"Cherubini-PinocchioInAfrica" - читать интересную книгу автора (Cherubini)the wild beasts? Didn't you see what is written over the door? NO ONE ALLOWED TO
ENTER." "I cannot read in the dark," replied Pinocchio, trembling from head to foot; "I am no cat." At these words everybody began to laugh. Pinocchio felt a little encouraged and murmured to himself, "They seem to be kind people, these wild beasts." He wanted to say something pleasant to them, but just then the director of the company began to shout at the top of his voice. 5. Pinocchio Makes Friends With The Wild Animals COME forward, come forward, ladies and gentlemen! The cost is small and the pleasure is great. The show will last an hour, only one hour. Come forward! See the battle between the terrible lion Zumbo and his wife, the ferocious lioness Zumba. Behold the tiger that wrestles with the polar bear, and the elephant that lifts the whole weight of the tent with his powerful trunk. See the animals feed. Ladies and gentlemen, come forward! Only two francs!" At these words the men in the cages of the wild animals put horns, sea shells, and whistles to their mouths, and the next moment there came wild roarings and howls and shrieks. It was enough to make one shudder with fear. Again the director raised his voice: "Come forward, come forward, ladies and gentlemen! two francs; children only one franc." The music started: Boom! Boom! Boom! Par-ap'-ap'-pa! Boom! Boom! Boom! Par-ap'ap'ap'pa!parap'ap'ap'pa! One surprise seemed to follow another. Pinocchio longed to enjoy the sights, but how was he to get out of the cage? At length, taking his courage in both hands, he said politely, "Excuse me, gentlemen, but if you have no commands to give "Not a command!" roughly answered the bearded man who played the lion. "If you do not go away quickly, I will have you eaten up by that large ape behind you." "But I should be hard to digest," said the marionette. "Boy, be careful how you talk," exclaimed the same voice. "I said that your ape would have indigestion if he ate me," replied Pinocchio. "Do you think that I am joking? No, I am in earnest. He really would. I came in here by chance while returning from a walk, and if you will permit me, I will go home to my father who is waiting for me. As you have no orders to give me, many thanks, good-by, and good luck to you." "Listen, boy," said the large man who took the part of the elephant; "I am very thirsty, and I will give you a fine new penny if you will fill this bucket at the fountain and bring it to me." "What!" replied Pinocchio, greatly offended; "I am no servant! However this time, merely to please you, I will go." And crawling through the hole by which he had entered, he went out to the fountain and returned in a very short time with the bucket full of water. "Good boy, good marionette!" said the men as they passed the bucket from one to another. Pinocchio was happy. Never had he felt so happy as at that moment. "What good people!" he said to himself. "I would gladly stay with them." In the meantime the bucket was emptied, and there were still some who had not had a drink. "I will go and refill it," said the marionette promptly. And without waiting to be asked, he took the bucket and flew to the fountain. When he returned they flattered him so cleverly with praise and thanks that a |