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The Noam Chomsky Archive
New World Media and ZNet present...
The Noam Chomsky Archive
Last update: 6/24/98
Search the Archive Under construction: Links

Requires the free RealPlayer
New! Chomsky Discusses Recent Events In Indonesia - Interview on Democracy Now, May 22, 1998.
Audio from
AK Press:
Free Market Fantasies Capital Rules
Class War Prospects for Democracy The Clinton Vision
Capital Rules produced by Mutual Aid Recordings. All others produced by Alternative Radio.
Is Capitalism Just?
In a Q&A session following a lecture, a young lad asks if capitalism,
despite its flaws, is justified because of rising living standards. Chomsky rips it to shreds.
RealAudio 14.4 | RealAudio 28.8 | MPEG Audio
From Free Speech TV
Noam Chomsky Interviews
Featuring interviews by:
Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive (audio/video)
Charlayne Hunter-Gault (audio)
ROX TV (one / two / three / four)

RealAudio speech: Chomsky on East Timor (11/95)
Hear about the worst genocide relative to population since
the Holocaust -- supported by the United States!
Broadcast-quality MPEG Audio from the A-Infos Radio Project

Rage Against the Machine Interviews Chomsky!
Hear it / read it as it was broadcast on Radio Free LA (1/97)
Interview on Morningside - Shelagh Rogers, March 21, 1995.

Online Books
From South End, Common Courage, Hill and Wang, Odonian, Black Rose:
Excerpts from
Powers and Prospects

Year 501
Rethinking Camelot
Deterring Democracy
Necessary Illusions
Keeping the
Rabble In Line
Uncle Sam Prosperous
Secrets, Lies
& Democracy
Excerpts from
Chronicles of Dissent

Z Magazine & ZNet Articles Subscribe to Z Magazine!
ChomskyChat Archive - A collection of questions and answers from the ChomskyChat forum on ZNet. Go there to ask your own questions, and check out all the other forums and features of ZNet!
The United States and the "Challenge of Relativity" - Review of the US record on human rights as we approach the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man. (8/97) From ZNet Market Democracy in a Neoliberal Order: Doctrines and Reality - Davie Lecture, University of Cape Town (5/97) From ZNet The Passion for Free Markets - Exporting American values through the new World Trade Organization (5/97) From ZNet A Painful Peace - The Oslo II peace agreement between Israel and the PLO (1/96) From ZNet Memories - On McNamara's memoirs and his role in Vietnam (7/95) Rollback - On the 1994 "conservative revolution." Part I (1/95) | Part II (2/95) | Part III (4/95) | Part IV (5/95) | All parts (190k) Democracy Restored - On the reinstitution of traditional structures of power in Haiti. (11/94) Democracy Enhancement - On the role of "human rights and democracy" in recent foreign policy. Part I (5/94) | Part II: The Case of Haiti (7/94) | Both parts (150k) Clinton Vision: Update - On NAFTA, corporate welfare, and other pro-business policies. (1/94) The Clinton Vision - What "enlarging democracy and free markets" in the Third World really means. (12/93) The Israel-Arafat Agreement - On the US-Israel rejection of Palestinian rights in the "peace process." (10/93) "Limited War" in Lebanon - Account of Israel's July 1993 invasion. (9/93) No Longer Safe - Overview of the situation in the Middle East in the wake of the World Trade Center bombing. (5/93) "Mandate for Change," or Business as Usual - On continuities in economic policy among Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. (2/93) Vain Hopes, False Dreams - On JFK's Vietnam policy and assassination conspiracy theories. (9/92) Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes - How Bush-Baker diplomatic initiatives reflect the historical US opposition to Palestinian self-determination. (12/91) Aftermath - What Bush's New World Order means for the Third World. (10/91) Force and Opinion - How elites maintain power through violence and propaganda. (7/91) "What We Say Goes": The Middle East in the New World Order - Analysis of the Gulf War and its consequences for regional politics. (5/91) Gulf War Pullout - Summary of opposition to the war. (2/91) The Gulf Crisis - Analysis on the eve of the bombing. (2/91) The Victors - On Cold War triumphs in the Third World . Part I (9/90) | Part II (1/91) | Part III (4/91) | All parts (165k) The Decline of the Democratic Ideal - On Nicaraguan elections and US intervention. (5/90) Scenes from the Uprising - Personal account of the conditions Palestinians endure under Israeli occupation. (7/88) Central America: The Next Phase - On the US attack on Nicaragua with the media's help. (3/88) Is Peace at Hand? (1/88)
If you like the Chomsky archive you'll love...

