Two months had
passed. I felt ten years older but I was up and around—and moving
like a zombie. I had indeed been roasted well-done by a jet of
almost pure alcohol blowing through the hole that had been drilled
by Lady’s errant fireball. Everybody kept telling me how much
the gods must love me, that I had no business being alive. That had
I not been turned the way I was, with the forvalaka positioned
perfectly to absorb a lot of the blast, there would not have been
much left of me but bones.
I was not entirely convinced that that might not have been the
better outcome.
Persistent pain does little to buoy one’s optimism or
elevate one’s mood. I began to develop a certain sympathy for
Mother Gota’s perspective.
I did manage a smile when Lady began to rub me down with healing
unguents. “Silver linings,” she told me.
“Oh, yes indeed. Yes indeed.”
“Would you look at that? Maybe you’re not as old as
you think.”
“It’s all your fault, wench.”
“Sleepy’s worried about you wanting to avenge
“I know.” I did not have to be told. I had had to
put up with people like me when I was Captain.
“Maybe you should tone it down.”
“It’s got to be done. It’s going to be done.
Sleepy’s got to understand that.” Sleepy is all
business. Her world does not include much leeway for emotional
She thinks I just want to use One-Eye’s death as an excuse
to visit the Khatovar shadowgate, basing her judgment on the fact
that I had tramped through Hell for a decade trying to get to that
The woman is hard to fool. But she can also get fixed on one
idea to the exclusion of other possibilities.
“She doesn’t want to make any more
“More? We don’t have any. Not out here. They may not
like us much but they all kiss our asses. They’re scared to
death of us. And they get more scared every time another White Lady
or Blue Man or wichtlin or whatnot lumbers out of folklore and
joins Tobo’s entourage.”
“Uhn. Is that the spot? I saw something Tobo called a
wowsey with the Black Hounds yesterday.” That is my honey.
She can see those things clearly, even over here. “It’s
as big as a hippo but looks like a beetle with a lizard’s
head. A lizard with big teeth. To quote Swan, ‘It looks like
it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way
down.’ ”
Willow Swan seemed to be cultivating a new image as a churlish
but colorful old man.
Somebody has to step in and take One-Eye’s place. Though I
was sort of thinking about picking up the stick myself.
“What do we know about the forvalaka?” I asked. I
had avoided asking for specifics before. I knew the damned thing
got away. That was all I needed to know until I was prepared
mentally to start planning the conclusion of its tale.
“It left its tail behind. It suffered severe burns and
several deep wounds and I blinded it partially with my last
fireball. It lost several teeth. Tobo has created a number of
fetishes using those and bits of flesh torn off by the Black Hounds
while it was fleeing toward the shadowgate.”
“But it did have what it takes to get back to
“It did.”
“Then it’s going to be as hard to kill as the Limper
“Not anymore. Not with what Tobo has.”
“He had your help?”
“I’m ancient in the ways of wickedness. Am I not?
Didn’t you write something like that a time or
“Especially after I got to know
you . . . Ouch!
Well . . . as long as you’re a bad girl
like you’re being a bad girl right
now . . . ” I do not recall if I did
write the exact words she claimed but I know I recorded those
approximate sentiments many years ago. Without exaggerating.
“I’m going to go after it.”
“I know.” She did not argue. They were humoring me.
They wanted to keep me quiet. Sleepy was involved in touchy
negotiations with the File of Nine. The Court of All Seasons and
the monks of Khang Phi were behind us already. The warlords of the
File remain unconvinced that it would be wise to give us what we
want even though the Company has grown to the point where it has
become a serious burden on Hsien’s economy. And poses a
threat, if the notion of conquest happens to take root. I, myself,
do not see one warlord, or even a cabal of warlords, out there, who
would stand much more chance than smoke in a high wind if the
notion did take us. Most of the warlords are clear on that,
They still want Maricha Manthara Dhumraksha—our Shadowmaster
Longshadow—desperately. Their hunger for revenge borders on racial
obsession. They are not forthcoming about the evils Longshadow
visited upon their forbears but we have our sources inside Khang
Phi. Longshadow’s cruelties had been as capricious as any
wickedness of Soulcatcher’s but far more terrible for their
victims. The need to haul the Shadowmaster up before a tribunal
colored every consideration of the warlords, the legal and noble
courts, even the several spiritual traditions of Hsien. Maricha
Manthara Dhumraksha was the one thing they all agreed upon. Nor did
I ever sense a hint of a chance some rogue would try to acquire
control of Longshadow in an effort to amplify his own power.
Sleepy did not want a short-tempered, foulmouthed but still
influential former Captain stumbling around being sarcastic and
opinionated while she was trying to wring the one last concession
she wanted out of the File of Nine. She was confident that our
years of good behavior would tilt the scale. And if it did not,
well, she was the kind of planner who always had a secondary scheme
in motion. In fact, she was that wonderful kind of villain for whom
the public and obvious scheme might well be only a tertiary effort
meant primarily as a smoke screen. Our Sleepy was one wicked little
There are no great sorcerers in the Land of Unknown Shadows.
