"Brin, David - Uplift 06 - Heaven's Reach" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brin David)before.
No such luck, he realized as the louvers slid into pil- lars between the wide viewing panes. Outside, the gen- eral scenery had not altered noticeably. The same reddish blue, Swiss cheese sky rolled over a mauve pampas, with black mountains bobbing biliously in the distance. And a slick mesa still had his scoutship mired, hemmed on all sides by yellow, multiarmed shapes. "Banana peels," he muttered. "Goddamn banana peels." One reason why these stations were manned by only one observer . . . allaphors tended to get even weirder with more than one mind perceiving them at the same time. The "objects" he saw were images his own mind 10 David Brio pasted over a reality that no living brain could readily fathom. A reality that mutated and transformed under All that was fine, in theory. He ought to be used to it by now. But what bothered Harry in particular about the banana allaphor was that it seemed gratuitously per- sonal. Like others of his kind, Harry hated being trapped by stereotypes. He sighed, scratching his side. "Are all systems sta- ble?" "Everything is stable, Taskmaster-Commander Har- old, " the pilot replied. "We are stuck for the moment, but we appear to be safe." He considered the vast open expanse beyond the pla- teau. Actually, visibility was excellent from here. The holes in the sky, especially, were all clear and unob- structed. A thought occurred to him. "Say, do we really have to move on right away? We can observe all the assigned transit routes from this very spot, until our cruise clock runs out, no?" "That appears to be correct. For the moment, no illicit |