"Bowes-ShadowAndGunman" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bowes Richard)Aunt Tay did not step aside. Instead she looked at me and said, clear and steady: BY FELL NIGHT My mouth wouldn't work. She repeated: BY FELL NIGHT Again I couldn't speak. "An interesting folk rite," said Dr. X. "Perhaps I can return someday and record it." He made to move past her. Tay said: BY FELL NIGHT And what sounded like my mother's voice back when I was a little kid answered: WITH STICK AND BONE Tay said: BY BLACK LIGHT And I turned to see my grandmother answer, her voice young: DOWN NARROW ROADS When Tay said: BY CAT'S SIGHT My grandmother responded: THROUGH TIMES HARD AS ROCK Dr. X said, "This young man has prostituted himself. He stole pills and prescription pads. He needs treatment." BY OWL'S FLIGHT Said Tay. My own voice way at the back of my throat was more a moan than anything as I answered along with my grandmother: PAST FEAR THAT FREEZES BLOOD "Ladies," said Dr. X. "Kevin, here, is a most rare and fascinating case. Doppelganger syndrome. In other words, he has a double." Giving no sign that she had heard, Tay chanted: |