"David,.Peter.-.Howling.Mad" - читать интересную книгу автора (David Peter)here the rest of the day, all night if I have to. No mealy mouthed, flea-bitten
wolf is going to scare me, and I don't care if it's as big as a goddamn Buick. Now, I'm not saying that any of you has to stay out here with me." He shifted his stance slightly, leaning on the end of his rifle. "But I'm real interested to see which of you is man enough to stay out here and find out what it's really like to be a hunter. Any moron can go out with rifles and infrared night scopes, armed to the teeth. That's not hunting. That's just slaughter. Which of you wants to stay with me and find out what it's like to really go one-on-one? To find out what it feels like when not only can you kill the preyЧbut there's a chance that the prey can kill you?" He stepped forward and eyed each of the men challengingly. "Well? Who's with me?" Inside of a minute Abe found himself alone in the woods, except for the confused dogs. The dogs looked up at him in a way which, to his mind, said "Would you mind terribly if we went with the other guys?'' "Wimps," he snorted. "All of you. " The wolf, taking as much care as possible to make sure there was no pursuit, made his way back to the place that served as home to the pack. Near the outskirts of the pack's place, the wolf paused and urinated against a tree to reinforce just whose territory this was. Here, closer to the pack's place, there was no scent of the self-death. That was good. "We had found a truly excellent place for our pack home, " Josh told me. ' 'A lot of rocky terrain nearby, and a small river, both of which helped in getting rid of scents. The rocky terrain gradually angled upward and contained a number of caves that my pack used as shelter. They were splendid caves. Emergency exits out the back. Cool in summer, warm in winter. '' ("Everything except cable?" I asked.) He nodded. "You could pretty much say that. " The wolf crept into his cave and called out for Ayesha. He paused a moment, and then a soft bark came from the back of the cave. The wolf glided towards the sound, moving so quietly that he seemed to be a shadow melted into the cave wall. There, in the rear of the cave, he found his mate and nuzzled her gently. She seemed tired, a little sluggish. But nevertheless she looked up at her mate with affection and returned the touch, her tongue sliding softly across his muzzle. (' 'How did you talk to each other?'' I asked. ' 'Do you have a language ?'') |