"Brin, David - Uplift 5 - Infinity's Shore" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brin David)

After the leviathans passed, there remained only stars and a chill wind, blowing through the dry steppe grass, while Emerson went off searching for the caravan's scattered pack animals. With donkeys, his friends just might yet escape before more fanatics arrived. . . .


Then came a rumbling noise, jarring the ground beneath his feet. A rhythmic cadence that seemed to go-


taranta taranta

taranta taranta


The galloping racket could only be urrish hoofbeats, the I expected rebel reinforcements, come to make them prisoners once again.


Only, miraculously, the darkness instead poured forth allies-unexpected rescuers, both urrish and human-who brought with them astonishing beasts, Horses.


Saddled horses, clearly as much a surprise to Sara as they were to him. Emerson had thought the creatures were extinct on this world, yet here they were, emerging from the "" night as if from a dream.


So began the next phase of his odyssey. Riding southward, fleeing the shadow of these vengeful ships, hurrying toward the outline of an uneasy volcano.


Now he wonders within his battered brain-is there a plan? A destination?


Old Kurt apparently has faith in these surprising saviors, but there must be more to it than that.


Emerson is tired of just running away.


He would much rather be running toward.


In time Emerson recalls how to ease along with the sway of the saddle. And as sunrise lifts dew off fan-fringed trees near a riverbank, swarms of bright bugs whir through the slanted light, dancing as they pollinate a field of purple blooms. When Sara glances back from her own steed, sharing a rare smile, his pangs seem to matter less. Even fear of those terrible starships, splitting the sky with their angry engine arrogance, cannot erase a growing elation as the fugitive band gallops on to dangers yet unknown.
