed upon the innocent people of Dularn that vicious, sadistic Princess Tara, a woman that was more like some rabid dog than anything that belonged to the human race! Now she had gone completely insane, and become only a vicious and cruel inhuman monster, dangerous to all, even to that tall golden beauty she had once served so faithfully before their duel a cou- ple months ago! Tara was no doubt mentally unstable, unbalanced. Perhaps, I suspected, even "possessed" by a "demoness" from Hell!       "I am the sister of Queen Paula, whom you `murdered'," Sanda answered in icy cold tones standing before her. "Damn your black soul to hell!" Darlanis merely smiled, as if she little cared for what Sanda thought. I had disarmed Sanda. I feared for her.       "If it hadn't been for Lorraine, no doubt you would have gotten your wish by now," Darlanis answered in level tones. She is a proud woman. A true Queen. Not another "innocent idealist" like me who has been "used" by others to suit their own ends.       "We all make mistakes," Sanda snapped. "Even Lorraine."       "You would not have saved my life?" Darlanis asked.       "Would you have saved mine?" Sanda asked back.       "Without any hesitation," Darlanis answered.       "Why?" Sanda asked, no doubt muchly puzzled.       "I am of the Warrioresses," Darlanis smiled.       "The Caste Codes?" Sanda ventured in reply.       "I am `She-Ra'," Darlanis then smiled back.       "`She-Ra'?" Sanda breathed, puzzled considerably.       "A woman who goes around doing good," Darlanis explained.       "A 20th Century cartoon character," I explained smiling.       "A Warrioress both brave and sometimes foolish," Darlanis explained. "One who like me believes in something more than her- self. One who has dreams of a better world for all of Mankind."       "And one who has been responsible for the death of thou- sands," Sanda answered, standing there. "Innocent people who did nothing to deserve their deaths, Darlanis. Innocent women, lit- tle children put to the sword. How do you answer that? You sent Princess Tara to Trelandar like a rabid dog to kill and destroy!"       "I wanted too much," Darlanis answered. "I `used' Tara be- cause she always `won' and I didn't ask `how' she obtained the results that she did. And when the word came to me of what she was doing, it was too easy to not to listen, not to believe." I had no doubt that was how it had happened. I understood even if the others could not. I saw Jon nod, his eyes meet mine. Tara had been there on the Island of Flowers at Darlanis' own orders.       "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," I said. Such is in THE BOOK OF LYS. I was more familiar perhaps with the reference than Sanda, who was not a "religious" person and con- sidered such things as best left for the education of children.       "I don't have a `Tara'," Sanda answered, regarding me. No doubt she considered herself quite morally superior to Darlanis.       "But had you one you would have used her," I answered back. There was no need for an answer. I knew the truth. So did she. I thought of incidents I knew back in the 20th Century. It is too easy "to look the other way" when such things happen. I did not think that Sanda would have done any different had the roles been reversed. There are always "Tara's" to do your dirty work!       "Like Darl Jord has used the pirates for his own ends to discredit his own mother," Jon added. We had just gotten done dealing with some of those. Tara and Darl Jord were now no doubt working together hand in hand from the papers we had found. From what Sharon had told me. The forces of "evil" were now combined up against the forces of "good". Darlanis and I on one side, her own brother and the evil Princess Tara there on the other side.       "Whenever we `want' something bad enough we don't think of what the final results might be," Sharon added as she sat beside Darlanis. I could see the fatigue there in Darlanis' face. Yet I suspected that she wanted all this to come out. That she want- ed Sanda to "understand" even if she would never approve of what she had once done because she wanted to see her "dreams" become real. I knew that Darlanis wished to be "a second Janet Rogers". She did not understand the truth about Janet Rogers, that what we did not "need" was another of her type now ruling all of Mankind.       "The end justifies the means," Gayle smiled, wiser than her years. An'na nodding, keeping her thoughts to herself. I knew she was torn between her love for her mother and her love of what Lorr technology could give her. The excitement of colonizing a new world, of seeing the stars from the surfaces of other worlds. Aurora sat there to one side, keeping her thoughts to herself. I wondered what she thought of Darlanis now. Of what Darlanis had become. If she still even thought of Darlanis as a "barbarian".