26. Konrad Lorenz, On Aggression, pp. 58-59, 63-64.
27. For a description of how Yanomamo women egg their men on to battle, see
Allen W. Johnson & Timothy Earle, The Evolution of Human Societies: From
Foraging Group to Agrarian State, p. 127.
28. Torturing fellow Christians and plundering their villages was actually a common
practice among the Crusaders. See Frederic Duncalf, "The First Crusade:
Clermont to Constantinople," in A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred
Years, Marshall W. Baldwin, ed., pp. 263, 265, 269, 271, 282. The worst example
came in 1204, when the knightly "saviors of the faith" actually sacked one of the
two most important capitals of the Christian world, Constantinople. (J.M. Roberts,
Pelican History of the World, p.349.)
29. For a more detailed explanation of the why's behind peacock vanity, see Matt
Ridley, "Swallows and Scorpionflies Find Symmetry Beautiful," Science, July 17,
1992, pp. 327-328.
30. William R. Polk & William J. Mares, Passing Brave, pp. 33-36.
31. Susan Walton, "How To Watch Monkeys," Science 86, June, 1986, pp. 23-27.
32. Yukimaru Sugiyama, "Social Organization of Hanuman Langurs," in Stuart A.
Altmann, ed., Social Communication Among Primates, pp. 230-231. Kenji
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26. Konrad Lorenz, On Aggression, pp. 58-59, 63-64.
27. For a description of how Yanomamo women egg their men on to battle, see
Allen W. Johnson & Timothy Earle, The Evolution of Human Societies: From
Foraging Group to Agrarian State, p. 127.
28. Torturing fellow Christians and plundering their villages was actually a common
practice among the Crusaders. See Frederic Duncalf, "The First Crusade:
Clermont to Constantinople," in A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred
Years, Marshall W. Baldwin, ed., pp. 263, 265, 269, 271, 282. The worst example
came in 1204, when the knightly "saviors of the faith" actually sacked one of the
two most important capitals of the Christian world, Constantinople. (J.M. Roberts,
Pelican History of the World, p.349.)
29. For a more detailed explanation of the why's behind peacock vanity, see Matt
Ridley, "Swallows and Scorpionflies Find Symmetry Beautiful," Science, July 17,
1992, pp. 327-328.
30. William R. Polk & William J. Mares, Passing Brave, pp. 33-36.
31. Susan Walton, "How To Watch Monkeys," Science 86, June, 1986, pp. 23-27.
32. Yukimaru Sugiyama, "Social Organization of Hanuman Langurs," in Stuart A.
Altmann, ed., Social Communication Among Primates, pp. 230-231. Kenji
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