"Bradbury, Ray - The Illustrated Man" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bradbury Ray)

УWatch out!Ф screamed Lydia.

The lions came running at them.

Lydia bolted and ran. Instinctively, George sprang after her. Outside, in the hall, with the door slammed he was laughing and she was crying, and they both stood appalled at the otherТs reaction.


УLydia! Oh, my dear poor sweet Lydia!Ф

УThey almost got us!Ф

УWalls, Lydia, remember; crystal walls, thatТs all they are. Oh, they look real, I must admitЧAfrica in your parlorЧbut itТs all dimensional, superreactionary, supersensitive color film and mental tape film behind glass screens. ItТs all odorophonics and sonics, Lydia. HereТs my handkerchief.Ф

УIТm afraid.Ф She came to him and put her body against him and cried steadily. УDid you see? Did you feel? ItТs too real.Ф

УNow, Lydia . . .Ф

УYouТve got to tell Wendy and Peter not to read any more on Africa.Ф

УOf courseЧof course.Ф He patted her.



УAnd lock the nursery for a few days until I get my nerves settled.Ф

УYou know how difficult Peter is about that. When I punished him a month ago by locking the nursery for even a few hoursЧthe tantrum be threw! And Wendy too. They live for the nursery.Ф

УItТs got to be locked, thatТs all there is to it.Ф

УAll right.Ф Reluctantly he locked the huge door. УYouТve been working too hard. You need a rest.Ф

УI donТt knowЧI donТt know,Ф she said, blowing her nose, sitting down in a chair that immediately began to rock and comfort her. УMaybe I donТt have enough to do. Maybe I have time to think too much. Why donТt we shut the whole house off for a few days and take a vacation?Ф

УYou mean you want to fry my eggs for me?Ф

УYes.Ф She nodded.

УAnd darn my socks?Ф

УYes.Ф A frantic, watery-eyed nodding.

УAnd sweep the house?Ф

УYes, yesЧoh, yes!Ф

УBut I thought thatТs why we bought this house, so we wouldnТt have to do anything?Ф