* * Lorraine of course had no knowledge of the "truth" here, al- though I think she did suspect what it was later on. (Darlanis)       "And sometimes the means we use destroys the end we seek," I added. I had done something similar. I had given Janet Rogers the means to become the first World Leaderess. At first I was proud that I had played my little part in all that, but now I had learned the truth. That Janet was a woman who had towards the end of her life became almost another like say Lenin. Hard, un- bending, unyielding. Unwilling to even allow that she might be mistaken in any of her decisions. I wondered if it had been her orders, carried out after her death, that had lead up to The War. Whether or not Domino Tremaine, her Warlady, had just "followed orders" that Janet had given her before her death there by Mars?       I suggested then that we allow Darlanis to rest, as I could see that she was getting considerably fatigued by all this. As it was only twelve hours after her surgery I was amazed that she had done as well as she had. She was of course a "young" woman in the prime of her life, physically being in her middle twenties despite the fact that she was actually a little older than I am.       "My arm's pretty sore," Jon said as he held me in his arms. I had drunk a considerable amount of coffee to stay awake even this long. I didn't know if my body would respond very well or not after everything I had gone though. I had cautioned Darlanis not to expect too much for a while that way herself. Her vaginal sheath had been like a raw piece of meat. Sharon's had been but little better. I still wondered why Jack's revolver had failed to fire that last cartridge when all the others had gone off O.K.       "You're making love to a Queen," I smiled, rolling over on top of him. "Relax and enjoy it," I said, fitting myself to him. Clamping his thighs between mine. I knew that Darlanis made love that way, "riding" those who she had selected to "pleasure" her. It was a part of the legends that surrounded her. She had once admitted that she actually didn't enjoy it that much, but that it was expected of her because she was "dominant" in her appearance.       "One who is delightfully competent at everything she does," he observed, running his unhurt hand down my back to my buttocks. I thought of Sanda Talen, of the new life she carried inside her. Recalled the time that Lady Tirana and I had seen her making love to her husband there in her office. I found the thought sexually arousing. My kisses became bites as I "rode" Jon. It wasn't long until I gasped and squirmed in the throes of sexual orgasm.       "You're really good at that," Jon observed as we laid to- gether afterwards. He was stroking me, caressing me a bit. Eas- ing me back down. I was tempted to say the same about him. His lovemaking left nothing to be desired. We were well matched that way. Why he loved me I no longer questioned. I have no doubt he sees in me something not visible to other eyes. Jon says that I have a "depth" to me that he's never seen in any other woman. I suppose I do have certain "qualities" that he's not likely to find elsewhere. Even Jack used to have to admit that I was good when it came to making love. His major objection to me was that I wasn't good looking. That I didn't have big breasts, wide hips like the wives of other men. That I was "hard looking", not fem- inine in my appearance like most women. That I had a "lesbian" look about myself. That last I really objected to, as I am not that sort of a woman despite whatever I might look like to some.       "And outside of the bedroom?" I teased, kissing him. I was wet, sweaty, still "juicy" from having made love. His come was inside my vaginal sheath. I usually douche later on so that I don't "drip" during the night and end up staining the bed sheets.       "I look at you and think that I'm the most fortunate man of all time to be married to you after some of the sluts I've known," he said, doubtlessly referring here to Gayle's older sis- ter, who would no doubt have her own opinions of the matter too.       "You haven't been with me when I get into one of my `moods'," I smiled, wiggling closer, fitting myself to him. I enjoy being "held", just being with him. I sometimes enjoy a bit of "teasing", although it all depends what sort of mood I am in.       "And when you do?" he asked, caressing a bare nipple. I do often go without "clips" when we are alone so that he can see my nipples beneath my clothing. It is considered quite erotic for a woman to do so here in the 26th Century. Not really "proper" for any woman of "breeding" to ever do so. I once horrified Sanda by suggesting that I might go "bare nippled" beneath my formal gown at some royal affair. I had to laugh at how upset she became!       "Just remember that my bark is worse than my bite," I told him, snuggling up, hoping that he would understand that I was not "perfect", that there were times I just needed to be left alone. ****************************************************************       "Queen Lorraine! Hail Queen Lorraine!" the people cheered as I stood there tall and regal in my black silken gown before the crowd there on the dock, the golden crown of the Queen of Trelandar there upon my head resting in my coal black hair. My long slim blade at my hip. The Janis tied to the dock behind me. I spoke briefly to them, telling them that a new day was dawning for Trelandar. That their sons, their daughters would no longer be sent to fight a winless war there in the north. That the op- pressive taxes collected by the Lords and Ladies imposed upon them by Queen Darlanis to fight that war would be coming to an end. That their sons, their daughters, would be going to school to learn to read, to write, to "figure", and to get a good moral education as future citizens and citizenesses of free Trelandar!       "No longer will you be represented by those who have no in- terest in your welfare. No more will you be exploited," I spoke, telling them of the new day that was dawning for Trelandar. Now, I explained to them, there would be free elections for the Sen- ate, and the same would be true for qualified candidates to rep- resent them now in the House of Representatives. I avoided going into further detail, having found it to be usually a waste of time. My speeches were more "rhetoric" than anything else. The admiration of the crowd excited me. I could understand why men had followed someone like Hitler. Why evil men had been able to take over entire countries just on the power of the spoken word!       "Queen Lorraine! Queen Lorraine!" the crowd cheered. Some- times I wondered what they were really cheering for. Often I did not really say that much, but it didn't seem to matter anymore! I had been "touring" the coast of Trelandar north of my estates. Stopping wherever I felt it worthwhile. Speaking to the people. Giving them something to fight for if Darlanis decided to try to regain the southern part of her "Empire" by force of arms. I did not think she would try it, but one could never be sure of that! She seemed to be rather "hostile" towards me, and no doubt felt that I had betrayed her trust in me. I could understand how she felt. Even Sharon had seemed "distant". The Revolution had been so far relatively bloodless, although I did not think that would continue for long once those loyal to Darlanis rallied their own forces against us. I hated to think of the bloodshed that could once again occur. Sanda had told me stories of the conquest of Trelandar by the forces from Sarn under the command of Darlanis. ****************************************************************       "Think you can fix it?" Queen Darlanis asked from beneath her sun awning as she watched An'na and me working on Black Lady. Both of us verbally cursing the crude tools of the 26th Century. The lack of "proper equipment" to do a repair that would have been simple back in the 20th Century. No fiberglass, no replace- ment parts. None of the equipment necessary to do the job right! No aluminum sheeting, riveting tools! One gets very frustrated! Aurora had been "careless". Her sunburn was doubtlessly painful. She had forgotten the "power" of Earth's sun on a woman like her!       "Any suggestions, your majesty?" I snapped back, not in the best of moods. Jon wisely keeping his thoughts to himself as he watched. Gayle and Sharon both wading in the water, stripped to clips and straps. They did look a little like twin sisters, al- though Sharon is a touch fuller bodied and Gayle is a little taller than Sharon. Darlanis giving me a smile as she nodded. I hoped she was "enjoying" herself seeing us working, sweating like we were. Lying there in the sun, getting a tan, without seeming- ly a care in the world! Naked but for her clips and strap. The scars of my surgery four days ago now healing amazingly swiftly!       Lady Sanda was now down in Trella with the Squala busy tak- ing care of things. There was vicious fighting starting south of the city between those loyal to me and those still yet loyal to Darlanis. It was my hope to fly there tomorrow and try to avert further bloodshed. Try to get some sort of "agreement" that would allow everyone to live in peace with each other. I would take Darlanis with me if she would co-operate in this. Perhaps the two of us could stop this bloodshed before it went any fur- ther. Before Trelandar was "split" in two by political hatreds!       "Ships are sheathed with copper," Darlanis ventured, "And I think you would be able to fit some to that wing." Perhaps not here on my estate, but Trella had a shipyard, Darlanis pointed out. Obviously she was not the "dumb blonde" that I had thought!       I listened to Aurora sing, her voice so beautiful that I cursed the fact that I had no way of "recording it". She is said to be the "best" on Mars among the lovely women of that world. I saw Darlanis watching her, saw the tears in her eyes. It had "worked out" better than I had hoped between Darlanis and Aurora.       "She is a beautiful woman," Jon said to me, listening to Au- rora, my head against his shoulder. I thought so too. Darlanis turned, gave me a smile. I thought that perhaps there was "hope" now that the relationship we'd once "had" before could be again!