“All Evil Dies There an Endless Death” means that they
have persecuted the talented since the flight of the
Shadowmasters. But Hsien does not lack or disdain knowledge. There
are several huge monasteries—of which Khang Phi is the
greatest—dedicated to the preservation of knowledge. The monks do
not sort it into good and evil knowledge, nor do they make moral
judgments. They take the position that no knowledge is evil until
someone chooses to do evil with it.
Even though it has been engineered to wreak havoc upon the human
body, a sword is strictly inert metal until someone chooses to pick
it up and strike. Or chooses not to do so.
There are, of course, a thousand sophistries spewed by those who
wish to deny individuals the opportunity to choose. Which is an
arrogant presumption of a divine scale.
This is what happens when you get old. You start thinking.
Worse, you start telling everybody what you think.
Sleepy was nervous lest I express an unfortunate opinion to one
of the Nine, whereupon, in high dudgeon, the offended party would
abandon all sensibility and self-interest and deny to us forever
the knowledge we need to repair the shadowgate opening on our
native world. She misapprehends my ability to evoke the unfriendly
Before the werepanther came I might have stumbled. I might have
expressed an actual opinion to a member of the File, some of whom
are amongst the most reprehensible generals I have ever
encountered. I doubt that, given the opportunity to rule
unchallenged, many of them would be more enlightened than the hated
People are strange. The Children of the Dead are among the
I will not upset anyone. I will be diligently supportive of any
policy Sleepy sets. I want to leave this Land of Unknown Shadows. I
have things to accomplish before I hand these Annals over for the
last time. Settling up with Lisa Daele Bowalk is just one. There is
the Great General, Mogaba, the darkest traitor ever to stain the
Company’s history. There is Narayan Singh. For Lady, there is
Narayan and Soulcatcher. For both of us there is our child. Our
wicked, wicked child.
I asked, “Is there anything besides Longshadow we could
offer the File of Nine? Sweeten it just enough to make them move
over beside Khang Phi and the Court of All Seasons?”
My sweetie shrugged. “I can’t imagine what.”
She smiled enigmatically. “But it may not matter.”
I did not pay sufficient attention. Sometimes I overlook the new
truths. These days my Company is managed by sly children and
devious old women, not straightforward stalwarts like myself and
the men of my time.
Two months had
passed. I felt ten years older but I was up and around—and moving
like a zombie. I had indeed been roasted well-done by a jet of
almost pure alcohol blowing through the hole that had been drilled
by Lady’s errant fireball. Everybody kept telling me how much
the gods must love me, that I had no business being alive. That had
I not been turned the way I was, with the forvalaka positioned
perfectly to absorb a lot of the blast, there would not have been
much left of me but bones.
I was not entirely convinced that that might not have been the
better outcome.
Persistent pain does little to buoy one’s optimism or
elevate one’s mood. I began to develop a certain sympathy for
Mother Gota’s perspective.
I did manage a smile when Lady began to rub me down with healing
unguents. “Silver linings,” she told me.
“Oh, yes indeed. Yes indeed.”
“Would you look at that? Maybe you’re not as old as
you think.”
“It’s all your fault, wench.”
“Sleepy’s worried about you wanting to avenge
“I know.” I did not have to be told. I had had to
put up with people like me when I was Captain.
“Maybe you should tone it down.”
“It’s got to be done. It’s going to be done.
Sleepy’s got to understand that.” Sleepy is all
business. Her world does not include much leeway for emotional
She thinks I just want to use One-Eye’s death as an excuse
to visit the Khatovar shadowgate, basing her judgment on the fact
that I had tramped through Hell for a decade trying to get to that
The woman is hard to fool. But she can also get fixed on one
idea to the exclusion of other possibilities.
“She doesn’t want to make any more
“More? We don’t have any. Not out here. They may not
like us much but they all kiss our asses. They’re scared to
death of us. And they get more scared every time another White Lady
or Blue Man or wichtlin or whatnot lumbers out of folklore and
joins Tobo’s entourage.”
“Uhn. Is that the spot? I saw something Tobo called a
wowsey with the Black Hounds yesterday.” That is my honey.
She can see those things clearly, even over here. “It’s
as big as a hippo but looks like a beetle with a lizard’s
head. A lizard with big teeth. To quote Swan, ‘It looks like
it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way
down.’ ”
Willow Swan seemed to be cultivating a new image as a churlish
but colorful old man.
Somebody has to step in and take One-Eye’s place. Though I
was sort of thinking about picking up the stick myself.
“What do we know about the forvalaka?” I asked. I
had avoided asking for specifics before. I knew the damned thing
got away. That was all I needed to know until I was prepared
mentally to start planning the conclusion of its tale.
