"David,.Peter.-.Howling.Mad" - читать интересную книгу автора (David Peter)

Parsons started to turn away and then paused. "Two thingsЕ first off, try to
stay out of Cholly's Pub. You have a tendency to have a few too many and become
very loose-lipped."
DeFalco tossed a salute. "Gotcha, boss."
"Second, do we know who this is?"
"Yeah. WhoeverЕ sorry, whateverЕ attacked him wasn't remotely interested in his
wallet. Name's Byron Keller. An American, apparently."
"American. Hmph. Came a long way to die, didn't he?"
"Sure did. Out here in the boonies, you never know what's in the woods." DeFalco
looked at the ruined mess once more and then covered it up. "He should've stayed
in the big city where's it's safe."

DeFalco knocked off work early, since the longer the day went on, the more
concerned he became about what he had seen. It was a little after 3:00 when he
left the hospital, walked across the street and saw the doors of Cholly's
beckoning to him.
He thought about what Parsons had said to him, about how the last thing he
wanted to do was become loose-tongued. But what the hellЧhe had self-control.
One drink certainly wouldn't hurt things.
The bartender greeted him warmly when he came in as he bellied up to the bar.
Shoving over a beer, the bartender said, "You're a little early today, aren't
you, Doc?"
"Had a really rough day, Bobby," replied DeFalco. "But I can't tell you about
it." He took a sip.
By the end of the day the whole city knew.

Josh smiled at me with that toothy way he had, and said, "Now, you have to
understand. The way a wolf thinksЧit's not the way humans think. Your heads are
cluttered with thoughts of tonight's TV schedule and if you can get reservations
at the local eatery. We wolves are far more tactile. We think with our noses,
our hearingЕ our senses. So if you're going to try to write things from my
perspective, you'll just have to interpret the best you can. Because I don't
think I could put it into words." Thanks loads, Josh.

Sniff. Scent. Something different. Something new in the territory, in the
hunting place.
Like self?
No. Like, but different. Similar, but strange. NotЕ natural. Not of the woods.
Of someplace else.
Scent the bushes. Scent the branches, the roots. Protective trees stretch high