"Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Best Of Marion Zimmer Bradley" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bradley Marion Zimmer)I would lose the impulse to write. I still prefer to keep people at arm's length
so that I can find the best company in the world; the characters who come out of my brain and mind. Becoming an editor - when I had money enough, I published a fiction fanzine - helped me at long last to write more than the occasional short story. I never felt much at ease writing short stories: my "natural" feeling is to write novels, the longer the better. I learned painfully during the "Monarch years" to write novels to severe plot and deadline requirements, to cut my work to the bone: but only when I was freed of these length requirements by Don Wollheim's willingness to experiment with long novels like THE HERITAGE OF HASTUR (1975) did I really begin to write naturally. Over a forty year writing career I have written forty odd novels (some of them, as I like to say, very odd indeed) and considerably fewer short stories, the great majority of them being impulses - I would wake up with an idea, juggle the plot a bit, and sit down and write it on a sustained impulse, not stopping till I finished it. Since I usually write novels "on contract," the short stories were seldom profitable. I write a short story only if I can't figure out a way to make the idea into a novel, or want to write a little known episode in the life of a character from one of my novels. "To Keep the Oath" is such a story; I was curious as to how Camilla met Kindra. Both characters were in THE SHATTERED CHAIN (1976). I don't imitate Kuttner any more, or even Leigh Brackett. My current enthusiasms, besides opera, are Gay Rights and Women's Rights - I think Women's Liberation is the great event of the twentieth century, not Space Exploration. One is a great change in human consciousness; the latter is only predictable I write on a word processor, but prefer my typewriter. And I am still a fan at heart - because I am still looking for any reading matter which will arouse in me the old thrill of those early pulp magazines. FOR BETTER OR WORSE, A WRITER IS WHAT I AM, and I no longer bother to explain or excuse it. I prefer science fiction to any other reading or writing, and to people who ask why I don't read mainstream (or write it), I say I cannot imagine that the content of the mainstream spy novels, corruption in the streets, adultery in the suburbs can possibly compete with a fiction whose sole raison d'etre is to think about the future of the human race. Centaurus Changeling ". . . the only exception to the aforesaid policy was made in the case of Megaera (Theta Centaurus IV) which was given full Dominion status as an indepenнdent planetary government; a departure almost without precedent in the history of the Terran Empire. There are many explanations for this variation from the usual practice, the most generally accepted being that which states that Megaera had been colonized from Terra only a few years before the outbreak of the Rigel-Procyon war, which knocked out communications in the entire Centaurus sector of die Galaxy and forced the abandonнment of all the so-called Darkovan League colonies, including Megaera, Darkover, Samarra and Vialles. During these Lost Years, as they were called, a period embracing, in all, nearly 600 years ... the factors of natural selection, and the phenomenon of genetic drift and survival mutation observed among isolated populaнtions, permitted |