"Brin, David - Uplift 06 - Heaven's Reach" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brin David)

sending every god-machine down to the sea, tumbling
into Jijo's deep midden of forgetfulness. Breaking with
their past, all six clans of former sky lords settled down
to rustic lives, renouncing the sky forever.

Until the Civilization of the Five Galaxies finally stum-
bled on the commonwealth of outcasts.

The day had to come, sooner or later; the Sacred
Scrolls had said so. No band of trespassers could stay
hidden perpetually. Not in a cosmos that had been cata-
loged for over a billion years, where planets such as Jijo
were routinely declared fallow, set aside for rest and
restoration. Still, the sages of the Commons of Jijo had
hoped for more time.

Time for the exile races to prepare. To purify them-
selves. To seek redemption. To forget the galactic terrors
that made them outcasts in the first place.

The Scrolls foresaw that august magistrates from the
Galactic Migration Institute would alight to judge the
descendants of trespassers. But instead, the starcraft that
pierced Jijo's veil this fateful year carried several types of
outlaws. First gene raiders, then murderous opportun-
ists, and finally a band of Earthling refugees even more
ill-fated than Sara's hapless ancestors.

/ used to dream of riding a starship, she thought,
pondering the plasma storm outside. But no fantasy
was ever like thisЧleaving behind my world, my teach-

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ers, my father and brothersЧfleeing with dolphins
through a fiery night, chased by a battleship/till of an-
gry Jophur.

Fishlike cousins of humans, pursued through space
by egotistical cousins of traeki.

The coincidence beggared Sara's imagination.

Anglic words broke through her musing, in a voice that
Sara always found vexingly sardonic.

"I have finished calculating the hyperspatial tensor,