"Davis, Lindsey - Marcus Didius Falco 15 - The Accusers 1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Davis Lindsey)

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ISBN 0 7126 2556 9 (Hardback)
ISBN 0 7126 3726 5 (Paperback)

Typeset in Bembo by SX Composing DTP, Rayleigh, Essex Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by Clays Ltd, St Ives Plc


For the Gang: Hannah, Lesley, Mary, Pamela, Pauline, Susan and Sybil In Friendship



Grandfather (deceased) m Grandmother (Julia, deceased)
Gn Rubirius Metellus m Calpurnia Cara
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Ruberia Juliana m Canidianus Rufus Rubiria Carina m Verginius Laco Gn Metellus Negrinus m Saffia Donata*
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One Child Two Children Three Children

Servilius Donatus