Next Chapter

2565 A.D.!


By Jerome B. Bigge

Book Two

Chapter Thirty Five       "You are `the Lady Sanda Harles'?" Darlanis said to Sanda as we entered the captain's cabin where Darlanis laid. With us were Gayle and Sharon. Jon stood to one side. I wondered how he felt about the woman. She was the enemy of his people. The woman who had begun a war that had killed thousands over the years. The same Empress who had unleashed upon the innocent people of Dularn that vicious, sadistic Princess Tara, a woman that was more like some rabid dog than anything that belonged to the human race! Now she had gone completely insane, and become only a vicious and cruel inhuman monster, dangerous to all, even to that tall golden beauty she had once served so faithfully before their duel a cou- ple months ago! Tara was no doubt mentally unstable, unbalanced. Perhaps, I suspected, even "possessed" by a "demoness" from Hell!       "I am the sister of Queen Paula, whom you `murdered'," Sanda answered in icy cold tones standing before her. "Damn your black soul to hell!" Darlanis merely smiled, as if she little cared for what Sanda thought. I had disarmed Sanda. I feared for her.       "If it hadn't been for Lorraine, no doubt you would have gotten your wish by now," Darlanis answered in level tones. She is a proud woman. A true Queen. Not another "innocent idealist" like me who has been "used" by others to suit their own ends.       "We all make mistakes," Sanda snapped. "Even Lorraine."       "You would not have saved my life?" Darlanis asked.       "Would you have saved mine?" Sanda asked back.       "Without any hesitation," Darlanis answered.       "Why?" Sanda asked, no doubt muchly puzzled.       "I am of the Warrioresses," Darlanis smiled.       "The Caste Codes?" Sanda ventured in reply.       "I am `She-Ra'," Darlanis then smiled back.       "`She-Ra'?" Sanda breathed, puzzled considerably.       "A woman who goes around doing good," Darlanis explained.       "A 20th Century cartoon character," I explained smiling.       "A Warrioress both brave and sometimes foolish," Darlanis explained. "One who like me believes in something more than her- self. One who has dreams of a better world for all of Mankind."       "And one who has been responsible for the death of thou- sands," Sanda answered, standing there. "Innocent people who did nothing to deserve their deaths, Darlanis. Innocent women, lit- tle children put to the sword. How do you answer that? You sent Princess Tara to Trelandar like a rabid dog to kill and destroy!"       "I wanted too much," Darlanis answered. "I `used' Tara be- cause she always `won' and I didn't ask `how' she obtained the results that she did. And when the word came to me of what she was doing, it was too easy to not to listen, not to believe." I had no doubt that was how it had happened. I understood even if the others could not. I saw Jon nod, his eyes meet mine. Tara had been there on the Island of Flowers at Darlanis' own orders.       "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," I said. Such is in THE BOOK OF LYS. I was more familiar perhaps with the reference than Sanda, who was not a "religious" person and con- sidered such things as best left for the education of children.       "I don't have a `Tara'," Sanda answered, regarding me. No doubt she considered herself quite morally superior to Darlanis.       "But had you one you would have used her," I answered back. There was no need for an answer. I knew the truth. So did she. I thought of incidents I knew back in the 20th Century. It is too easy "to look the other way" when such things happen. I did not think that Sanda would have done any different had the roles been reversed. There are always "Tara's" to do your dirty work!       "Like Darl Jord has used the pirates for his own ends to discredit his own mother," Jon added. We had just gotten done dealing with some of those. Tara and Darl Jord were now no doubt working together hand in hand from the papers we had found. From what Sharon had told me. The forces of "evil" were now combined up against the forces of "good". Darlanis and I on one side, her own brother and the evil Princess Tara there on the other side.       "Whenever we `want' something bad enough we don't think of what the final results might be," Sharon added as she sat beside Darlanis. I could see the fatigue there in Darlanis' face. Yet I suspected that she wanted all this to come out. That she want- ed Sanda to "understand" even if she would never approve of what she had once done because she wanted to see her "dreams" become real. I knew that Darlanis wished to be "a second Janet Rogers". She did not understand the truth about Janet Rogers, that what we did not "need" was another of her type now ruling all of Mankind.       "The end justifies the means," Gayle smiled, wiser than her years. An'na nodding, keeping her thoughts to herself. I knew she was torn between her love for her mother and her love of what Lorr technology could give her. The excitement of colonizing a new world, of seeing the stars from the surfaces of other worlds. Aurora sat there to one side, keeping her thoughts to herself. I wondered what she thought of Darlanis now. Of what Darlanis had become. If she still even thought of Darlanis as a "barbarian".