Note: Left On Line is now ZNet, 100% totally free!!
Lies Of Our Times Letters
These and other analyses of propaganda are collected in the book Letters from Lexington from Common Courage Press.
Industry vs. Labor (6/94) Some Truths and Myths About
Free Market Rhetoric
(1/94) Human Rights and the U.S. (6/93) El Salvador (1/93) Murdering History (9/92)
The Propaganda System (5/92) Libya (1/92) The Soviet Coup (10/91) The Gulf Embargo (9/91) Ideology (8/91) Post-Gulf Peace (5/91)

Other Articles, Talks and Interviews

New! Chomsky on Microsoft - A Corporate Watch interview. (5/98) New! Jubilee 2000 - An analysis of this movement to cancel Third World debt. From ZNet (5/98) New! Power Politics? - Former CIA Director James Woolsey "debates" Chomsky on U.S. foreign policy. From the PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer web site. (3/98) Q & A on Anarchism - Exclusive interview! Only on this site. (12/96) The Democracy Illusion - Chomsky vs. mainstream media, by David Edwards (9/96) From ZNet The Big Idea - Andrew Marr interviews Chomsky on the Propaganda Model (2/96) From the NI Page Israel, Lebanon, and the "Peace Process" - Analysis of the Middle East in the wake of new attacks. (4/96) The Culture of Fear - Introduction to Colombia: The Genocidal Democracy by Javier Giraldo S.J. (1996) Introduction to No Human Being is Disposable - State terror and the "Drug War" in Colombia Ending 20 Years of Occupation: East Timor and U.S. Foreign Policy - with Constâncio Pinto, Reed Brody and Allan Nairn (12/95) Noam on AOL - Transcript of an on-line chat. (10/95) Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future - Interview in Red and Black Revolution (5/95) End the Atrocity in East Timor - Adapted from speeches given in Australia. (3/95) Manufacturing Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Journalism - Interview during trip to Australia (1/95) Noam on the Net - An interview with Geekgirl magazine. Science and Rationality - from a Z Papers special issue. From ZNet Chomsky in Chicago - From a talk at the University of Illinois - Part I: Q & A | Part II: 21st Century: Democracy or Absolutism (10/94) Democracy and Education - Mellon Lecture at Loyola University (10/94) Chomsky on Clinton's Health Plan (8/94) Chomsky on Cuba (8/94) Article in The New Statesman - On human rights, globalization and the U.S. A Phone Call to Noam Chomsky - PeaceWORKS interview (5/94) WRCT Interview - On NAFTA, the media, activism, the Internet, Haiti, Chiapas, Bosnia, and Burundi (3/94) Counterpoint Interview - On the Cold War, Yeltsin, Bosnia, UN (10/93) Jerry Brown Interviews Chomsky - Excerpts from Spin Magazine (8/93) Notes of NAFTA: "The Masters of Man" - NAFTA is about smashing worker's rights, not free trade. From The Nation (3/93) Old Wine, New Bottles: Free Trade, Global Markets and Military Adventures - Lecture at the University of Virginia (10/93) Conversations with Michael Albert - An extensive 3-part discussion (1/93) - Part I | Part II | Part III | All Parts (165K) Chomsky on Intellectual Property - Excerpts from Year 501 Naomi Chase interviews Chomsky on linguistics and human nature. (1992) Chomsky on Propaganda - From a WBAI interview (1/92) Noam Chomsky on Capitalism - An interview from the Detroit Metro Times
Also includes a review of Deterring Democracy (1991?) The Middle East Hour (11/91) Media Control - A talk at MIT on propaganda in the U.S. (3/91) Chomsky on an Unjust War - An interview on the Gulf War. (3/91) The New World Order - A post-Cold War/post-Gulf War analysis. Lecture given at UC-Berkeley. (3/91) Interview with David Barsamian - On the Cold War, economy, El Salvador, Israel (12/89) Q&A from the Massey Lectures - Chomsky fields questions from a panel of journalists on his analysis of the media. (12/88) The Soviet Union Versus Socialism - A succinct dissection of Marxism-Leninism. (1986) Chomsky debates John Silber on U.S. intervention in Latin America. (1986) The Chorus and Cassandra - Christopher Hitchens defends Chomsky on Cambodia, Faurisson, and the Middle East. (1985) His Right to Say It - Chomsky explains his defense of Faurisson. (1981) Some Elementary Comments on the Rights of Freedom of Expression - Defense of Robert Faurisson's civil rights. (1980) Distortions at Fourth Hand - Chomsky and Herman on Cambodia in the media (1977) Leninism and State Capitalism - An excerpt from "Intellectuals and the State" (1977) Notes On Anarchism - Introduction to Daniel Guérin's Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. (1970)
Under construction: Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
A web version of the award-winning film and companion book. (The first two sections are complete.)
About the Noam Chomsky Archive New World Media and ZNet are proud to bring you a comprehensive collection of Chomsky's political work -- over ten megabytes of text and seven hours of audio! The ZNet web site hosts Z Magazine and South End Press, two major publishers of Chomsky's work. We're constantly growing! More selections are on the way. Soon we will also offer search capabilities and a system-wide index. Please tell us what you think about the archive so far!
History & Credits If you like this archive, please subscribe to Z Magazine and purchase books from South End Press, AK Press, Common Courage Press, Hill and Wang, Odonian Press, and Black Rose Books! Please also support ZNet! For a list of Chomsky's upcoming speaking engagements, visit the South End Press site and look up "Authors on Tour."
WebActive Four Grenade Award of Excellence
Back to New World Media. Back to ZNet.
The archive is maintained by Tom Lane.

