"3 Star Brothers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bova Ben)

"We had expected the Brazilians to proceed with their plans of expansion," said Hsen "Now, suddenly, abruptly, de Sagres has thrown out the military leaders and threatens to invest the better part of his nation's wealth in internal improvements "

"Unbearable," muttered Kruppmann

"It is something of a surprise," Jo said carefully "But we can all do business with de Sagres Brazil will still be a major market "

"For Vanguard Industries' fusion generators, yes For Vanguard's electronics and pharmaceutical divisions, yes But what about the armaments that Pacific Commerce was going to sell them? What about the increase in their exports that would have been necessary to support their expansion program?"

Jo knew that Hsen's term, "expansion program," was a euphemism for the planned invasion of Venezuela

Slowly she said, "Brazil will still be increasing its exports of

coffee, metals, petrochemicals Pacific Commerce will still carry those cargoes in its ships The export program will shift emphasis, it will be aimed at different markets, that's all "

A splash of bright glareless light from one of the street lamps at the entrance ramp to the automated highway briefly illuminated Hsen's face In that flash of a moment Jo saw undisguised fury in the oriental's eyes Then the shadows concealed him once more

"They have cancelled the negotiations for new loans," Kruppmann said, his voice heavy and dismal

"They'll need new loans soon enough, and they'll come to you for them," Jo soothed To herself she added, But you won't have those greedy generals to fleece, you'll have to deal with people who know something about finance

"Ja, but when'"

"And when will they need shipping? I have six container ships sitting in Brazilian ports now, idle Do you realize how much that costs' Every day"

With a shrug of her bare shoulders, Jo replied, "But these are normal business problems You didn't hop into my limo just to tell me your everyday troubles "

Another long silence, while the light of the highway lamps flickered among the shadows in the back of the limousine like a stroboscope Jo saw flashes of the two men's faces grim, angry, worried But not uncertain, she decided They knew exactly what they wanted

"This business of Brazil," Kruppmann repeated "All of a sudden de Sagres has become a strong man His people look up to him Other leaders in Latin America are seeking his advice, his help "

"Like Nkona in Nigeria," said Hsen "And the upstart Varahamihara in Bangladesh "

"One minute they are nobodies, and the next they are being called 'Great Souls' and having millions kneel at their feet," Kruppmann grumbled

"De Sagres was never a nobody," Jo countered

"He was a malleable politician until a few months ago Now he is becoming the leader of the continent "

Hsen added, "Nkona came from nowhere and somehow stabilized all of sub-Saharan Africa Varahamihara was an obscure lama "

"Who averted nuclear war between India and Pakistan," Jo pointed out

"And now is being compared to Gandhi "

"His political influence is as great as Gandhi's," Krupp-mann said "Greater, even Both the Hindus and the Moslems revere him Even the Sikhs follow him"

"It was Nkona who started the movement to restructure southern hemisphere debt," said Hsen, almost accusingly "And the Bangladesh lama is leading the struggle for family planning throughout Asia"

Jo remained silent, but her heart was racing so hard she feared they could hear it in the darkness of the limousine Did they know that each of these men had been visited by Keith Stoner? Her husband