“It left its tail behind. It suffered severe burns and
several deep wounds and I blinded it partially with my last
fireball. It lost several teeth. Tobo has created a number of
fetishes using those and bits of flesh torn off by the Black Hounds
while it was fleeing toward the shadowgate.”
“But it did have what it takes to get back to
“It did.”
“Then it’s going to be as hard to kill as the Limper
“Not anymore. Not with what Tobo has.”
“He had your help?”
“I’m ancient in the ways of wickedness. Am I not?
Didn’t you write something like that a time or
“Especially after I got to know
you . . . Ouch!
Well . . . as long as you’re a bad girl
like you’re being a bad girl right
now . . . ” I do not recall if I did
write the exact words she claimed but I know I recorded those
approximate sentiments many years ago. Without exaggerating.
“I’m going to go after it.”
“I know.” She did not argue. They were humoring me.
They wanted to keep me quiet. Sleepy was involved in touchy
negotiations with the File of Nine. The Court of All Seasons and
the monks of Khang Phi were behind us already. The warlords of the
File remain unconvinced that it would be wise to give us what we
want even though the Company has grown to the point where it has
become a serious burden on Hsien’s economy. And poses a
threat, if the notion of conquest happens to take root. I, myself,
do not see one warlord, or even a cabal of warlords, out there, who
would stand much more chance than smoke in a high wind if the
notion did take us. Most of the warlords are clear on that,
They still want Maricha Manthara Dhumraksha—our Shadowmaster
Longshadow—desperately. Their hunger for revenge borders on racial
obsession. They are not forthcoming about the evils Longshadow
visited upon their forbears but we have our sources inside Khang
Phi. Longshadow’s cruelties had been as capricious as any
wickedness of Soulcatcher’s but far more terrible for their
victims. The need to haul the Shadowmaster up before a tribunal
colored every consideration of the warlords, the legal and noble
courts, even the several spiritual traditions of Hsien. Maricha
Manthara Dhumraksha was the one thing they all agreed upon. Nor did
I ever sense a hint of a chance some rogue would try to acquire
control of Longshadow in an effort to amplify his own power.
Sleepy did not want a short-tempered, foulmouthed but still
influential former Captain stumbling around being sarcastic and
opinionated while she was trying to wring the one last concession
she wanted out of the File of Nine. She was confident that our
years of good behavior would tilt the scale. And if it did not,
well, she was the kind of planner who always had a secondary scheme
in motion. In fact, she was that wonderful kind of villain for whom
the public and obvious scheme might well be only a tertiary effort
meant primarily as a smoke screen. Our Sleepy was one wicked little
There are no great sorcerers in the Land of Unknown Shadows.
“All Evil Dies There an Endless Death” means that they
have persecuted the talented since the flight of the
Shadowmasters. But Hsien does not lack or disdain knowledge. There
are several huge monasteries—of which Khang Phi is the
greatest—dedicated to the preservation of knowledge. The monks do
not sort it into good and evil knowledge, nor do they make moral
judgments. They take the position that no knowledge is evil until
someone chooses to do evil with it.
Even though it has been engineered to wreak havoc upon the human
body, a sword is strictly inert metal until someone chooses to pick
it up and strike. Or chooses not to do so.
There are, of course, a thousand sophistries spewed by those who
wish to deny individuals the opportunity to choose. Which is an
arrogant presumption of a divine scale.
This is what happens when you get old. You start thinking.
Worse, you start telling everybody what you think.
Sleepy was nervous lest I express an unfortunate opinion to one
of the Nine, whereupon, in high dudgeon, the offended party would
abandon all sensibility and self-interest and deny to us forever
the knowledge we need to repair the shadowgate opening on our
native world. She misapprehends my ability to evoke the unfriendly
Before the werepanther came I might have stumbled. I might have
expressed an actual opinion to a member of the File, some of whom
are amongst the most reprehensible generals I have ever
encountered. I doubt that, given the opportunity to rule
unchallenged, many of them would be more enlightened than the hated
People are strange. The Children of the Dead are among the
I will not upset anyone. I will be diligently supportive of any
policy Sleepy sets. I want to leave this Land of Unknown Shadows. I
have things to accomplish before I hand these Annals over for the
last time. Settling up with Lisa Daele Bowalk is just one. There is
the Great General, Mogaba, the darkest traitor ever to stain the
Company’s history. There is Narayan Singh. For Lady, there is
Narayan and Soulcatcher. For both of us there is our child. Our
wicked, wicked child.
I asked, “Is there anything besides Longshadow we could
offer the File of Nine? Sweeten it just enough to make them move
over beside Khang Phi and the Court of All Seasons?”
My sweetie shrugged. “I can’t imagine what.”
She smiled enigmatically. “But it may not matter.”
I did not pay sufficient attention. Sometimes I overlook the new
truths. These days my Company is managed by sly children and
devious old women, not straightforward stalwarts like myself and
the men of my time.