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The Silver Spike


Bomanz was bad worried. “There’s no limit to the insanity out there. If they keep on they’ll continue till there’s only one man left standing.”
Raven cracked, “Let’s make sure that’s us.”
We had hidden ourselves in the bell tower of an old temple less than a bow shot from the Civil Palace. If I wanted I could peek out and watch the place burn. We didn’t let anybody know where we were going to hide out. So far, thanks to the old wizard, nobody had tripped over us.
“You think it’s the spike’s fault?” I asked.
“Its influence. And the more evil done around it, the thicker the miasma of madness will get.”
So why weren’t we busting our knuckles on somebody?
Darling was upset about what was happening. Far as I could tell, she was the only one. The rest of us was just scared of it, just wanted to stay out of the way till it burned itself out.
She would have done something if she could.
I asked, “So what we going to do? Sit?” I was thinking how the craziness must have ruined the quarantine on the cholera area.
“You got a better idea?” Raven asked.
Them that had gone out looking the other night hadn’t found nothing. Only good thing turned out to be I got to spend a couple hours talking to Darling without Silent and Raven giving me the evil eye.
“But I feel like the buzzard who got so tired of waiting for something to die he went to thinking about killing something.”
Bomanz said, “We need to decide what to do if there’s a breakout. You can bet if there is the people who know about the spike will be the first ones gone.”
“Everyone will know if it starts moving, won’t they?”
“They wouldn’t move it. Why should they? It’s safe. Or somebody would have found it. They’ll just be worried about staying alive till they can sell it.”
“What makes you think they want to sell?” I asked.
“If they could use it they would have.”
Made sense. That’s the way bandits would work. “So why haven’t they tried to hawk it?”
“Because all these assholes here think they can take it away from them and outrun each other.”
I decided to take a nap. Talk was getting us nowhere. We weren’t doing nothing but yak and wait on the Plain critters to drop by with reports. When the spirit moved them. They don’t think like us. Some got no sense of time at all.
Which is maybe why Donkey Torque sounded so damned surprised after he took a look outside. “You guys better take a gander here.”
We crowded around him.
We had us a whole new angle on all our troubles. Everybody did.
A new gang had come to town.
A black coach had just rolled into the square in front of the Civil Palace. Four black horses pulled it. Six black riders on six black horses surrounded it. An infantry battalion followed. Surprise. Those boys were all duded up in black.
“Where the hell did they come from?” I muttered.
Raven said, “You got your wish, wizard.”
“The Tower has taken an interest.”
I felt a hand on my shoulder. Darling. I scrunched over so she could get up beside me and see. She left her hand where it was. You can guess how many friends that made me.
Someone got out of the coach. No black for this clown. “A popinjay,” Bomanz said.
And me, “I always wondered what that meant.”
The peacock looked around at the bodies, at the remains of the palace, said something to one of his outriders. The horseman rode up the steps and into the unburned part of the building. A minute later people started tumbling out. The other riders herded them together facing the clown.
Gossamer and Spidersilk came out. A rider chivied them toward his boss. “Called on the carpet,” Bomanz said. “Be interesting to hear that.”
There wasn’t no doubt who was senior to who down there. The twins did everything but get down on their bellies. A back and forth went on for maybe ten minutes. Then the twins started sending their people scurrying off.
“What now?” Raven muttered. Next thing the peacock did was set up housekeeping in the only undamaged building in the neighborhood. The temple. Downstairs. We was stuck.
People started coming to see the new nabob. Brigadier Wildbrand was one of the first. The Nightstalkers had not been involved in any of the fighting so far.
The chaos died away for a few hours while the madmen of Oar digested the news about the new boy in town. Then it blazed up, white-hot.
But it died out, spent, before sundown.
We got the word well after dark, knew why it had gotten quiet.
The Limper was headed for Oar, bent on grabbing the silver spike.
Oar was not going to let him have it. According to Exile, the new man from the Tower.
“Shit,” I muttered. “That Limper has more lives than a cat.”
“I knew we should have made sure of him,” Raven growled. He glared at Darling. Her fault. She had been so sure she had seen no need to argue with the tree god.
Exile had orders to hold Oar and destroy the Limper. Our spies said he meant to do that if it cost every life in the city.
Shit. The Tower would have to send some guy who took his job serious.