The Noam Chomsky Archive
New World Media and ZNet present...
The Noam Chomsky Archive
Last update: 6/24/98
Search the Archive Under construction: Links

Requires the free RealPlayer
New! Chomsky Discusses Recent Events In Indonesia - Interview on Democracy Now, May 22, 1998.
Audio from
AK Press:
Free Market Fantasies Capital Rules
Class War Prospects for Democracy The Clinton Vision
Capital Rules produced by Mutual Aid Recordings. All others produced by Alternative Radio.
Is Capitalism Just?
In a Q&A session following a lecture, a young lad asks if capitalism,
despite its flaws, is justified because of rising living standards. Chomsky rips it to shreds.
RealAudio 14.4 | RealAudio 28.8 | MPEG Audio
From Free Speech TV
Noam Chomsky Interviews
Featuring interviews by:
Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive (audio/video)
Charlayne Hunter-Gault (audio)
ROX TV (one / two / three / four)

RealAudio speech: Chomsky on East Timor (11/95)
Hear about the worst genocide relative to population since
the Holocaust -- supported by the United States!
Broadcast-quality MPEG Audio from the A-Infos Radio Project

Rage Against the Machine Interviews Chomsky!
Hear it / read it as it was broadcast on Radio Free LA (1/97)
Interview on Morningside - Shelagh Rogers, March 21, 1995.

Online Books
From South End, Common Courage, Hill and Wang, Odonian, Black Rose:
Excerpts from
Powers and Prospects

Year 501
Rethinking Camelot
Deterring Democracy
Necessary Illusions
Keeping the
Rabble In Line
Uncle Sam Prosperous
Secrets, Lies
& Democracy
Excerpts from
Chronicles of Dissent

