"Dennis Danvers - Circuit of Heaven" - читать интересную книгу автора (Danvers Dennis)

He wants to find me another book, Justine thought, give another gift to someone who reminds him of his
sweetheart. тАЬDo you have anything on dreams?тАЭ she asked.

тАЬFollow me.тАЭ He led her through several twists and turns to a dead end where a dozen shelves of books
about dreams filled the wall. She stared at them stupidly, no idea what to look for.

тАЬWhat aspect of dreams were you interested in?тАЭ Mr. Menso asked.

тАЬInterpretation, I guess. I had an unusual dream this morning, and I want to figure it out. I canтАЩt seem to
get it out of my head.тАЭ

тАЬHow unusual?тАЭ he asked.

тАЬIt was so real,тАЭ she said, and ended up telling him her dream from beginning to end. She felt comfortable
with Mr. Menso, snug inside his labyrinth of books. He listened intently the whole while.

He plucked a book off the shelf and handed it to her. тАЬThis is what you need.тАЭ

Lucid Dreaming: The Gateway to Your Hidden Selves, it said. By Gwenna R. Morse. It was a slim
paperback. On the cover a woman was holding a door open, about to step across the threshold into a
moonlit landscape of tree-covered hills, fields, and flowers. In the distance were the spires and towers of
a magnificent city. Beneath the trees a circle of women danced. Justine turned it over in her hands. тАЬThis
will help me interpret my dream?тАЭ

He dismissed the thought with a wave of his cane. тАЬInterpretation. Freudian mumbo jumbo. Waste of
time. No, this book will teach you how to enter into your dreams and take charge of them.тАЭ He rapped
the floor with his cane to punctuate his words.

Justine laughed nervously. тАЬWhy would I want to do that?тАЭ

He leaned toward her confidentially. тАЬTo understand the dreamer, Justine. Dreams are mere shadows.
Only the dreamer is real.тАЭ

тАЬBut thatтАЩs just it. Angelina doesnтАЩt seem like some shadow to me. She seems real.тАЭ

He danced his eyebrows and grinned at her. тАЬMaybe sheтАЩs dreaming of you, my dear.тАЭ

She rocked her head from side to side in exaggerated confusion. тАЬMr. Menso, youтАЩre making my brain

He chuckled, bobbing his head up and down. тАЬYouтАЩre right. YouтАЩre right. You are beautiful. You are
young. It is spring. You shouldnтАЩt be cooped up in here with a dotty old man.тАЭ He turned and led her
back to the front door.

тАЬI am most delighted you came to see me today, Justine.тАЭ

тАЬThis has been the very best part of my day,тАЭ she said, hugging him hard. She kissed his cheek, and his
skin on her lips was as dry as paper. He held open the door, and with some difficulty, followed her up
the steps to the street. She promised to come see him again before she left D.C.