The Silver Spike


Bomanz was bad worried. “There’s no limit to the insanity out there. If they keep on they’ll continue till there’s only one man left standing.”
Raven cracked, “Let’s make sure that’s us.”
We had hidden ourselves in the bell tower of an old temple less than a bow shot from the Civil Palace. If I wanted I could peek out and watch the place burn. We didn’t let anybody know where we were going to hide out. So far, thanks to the old wizard, nobody had tripped over us.
“You think it’s the spike’s fault?” I asked.
“Its influence. And the more evil done around it, the thicker the miasma of madness will get.”
So why weren’t we busting our knuckles on somebody?
Darling was upset about what was happening. Far as I could tell, she was the only one. The rest of us was just scared of it, just wanted to stay out of the way till it burned itself out.
She would have done something if she could.
I asked, “So what we going to do? Sit?” I was thinking how the craziness must have ruined the quarantine on the cholera area.
“You got a better idea?” Raven asked.
Them that had gone out looking the other night hadn’t found nothing. Only good thing turned out to be I got to spend a couple hours talking to Darling without Silent and Raven giving me the evil eye.
“But I feel like the buzzard who got so tired of waiting for something to die he went to thinking about killing something.”
Bomanz said, “We need to decide what to do if there’s a breakout. You can bet if there is the people who know about the spike will be the first ones gone.”
“Everyone will know if it starts moving, won’t they?”
“They wouldn’t move it. Why should they? It’s safe. Or somebody would have found it. They’ll just be worried about staying alive till they can sell it.”
“What makes you think they want to sell?” I asked.
“If they could use it they would have.”
Made sense. That’s the way bandits would work. “So why haven’t they tried to hawk it?”
“Because all these assholes here think they can take it away from them and outrun each other.”
I decided to take a nap. Talk was getting us nowhere. We weren’t doing nothing but yak and wait on the Plain critters to drop by with reports. When the spirit moved them. They don’t think like us. Some got no sense of time at all.
Which is maybe why Donkey Torque sounded so damned surprised after he took a look outside. “You guys better take a gander here.”
We crowded around him.
We had us a whole new angle on all our troubles. Everybody did.
A new gang had come to town.
A black coach had just rolled into the square in front of the Civil Palace. Four black horses pulled it. Six black riders on six black horses surrounded it. An infantry battalion followed. Surprise. Those boys were all duded up in black.
“Where the hell did they come from?” I muttered.
Raven said, “You got your wish, wizard.”
“The Tower has taken an interest.”
I felt a hand on my shoulder. Darling. I scrunched over so she could get up beside me and see. She left her hand where it was. You can guess how many friends that made me.
Someone got out of the coach. No black for this clown. “A popinjay,” Bomanz said.
And me, “I always wondered what that meant.”
The peacock looked around at the bodies, at the remains of the palace, said something to one of his outriders. The horseman rode up the steps and into the unburned part of the building. A minute later people started tumbling out. The other riders herded them together facing the clown.
Gossamer and Spidersilk came out. A rider chivied them toward his boss. “Called on the carpet,” Bomanz said. “Be interesting to hear that.”
There wasn’t no doubt who was senior to who down there. The twins did everything but get down on their bellies. A back and forth went on for maybe ten minutes. Then the twins started sending their people scurrying off.
“What now?” Raven muttered. Next thing the peacock did was set up housekeeping in the only undamaged building in the neighborhood. The temple. Downstairs. We was stuck.
People started coming to see the new nabob. Brigadier Wildbrand was one of the first. The Nightstalkers had not been involved in any of the fighting so far.
The chaos died away for a few hours while the madmen of Oar digested the news about the new boy in town. Then it blazed up, white-hot.
But it died out, spent, before sundown.
We got the word well after dark, knew why it had gotten quiet.
The Limper was headed for Oar, bent on grabbing the silver spike.
Oar was not going to let him have it. According to Exile, the new man from the Tower.
“Shit,” I muttered. “That Limper has more lives than a cat.”
“I knew we should have made sure of him,” Raven growled. He glared at Darling. Her fault. She had been so sure she had seen no need to argue with the tree god.
Exile had orders to hold Oar and destroy the Limper. Our spies said he meant to do that if it cost every life in the city.
Shit. The Tower would have to send some guy who took his job serious.