Z Magazine & ZNet Articles Subscribe to Z Magazine!
ChomskyChat Archive - A collection of questions and answers from the ChomskyChat forum on ZNet. Go there to ask your own questions, and check out all the other forums and features of ZNet!
The United States and the "Challenge of Relativity" - Review of the US record on human rights as we approach the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man. (8/97) From ZNet Market Democracy in a Neoliberal Order: Doctrines and Reality - Davie Lecture, University of Cape Town (5/97) From ZNet The Passion for Free Markets - Exporting American values through the new World Trade Organization (5/97) From ZNet A Painful Peace - The Oslo II peace agreement between Israel and the PLO (1/96) From ZNet Memories - On McNamara's memoirs and his role in Vietnam (7/95) Rollback - On the 1994 "conservative revolution." Part I (1/95) | Part II (2/95) | Part III (4/95) | Part IV (5/95) | All parts (190k) Democracy Restored - On the reinstitution of traditional structures of power in Haiti. (11/94) Democracy Enhancement - On the role of "human rights and democracy" in recent foreign policy. Part I (5/94) | Part II: The Case of Haiti (7/94) | Both parts (150k) Clinton Vision: Update - On NAFTA, corporate welfare, and other pro-business policies. (1/94) The Clinton Vision - What "enlarging democracy and free markets" in the Third World really means. (12/93) The Israel-Arafat Agreement - On the US-Israel rejection of Palestinian rights in the "peace process." (10/93) "Limited War" in Lebanon - Account of Israel's July 1993 invasion. (9/93) No Longer Safe - Overview of the situation in the Middle East in the wake of the World Trade Center bombing. (5/93) "Mandate for Change," or Business as Usual - On continuities in economic policy among Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. (2/93) Vain Hopes, False Dreams - On JFK's Vietnam policy and assassination conspiracy theories. (9/92) Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes - How Bush-Baker diplomatic initiatives reflect the historical US opposition to Palestinian self-determination. (12/91) Aftermath - What Bush's New World Order means for the Third World. (10/91) Force and Opinion - How elites maintain power through violence and propaganda. (7/91) "What We Say Goes": The Middle East in the New World Order - Analysis of the Gulf War and its consequences for regional politics. (5/91) Gulf War Pullout - Summary of opposition to the war. (2/91) The Gulf Crisis - Analysis on the eve of the bombing. (2/91) The Victors - On Cold War triumphs in the Third World . Part I (9/90) | Part II (1/91) | Part III (4/91) | All parts (165k) The Decline of the Democratic Ideal - On Nicaraguan elections and US intervention. (5/90) Scenes from the Uprising - Personal account of the conditions Palestinians endure under Israeli occupation. (7/88) Central America: The Next Phase - On the US attack on Nicaragua with the media's help. (3/88) Is Peace at Hand? (1/88)
If you like the Chomsky archive you'll love...

Note: Left On Line is now ZNet, 100% totally free!!
Lies Of Our Times Letters
These and other analyses of propaganda are collected in the book Letters from Lexington from Common Courage Press.
Industry vs. Labor (6/94) Some Truths and Myths About
Free Market Rhetoric
(1/94) Human Rights and the U.S. (6/93) El Salvador (1/93) Murdering History (9/92)
The Propaganda System (5/92) Libya (1/92) The Soviet Coup (10/91) The Gulf Embargo (9/91) Ideology (8/91) Post-Gulf Peace (5/91)

