"Dexter, Colin - Inspector Morse 01 - Last Bus to Woodstock" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dexter Colin)

'You'll kick yourself if it wins,' said Morse.
'All right. 50p to win.'
Morse took the 50p, and as Lewis left he saw the barman pocket the coin, and pull a further pint for
the enigmatic Chief Inspector.

4 Friday, 1 October

Prompt at 7.30 next morning, Lewis tapped on the inspector's door. Receiving no answer, he cautiously
tried the knob and peered round the door. No sign of life. He walked back to the front vestibule and
asked the desk-sergeant if Inspector Morse was in yet.
'Not seen 'im.'
'He said he'd be here at half-seven.'
'Well, you know the Inspector.'
I wish I did, thought Lewis. He walked along to pick up the reports he had wearily typed out the
previous afternoon, and read them through carefully. He'd done his best, but there was little to go on.
He walked on to the canteen and ordered a cup of coffee. Constable Dickson, an officer whom Lewis
knew fairly well, was enthusiastically assaulting a plate of bacon and tomatoes.
'How's the murder job going, Sarge?'
'Early days yet.'
'Old Morse in charge, eh?'
'Funny bugger, isn't he?' Lewis didn't disagree. 'I know one thing,' said Dickson. 'He was here till
way gone midnight. Got virtually everyone in the building jumping about for him. I reckon every
phone on the premises was red hot. God, he can work, that chap, when he wants to.'
Lewis felt a little shame-faced. He himself had slept sweetly and soundly from six the previous
evening until six that morning. He reckoned that Morse deserved his sleep, and sat down to drink a cup
of coffee.
Ten minutes later a freshly shaven Morse walked brightly into the canteen. 'Ah, there you are
Lewis. Sorry to be late.' He ordered a coffee and sat opposite. 'Bad news for you, I'm afraid. Lewis
looked up sharply. 'You lost your money. The constipated camel came in second.'
Lewis smiled. 'Never mind, sir. I just hope you didn't lose too much yourself.'
Morse shook his head. 'Oh no, I didn't lose anything; in fact I made a few quid. I backed it each
'But...' began Lewis. :
'C'mon,' said Morse. 'Drink up. We've got work to do.'
For the next four hours the two of them were busy sorting the reports flowing in from the wide-
flung inquiries Morse had initiated the previous day. At twelve noon, Lewis felt he knew more about
Sylvia Kaye than he did about his wife. He read each report with great care - Morse's orders - and felt
that many of the facts were beginning to fix themselves firmly in his mind. Morse, he noticed,
devoured the reports with an amazing rapidity, reminiscent of someone skipping through a tedious
novel; yet occasionally he would re-read the odd report with a fascinated concentration.
'Well?' said Morse finally.
'I think I've got most things pretty straight, sir.'
'You seemed to find one or two of the reports very interesting, sir.'
'Did I?' Morse sounded surprised.
'ХYou spent about ten minutes on that one from the secretarial college, and it's only half a page.'
'You're very observant, Lewis, but I'm sorry to disappoint you. It was the most ill-written report
I've seen in years, with twelve - no less - grammatical monstrosities in ten lines! What's the force
coming to?'