"1990 - Mike Haste's Beasts in the Bluegrass" - читать интересную книгу автора (Call of Cthulhu RPG)

Beasts in the Bluegrass
A Call of Cthulhu Adventure

This information is intended for anyone who wishes to run a Call
of Cthulhu game in the Lexington, KY area. The adventures were conceived
by William Haste. What better place to set an adventure about human
degeneration than the heart of coal country?

Jackson County Jamboree

The Lexington Herald-Leader starts with an article about strange
goings on in Jackson County. Some residents report strange groups
of hooded figures and chanting, fires burning at night on distant hilltops.
There are rumored to have been one or two disappearances in the area,
but local law enforcement is disregarding the whole thing, and the
paper and T.V. stations that pick up on the story play it up as ignorant
rednecks seeing Satan worshippers everywhere. It is enough, however,
to prick the attention of some of the investigators. Also, rumors
of frog like amphibians begin to circulate in the area around Lake
Cumberland. Again, the idea is treated with derision by press. Stories
like "Do Evil Cultists Caper on the Cumberland?" abound.

Around both counties, of course, law enforcement will be in league
with any worshippers of dark powers. This may not be immediately obvious
to the investigators, though. Murders also begin in Lexington, apparently
connected to the occult, though different in many ways from anything
experts in the field have seen. Mysterious people begin to haunt new
age and occult bookstores in the area, seeking arcane and obscure books
of lore.

Cultists in the area are trying to contact Nyarlathotep, but have
succeeded in contacting one Lesser Other God. These cultists are under
the control of Henry Harper, a bitter man who wishes the power Nyarlathotep
could give him as a means to world domination. Of course, the horrible
cost of this 'gift' totally eludes Harper.

Henry Harper Average Cultist (26)

Str 14 App 13 Int 14 Str 9 App 7 Int 9
Con 10 Dex 12 Siz 14 Con 14 Dex 13 Siz 12
Pow 13 Hp 12 Pow 11 Hp 12

Nya'Za'Quatil (Lesser Other God)
Str 42 Int 0 Hp 85
Con 70 Dex 40 Siz 100
Pow 50 DB: 8D6 San Loss: 1/1D20

Cult of the Summoners of Tsathoggua

Charlie Haynes (AKA Dr. Midnight) is the charismatic leader of