* * Lorraine of course had no knowledge of the "truth" here, al- though I think she did suspect what it was later on. (Darlanis)       "And sometimes the means we use destroys the end we seek," I added. I had done something similar. I had given Janet Rogers the means to become the first World Leaderess. At first I was proud that I had played my little part in all that, but now I had learned the truth. That Janet was a woman who had towards the end of her life became almost another like say Lenin. Hard, un- bending, unyielding. Unwilling to even allow that she might be mistaken in any of her decisions. I wondered if it had been her orders, carried out after her death, that had lead up to The War. Whether or not Domino Tremaine, her Warlady, had just "followed orders" that Janet had given her before her death there by Mars?       I suggested then that we allow Darlanis to rest, as I could see that she was getting considerably fatigued by all this. As it was only twelve hours after her surgery I was amazed that she had done as well as she had. She was of course a "young" woman in the prime of her life, physically being in her middle twenties despite the fact that she was actually a little older than I am.       "My arm's pretty sore," Jon said as he held me in his arms. I had drunk a considerable amount of coffee to stay awake even this long. I didn't know if my body would respond very well or not after everything I had gone though. I had cautioned Darlanis not to expect too much for a while that way herself. Her vaginal sheath had been like a raw piece of meat. Sharon's had been but little better. I still wondered why Jack's revolver had failed to fire that last cartridge when all the others had gone off O.K.       "You're making love to a Queen," I smiled, rolling over on top of him. "Relax and enjoy it," I said, fitting myself to him. Clamping his thighs between mine. I knew that Darlanis made love that way, "riding" those who she had selected to "pleasure" her. It was a part of the legends that surrounded her. She had once admitted that she actually didn't enjoy it that much, but that it was expected of her because she was "dominant" in her appearance.       "One who is delightfully competent at everything she does," he observed, running his unhurt hand down my back to my buttocks. I thought of Sanda Talen, of the new life she carried inside her. Recalled the time that Lady Tirana and I had seen her making love to her husband there in her office. I found the thought sexually arousing. My kisses became bites as I "rode" Jon. It wasn't long until I gasped and squirmed in the throes of sexual orgasm.       "You're really good at that," Jon observed as we laid to- gether afterwards. He was stroking me, caressing me a bit. Eas- ing me back down. I was tempted to say the same about him. His lovemaking left nothing to be desired. We were well matched that way. Why he loved me I no longer questioned. I have no doubt he sees in me something not visible to other eyes. Jon says that I have a "depth" to me that he's never seen in any other woman. I suppose I do have certain "qualities" that he's not likely to find elsewhere. Even Jack used to have to admit that I was good when it came to making love. His major objection to me was that I wasn't good looking. That I didn't have big breasts, wide hips like the wives of other men. That I was "hard looking", not fem- inine in my appearance like most women. That I had a "lesbian" look about myself. That last I really objected to, as I am not that sort of a woman despite whatever I might look like to some.       "And outside of the bedroom?" I teased, kissing him. I was wet, sweaty, still "juicy" from having made love. His come was inside my vaginal sheath. I usually douche later on so that I don't "drip" during the night and end up staining the bed sheets.       "I look at you and think that I'm the most fortunate man of all time to be married to you after some of the sluts I've known," he said, doubtlessly referring here to Gayle's older sis- ter, who would no doubt have her own opinions of the matter too.       "You haven't been with me when I get into one of my `moods'," I smiled, wiggling closer, fitting myself to him. I enjoy being "held", just being with him. I sometimes enjoy a bit of "teasing", although it all depends what sort of mood I am in.       "And when you do?" he asked, caressing a bare nipple. I do often go without "clips" when we are alone so that he can see my nipples beneath my clothing. It is considered quite erotic for a woman to do so here in the 26th Century. Not really "proper" for any woman of "breeding" to ever do so. I once horrified Sanda by suggesting that I might go "bare nippled" beneath my formal gown at some royal affair. I had to laugh at how upset she became!       "Just remember that my bark is worse than my bite," I told him, snuggling up, hoping that he would understand that I was not "perfect", that there were times I just needed to be left alone. ****************************************************************       "Queen Lorraine! Hail Queen Lorraine!" the people cheered as I stood there tall and regal in my black silken gown before the crowd there on the dock, the golden crown of the Queen of Trelandar there upon my head resting in my coal black hair. My long slim blade at my hip. The Janis tied to the dock behind me. I spoke briefly to them, telling them that a new day was dawning for Trelandar. That their sons, their daughters would no longer be sent to fight a winless war there in the north. That the op- pressive taxes collected by the Lords and Ladies imposed upon them by Queen Darlanis to fight that war would be coming to an end. That their sons, their daughters, would be going to school to learn to read, to write, to "figure", and to get a good moral education as future citizens and citizenesses of free Trelandar!       "No longer will you be represented by those who have no in- terest in your welfare. No more will you be exploited," I spoke, telling them of the new day that was dawning for Trelandar. Now, I explained to them, there would be free elections for the Sen- ate, and the same would be true for qualified candidates to rep- resent them now in the House of Representatives. I avoided going into further detail, having found it to be usually a waste of time. My speeches were more "rhetoric" than anything else. The admiration of the crowd excited me. I could understand why men had followed someone like Hitler. Why evil men had been able to take over entire countries just on the power of the spoken word!       "Queen Lorraine! Queen Lorraine!" the crowd cheered. Some- times I wondered what they were really cheering for. Often I did not really say that much, but it didn't seem to matter anymore! I had been "touring" the coast of Trelandar north of my estates. Stopping wherever I felt it worthwhile. Speaking to the people. Giving them something to fight for if Darlanis decided to try to regain the southern part of her "Empire" by force of arms. I did not think she would try it, but one could never be sure of that! She seemed to be rather "hostile" towards me, and no doubt felt that I had betrayed her trust in me. I could understand how she felt. Even Sharon had seemed "distant". The Revolution had been so far relatively bloodless, although I did not think that would continue for long once those loyal to Darlanis rallied their own forces against us. I hated to think of the bloodshed that could once again occur. Sanda had told me stories of the conquest of Trelandar by the forces from Sarn under the command of Darlanis. ****************************************************************       "Think you can fix it?" Queen Darlanis asked from beneath her sun awning as she watched An'na and me working on Black Lady. Both of us verbally cursing the crude tools of the 26th Century. The lack of "proper equipment" to do a repair that would have been simple back in the 20th Century. No fiberglass, no replace- ment parts. None of the equipment necessary to do the job right! No aluminum sheeting, riveting tools! One gets very frustrated! Aurora had been "careless". Her sunburn was doubtlessly painful. She had forgotten the "power" of Earth's sun on a woman like her!       "Any suggestions, your majesty?" I snapped back, not in the best of moods. Jon wisely keeping his thoughts to himself as he watched. Gayle and Sharon both wading in the water, stripped to clips and straps. They did look a little like twin sisters, al- though Sharon is a touch fuller bodied and Gayle is a little taller than Sharon. Darlanis giving me a smile as she nodded. I hoped she was "enjoying" herself seeing us working, sweating like we were. Lying there in the sun, getting a tan, without seeming- ly a care in the world! Naked but for her clips and strap. The scars of my surgery four days ago now healing amazingly swiftly!       Lady Sanda was now down in Trella with the Squala busy tak- ing care of things. There was vicious fighting starting south of the city between those loyal to me and those still yet loyal to Darlanis. It was my hope to fly there tomorrow and try to avert further bloodshed. Try to get some sort of "agreement" that would allow everyone to live in peace with each other. I would take Darlanis with me if she would co-operate in this. Perhaps the two of us could stop this bloodshed before it went any fur- ther. Before Trelandar was "split" in two by political hatreds!       "Ships are sheathed with copper," Darlanis ventured, "And I think you would be able to fit some to that wing." Perhaps not here on my estate, but Trella had a shipyard, Darlanis pointed out. Obviously she was not the "dumb blonde" that I had thought!       I listened to Aurora sing, her voice so beautiful that I cursed the fact that I had no way of "recording it". She is said to be the "best" on Mars among the lovely women of that world. I saw Darlanis watching her, saw the tears in her eyes. It had "worked out" better than I had hoped between Darlanis and Aurora.       "She is a beautiful woman," Jon said to me, listening to Au- rora, my head against his shoulder. I thought so too. Darlanis turned, gave me a smile. I thought that perhaps there was "hope" now that the relationship we'd once "had" before could be again!

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