"Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Best Of Marion Zimmer Bradley" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bradley Marion Zimmer)way around a difficult post like Megaera." The grin melted abruptly. "Rai Jeth -
san is responsible for that, too. I don't want to offend him." Beth said, and her voice was not very steady, "I understand all that, Matt. But I've been feeling - ah, I hate to be always whining and complaining like thisЕ" They had reached the wide, flat platform of the skyport. Matt lighted the flare which would attract a cariole, and sank down on one of the benches. "You haven't whined," he told her tenderly. "I know this rotten planet is no place for a Terran girl." He slipped an arm around his wife's waist. "It's hard on you, with other Terran women half a continent away, and I know you haven't made many friends among the Centaurians. But Rai Jeth - san's wives have been very kind to you. Nethle presented you to her Harp Circle. I don't suppose any Terran woman for a thousand years has even seen one, let alone been presented - and even Cassiana." "Cassiana!" said Beth with a catch of breath, pickнing at her bracelet. "Yes, Nethle's almost too sweet, but she's in seclusion, and until her baby is born, I won't see her. And Wilidh's just a child! But Casнsiana, I can't stand her! That, that freak! I'm afraid of her!" Her husband scowled. "And don't think she doesn't know it! She's telepathic, and a rhu'ad." "Whatever that is," Beth said crossly. "Some sort of mutant." "Still, she's been kind to you. If you were friends." "Ugh!" Beth shuddered. "I'd sooner be friends with a Sirian lizard-woman!" Mart's arm dropped. He said coldly, "Well, please be polite to her, at least. Courtesy to the Archon includes all his wives - but particularly Cassiana." He rose from the bench. "Here comes our cariole." the pilot the address of the Archonate. The cariole shot skyward again, wheeling toward the distant suburb where the Archon lived. Matt sat stiffly on the seat, not looking at his young wife. She leaned against the padding, her fair face sulky and rebellious. She looked ready to cry. "At least, in another month, by their own stupid cusнtoms, I'll have a good excuse to stay away from all these idiotic affairs!" she flung at him. "I'll be in seclusion by then!" It hadn't been the way she'd wanted to tell him, but it served him right! "Beth!" Matt started upright, not believing. "Yes, I am going to have a baby! And I'm going into seclusion just like these silly women here, and not have to go to a single formal dinner, or Spice Hunt, or Harp Circle, for six cycles! So there!" Matt Ferguson leaned across the seat. His fingers bit hard into her arm and his voice sounded hoarse. "Elizнabeth! Look at me, " he commanded. "Didn't you promise - haven't you been taking your anti shots?" "NoЕno," Beth faltered, "I wanted to - oh, Matt, I'm alone so much, and we've been married now almost four yearsЕ" "Oh, my God," said Matt slowly, and let go her arm. "Oh, my God!" he repeated, and sank back, the color draining from his face. "Will you stop saying that!" Beth raged. "When I tell you a thing like, " her voice caught on the edge of a sob, and she buried her face in her scarf. Matt's hand was rough as he jerked her head up, and the gray pallor around his mouth terrified the girl. "You damn little fool," he shouted, then swallowed hard and lowered his voice. "I guess it's my fault," he muttered. "I didn't want to scare youЕyou promised to take the shots, so I trusted you - like an idiot!" |