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Bleak Seasons


The house of pain. I went there but do not remember the journey or the visit.
I was on hands and knees on broken pavement. My palms and knees hurt. I lifted a hand. My palm was torn. Blood oozed from a dozen abrasions. My mind was numb. I raised my other hand, began picking out bits of paving brick.
Fifty yards away the side of a building glowed olive, pulsating. A circle of masonry blew outward. Shadows sprang out of the darkness. With weapons bare they scrambled through the hole. Shouts and the clang of metal came from inside.
I got up and wandered that direction, vaguely interested but not sure why, not even thinking definable thoughts.
“Hey!” A shadow at that hole stared at me. I did not yell so that must have been the shadow. “That you, Murgen?”
I kept walking, head spinning. My course curved to the right. I banged into the side of a building. After that I had a sure means of navigation. Like a drunk I steered by keeping one hand on the wall.
“Here he is!” The shadow pointed at me.
“Yeah. You all right? What did they do to you?”
I had little pains everywhere. I felt like I had been stabbed and cut and burned. “Who? Nobody did anything . . . ” Did they? “Where am I? When?”
A man leaned through the side of the building. He wore a scarf wrapped around his face. Only his eyes were visible. He studied me momentarily, popped back inside. Somebody in there yelled.
People jumped into the street. Some carried bloody weapons. All were masked. A couple grabbed my arms and took off.
We scurried through darkened streets in a nighted city and no one would answer my panted questions so for a while I had no idea when I was, or where. Then we crossed an open space from which I glimpsed the citadel of Dejagore.
That answered my most immediate questions.
But a new crop sprouted. Why were we outside the Company’s part of town? How had I gotten there? Why didn’t I have any memories of this? I recalled sitting with Ky Dam, secretly lusting after his granddaughter . . . 
The men accompanying me removed their wraps and masks. They were Company. Plus Uncle Doj and a couple of Nyueng Bao sprites. We ducked into an alleyway that led to Nyueng Bao territory. “Slow down,” I gasped. “What’s going on?”
“Somebody snatched you,” Candles explained. “At first we thought Mogaba did it.”
“Shadowspinner’s taken his whole army off after Lady. We could walk away if we wanted. We thought he decided to take a hostage.”
I did not believe Spinner was gone. “Uncle Doj. The last thing I remember was sipping tea with the Speaker.”
“You began to behave oddly, Stone Soldier.”
I growled. He did not apologize.
“The Speaker thought perhaps you had been drinking before you arrived. He instructed Thai Dei to take you home. He was offended. You proved to be such a burden that Thai Dei was unable to defend himself when you were attacked. He was beaten badly but managed to get home with word. Your friends began looking for you as soon as we informed them.” His tone suggested that he wondered why they had bothered. “They seem more skilled than they pretend. They pinpointed you quickly. You were not in the citadel, which is where Mogaba would have confined you.”
“How did I get clear across town?” I winced. In addition to the other pains I had a hangover-type headache. I had been drugged.
Nobody had an answer for me.
“Is this the same night, Uncle?”
“Yes. But many hours later.”
“And it definitely wasn’t Mogaba that grabbed me?”
“No. There were no Nar in that place. In fact, soon after you were taken someone attacked Mogaba, too. They may have planned to murder him.”
“Jaicuri?” Maybe the locals wanted to get to the heart of the problem.
“Perhaps.” He did not sound convinced. Maybe he should have taken prisoners.
“Where’s One-Eye?” Only One-Eye could have ripped that hole in the wall back there.
Candles told me, “Covering our backtrail.”
“Good.” I was near normal now. Which meant I was as confused as ever, I guess. Whoever grabbed me had done some slick work to sneak through Nyueng Bao territory unnoticed.
Uncle Doj divined my thoughts. “We have not determined how the villains managed to ambush you, nor how the others got so close to Mogaba. Those four did pay in blood.”
“He killed them?”
“By all reports it was an epic battle, four against one.”
“Goody for Mogaba. Even he deserves a little happiness in life.” We were approaching the tenement that masqueraded as Company headquarters. I invited everybody in. The boys got a fire going. When One-Eye showed up I suggested he see if he could not scare up some beer, that I had heard there was some floating around and we sure could use a drink.
Grumbling, One-Eye returned to the night. Before long he and Goblin turned up lugging a barrel. “On me,” I told everybody. One-Eye made a whining noise.
I stripped down and flopped onto a table. Which is why the fire. To take the edge off the chill. “How do I look, One-Eye?”
His tone was that of a man responding to a stupid question. “Like a guy that’s been tortured. You don’t know how you ended up in the street?”
“My guess is they heard you coming and tossed me out to distract you while they got away.”
“Didn’t work. Roll onto your side.”
I spotted a face outside the open door. “Come in here. Have a beer with us.”
The outsider Sindhu joined us. He accepted a mug but appeared to be very uncomfortable.
I noted how closely Uncle Doj watched him.

