"Chaucer, Geoffrey - The House Of Fame" - читать интересную книгу автора (Chaucer Geoffrey)

275 Kevered many a shrewed vyce;
276 Therfor be no wight so nyce,
277 To take a love only for chere,
278 For speche, or for frendly manere;
279 For this shal every woman finde
280 That som man, of his pure kinde,
281 Wol shewen outward the faireste,
282 Til he have caught that what him leste;
283 And thanne wol he causes finde,
284 And swere how that she is unkinde,
285 Or fals, or prevy, or double was.
286 Al this seye I by Eneas
287 And Dido, and hir nyce lest,
288 That lovede al to sone a gest;
289 Therfor I wol seye a proverbe,
290 That `he that fully knoweth therbe
291 May saufly leye hit to his ye';
292 Withoute dreed, this is no lye.
293 But let us speke of Eneas,
294 How he betrayed hir, allas!
295 And lefte hir ful unkindely.
296 So whan she saw al-utterly,
297 That he wolde hir of trouthe faile,
298 And wende fro hir to Itaile,
299 She gan to wringe hir hondes two.
300 `Allas!' quod she, `what me is wo!
301 Allas! is every man thus trewe,
302 That every yere wolde have a newe,
303 If hit so longe tyme dure,
304 Or elles three, peraventure?
305 As thus: of oon he wolde have fame
306 In magnifying of his name;
307 Another for frendship, seith he;
308 And yet ther shal the thridde be,
309 That shal be taken for delyt,
310 Lo, or for singular profyt.'
311 In swiche wordes gan to pleyne
312 Dido of hir grete peyne,
313 As me mette redely;
314 Non other auctour alegge I.
315 `Allas!' quod she, `my swete herte,
316 Have pitee on my sorwes smerte,
317 And slee me not! go noght away!
318 O woful Dido, wel away!'
319 Quod she to hir-selve tho.
320 `O Eneas! what wil ye do?
321 O that your love, ne your bonde,
322 That ye han sworn with your right honde,
323 Ne my cruel deeth,' quod she,
324 "May holde yow still heer with me!