Other Articles, Talks and Interviews

New! Chomsky on Microsoft - A Corporate Watch interview. (5/98) New! Jubilee 2000 - An analysis of this movement to cancel Third World debt. From ZNet (5/98) New! Power Politics? - Former CIA Director James Woolsey "debates" Chomsky on U.S. foreign policy. From the PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer web site. (3/98) Q & A on Anarchism - Exclusive interview! Only on this site. (12/96) The Democracy Illusion - Chomsky vs. mainstream media, by David Edwards (9/96) From ZNet The Big Idea - Andrew Marr interviews Chomsky on the Propaganda Model (2/96) From the NI Page Israel, Lebanon, and the "Peace Process" - Analysis of the Middle East in the wake of new attacks. (4/96) The Culture of Fear - Introduction to Colombia: The Genocidal Democracy by Javier Giraldo S.J. (1996) Introduction to No Human Being is Disposable - State terror and the "Drug War" in Colombia Ending 20 Years of Occupation: East Timor and U.S. Foreign Policy - with Constâncio Pinto, Reed Brody and Allan Nairn (12/95) Noam on AOL - Transcript of an on-line chat. (10/95) Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future - Interview in Red and Black Revolution (5/95) End the Atrocity in East Timor - Adapted from speeches given in Australia. (3/95) Manufacturing Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Journalism - Interview during trip to Australia (1/95) Noam on the Net - An interview with Geekgirl magazine. Science and Rationality - from a Z Papers special issue. From ZNet Chomsky in Chicago - From a talk at the University of Illinois - Part I: Q & A | Part II: 21st Century: Democracy or Absolutism (10/94) Democracy and Education - Mellon Lecture at Loyola University (10/94) Chomsky on Clinton's Health Plan (8/94) Chomsky on Cuba (8/94) Article in The New Statesman - On human rights, globalization and the U.S. A Phone Call to Noam Chomsky - PeaceWORKS interview (5/94) WRCT Interview - On NAFTA, the media, activism, the Internet, Haiti, Chiapas, Bosnia, and Burundi (3/94) Counterpoint Interview - On the Cold War, Yeltsin, Bosnia, UN (10/93) Jerry Brown Interviews Chomsky - Excerpts from Spin Magazine (8/93) Notes of NAFTA: "The Masters of Man" - NAFTA is about smashing worker's rights, not free trade. From The Nation (3/93) Old Wine, New Bottles: Free Trade, Global Markets and Military Adventures - Lecture at the University of Virginia (10/93) Conversations with Michael Albert - An extensive 3-part discussion (1/93) - Part I | Part II | Part III | All Parts (165K) Chomsky on Intellectual Property - Excerpts from Year 501 Naomi Chase interviews Chomsky on linguistics and human nature. (1992) Chomsky on Propaganda - From a WBAI interview (1/92) Noam Chomsky on Capitalism - An interview from the Detroit Metro Times
Also includes a review of Deterring Democracy (1991?) The Middle East Hour (11/91) Media Control - A talk at MIT on propaganda in the U.S. (3/91) Chomsky on an Unjust War - An interview on the Gulf War. (3/91) The New World Order - A post-Cold War/post-Gulf War analysis. Lecture given at UC-Berkeley. (3/91) Interview with David Barsamian - On the Cold War, economy, El Salvador, Israel (12/89) Q&A from the Massey Lectures - Chomsky fields questions from a panel of journalists on his analysis of the media. (12/88) The Soviet Union Versus Socialism - A succinct dissection of Marxism-Leninism. (1986) Chomsky debates John Silber on U.S. intervention in Latin America. (1986) The Chorus and Cassandra - Christopher Hitchens defends Chomsky on Cambodia, Faurisson, and the Middle East. (1985) His Right to Say It - Chomsky explains his defense of Faurisson. (1981) Some Elementary Comments on the Rights of Freedom of Expression - Defense of Robert Faurisson's civil rights. (1980) Distortions at Fourth Hand - Chomsky and Herman on Cambodia in the media (1977) Leninism and State Capitalism - An excerpt from "Intellectuals and the State" (1977) Notes On Anarchism - Introduction to Daniel Guérin's Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. (1970)
Under construction: Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
A web version of the award-winning film and companion book. (The first two sections are complete.)
About the Noam Chomsky Archive New World Media and ZNet are proud to bring you a comprehensive collection of Chomsky's political work -- over ten megabytes of text and seven hours of audio! The ZNet web site hosts Z Magazine and South End Press, two major publishers of Chomsky's work. We're constantly growing! More selections are on the way. Soon we will also offer search capabilities and a system-wide index. Please tell us what you think about the archive so far!
History & Credits If you like this archive, please subscribe to Z Magazine and purchase books from South End Press, AK Press, Common Courage Press, Hill and Wang, Odonian Press, and Black Rose Books! Please also support ZNet! For a list of Chomsky's upcoming speaking engagements, visit the South End Press site and look up "Authors on Tour."
WebActive Four Grenade Award of Excellence
Back to New World Media. Back to ZNet.
The archive is maintained by Tom Lane.