Bleak Seasons


The house of pain. I went there but do not remember the journey or the visit.
I was on hands and knees on broken pavement. My palms and knees hurt. I lifted a hand. My palm was torn. Blood oozed from a dozen abrasions. My mind was numb. I raised my other hand, began picking out bits of paving brick.
Fifty yards away the side of a building glowed olive, pulsating. A circle of masonry blew outward. Shadows sprang out of the darkness. With weapons bare they scrambled through the hole. Shouts and the clang of metal came from inside.
I got up and wandered that direction, vaguely interested but not sure why, not even thinking definable thoughts.
“Hey!” A shadow at that hole stared at me. I did not yell so that must have been the shadow. “That you, Murgen?”
I kept walking, head spinning. My course curved to the right. I banged into the side of a building. After that I had a sure means of navigation. Like a drunk I steered by keeping one hand on the wall.
“Here he is!” The shadow pointed at me.
“Yeah. You all right? What did they do to you?”
I had little pains everywhere. I felt like I had been stabbed and cut and burned. “Who? Nobody did anything . . . ” Did they? “Where am I? When?”
A man leaned through the side of the building. He wore a scarf wrapped around his face. Only his eyes were visible. He studied me momentarily, popped back inside. Somebody in there yelled.
People jumped into the street. Some carried bloody weapons. All were masked. A couple grabbed my arms and took off.
We scurried through darkened streets in a nighted city and no one would answer my panted questions so for a while I had no idea when I was, or where. Then we crossed an open space from which I glimpsed the citadel of Dejagore.
That answered my most immediate questions.
But a new crop sprouted. Why were we outside the Company’s part of town? How had I gotten there? Why didn’t I have any memories of this? I recalled sitting with Ky Dam, secretly lusting after his granddaughter . . . 
The men accompanying me removed their wraps and masks. They were Company. Plus Uncle Doj and a couple of Nyueng Bao sprites. We ducked into an alleyway that led to Nyueng Bao territory. “Slow down,” I gasped. “What’s going on?”
“Somebody snatched you,” Candles explained. “At first we thought Mogaba did it.”
“Shadowspinner’s taken his whole army off after Lady. We could walk away if we wanted. We thought he decided to take a hostage.”
I did not believe Spinner was gone. “Uncle Doj. The last thing I remember was sipping tea with the Speaker.”
“You began to behave oddly, Stone Soldier.”
I growled. He did not apologize.
“The Speaker thought perhaps you had been drinking before you arrived. He instructed Thai Dei to take you home. He was offended. You proved to be such a burden that Thai Dei was unable to defend himself when you were attacked. He was beaten badly but managed to get home with word. Your friends began looking for you as soon as we informed them.” His tone suggested that he wondered why they had bothered. “They seem more skilled than they pretend. They pinpointed you quickly. You were not in the citadel, which is where Mogaba would have confined you.”
“How did I get clear across town?” I winced. In addition to the other pains I had a hangover-type headache. I had been drugged.
Nobody had an answer for me.
“Is this the same night, Uncle?”
“Yes. But many hours later.”
“And it definitely wasn’t Mogaba that grabbed me?”
“No. There were no Nar in that place. In fact, soon after you were taken someone attacked Mogaba, too. They may have planned to murder him.”
“Jaicuri?” Maybe the locals wanted to get to the heart of the problem.
“Perhaps.” He did not sound convinced. Maybe he should have taken prisoners.
“Where’s One-Eye?” Only One-Eye could have ripped that hole in the wall back there.
Candles told me, “Covering our backtrail.”
“Good.” I was near normal now. Which meant I was as confused as ever, I guess. Whoever grabbed me had done some slick work to sneak through Nyueng Bao territory unnoticed.
Uncle Doj divined my thoughts. “We have not determined how the villains managed to ambush you, nor how the others got so close to Mogaba. Those four did pay in blood.”
“He killed them?”
“By all reports it was an epic battle, four against one.”
“Goody for Mogaba. Even he deserves a little happiness in life.” We were approaching the tenement that masqueraded as Company headquarters. I invited everybody in. The boys got a fire going. When One-Eye showed up I suggested he see if he could not scare up some beer, that I had heard there was some floating around and we sure could use a drink.
Grumbling, One-Eye returned to the night. Before long he and Goblin turned up lugging a barrel. “On me,” I told everybody. One-Eye made a whining noise.
I stripped down and flopped onto a table. Which is why the fire. To take the edge off the chill. “How do I look, One-Eye?”
His tone was that of a man responding to a stupid question. “Like a guy that’s been tortured. You don’t know how you ended up in the street?”
“My guess is they heard you coming and tossed me out to distract you while they got away.”
“Didn’t work. Roll onto your side.”
I spotted a face outside the open door. “Come in here. Have a beer with us.”
The outsider Sindhu joined us. He accepted a mug but appeared to be very uncomfortable.
I noted how closely Uncle Doj watched him.