"Brooks, Terry - Heritage 01 - The Scions of Shannara" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brooks Terry)

questioningly at Coll. Somewhere close at hand, the sound of
shouting started up.

"I think the questions will have to wait," said Coll.
Par jammed the ring into his pocket. Wordlessly, they dis-
appeared into the night.

It was nearing midnight by the time Par and cole reached
the waterfront section ofVarfleet, and it was there that they
first realized how ill-prepared they were to make their es-
cape from Rimmer Dall and his Federation Seekers. Neither
had expected that flight would prove necessary, so neither had
brought anything that a lengthy journey might require. They had
no food, no blankets, no weapons save for the standard long
knives all Valemen wore, no camping gear or foul-weather
equipment, and worst of all, no money. The ale house keeper
hadn't paid them in a month. What money they had managed to
save from the month before had been lost in the fire along with
everything else they owned. They had only the clothes on their
backs and a growing fear that perhaps they should have stuck
with the nameless stranger a bit longer.

The waterfront was a ramshackle mass of boathouses, piers,
mending shops, and storage sheds. Lights burned along its
length, and dockworkers and fishermen drank and joked in the
light of oil lamps and pipes. Smoke rose out of tin stoves and
barrels, and the smell of fish hung over everything.

' 'Maybe they've given up on us for the night,'' Par suggested
at one point. "The Seekers, I mean. Maybe they won't bother
looking anymore until morningЧor maybe not at all."

cole glanced at him and arched one eyebrow meaningfully.
"Maybe cows can fly too." He looked away. "We should have
insisted we be paid more promptly for our work. Then we
wouldn't be in this fix."

Par shrugged. "It wouldn't have made any difference."
"It wouldn't? We'd at least have some money!"
' 'Only if we'd thought to carry it with us to the performance.
How likely is that?''


The Scions of Shannara 21

cole hunched his shoulders and screwed up his face. "That
ale house keeper owes us."

They walked all the way to the south end of the docks without