"Brooks, Terry - Heritage 01 - The Scions of Shannara" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brooks Terry)

strayed from the dark^^ beyond. But the old man knew better.
This was nothing straY^'ttus was something called. The shadow

tightened and took s^Pо- K was the shade of a man cloaked au
in black a tall and forbidding apparition that anyone who had

ever seen before wou^ have recognized at once.

"So, Allanon," tfc^ old man whispered.

The hooded face tit^" s0 tnat me "з"1 fevealed the dark,
harsh features clearly^t11о angular bearded face, the long thin

nose and mouth the fierce bTOW that ""S"! have been cast of
iron the eyes beneatflthat seemed to look directly into the soul.

The eyes found the o^ man and held him fast-

ЧI need youЧ . , Х ., r r.
The voice was a rf^hisper in the old man s mind, a hiss of

dissatisfaction and ur^Y- The shade communicated by using
thoughts alone The c^d man shrank back momentarily, wishing
that the thing he had called would instead be gone. Then he

recovered himself an^ stood firm before hls fears-

"I am no longer one of V0"'" he snapped, his own eyes
narrowing dangerous^' forgetting that it was not necessary to
speak aloud. "You c^""01 command me!"

ЧI do not comma^-1 "^"^t- Listen to me- You are a11 that
is left, the last that m^V be unti1 "^ successor is found. Do you


The old man laughed nervously. "Understand? Ha! Who un-
derstands better than fne' , , ,, ,

ЧA part of you wil1 ^ways be what once you would not have

questioned. The ma^ stavs within you. Always. Help me. I
send the dreams an<^ Ae Shannara children do not respond.
Someone must go to ^em- Someone must make diem see. You-

" Not me' I have ^ved BP^ from ▒e races for years now- 1
wish nothing more ^ d0 with their roubles!" The old man

straightened his stick f0Щ and frowned. I shed myself of such